User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011(?)
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth,

you are too uneducated to know what to even ask.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:15 PM
OK (OP)...

ill ask the 'right question' then...

Where did al "our money" go ?
Quoting: Archangel-NL

money....MONEY??? There ain't no stinking money.

there is only POWER, and ILLUSION.

Das called the reality you are experiencing "the beautiful lie"
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:17 PM
is it true you are cannibals?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2706830

energy cannibals...soul suckers.

do you know why earthicans love meat? It's the taste of PAIN!


As Sir Mickey Jagger observed...

I shouted out "who killed the Kennedy's"?
When after all, it was you and me
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:19 PM
Is yu Abaham Linkin Rofschild?
I knows yo mama.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4189798

haha. We have no mothers.

The chosen are disabused of the notion of a NURTURING OTHER, who sacrifices all for the innocent being.

TEACH your children the ways of nature...they will learn one way or another anyway.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:19 PM
You gonna finish dem fries?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1473848

No, thank you.

Go right ahead.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:21 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1289231

I thought it amusing. GLP has several misspelled memes...moran for one.

I thought to myself..."self, let's do this ghetto style".

And yes, I did hear it from my "uncle"

laugh out loud
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:23 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:26 PM
Or how about the power OF illusion?

I remember some glyphs from a book I read about Egypt, they painted their visions with lots of detail and colors. But the picture of an ordinary tree and background was all blurry...

THIS is the illusion, it's inside, BUT the truth is all around us, unfortunately at this time my vision is terrible so I'm no good to anybody lol.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1453550

YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.


Childish in so many ways...and you adults are children who never grew reality...all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:39 PM
Or how about the power OF illusion?

I remember some glyphs from a book I read about Egypt, they painted their visions with lots of detail and colors. But the picture of an ordinary tree and background was all blurry...

THIS is the illusion, it's inside, BUT the truth is all around us, unfortunately at this time my vision is terrible so I'm no good to anybody lol.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1453550

YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.


Childish in so many ways...and you adults are children who never grew reality...all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Oh "you create your own reality" - GNOSTICISM - A gift of Master rockockzi, also known as Counte de-SanGermaine.

Oh AND Lies, just never fit with anything, even other lies.

Quoting: Yolgnu

More along the lines of "wishful thinking".

Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.

Now, study the answers and see what I mean.

Illusions upon illusions.

stupid little children...under the care of the shepherd
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:41 PM
No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I Choose Us

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Who wrote YOUR script???

Who are you ACTING for??

laugh out loud...laugh out loud...

" I don't know what's wrong with Harvey, doctor...he's not ACTING NORMAL".

laugh out loud
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:43 PM
we are just the "gatekeepers".
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I am going to pick the lock!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

give it your best effort, mr anonymous coward.

THAT is the essential human quality which prevents total ruin. However, it is completely misplaced without the TOOLS necessary, and taken for granted, to the experienced locksmith.

OBTAIN the proper tools and you would be considered a serious "threat"...
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:49 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

let me guess...sweet as honey in your mouth?

you don't know shit mr gatekeeper!
Quoting: Lightfeather

honey is such a pedestrian concept....but PERFECTLY relevant to our little discussion.

No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?

Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones...has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??

and whenever there are inequities, we are there...getting our "cut"

laugh out loud
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:54 PM

YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.


Childish in so many ways...and you adults are children who never grew reality...all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Oh "you create your own reality" - GNOSTICISM - A gift of Master rockockzi, also known as Counte de-SanGermaine.

Oh AND Lies, just never fit with anything, even other lies.

Quoting: Yolgnu

More along the lines of "wishful thinking".

Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.

Now, study the answers and see what I mean.

Illusions upon illusions.

stupid little children...under the care of the shepherd
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Some people know they are living lies. Being part of a network that has been very good to them, as they perceive what is good, and they have a great deal invested in the lie. These are the handlers, controllers, and manipulators who stand to lose a great deal-from their point of view-should the lies be made for what they are. These are the enemies. They are legion. From their view, the system has done well by them and why not keep those under their thumb in a cage of lies? These then become, by their agreed choices, the dark souls following the dark paths. The ice they put out becomes their ice, their bright lights diminish, and until in one life, the light in heart shines out no more. They become hideous and putrid, both outward and inward, until all who gaze upon them find them revolting. In the end, all these have is their will. A cold determination, without conscience, without remorse, without love.

And Illusions upon illusions...... In short, by creating their identity that relates to ANY fiction or delusion makes them and the delusion as one.

The question is are you one of them even if your a SNAKE SLAVE...?


Quoting: Yolgnu will catch more flies with honey than faeces. Construct the cages with some creature comforts, and they will "lock" themselves in.

And then advance that, rather than a literal "garden of eden", the planet is a scary, scary place.

Who doesn't want someone else to "assure" their safety.

and so on.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:55 PM
we are just the "gatekeepers".
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I am going to pick the lock!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

give it your best effort, mr anonymous coward.

THAT is the essential human quality which prevents total ruin. However, it is completely misplaced without the TOOLS necessary, and taken for granted, to the experienced locksmith.

OBTAIN the proper tools and you would be considered a serious "threat"...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

If you think I am Anonymous.

Get Your Eyes Checked and Look Harder.

I Wonder What is in My Toolbox...
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Yes, Mr. Eyes...what is in your toolbox? Do you have ANYTHING in your toolbox??? Name one thing you have going for you...toolbox or not.

User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:58 PM

YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.


Childish in so many ways...and you adults are children who never grew reality...all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Oh "you create your own reality" - GNOSTICISM - A gift of Master rockockzi, also known as Counte de-SanGermaine.

Oh AND Lies, just never fit with anything, even other lies.

Quoting: Yolgnu

More along the lines of "wishful thinking".

Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.

Now, study the answers and see what I mean.

Illusions upon illusions.

stupid little children...under the care of the shepherd
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

if I won it...I would use it to bring down you bastards...every last penny of it!
Quoting: Lightfeather

Interesting. What would your very first move be?

Let me guess...a new car and a new house...drawing the noose tighter before even giving it a thought.

laugh out loud

the irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse a slave...since you truly have so little to lose.

Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW...instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout

laugh out loud

oh, this is RICH...
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 12:59 PM

give it your best effort, mr anonymous coward.

THAT is the essential human quality which prevents total ruin. However, it is completely misplaced without the TOOLS necessary, and taken for granted, to the experienced locksmith.

OBTAIN the proper tools and you would be considered a serious "threat"...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

If you think I am Anonymous.

Get Your Eyes Checked and Look Harder.

I Wonder What is in My Toolbox...
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Yes, Mr. Eyes...what is in your toolbox? Do you have ANYTHING in your toolbox??? Name one thing you have going for you...toolbox or not.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

How About I Show You.

In Time.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Glacial time, probably.

Contrary to common perception and urban myth, we are not immortal.

Please don't keep me waiting too long mr whomever you are.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:02 PM

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

let me guess...sweet as honey in your mouth?

you don't know shit mr gatekeeper!
Quoting: Lightfeather

honey is such a pedestrian concept....but PERFECTLY relevant to our little discussion.

No adult thinks twice about letting the honeybee toil and labor all summer...collecting the pollen...and in the autumn, the hooded beekeeper comes and takes the whole fucking honeycomb. Which of you morns for the honeybee? Which of you thinks twice of the theft of labor which has occurred?

Zoom out, google earth style and look at the macro picture. You are the drone bees and you are harvested of your energy and labor at regular intervals, julst like our friend the honeybee. Is the a difference morality-wise? Is our theft greater than yours? Because you have an intermediary and buy your honey from a middleman, is there any difference? You american drones...has your life not been made easier by harvesting the sweat and tears of your chinese brothers??

and whenever there are inequities, we are there...getting our "cut"

laugh out loud
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

yea...keep on the end...all matter returns to it's original place! I wonder where yours is?
Quoting: Lightfeather

Wherever did you get the idea that "all matter returns to its original place"? Where have you learned that in nature

By the way, no apostrophe in "its". It's is "IT IS" its is possessive.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:06 PM
Rothschild is going down ...

Quoting: 12DnAHelix 588917

Oh yes...sure...

what proof offer you for this silly notion.

Again, an example of childish thinking. Making statements with no basis for support.

"my dad can pummel your dad"

Speaking of going are your kids educations coming along?

What relationship do you enjoy with your kids

What do they spend their time doing?

What is there future?

The only way WE go down, is if you WAKE UP...and that isn't EVER going to happen.

Look at the stupid comments on here, and so far not ONE intelligent question!

you can learn because, as a man of honour, I will answer truthfully.

but, alas, as one once stated...

"the truth...the can't handle the truth..."

laugh out loud
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:09 PM

More along the lines of "wishful thinking".

Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.

Now, study the answers and see what I mean.

Illusions upon illusions.

stupid little children...under the care of the shepherd
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

if I won it...I would use it to bring down you bastards...every last penny of it!
Quoting: Lightfeather

Interesting. What would your very first move be?

Let me guess...a new car and a new house...drawing the noose tighter before even giving it a thought.

laugh out loud

the irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse a slave...since you truly have so little to lose.

Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW...instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout

laugh out loud

oh, this is RICH...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

one hint....WALL STREET! that would just be the beginning!
Quoting: Lightfeather

wasn't the hacker group "anonymous" supposed to bring down the NYSE last week? Weren't lots of people supposed to do lots of things that never happen?

you don't understand the NYSE any more than you understand "money" can you bring down something you don't understand?? laugh out loud...

read sun tzu for a beginners course, then ponder on the fact that you are taking on forces with experience measured in millenia.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:12 PM

Yes, Mr. Eyes...what is in your toolbox? Do you have ANYTHING in your toolbox??? Name one thing you have going for you...toolbox or not.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

How About I Show You.

In Time.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Glacial time, probably.

Contrary to common perception and urban myth, we are not immortal.

Please don't keep me waiting too long mr whomever you are.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

If You Are Smart Enough To Figure Out Who My Spirit Is Then Maybe You Will Realize That Your Last Comment Was Misguided.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Wasn't the Bickle character a crazed cab driver who shot up some slum neighbors?

Is THAT your role model?

take out a few of your neighbors to get back at the system which oppresses you?

Sorry, you need a new plan
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:15 PM

More along the lines of "wishful thinking".

Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.

Now, study the answers and see what I mean.

Illusions upon illusions.

stupid little children...under the care of the shepherd
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

if I won it...I would use it to bring down you bastards...every last penny of it!
Quoting: Lightfeather

Interesting. What would your very first move be?

Let me guess...a new car and a new house...drawing the noose tighter before even giving it a thought.

laugh out loud

the irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse a slave...since you truly have so little to lose.

Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW...instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout

laugh out loud

oh, this is RICH...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

For Moi.......

I will burn the money on my altar OP lolol ...!

and convert the energy of it to something else :o)

I am a strange Human ...!


Quoting: Yolgnu

Alter just implies trading one deity illusion for another...when the REAL power lies within...

laugh out loud
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:20 PM
Can you lend me a trillion € please, I promise to pay it back!

PS a million will also do :)
Quoting: Vierkantebroek

Surly you jest!

We NEVER want you to pay it it a pound or a penny.

the MAGIC is in the interest!

MAGIC I tell you!


Borrow all the sweet, sweet candy you want, children!

Pay me only a bright copper or two!

Lovely children!

It would cost me exactly the same to lend or give you the trillion Euros!! And note that you, a well trained child, were POLITE enough to ASK me to LEND you something which has no value! Wonderful training!

Think of young children and their instinctive knowledge of "MINE". They grab things...claim things...and don't want to share.

Greedy Selfish Child! You WILL share.

Betrayed by their own parents!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:22 PM
and I see you did not reply to M-I-sticks...I know you know of the genetic memory passed down from our know there are thousands...could be more...who
Quoting: Lightfeather

Yes, Lightfeather, I was temporarily stunned by your revelation. Please don't hurt us!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:24 PM
Rofs is trolling.

I only got one question for ya buddy...

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1453550

You can become purple. Eat more beets, perhaps.

Michael Jackson, and American "entertainer" desired to change his skin from black to something approaching white. I never did understand that.

So becoming purple isn't out of the question if that is your dream.

I know there is also a orange spray tan solution. Can you compromise on orange? Are you flexible on the color?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:29 PM
How come you are sharing your time with us today?
Quoting: artMan 1187441

It's a harvest of sorts, I suppose.

Why does a small child poke a box turtle?

Why does a small child study an anthill intently...and then smash it under his heel? That universal unknown.

Does it make me feel superior? not really. A freak show? No.

Perhaps there is a part of me that hopes for the growth of others. Perhaps I feel a duty to remain open to helping others I deem worthy. As a matter of honour, I will not a matter of practicality, I will not play Socrates.

Come up with your own intellect and stretch your thinking.

Thank you for your question.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:31 PM

Interesting. What would your very first move be?

Let me guess...a new car and a new house...drawing the noose tighter before even giving it a thought.

laugh out loud

the irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse a slave...since you truly have so little to lose.

Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW...instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout

laugh out loud

oh, this is RICH...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

For Moi.......

I will burn the money on my altar OP lolol ...!

and convert the energy of it to something else :o)

I am a strange Human ...!


Quoting: Yolgnu

Alter just implies trading one deity illusion for another...when the REAL power lies within...

laugh out loud
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You Reaction doesn't surprise me OP lololol At least you laugh because that was the meaning of my post ...!

Know that the petals of my heart is working well and all my 7 centers ...! compare to you're only 5 centers by the choices you made ...!

Snake one day Snake for ever (I hope NOT)....! but you know I still consider your TYPE a Brother lololol

And the door will remain open till the LAST DAY...!


Quoting: Yolgnu

Brothers sometimes outgrow brothers, Yolgnu.

Close the door when the winter winds blow cold!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:35 PM
How come you are sharing your time with us today?
Quoting: artMan 1187441

It's a harvest of sorts, I suppose.

Why does a small child poke a box turtle?

Why does a small child study an anthill intently...and then smash it under his heel? That universal unknown.

Does it make me feel superior? not really. A freak show? No.

Perhaps there is a part of me that hopes for the growth of others. Perhaps I feel a duty to remain open to helping others I deem worthy. As a matter of honour, I will not a matter of practicality, I will not play Socrates.

Come up with your own intellect and stretch your thinking.

Thank you for your question.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What kinds/types of spiritually does your family respect?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Spirituality is a human construct, and like all illusions, plays a part in the development of "things".

Is it a spiritual force that turns a windmill? A child might think so until the mechanics of asymmetrical earth heating, which make the wind blow, are well understood.

a windmill turns, and energy is harvested. A scientific explanation for a "mystical" phenom.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:47 PM

It's a harvest of sorts, I suppose.

Why does a small child poke a box turtle?

Why does a small child study an anthill intently...and then smash it under his heel? That universal unknown.

Does it make me feel superior? not really. A freak show? No.

Perhaps there is a part of me that hopes for the growth of others. Perhaps I feel a duty to remain open to helping others I deem worthy. As a matter of honour, I will not a matter of practicality, I will not play Socrates.

Come up with your own intellect and stretch your thinking.

Thank you for your question.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What kinds/types of spiritually does your family respect?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Spirituality is a human construct, and like all illusions, plays a part in the development of "things".

Is it a spiritual force that turns a windmill? A child might think so until the mechanics of asymmetrical earth heating, which make the wind blow, are well understood.

a windmill turns, and energy is harvested. A scientific explanation for a "mystical" phenom.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Do Rothschilds only reincarnate into your own bloodline?

What are your views on reincarnation?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Reincarnation is growth, which has been packaged and stripped of its meaning by the so-called new agers.

Purity of bloodlines is the essence of history. Most of the first world "nations" have been weakened by dilution of bloodlines under the banner of cultural diversity. An old trick, but highly effective.

The movie Dr Strangelove put out the POE (purity of essence) meme, but people laugh it off as the ravings of a madman.

Check out how Israel handles the issue of blood lines within their country, but they too are falling...

laugh out loud
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:49 PM
Have you been to another planet?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

That question presupposes that there ARE other planets
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:52 PM
Can you lend me a trillion € please, I promise to pay it back!

PS a million will also do :)
Quoting: Vierkantebroek

Surly you jest!

We NEVER want you to pay it it a pound or a penny.

the MAGIC is in the interest!

MAGIC I tell you!


Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I had my fingers crossed behind my back when I promised to pay it back :)
Quoting: Vierkantebroek

AHA! A trickster! Harlequin! Joker!!

It is sadly true that only the "wealthy" can afford absolute honesty. Loss of freedom begins in earnest when people are "forced" to tell lies to fit within a "society"...necessary to maintain the "beautiful lie". Only the truly powerful tell the truth, because, due to their position, there can be no repercussions.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:56 PM
Do Rothschilds only reincarnate into your own bloodline?

What are your views on reincarnation?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Reincarnation is growth, which has been packaged and stripped of its meaning by the so-called new agers.

Purity of bloodlines is the essence of history. Most of the first world "nations" have been weakened by dilution of bloodlines under the banner of cultural diversity. An old trick, but highly effective.

The movie Dr Strangelove put out the POE (purity of essence) meme, but people laugh it off as the ravings of a madman.

Check out how Israel handles the issue of blood lines within their country, but they too are falling...

laugh out loud
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What makes a bloodline pure?

What are the most valued bloodlines and why?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

There is "noise" in every bloodline! The real question is how the patriarchs deal with the "noise"!

Remember that suspension bridge in Oregon USA, Tacoma Narrows I that would be Washington USA then.

Any matter, resonant frequency reduced it to rubble as engineers watched. They were unable to suppress the self-feedback loop and the whole thing came apart. Watch the video!

Consider the same forces genetically. DNA. Bloodlines need to be pruned and tended for the long haul. No way around that, but tell that to your average person!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 01:58 PM
How come you are sharing your time with us today?
Quoting: artMan 1187441

it's part of his protocal...
Quoting: Lightfeather

it's protocol, by the way.

doesn't your computer highlight spelling errors? Do you care how you appear to others?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:12 PM
Who runs the world?



Knights of Malta?

Council of 3?

Black Nobility families?



Quoting: Open Your Eyes

it's a combination of the 300...
Quoting: Lightfeather

There has got to be more than just the Committee of 300.

Let's see if OP will "enlighten" us with the answer of the true power behind the scenes.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Who runs the world? Well, YOU do of course.

Wherever I travel, I see a lot of YOU's out there busy running the world. And I also see that you run the world based on your precepts of how things work and such. Little algorithms, constantly operating in the background. Where on Earth did THEY come from?

laughing, laughing, laughing out LOUD!!

And of course, being children, things go wrong when bad or selfish decisions are made. Bogey-men are thus created to absorb the blame...deep dark evil forces that make things go bump in the night. THEY are the reason for all this trouble! Bad, bad men!

I suppose another way to put it that you might understand better, is that the world is run by men who truly understand the dark nature of the human spirit. So, YOU provide the evil and these men create scenarios where they know how you will react. It is scary how accurately refined these rule-based systems have become. Ironically, THESE men of "knowledge" must keep their "hands" clean! Must! Or the MAGIC goes!

Oh! Sweet Irony!!

Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don't and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.

The real masters are the intellects who suggest in a suggestible way that which you cannot resist.

Did you know that the US porn industry is now larger than the Hollywood box office? Well over 10 billion! But ask anyone if they watch porn and you will likely be told NO!.

Who is the evil, dark force here? The entity who understands human lust and provides for it? The consumer of the lust? Would the porn industry exist if its services were not in demand? Would it end tomorrow if people chose to NOT watch porn? Of course. So, pick your evil!

Of course, the "secret(s)" has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win that's interesting!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:18 PM
How much Tesla Technology do you have hidden away?

What is the newest secret tech invention or breakthrough?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hidden in plain sight!

There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.

Very, very few.

Almost none. And Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.

Tesla was the real genius...not Einstein, not Edison.

Tesla had the "keys to the kingdom" within his reach! It was thus necessary to change the lock.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:29 PM
Are you cookng fried chicken again tonight?
Quoting: Truth 4203298

I believe one of the great inventions of the 20th century was to grind up the chicken parts and compress them into small nugets...submerge those nuggets in boiling grease, and then serve those hot nuggets with an artificially flavored, high fructose laden syrup to make them edible.

What a concept! I wouldn't even have the nerve to propose such a thing!

Let them eat entrails!

Laugh out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:32 PM
How much Tesla Technology do you have hidden away?

What is the newest secret tech invention or breakthrough?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hidden in plain sight!

There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.

Very, very few.

Almost none. And Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.

Tesla was the real genius...not Einstein, not Edison.

Tesla had the "keys to the kingdom" within his reach! It was thus necessary to change the lock.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Very Interesting

Thanks for the answer and the ideas it will generate!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Tesla's patent attorney conducted a three day deposition in conjunction with a patent he filed on wireless energy transmission! The attorney was concerned that the patent language was insufficient to capture the genius and potential of Tesla's ideas. Read that, if you want some thinking material!

I have a scan of the original (containing some margin notes in Tesla's hand) and consider it one of the great works of the era. A true genius.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:37 PM
Who runs the world? Well, YOU do of course.

Wherever I travel, I see a lot of YOU's out there busy running the world. And I also see that you run the world based on your precepts of how things work and such. Little algorithms, constantly operating in the background. Where on Earth did THEY come from?

laughing, laughing, laughing out LOUD!!

And of course, being children, things go wrong when bad or selfish decisions are made. Bogey-men are thus created to absorb the blame...deep dark evil forces that make things go bump in the night. THEY are the reason for all this trouble! Bad, bad men!

I suppose another way to put it that you might understand better, is that the world is run by men who truly understand the dark nature of the human spirit. So, YOU provide the evil and these men create scenarios where they know how you will react. It is scary how accurately refined these rule-based systems have become. Ironically, THESE men of "knowledge" must keep their "hands" clean! Must! Or the MAGIC goes!

Oh! Sweet Irony!!

Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don't and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.

The real masters are the intellects who suggest in a suggestible way that which you cannot resist.

Did you know that the US porn industry is now larger than the Hollywood box office? Well over 10 billion! But ask anyone if they watch porn and you will likely be told NO!.

Who is the evil, dark force here? The entity who understands human lust and provides for it? The consumer of the lust? Would the porn industry exist if its services were not in demand? Would it end tomorrow if people chose to NOT watch porn? Of course. So, pick your evil!

Of course, the "secret(s)" has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win that's interesting!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What happens when a moral man with a just cause has enough resources to change the collective mind?

Will your family be willing to past the torch?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Sir! reflect on your so called morality. From where it springs and by what definitions and rules does it function. What does it add to your arsenal?

I dare say your delusions are rampant and your way is muddled.

There is nothing presently stopping you from joining the ranks of the nobility except your inability to grow!

I for one welcome the enlightened and engaged. But as children can "play store" and pretend, it does not make them a Fortune 500 corporation, no matter how they might desire to be.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:38 PM

Hidden in plain sight!

There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.

Very, very few.

Almost none. And Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.

Tesla was the real genius...not Einstein, not Edison.

Tesla had the "keys to the kingdom" within his reach! It was thus necessary to change the lock.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Very Interesting

Thanks for the answer and the ideas it will generate!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Tesla's patent attorney conducted a three day deposition in conjunction with a patent he filed on wireless energy transmission! The attorney was concerned that the patent language was insufficient to capture the genius and potential of Tesla's ideas. Read that, if you want some thinking material!

I have a scan of the original (containing some margin notes in Tesla's hand) and consider it one of the great works of the era. A true genius.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

email me the scan at

it is part of your destiny :)
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Such a compelling offer!

How could one resist?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 02:41 PM

Hidden in plain sight!

There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.

Very, very few.

Almost none. And Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.

Tesla was the real genius...not Einstein, not Edison.

Tesla had the "keys to the kingdom" within his reach! It was thus necessary to change the lock.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Very Interesting

Thanks for the answer and the ideas it will generate!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Tesla's patent attorney conducted a three day deposition in conjunction with a patent he filed on wireless energy transmission! The attorney was concerned that the patent language was insufficient to capture the genius and potential of Tesla's ideas. Read that, if you want some thinking material!

I have a scan of the original (containing some margin notes in Tesla's hand) and consider it one of the great works of the era. A true genius.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Nicholas Tesla a true genius but lololol he know how to hiss to another Reptoid, dude. A REPTOID.

REPToids didn't hijack this country, they invented it. From the beginning and for thousands of years. Everything we know as reality is something given to us by reptoid.

Period ...!

Yes I know why you Laugh out loud!

For NOW..!

Quoting: Yolgnu

For now and forever.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:02 PM
email me the scan at

it is part of your destiny :)
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Such a compelling offer!

How could one resist?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You can't resist.

You know you want to.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I want to what? Resist?

Make sure you are clear what you want!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:04 PM

awesome thread title
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4197713

Well, thank you little yellow guy!

I hold no animosity towards the brown skinned. They have been endlessly amusing with their capering antics!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:06 PM

Such a compelling offer!

How could one resist?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You can't resist.

You know you want to.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I want to what? Resist?

Make sure you are clear what you want!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Read what I said again before your preconceived notions fill the blanks.

I said "You Can't Resist"

And "You know you want to" email me
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Well, you established the article by stating:

"you can't resist"

Then you said:

"You know you want to"

That would imply that I know I want to resist.

In actuality, I am indifferent to the "dilemma"
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:12 PM
This universe is too young for its inhabitants to possess the knowledge of good and evil. This knowledge corrupts this universe's evolution. I choose to return to my proper path. I am guessing I am not alone in this thought, although there are not many willing to give up this knowledge.

What will happen to those who do not reject this knowledge and return to their original path? I think they will probably become lost in time and eventually go insane. OP is well on his way to this eventuality...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1191185

Insanity is the manifestation of ones inability to reconcile different rule based systems "operating" on the same spatial plane.

The truth reveals the nature of the one true system.

That one true system manifests perfect clarity, which is the opposite of insanity. How could it be otherwise?

Boredom implies a lull in the expectation of future happenings. Were the boredom seen as permanent, then many would act out insanity algorithms. This website is a prime example of the waiting expect-ants!

Something is coming! Doom! Wealth! A beautiful man of woman who will whisk me away from my previously bad choices!!

The realm of belief is of ones own making! Can you deconstruct the illusions?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:14 PM
you drunk?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1486940

You probably already know the Rothschild's dabble a bit in the art of wine making. It might surprise you to know that I abstain except for certain "ceremonial" occasions...but that I will not consume any food for 48 hours before such consumption!

Alcohol is the opiate of the masses...except that its qualities are not opiate-like. But it does drug the reason senses so therefore useful
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:16 PM

awesome thread title
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4197713

Well, thank you little yellow guy!

I hold no animosity towards the brown skinned. They have been endlessly amusing with their capering antics!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Maybe a little Humility here lol

Quoting: Yolgnu

If I were a child, that would be a scary picture.

Is that one of the tribal bloodlines in your reality?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:17 PM
I just fixed the original statement to be more clear.

Thanks for pointing that out as my response was a little bit too ambiguous and could have been taken a couple of ways.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

My pleasure.

I actually knew your intended meaning...just having a bit of sport with you.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:19 PM
Who is the Lady in White?

:woman in white:
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

From appearances, a woman of some substance and bearing
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:22 PM
Who is the Lady in White?

:woman in white:
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

From appearances, a woman of some substance and bearing
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

She went to the Bilderberg meeting.

They basically bowed down to her.

Is she an Elohim?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Gods are created by those who need them, for their own purposes.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:24 PM
So does Baroness Philippine make some good wine or what?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

As the dark skinned might exclaim...

"Opus One, Yo!"
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:26 PM
Gods are created by those who need them, for their own purposes.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Who is your God?

And what do you utilize him for?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Question presumes facts not in evidence!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:30 PM
Who is the Lady in White?

:woman in white:
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

From appearances, a woman of some substance and bearing
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

She went to the Bilderberg meeting.

They basically bowed down to her.

Is she an Elohim?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Here are some others who attended Bilderberg this year, PLUS, an article with all the latest gossip!

[ link to www.g$]

User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:32 PM
Tell us about the Aldobrandini family
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You people get all these notions from HARRY POTTER books?

Fiddlesticks and witch hats! A scary black cat on a flying broom!

Insanity, but highly amusing.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:33 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I would rather go the the source for info. :)
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What, you don't think the secret societies publish their comings and goings in the local news?

Well, I never!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:38 PM
Who is the oldest living person?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You mean the oldest living bloodline?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:40 PM
Have you ever met Marius Romanus or St. Germaine?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Imagine a reality where things aren't named. That you "know" someone intuitively...and all that is known is apparent to you without explanation.

It was those Egyptians who came up with the need to name everything! It was so much simpler before!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:44 PM
Who is the oldest living person?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You mean the oldest living bloodline?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I want to hear this!
Quoting: Lightfeather

A person is the physical now manifestation of the bloodline. A representative or token...of no special significance. The bloodline is everything!

Take care with your bloodline, Dear Sir or Madam!

Think in terms of the possibility that all moments in time exist concurrently. Future and past are simple minded constructs!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:46 PM
Have you ever met Marius Romanus or St. Germaine?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Imagine a reality where things aren't named. That you "know" someone intuitively...and all that is known is apparent to you without explanation.

It was those Egyptians who came up with the need to name everything! It was so much simpler before!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What do you know intuitively?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The Totality! The All!

Do you really believe that that which you are can be hidden when operating in the TRUTH plane? It's a logic fallacy from the start.

Those of us operating in the TRUTH plane cannot lie, obviously!

There is no evil or good here.

These planes are so different that the lines of comprehension are impossible to bridge. And yet, I try.

Good nature! How I try.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:49 PM
Ever seen the Ochre Red (The Blood Codex) book?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Bickle!

Take with grains of salt that which is presented for your consumption! And ask WHY it is being presented!

Remember the four underlying principals:

that which you know you know
that which you know you don't know
that which you don't know you know
that which you don't know you don't know

which is the prime?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:50 PM

You mean the oldest living bloodline?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I want to hear this!
Quoting: Lightfeather

A person is the physical now manifestation of the bloodline. A representative or token...of no special significance. The bloodline is everything!

Take care with your bloodline, Dear Sir or Madam!

Think in terms of the possibility that all moments in time exist concurrently. Future and past are simple minded constructs!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

The spirit of the individual has some bearing, Yes?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

No comfort has
the fire at night
which lights the face so cold
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:51 PM
What do you know intuitively?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The Totality! The All!

Do you really believe that that which you are can be hidden when operating in the TRUTH plane? It's a logic fallacy from the start.

Those of us operating in the TRUTH plane cannot lie, obviously!

There is no evil or good here.

These planes are so different that the lines of comprehension are impossible to bridge. And yet, I try.

Good nature! How I try.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

How many dimensions are in this plane?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


The known and unknown
The seen and unseen
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:52 PM
You only win if you can keep the gates closed...I know you do not contol them all...
Quoting: Chas

There is no win, only advantage

The game is afoot!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:54 PM
What is the Fountain of Youth?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bloodlines imply a progression of sorts.

Bloodlines relegate the individual at any point in time as a mere placeholder

to what end the fountain of youth? Just another distraction for the uninitiated
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:56 PM
Ever seen the Ochre Red (The Blood Codex) book?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Bickle!

Take with grains of salt that which is presented for your consumption! And ask WHY it is being presented!

Remember the four underlying principals:

that which you know you know
that which you know you don't know
that which you don't know you know
that which you don't know you don't know

which is the prime?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Kind of a trick question.

I know that I don't know everything...

But everything is available when you tap into the source of everything.

The journey of learning what you don't know if half the fun!

You Know? :)
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Bickle. The prime MUST be to learn what is not known. Therefore, not knowing what you don't know is prime.

Learn what the questions are is first and foremost. Then find the answers.

This presumes that you are questing, and not just content where you "are"/

Are you, Bickle, a quester?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 03:57 PM

A person is the physical now manifestation of the bloodline. A representative or token...of no special significance. The bloodline is everything!

Take care with your bloodline, Dear Sir or Madam!

Think in terms of the possibility that all moments in time exist concurrently. Future and past are simple minded constructs!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

The spirit of the individual has some bearing, Yes?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

No comfort has
the fire at night
which lights the face so cold
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Battle of Evermore
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Yes! Quite vivid imagery for so few words, don't you think?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:00 PM
Welcome, OP.

What value does a(nother) human hold to you?
Quoting: ImAnAcee 68945

Let me ask you this; Who are YOU yolked to, and who is yolked to YOU?

Who exists from the sweat of your brow, and by whose sweat is your life sustained?

What are the value propositions in both directions?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:03 PM
You only win if you can keep the gates closed...I know you do not contol them all...
Quoting: Chas

There is no win, only advantage

The game is afoot!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Point is getting interesting...the game that is...
Quoting: Chas

Interesting is one word, however when the social fabric unravels it can become quite ugly.

Ugly as in termination of bloodlines.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:05 PM
Welcome, OP.

What value does a(nother) human hold to you?
Quoting: ImAnAcee 68945

Let me ask you this; Who are YOU yolked to, and who is yolked to YOU?

Who exists from the sweat of your brow, and by whose sweat is your life sustained?

What are the value propositions in both directions?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Sorry, but what does "yolked" mean?
Quoting: ImAnAcee 68945

It appears the "yoke" is on me.

Try this one:

yoke (yk)
a. A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together.
b. pl. yoke or yokes A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.
c. A bar used with a double harness to connect the collar of each horse to the pole of a wagon or coach.
2. A frame designed to be carried across a person's shoulders with equal loads suspended from each end.
3. Nautical A crossbar on a ship's rudder to which the steering cables are connected.
4. A clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together.
5. A piece of a garment that is closely fitted, either around the neck and shoulders or at the hips, and from which an unfitted or gathered part of the garment is hung.
6. Something that connects or joins together; a bond or tie.
7. Electronics A series of two or more magnetic recording heads fastened securely together for playing or recording on more than one track simultaneously.
a. Any of various emblems of subjugation, such as a structure made of two upright spears with a third laid across them, under which conquered enemies of ancient Rome were forced to march in subjection.
b. The condition of being subjugated by or as if by a conqueror; subjugation or bondage: 14th-century Russia under the Tartar yoke; the yoke of drug addiction.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:25 PM

Kind of a trick question.

I know that I don't know everything...

But everything is available when you tap into the source of everything.

The journey of learning what you don't know if half the fun!

You Know? :)
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Bickle. The prime MUST be to learn what is not known. Therefore, not knowing what you don't know is prime.

Learn what the questions are is first and foremost. Then find the answers.

This presumes that you are questing, and not just content where you "are"/

Are you, Bickle, a quester?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What is blue blood? Whom has it? or rather....who was it passed to?
Quoting: Lightfeather

you skipped over my question...
Quoting: Lightfeather

A term of differentiation to create and highlight distinctions of "class".

In reality, it has no practical more that any other word.

Have you ever met an "other"?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:26 PM
ok...different question...whats the significance of this?

[ link to]
Quoting: Lightfeather

Well, MSNBC is the source. How important could it be?

When you read that article, what comes to your mind?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:27 PM
ok...different question...whats the significance of this?

[ link to]
Quoting: Lightfeather

It means that they are going to have a daughter first.

And to check Kate Middleton's family tree extensively to see what is in her bloodline.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Now, THOSE are bloodlines with a LOT of "noise"
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:43 PM
Dear OP,

Believe it or not, the monetary system of repression and slavery only five us humans a better chance of completing our missions here on Earth.

What you and your kind fail to understand is that you're only making things easier for us. I thank you for the repressive and poverty-producing system of exchange that has been created here.

Every impoverished beggar gives a generous person a chance to GIVE. That is our purpose here. To give and receive unconditional love.

When you "die" and reach the light, you will understand too. So quit trying to sound so sinister. You're actually doing us all a favor. Everything is as it should be. There really is a bigger picture and it can't really go wrong.
Quoting: satanathan 1458700

Ok, well, that is an interesting theory.

Let's see how that one plays out.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:44 PM
ok...different question...whats the significance of this?

[ link to]
Quoting: Lightfeather

It means that they are going to have a daughter first.

And to check Kate Middleton's family tree extensively to see what is in her bloodline.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Now, THOSE are bloodlines with a LOT of "noise"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What are the quiet bloodlines?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The ones you hear nothing about. The ones purring smoothly according to plan(s)
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:45 PM
When you read that article, what comes to your mind?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Why does the media sell human potential so short?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The media is a mirror, albeit one which tailors itself to your perceptions and biases.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:46 PM
ok...different question...whats the significance of this?

[ link to]
Quoting: Lightfeather

It means that they are going to have a daughter first.

And to check Kate Middleton's family tree extensively to see what is in her bloodline.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Now, THOSE are bloodlines with a LOT of "noise"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

But isn't her family considered 'commoners', because they come from coal miner stock? It is ridiculous.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

Why is the presumption that these people are "royalty"?

From where did that spring forth?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:52 PM
At one point did you know that you were of a 'different' bloodline than most. Do you all communicate on a telepathic level or something?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

Most cultures have lingual nuances which serve as class markers. For example, the Vietnamese by their annunciation and sentence structure "know" from what class the person they are engaging come from. Of course, the English are masters at this, as are the Indians and nearly every other group.

At a certain level of development, the markers change and become more rich in meaning...

So a child sees a Van Gogh and grasps pretty colors and swirls of light and contrast.

The more developed intellect sees the struggle of a man captured on canvas.

Same picture, different depth of meaning.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:53 PM
When you read that article, what comes to your mind?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Why does the media sell human potential so short?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The media is a mirror, albeit one which tailors itself to your perceptions and biases.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Isn't that the truth, but I think it mirrors more the insecurities than anything.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

Human insecurities and fear keep the windmills turning and generating electricity!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:54 PM

Now, THOSE are bloodlines with a LOT of "noise"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

But isn't her family considered 'commoners', because they come from coal miner stock? It is ridiculous.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

Why is the presumption that these people are "royalty"?

From where did that spring forth?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Sorry, I don't believe in 'royalty'. I believe each of us has the attainable goal of transcendence when we are ready. Most don't realize it.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

When you attained this insight, how did the actions and arc moment of your life change?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 04:55 PM
At one point did you know that you were of a 'different' bloodline than most. Do you all communicate on a telepathic level or something?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

Most cultures have lingual nuances which serve as class markers. For example, the Vietnamese by their annunciation and sentence structure "know" from what class the person they are engaging come from. Of course, the English are masters at this, as are the Indians and nearly every other group.

At a certain level of development, the markers change and become more rich in meaning...

So a child sees a Van Gogh and grasps pretty colors and swirls of light and contrast.

The more developed intellect sees the struggle of a man captured on canvas.

Same picture, different depth of meaning.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Why does a child seemingly have more wisdom than most adults today?

Creativity of spirit should be encouraged.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The child holds the purity of the human spirit. That's why they have to be "educated". Pity, that.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:04 PM
The child holds the purity of the human spirit. That's why they have to be "educated". Pity, that.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

indoctrinated is more like it.

What is the Rothschild's home schooling like?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

It is difficult to explain in terms that are easily understood.

If one wished to teach the ways of the wolf to their offspring, the infant would be placed in a wolf's den
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:05 PM
You are the one who is in a delusion, you know very well what you and all the so called elite have coming. Your time is very limited and so is your power and wealth it will all rot and perish and so will you if you dont repent to the true God who is in control.
Quoting: Truth777 1813511

Look around and tell me of what YOUR support structure entails?

How prepared are YOU for what is to come?

from where does YOUR knowledge come from?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:11 PM
The child holds the purity of the human spirit. That's why they have to be "educated". Pity, that.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

indoctrinated is more like it.

What is the Rothschild's home schooling like?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

It is difficult to explain in terms that are easily understood.

If one wished to teach the ways of the wolf to their offspring, the infant would be placed in a wolf's den
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What is the wolf's den like?

:teen wolf:
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Like floating in the primordial aether where all is all.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:13 PM
the sad greedy part is everyone could have the education you speak could better the whole world and everyone and everything on it and in it...but instead you all choose to controll and own it for yourselves...
Quoting: Lightfeather

What if this education process...this already inside you! And the "educational process" is nothing but unlocking the secrets within.

To whom does the responsibility lie to unleash this infinite potential?

Is it I that is evil for not teaching you to do what you are already equipped to do?

This logic is perplexing, except for the fact it is entirely consistent with the nature of your problem.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:15 PM
Like floating in the primordial aether where all is all.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So you Astral Travel?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Another term devoid of any "meat".

Where is the space within?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:16 PM
the sad greedy part is everyone could have the education you speak could better the whole world and everyone and everything on it and in it...but instead you all choose to controll and own it for yourselves...
Quoting: Lightfeather

Intelligence from 'book learnin' is not needed. It's listening to the heart and loving unconditionally that's needed. And not judging.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

sorry hun...thats not going to be what takes them down...and thats just the cold heart facts!
Quoting: Lightfeather

I believe you mean "cold, hard facts"
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:18 PM
Didn't the Rothchilds make their money from the blood, sweat and tears of the 'common' man? Financing both sides of war and stealing the little pittance those 'commoners' make in interest? Theft, I call it.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

I suppose that's one perspective.

But why the wars happened, and who asked for the financing are the REAL questions.

What breakdown in logic and social fabric made two groups see themselves as opposing, and further that the opposition could best be decided by murder.

Did your bible not admonish not to kill another?

The ten commandments are very simple, no?
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/28/2011 05:20 PM
I am off now for a time, but I will return.

In the meantime, put your heads together and come up with the most important question you can muster.

Perhaps your "lines" can make a step forward today!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/31/2011 12:54 PM
Hello OP,

Much of what you say resonates with me. I began meditating at age 13 which lead to greater awareness of life & it's multi-layered construct, or the 'Beautiful Lie.'

My question is when one reaches a certain acuity(the worker bee analogy was spot on) one's aperture has more f-stops to allow more light in & to see further. When this occurs one ceases to stop "fighting" against shadows or illusions.

Personally I'm more interested in the secrets of light & making Art, than changing the world & the only world/s one changes is oneself.
Quoting: Arcturus 1553128

The amazing thing is that when something resonates, it resonates...can't be forced or just is. You will know it clearly when you experience it.

You may have heard the expression "When the student is ready, the teacher will come". Similarly, when the path is prepared for mental acceptance of truth, there will be little resistance encountered.

The truth continues to lap at the shores of your mind. Much like the ocean's unrelenting tides, lies eventually are turned into sand, then powder, then nothingness.

Believe it or not, we are ALL on the same side. You just lack the capacity to understand...presently, anyway.
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/31/2011 12:59 PM
I have to say You have not told one lie. Maybe a few diversions but you are playing the game and need to keep humans on their toes.

You know the Illusion is coming to an end, it is written, so shall it be. Time is about up, is why, the rally to bring chaos and fear to the world.

Human fear feeds those that rule the darkside.

There is light and there is darkness. Darkness and light cannot exist together.
Where there is darkness light does not exist and where there is light darkness ceases to exist.
The light is coming and TPTB know this and are attempting their last and final stand.

Dont feed their plan with fear and hate and division.

Humankind must come together as ONE. We are all One and our consciousness feeds off each other. Control your emotions do not fall into negative mindsets and false interpetations of the illusion earth is quarantined within.

The Quarantine will be lifting, and You know, time is short for your ilk in the grand scheme of the universe?

Stay peaceful, show love and support for all. They hate that. You are a mirror. You get what you put forth.
If you are attacked, think of it as you attacking yourself.
Stay silent, like attracting like. Do you understand Dear ones?
I know it is a construct that is hard to grasp for unawakened souls but dont fear, just love. Dont fight, embrace, for we are all one in the galactic realm.

This is your moment to find the power that each and everyone of you on earth possess deep inside from birth. Awaken to your true power and abilties. Awaken to your birthright of abundance and the power within you to create that abundance from sheer mind power. Free will, use your power of free will to create and stop destroying for through destruction you create your own enslavement for OP and his ilk to control. Do you understand this analogy Dear Ones.

You are all powerful creative beings, claim your power, control your emotions and thoughts and do not allow the dark forces to control you and Earth any longer.

May Earth and Humanity transcend into its rightful place in the universe of light and destroy all darkness forever.

Peace be unto you all.
Quoting: Merci

Duality is one of the "beautiful lies".

Consider that darkness and light are ONE.

Good and Evil are ONE.

We (or I should say YOU) fight yourselves!

Can you not see that??


WHILE you fight YOURSELVES, others pick your pockets.

Who is the greater fool?

WHO is truly at fault? YOU for fighting yourself, or others, who rob you while you struggle?

That is why you are viewed as foolish children.

You will have a place at the table when you have proven yourselves worthy.

And don't think you are not being WATCHED and EVALUATED
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/31/2011 01:03 PM

Hidden in plain sight!

There is a wealth of information available on Tesla's techniques. Ironically, few take the time to read them.

Very, very few.

Almost none. And Tesla's patents lay out a great starting point. But like your great aunt leaving a key ingredient out of her prize cake recipe, some work must be done.

Tesla was the real genius...not Einstein, not Edison.

Tesla had the "keys to the kingdom" within his reach! It was thus necessary to change the lock.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Very Interesting

Thanks for the answer and the ideas it will generate!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Tesla's patent attorney conducted a three day deposition in conjunction with a patent he filed on wireless energy transmission! The attorney was concerned that the patent language was insufficient to capture the genius and potential of Tesla's ideas. Read that, if you want some thinking material!

I have a scan of the original (containing some margin notes in Tesla's hand) and consider it one of the great works of the era. A true genius.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Think for a second, absolute zero is -273.15ºC (-459.67ºF). So if you live in a place that is an average temp of, say 20ºC (68ºF)you have in the air 293.15ºK of...ENERGY!!!! This incredible large amount of energy is at your fingertips, all around! Just we have to seat and wait for someone who builds a device capable of transform hot air into FREE ELECTRICITY.
Quoting: miqq

Migg, you are correct. Of course, anyone who is open to nature and truth would instinctively understand. A child standing face turned to the warm summer sun instinctively
understands. It takes the education system to turn thoughtful, cerebral children into worker drones. And the slaves PAY for their children's enslavement.

It would be tragic if it weren't so funny.

And look how hard people struggle to remain slaves!
User ID: 1339201 United States 10/31/2011 01:05 PM
OP I really hope you are able to return sometime to answer more questions.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Yes, Bickle, stretch that mighty mental muscle of yours.

I appreciate your desire to grow and learn, and you have learned that hostility, verbal or otherwise, is a losers game.

Or at least you show signs slowly dawning!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:41 AM
So much to think/feel about. This has been an interesting thread.

Something about blood lines.. .. You constantly hear about the reptilian blood line being RH Negative, that the elites are RH Negative.. is this true?
Quoting: CrazyMama73

Oy! CrazyMama 73 appears from the Aether to inform and enlighten!

Well, Reptilian is an emotionally charged word here, and elsewhere. So please forget the reptilian reference for now and consider the following "facts" and "questions"...

Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?

Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.

It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.

In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had...except in the case of environmental or selective mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all of our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more biological precision than any other characteristic. It could be argued from scientific scrutiny that modern man and rhesus monkey have had a common ancestor sometime in the "past". All other earthly primates share this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of planetary travelers?

All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.

Why does "science" (ie, the little peoples science)fail to explain how Rh negative is possible? Those familiar with blood factors, admit that Rh - humans must at minimum, be a mutation (if not descendants) of a different ancestor. If a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was within their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental jewish people of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin jewish also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.

Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of old." From the King James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of God, not children of man - Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the children unto the fourth generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?

Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two words you will find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message has been written for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.

The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been checking to see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation) that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could they have been told, by their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of mankind except for their brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth. Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is actually a family genealogy.

Why all this preoccupation with genealogy among different people scattered throughout the earth? No other animal on earth has this preoccupation with ancestry. Where did this tradition come from? People scattered throughout the earth, who have had no-known contact with each other all simultaneously have the urge to chart their family tree? Why? How important could this have been to primitive cave men? Struggling to survive, to chart their genealogy? They had no understanding of modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy? Were they told to preserve their heritage, until a future date when they would return and it would be understood? Until a time, like now, when their descendent would be able to understand the message they were leaving.

Although they probably didn't realize the importance of preserving their genealogy, they may have believed that future generations would understand. Are we that future generation? Was there a message left for us to understand? Do we have the courage to look for the answer?

Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don't know will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find truth.

Rh negative blood has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.

For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link" actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Is man the missing link between primate and extraterrestrial?

Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying.

Dear Bickle! Start to consider the possibility that you, the Rh positive primate that you are...have only just begun your evolutionary journey. Consider that you are evolving as fast as your little helix can regenerate!

The "others" who you so misunderstand have engaged you to our mutual benefit and survival!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:45 AM
that which you don't know you don't know
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You Know?

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I know! And now everyone with that path reading this thread will too. Notice Opie's disappearance?

They are frightened, because as it is stricken so shall it be I hear theirs is strickened by three.

You ask what is strickened? I answer ye.

What's in a name that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell so sweet.
Quoting: Merci

You know, Merci, self delusion is the QUEEN of all delusions.

You must embrace how silly you utterly powerless and afraid you are from your lack of knowledge!

Know this, Illiterati, and understand its deep meaning:

User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:47 AM
Dont go away Mad Opie. Love abounds.
Quoting: Merci

I do not have the luxury of time as many here, but this thread is of my hand and thus has value to me. It will thus receive some of my boundless energy!

I will appear as appropriate to assist those with the prerequisite intellectual knowledge (such as it is) on the off chance that their may be an "emerger" amoungst you!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:56 AM
Maybe, who knows. There are tons of dna tests out there, but from what I understand, it can only be traced back father to father and then around where they came from like europe or wherever.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4358747

Those are public tests.

I want to know about the secret technology that the "elite" families have access to.

How advanced are they REALLY with DNA ancestor testing?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You are probably familiar with the Genome project!

The "public" sequencing was for human consumption, but as with all things military, what is known is not is what "you don't know you don't know".

THIS is where the magic lies! And it is already a fait accompli!!

THE BIBLE CODE was, of course, an elaborate hoax...but created much buzz some years back. Now imagine if all of human history were encoded in the DNA helix and could be accessed in its completeness! Wouldn't THAT be interesting!

Now consider that all human history, both "past" and "future" were so encoded! Wouldn't you like to have a drop of THAT precious blood...and the necessary decoding "software"? Would you trade a few gold tokens for a roadmap of human history and HUMAN FUTURE?

laughing, laughing, laughing!! out loud!!!

And, DEAR BICKLE!! Should you be so blessed to carry this information!! Would you SHARE this information with those who are clearly not evolved enough to handle it? Imagine what mischief could be carried out by these little rhesis monkeys armed with the knowledge of the "gods"!

I'm sure YOU, dear Bickle, would be oh so careful and only use this knowledge for GOOD, not EVIL...oh, ok, perhaps you would have a little taste of the good things in "life"...perhaps a few would die...but hey...YOU are deserve such things!

and so on.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 11:59 AM
I would like to know how they keep track of their "hidden" children and how many bastards whoops I mean hidden extentions there are and what that means.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4358747


Can you answer the question quoted in blue above?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

HAHAHA Dear Bickle!

As I stated earlier, if you wish to indoctrinate a child into the way of the wolf, you would put the child, at an early age, into the wolf's den! The eagle chick belongs in the eagles nest.

Notice how ALL babies are blood typed at birth? It is the FIRST thing done and that data goes somewhere.

MOST interesting, no?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:01 PM

Added the S, left it out but, who cares they are left out of the Great Book as I said before stricken thrice.
Quoting: Merci

Roth means Red
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The color of BLOOD, s it not?

laughing (again) out loud!

Red Shield!

What is a shield again???

laughing out loud!!

There is oh so much to know and understand!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:33 PM
DO you think globally, humans will ever be ready to except the possibilities that they have been lied to and continue to be lied to. It seems that there is at the moment some kind of global awareness going on. People are starting to "wake up, with eyes wide open".
Quoting: CrazyMama73

I believe the real question is whether humans will ever be ready to accept the truth and stop lying to themselves

a variant of the "beautiful lie"...oh! so easy to swallow.

Humans have locked themselves into cages of their own construction...albeit with some carefully placed "suggestions"

laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:34 PM
I am also Typo O negative. Yes some things he mentioned are true, I just find it frustrating that there is really no ANSWER confirmed out there as to if the Negative Factor is a mutation and how/when. Everything is speculated.

I believe I read the same post he did from another website, while trying to find an answer. For some reason I guess I was assuming he may know MORE, being from an elite family line...
Quoting: CrazyMama73

The truth is the truth, crazymama. Take it or leave it!

Really, what more does one need to know...and then to start ACTING accordingly
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:38 PM
So much to think/feel about. This has been an interesting thread.

Something about blood lines.. .. You constantly hear about the reptilian blood line being RH Negative, that the elites are RH Negative.. is this true?
Quoting: CrazyMama73

Oy! CrazyMama 73 appears from the Aether to inform and enlighten!

Well, Reptilian is an emotionally charged word here, and elsewhere. So please forget the reptilian reference for now and consider the following "facts" and "questions"...

Who are the "Children of Israel?" Why was their seed blessed? Why were they told not to inter-marry with other people and to circumcise their sons for identification? Why were they told to preserve their geneology? Where did Adam and Eve's sons go to get their wives, if they were the only "humans" on earth?

Many scientists believe that modern man evolved from ape-like primates. They have much proof to back up their theories, including modern blood analysis and comparative studies between modern man and lower anthripoids, such as the chimpanzee and the Rhesus monkey.

It has been proven that the majority of mankind (85%) has a blood factor common with the rhesus monkey. This is called rhesus positive blood. Usually shortened to Rh positive. This factor is completely independent from the A, B, 0 blood types.

In the study of genetics, we find that we can only inherit what our ancestors had...except in the case of environmental or selective mutation. We can have any of numerous combinations of traits inherited from all of our ancestors. Nothing more and nothing less. Therefore, if man and ape evolved from a common ancestor, their blood would have evolved the same way. Blood factors are transmitted with much more biological precision than any other characteristic. It could be argued from scientific scrutiny that modern man and rhesus monkey have had a common ancestor sometime in the "past". All other earthly primates share this Rh factor. But this leaves out the people who are Rh negative. If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from? If they are not the descendants of prehistoric man, could they be the descendants of planetary travelers?

All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species.

Why does "science" (ie, the little peoples science)fail to explain how Rh negative is possible? Those familiar with blood factors, admit that Rh - humans must at minimum, be a mutation (if not descendants) of a different ancestor. If a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was within their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental jewish people of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin jewish also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

Could the Basque people be one of these colonies? Or could it have been the original colony on earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.

Genesis 6:2 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives, all of which they chose." Who were the children of these marriages? Genesis 6:4 "God came into the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, and the same became mighty of old." From the King James Bible dictionary we find: "menchildren - men of Israel, male children of God, not children of man - Ex. 34:23." Ex. 34:7 states "The iniquity of the father will be unto the children unto the fourth generation." It is plain that something is inherited, could it be the blood?

Blood is mentioned more often than any other word in the Bible, except God. These two words you will find on almost every page, blood and God! (The blood of the Gods?) This message has been written for thousands of years. There is a connection between the blood and the Gods.

The American Indians had the tradition of making good friends, "blood brothers", if they thought they were worthy. Could this tradition have been for a reason? Could they have actually been checking to see if they were blood brothers (the same type blood)? The clumping (aggulation) that occurs when Rh positive and Rh negative blood are mixed is visible to the naked eye. Could they have been told, by their ancestors, that their blood was different from that of the rest of mankind except for their brothers and sisters, from other tribes, scattered throughout the earth. Indian tradition declares that their ancestors were of cosmic origin. The Indian totem pole is actually a family genealogy.

Why all this preoccupation with genealogy among different people scattered throughout the earth? No other animal on earth has this preoccupation with ancestry. Where did this tradition come from? People scattered throughout the earth, who have had no-known contact with each other all simultaneously have the urge to chart their family tree? Why? How important could this have been to primitive cave men? Struggling to survive, to chart their genealogy? They had no understanding of modern genetics and inheritance. So why should they preserve their genealogy? Were they told to preserve their heritage, until a future date when they would return and it would be understood? Until a time, like now, when their descendent would be able to understand the message they were leaving.

Although they probably didn't realize the importance of preserving their genealogy, they may have believed that future generations would understand. Are we that future generation? Was there a message left for us to understand? Do we have the courage to look for the answer?

Do we really want to know or would we rather keep our heads buried in the sand? What we don't know will still affect us. You will not see unless you look. Only through knowledge will we find truth.

Rh negative blood has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events.

For many years people have been searching for the wrong thing. Could the true "missing link" actually be man himself? The unknown link between earth and the stars - hybrid man. Is man the missing link between primate and extraterrestrial?

Upon x-raying the tomb of Makare, high priestess of Ammon, it was found that the infant buried with her labeled Prince Moutenihet was actually a female hamadryas baboon. An examination of Makare showed she had given birth shortly before dying.

Dear Bickle! Start to consider the possibility that you, the Rh positive primate that you are...have only just begun your evolutionary journey. Consider that you are evolving as fast as your little helix can regenerate!

The "others" who you so misunderstand have engaged you to our mutual benefit and survival!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You speak not with forked tongue here. Except I do not agree with your continue darksided veiled insults to the + humans.

I am O- RH- and I see through you.
Quoting: Merci

Insult? How so?

If a child is developmentally retarded in some way, does the parent do the child a service pretending it is some other way? Or does the parent teach what it can within the limits of that child's understanding?

Forked tongue? And after I specifically asked those posting to suspend that childish superstition!

Ne conjugare nobiscum
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:40 PM
DO you think globally, humans will ever be ready to except the possibilities that they have been lied to and continue to be lied to. It seems that there is at the moment some kind of global awareness going on. People are starting to "wake up, with eyes wide open".
Quoting: CrazyMama73

I believe the real question is whether humans will ever be ready to accept the truth and stop lying to themselves

a variant of the "beautiful lie"...oh! so easy to swallow.

Humans have locked themselves into cages of their own construction...albeit with some carefully placed "suggestions"

laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Some will, some wont. It is not our path to choose or MANIPULATE, it is theirs and their path is perfect for them.
You are right Humans choose their cages but that gives no other soul the right to lock the door.

Why do you laugh at human pain and fear?
Quoting: Merci

I stated clearly before, human pain and fear are "harvested".

I didn't state by whom...and one must realize that MANY forces are at play here. Primary, secondary and tertiary!

And then there are those who benefit as "middlemen"!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:41 PM

Added the S, left it out but, who cares they are left out of the Great Book as I said before stricken thrice.
Quoting: Merci

Roth means Red
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The color of BLOOD, s it not?

laughing (again) out loud!

Red Shield!

What is a shield again???

laughing out loud!!

There is oh so much to know and understand!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

some blood....laughing out loud...I do recall a picture of Jesus...chinese version he is in red....the other version he is wearing blue...I like blue...goes well with those apples...or grapes if you wish
Quoting: Lightfeather

You would mock Jesus? Why?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:44 PM
Is reality created for us or do we create our reality
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

By your existence, you create reality...however, YOU "yourself" (or at least your awareness) were created!

Thanks for playing!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 12:55 PM
Is reality created for us or do we create our reality
Quoting: Brennus 1290057
The reason why I ask this is,when I was younger it seemed I could manipulate the reality around me.I thought the world was created for me until I was 12.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

Curious. Are you Rh- ?

Deprogramming is common...the norm. Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own...held back... instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people". Who among you have not seen THIS dynamic at work...perhaps in your own lives!

Children, even Rh+, have great powers of perception and much latent "power". Some are able to "activate" and represent the evolutionary force at work. HOW they activate, and to what end, is cause for great and continuing speculation.

The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:01 PM
OP, if you really are a Roflschild, please support my footballclub. We could use some decent players.

Quoting: Superboer

I will advise you as follows:

You will develop the greatest football team in history if it is your destiny to do so, with or without external financial support. Realize also that any support you receive from those who do not share your vision is "external" and will come at a great price. That price will leave your dreams in ruin, for that is the nature of things.

If you have passion, and that passion is great, others with similar passion will take up your cause. And you will prevail.

Be forewarned, however, that ultimately your passion will destroy you and your dreams.

Dream rather that your progeny will have the type of team you desire and begin to lay the foundation for them!

This applies to everything, not just football!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:02 PM

I believe the real question is whether humans will ever be ready to accept the truth and stop lying to themselves

a variant of the "beautiful lie"...oh! so easy to swallow.

Humans have locked themselves into cages of their own construction...albeit with some carefully placed "suggestions"

laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Some will, some wont. It is not our path to choose or MANIPULATE, it is theirs and their path is perfect for them.
You are right Humans choose their cages but that gives no other soul the right to lock the door.

Why do you laugh at human pain and fear?
Quoting: Merci

I stated clearly before, human pain and fear are "harvested".

I didn't state by whom...and one must realize that MANY forces are at play here. Primary, secondary and tertiary!

And then there are those who benefit as "middlemen"!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Preaching to the choir here! Dont laugh at their ignorance and pain caused from their choices.
Quoting: Merci

You would presume to tell ME what to do?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:06 PM
Do you know if there is some truth to the studies that people with RH - blood type seem to be more intuitive, and so forth. WHY does RH - seem to have more Copper in their Blood, yet RH + has more Iron? Why does it seem that more people with RH - blood have extra vertebrae, lower blood pressure.. Is it just by coincidence?
Quoting: CrazyMama73

Higher copper is relevant and a factor from the environment of early development of the Rh-'s.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:13 PM
Is reality created for us or do we create our reality
Quoting: Brennus 1290057
The reason why I ask this is,when I was younger it seemed I could manipulate the reality around me.I thought the world was created for me until I was 12.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

Curious. Are you Rh- ?

Deprogramming is common...the norm. Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own...held back... instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people". Who among you have not seen THIS dynamic at work...perhaps in your own lives!

Children, even Rh+, have great powers of perception and much latent "power". Some are able to "activate" and represent the evolutionary force at work. HOW they activate, and to what end, is cause for great and continuing speculation.

The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
Yes I am Rh- so is my father and so is my new born son.As far as education I went to the worst school system in america I.P.S.I was given chances to go to better schools,cause of my I.Q but like you said earlier it is all about choices and I've made a shitload of bad ones.As I got older I realized I'm uneducated and my opinion means nothin.
Well with any luck my child will be the one to break the cycle.
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

A heartfelt observation, Brennus.

Embrace your bad choices as a learning experience and think of this: Did you make your "bad choices" despite the studied advice of others? If so, you are in the company of giants who have come before you. Know that you cannot make "good" choices in the realm of your existence.

Your father's ignorance was handed down to you, as yours will be to your child...unless you break from the paradigm which you find yourself.

Have you ever considered what "legacy" you would choose to gift your progeny? THAT is where it can all begin anew!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:14 PM
which "rofschild" are you?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

Who is asking? And why?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:15 PM
This whole thing about the First Nations Elders traveling around North America with the 13 Crystal Skulls, stating that it is now time for us to finally understand our meaning/reason for being here. Will that actually be a step in the right direction for us? If so, why would it be allowed to happen?
Quoting: CrazyMama73

You would do well to stay focused on your study of the Rh- issue you raised.

The NAI have their own knowledge and superstitions to contend with.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:24 PM
Far fetched question, but worth a shot.. Since the House of Rothschild owns pretty much all of the Hollywood Movie Studios.. are you allowing some of these doomsday movies out, to possibly help people open up to the possibilities of something MORE being out there?

Your family owns so much, jeez. Just going through a list from a book I have been reading.
Quoting: CrazyMama73

What is released into the social/media consciousness is NEVER an accident! Is it all in accordance with an agenda.

Romance movies, for example, can create discord within a family...and the family is where the bloodlines reside. Human females are easily subverted and largely selfish. I could comment in greater depth, but this would result in the activation of racism "subroutines"! I Know the power of THAT!

laughing out loud!

There are events which will come to pass, and others that will not. Looking at this site will educate those who understand that "doom distraction" is a powerful tool...a very useful tool of distraction.

Of course every family bloodline should prepare for whatever eventuality they can reasonable imagine...but taken to an extreme it is counterproductive. Can you REALLY prepare for an ELE? No, but you CAN prepare for a famine and currency "collapse".

Know that the so called "financial collapse" is a fiction, and preparing for a new financial system already established.

And yes, the ownership is largely complete. Realize that this is the result of generations of meticulous planning, execution and, dare I say it, GENIUS!

Of course, one can question the GENIUS aspect. If a bloodline knows exactly what will "happen", is it GENIUS?

I submit the unraveling of the mystery of the ages allowing this knowledge to be had is genius beyond that of human comprehension.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:29 PM

Curious. Are you Rh- ?

Deprogramming is common...the norm. Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own...held back... instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people". Who among you have not seen THIS dynamic at work...perhaps in your own lives!

Children, even Rh+, have great powers of perception and much latent "power". Some are able to "activate" and represent the evolutionary force at work. HOW they activate, and to what end, is cause for great and continuing speculation.

The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
Yes I am Rh- so is my father and so is my new born son.As far as education I went to the worst school system in america I.P.S.I was given chances to go to better schools,cause of my I.Q but like you said earlier it is all about choices and I've made a shitload of bad ones.As I got older I realized I'm uneducated and my opinion means nothin.
Well with any luck my child will be the one to break the cycle.
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

A heartfelt observation, Brennus.

Embrace your bad choices as a learning experience and think of this: Did you make your "bad choices" despite the studied advice of others? If so, you are in the company of giants who have come before you. Know that you cannot make "good" choices in the realm of your existence.

Your father's ignorance was handed down to you, as yours will be to your child...unless you break from the paradigm which you find yourself.

Have you ever considered what "legacy" you would choose to gift your progeny? THAT is where it can all begin anew!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
I never listened to no one I always felt like I was on a mission.Yes all the time he is my everything and I'm still to scared to hold him I would love to give him the chances that I never had.Let me say this,if you are a troll or a disinfo shill,You're the best damn shill I ever seen on the web and you are a very wise person,I had fun talking to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

I assure you, I am no shill or disinfo agent. There is no incentive to mislead.

You did not answer my question about your wish for your progeny. What are you hoping to pass to him? What knowledge do you hold dear? Have you considered this?

If you had those choices to make again, what would you do differently? How do you think it would have changed your current situation?

I do not understand your inability to hold your child. You must be strong, for the strength of the bloodline comes from the paternal side. You do not have the luxury to act any other way.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:45 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

, I rather die honest and poor, than die like a bunch of fat egocentric bastards who care about nobody but them selves.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

Well, you sound like you are positioned to do just that!

Let me ask you, do YOU have any DUTY to your bloodlines future well being and growth? Can you afford such bravado?

How will YOU discharge your duty?

Silly! See what plane you operate upon?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 01:51 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

No we are not the problem, maybe you egocentric bastards believe for your self that you aren't the problem, but you are.
We are here because of our choice, but by who get's my choice influenced? You guys have secret knowledge you won't share because you are afraid too loose your own illusion of power, because the fact is, you don't have it! That illusion is even bigger than the one we are believing. After all you guys are acting conscious. You are the one with the choice to choose good or bad, and you choose bad, we were put into this world and in this society and made a debt slave of the bankers. But even that was our own choice to experience this dimension/world so we can learn.

And regarding the "taste of your evil" I won't, because I have only 1 frequency that resonates with me, and that's mother earth, I rather die honest and poor, than die like a bunch of fat egocentric bastards who care about nobody but them selves.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

the jokes on them...there was no money in the beginning of when all matter returns back to its original place...guess what? No more money....and yea...I'm laughing my ass off can take that to the "bank"...
Quoting: Lightfeather

I'm curious Lightfeather...

Do YOU have a bank account? Do you transact YOUR business in fiat?

If no to both questions, then we MAY have a basis to talk.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:02 PM
1. What are the "right tools" for a human to pick the lock?

2. Are we more advanced than you guys are? (when unlocked 100% human potential of course)

3. Is it true that you guys switched off 95% of our DNA/Brain?

4a. About the bee's you mentioned earlier, I agree with you we are doing the same thing, but isn't that because we where not given the right knowledge to evolve correctly?

4b. But just taking honey from the bee, and leaving it alone (not with bad intentions) is a whole lot different then starting war and cause EXTREME PAIN around the globe, we do not do that to the bee's, at least not conscioussly, you guys are.

5. If you guys have such great powers because you posses secret knowledge, why don't you use it for the good, doesn't that give you a better feeling at the end?

6. What kind of race are you? Are you Alien/Reptilian/Insectoid/Android?

7. Is there any information you have about us to play with? Maybe a method to look in to another dimension (or something like that) ANYTHING AT ALL.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

1)The bloodline is all. I have said this from the beginning
2)Advanced? How so? As I understand your question: NO.
3) Not directly. Think free choice.
4) No. You have "free will" You make choices as you do. There is everything necessary for your nutrition without stealing or slaughtering animals. Have you checked out videos on how cows, chickens and pigs are "cared for/groomed" by humans? You will evolve when you lead by the example and treat animals the way you would be treated... oh! I guess you DO! Laughing out loud! Animal Husbandry. How humans DO CARE for their animals!
4b) See 4
5) Our knowledge is being used for "good", just as farm animals are used for YOUR good!
6) We are the chosen bloodline! What more do you need to know?
7) Sorry, I can't decipher your meaning.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:05 PM

No we are not the problem, maybe you egocentric bastards believe for your self that you aren't the problem, but you are.
We are here because of our choice, but by who get's my choice influenced? You guys have secret knowledge you won't share because you are afraid too loose your own illusion of power, because the fact is, you don't have it! That illusion is even bigger than the one we are believing. After all you guys are acting conscious. You are the one with the choice to choose good or bad, and you choose bad, we were put into this world and in this society and made a debt slave of the bankers. But even that was our own choice to experience this dimension/world so we can learn.

And regarding the "taste of your evil" I won't, because I have only 1 frequency that resonates with me, and that's mother earth, I rather die honest and poor, than die like a bunch of fat egocentric bastards who care about nobody but them selves.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

the jokes on them...there was no money in the beginning of when all matter returns back to its original place...guess what? No more money....and yea...I'm laughing my ass off can take that to the "bank"...
Quoting: Lightfeather

I'm curious Lightfeather...

Do YOU have a bank account? Do you transact YOUR business in fiat?

If no to both questions, then we MAY have a basis to talk.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

you mean fiat notes...yes...kinda have to for now, but soon it's a level playing field...barter and trade....good ole days a comming! and yea...been prepping for this like 7 years now...
Quoting: Lightfeather

Yet another Keyboard Warrior.

Of course you use fiat now and of course you will not "later". EVERYONE deceives themselves with this or similar fictions.

THAT is why we ALWAYS win this stupid game. The contestants are so naive and you so ably demonstrated!

What is stopping you, today, from forming a barter system within your community. Please do report back when you get that underway!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:15 PM

A heartfelt observation, Brennus.

Embrace your bad choices as a learning experience and think of this: Did you make your "bad choices" despite the studied advice of others? If so, you are in the company of giants who have come before you. Know that you cannot make "good" choices in the realm of your existence.

Your father's ignorance was handed down to you, as yours will be to your child...unless you break from the paradigm which you find yourself.

Have you ever considered what "legacy" you would choose to gift your progeny? THAT is where it can all begin anew!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
I never listened to no one I always felt like I was on a mission.Yes all the time he is my everything and I'm still to scared to hold him I would love to give him the chances that I never had.Let me say this,if you are a troll or a disinfo shill,You're the best damn shill I ever seen on the web and you are a very wise person,I had fun talking to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

I assure you, I am no shill or disinfo agent. There is no incentive to mislead.

You did not answer my question about your wish for your progeny. What are you hoping to pass to him? What knowledge do you hold dear? Have you considered this?

If you had those choices to make again, what would you do differently? How do you think it would have changed your current situation?

I do not understand your inability to hold your child. You must be strong, for the strength of the bloodline comes from the paternal side. You do not have the luxury to act any other way.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
I will teach him there is more to life then instant gratification.I have spent my time selfishly and the moment he was born I knew it was no longer about me it is all about him,it is his destiny now.The knowledge I hold dear is that the universe is god.I would have stayed in school gone to college and made something of myself.I would not have joined a gang and done all the stupid shit that goes with it.I would not have joined the military and done all the stupid shit that goes with that.My life would be better had I not spent most my time partying and chasing women.There for he would have so much more opportunity.I failed in living up to the expectations they had for me.I hope my son Brennus Alexander will.Oh the reason I'm so scared to hold him is because I am afraid I'll hurt him or he might get hurt while I hold him.
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

You have fully embraced your past mistakes! Congratulations!

Please do not make the mistake of letting your "past" distort your "future".

There is an interesting fairy tale told within business schools which may apply. Thomas Watson Sr was the leader of International Business Machines (IBM), a corporate entity closely tied to the US military. Supposedly, an employee made a huge mistake costing the company millions of dollars (back when that meant something). The employee was summoned to Watson's office and assumed he was going to be fired. Watson Sr asked the employee to explain what happened and what he had learned, and then told him to go back to work. The employee was flabbergasted and told Watson that he had expected to be terminated. Watson said "I just spent 10 million dollars on your education! Do you think I want a competitor of IBM to benefit from that education?"

Think about how well you will be able to advise and guide your son! He is lucky to have a man of your "real world" experience to guide and mentor him! It is doubtful you will be spouting useless platitudes and harmless untruths! YOU, sir, Have been in the real world and lived to tell its tales!

You must have family members who can teach you the correct way to hold your son! Do not be deprived of this experience for both of your sakes! Also, if he is still an infant, skin to skin bonding is important.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:18 PM
I mean do the math dipshits, if this fucking guy was who he said he was and was of any great importance at all, he would not be spending all of his time on a fucking conspiracy website arguing with stupid people
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

And you would be one of those "stupid people"?

Thanks for your thoughtful comments and observations.

Your logic is stunning!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:20 PM

I'm curious Lightfeather...

Do YOU have a bank account? Do you transact YOUR business in fiat?

If no to both questions, then we MAY have a basis to talk.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

you mean fiat notes...yes...kinda have to for now, but soon it's a level playing field...barter and trade....good ole days a comming! and yea...been prepping for this like 7 years now...
Quoting: Lightfeather

Yet another Keyboard Warrior.

Of course you use fiat now and of course you will not "later". EVERYONE deceives themselves with this or similar fictions.

THAT is why we ALWAYS win this stupid game. The contestants are so naive and you so ably demonstrated!

What is stopping you, today, from forming a barter system within your community. Please do report back when you get that underway!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Wow, OPie you are what humans call "evil" incarnate.

YOU are the kind, the LIGHT is coming to stop.
You are the one that should be shaking in fear. For the creator source is very unhappy with you.

If you were not fearful of losing everything you control YOU would not be on a public forum wasting your luxury time spreading half-truths, misconceptions, fear and confusion.

That nothingness that your ilk have convinced some in humanity exists, will exist for your kind very soon.

Total recycling of all that is not good and of the LIGHT.
Quoting: Merci

I have a very clear understanding and have no fear whatsoever.

Can you, Merci, with any conviction say the same?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:21 PM
I mean do the math dipshits, if this fucking guy was who he said he was and was of any great importance at all, he would not be spending all of his time on a fucking conspiracy website arguing with stupid people
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

And you would be one of those "stupid people"?

Thanks for your thoughtful comments and observations.

Your logic is stunning!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

no, actually i can tell you're completely full of fucking shit, and yes my logic is very stunning , shithead.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

The worker drone stops, raises its eyes to the sun and blinks...before returning to its toils!

Work on, little drone!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:23 PM
I mean do the math dipshits, if this fucking guy was who he said he was and was of any great importance at all, he would not be spending all of his time on a fucking conspiracy website arguing with stupid people
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

And you would be one of those "stupid people"?

Thanks for your thoughtful comments and observations.

Your logic is stunning!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ok I admit, that even made ME laugh.
Quoting: Merci

Laughter is the music of the soul, Merci.

Happy to be of service to your bloodline!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:24 PM
"Schadenfreude" is that what you get off on OP?
Quoting: Superboer

That's such a Germanic concept!

Laughing out loud!

I keep telling you...we are HIGHLY EVOLVED!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:27 PM

Yet another Keyboard Warrior.

Of course you use fiat now and of course you will not "later". EVERYONE deceives themselves with this or similar fictions.

THAT is why we ALWAYS win this stupid game. The contestants are so naive and you so ably demonstrated!

What is stopping you, today, from forming a barter system within your community. Please do report back when you get that underway!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Wow, OPie you are what humans call "evil" incarnate.

YOU are the kind, the LIGHT is coming to stop.
You are the one that should be shaking in fear. For the creator source is very unhappy with you.

If you were not fearful of losing everything you control YOU would not be on a public forum wasting your luxury time spreading half-truths, misconceptions, fear and confusion.

That nothingness that your ilk have convinced some in humanity exists, will exist for your kind very soon.

Total recycling of all that is not good and of the LIGHT.
Quoting: Merci

I have a very clear understanding and have no fear whatsoever.

Can you, Merci, with any conviction say the same?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Yes Opie, I can. Human emotion is part of the illusion of this dimension and is meant to control, that is part of the secret, now isn't it?
Quoting: Merci

Human emotion evolved to protect and nurture the bloodline and is critical to its survival!

However, as the great philosophers of the past have taught, it is the unbridled emotion which leads to mischief!

Great mischief!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:30 PM

And you would be one of those "stupid people"?

Thanks for your thoughtful comments and observations.

Your logic is stunning!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

no, actually i can tell you're completely full of fucking shit, and yes my logic is very stunning , shithead.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

The worker drone stops, raises its eyes to the sun and blinks...before returning to its toils!

Work on, little drone!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

that's where i got you dickface. i choose not to work at all.

i mean shit dude, who are you trying to convince here ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

Whether you labor and toil at a job or labor and toil under you delusions, is really one and the same.

Frankly, I am not surprised that you find yourself unemployed. You sound bitter and unpleasant!

And I am not here to convince anyone, just to provide some breadcrumbs to those wise enough to ask the right questions.

Had you bothered to read the header on every post, you would know I I have invited one and all to "axe me a question".

If you missed THAT clue, think of everything else you must be missing!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:32 PM
you about as evolved as a turd exiting my asshole
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

If I were a turd, you can bet I would be in a BIG hurry to exit YOUR asshole!

Life would HAVE to be better almost anywhere else in the known universe!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:34 PM
Why are some rh neg prone to diseases like lupus and can u tell me a cure or remedy?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2400848

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2400848

I don't really know offhand. There are a variety of autoimmune disorders which are primarily environmental in nature, but caused by a genetic predisposition.

If I locate any relevant information, I will post it here.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:36 PM
"Schadenfreude" is that what you get off on OP?
Quoting: Superboer

That's such a Germanic concept!

Laughing out loud!

I keep telling you...we are HIGHLY EVOLVED!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Which means in laymen's terms emotions are the issue with humans.

Your thoughts create emotions,
Your emotions create actions and so on.

To become evolved one cannot succumb to human emotions, they control them. They create with them. They use them to their advantage.

Wake up people, it is so easy, if you would just open your eyes and see what is higher then what this third dimension holds.

I can not even show you the path, you have to find it yourself.

FREEWILL was chosen.
Quoting: Merci

Human emotions are a hybrid between the ancestor "fight/flight" and adopted characteristics.

Obtaining control of the human emotions is humas greatest imparative and challenge. How may eons is THAT one going to take!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:39 PM
im still missing the fact that you claim to be a very important person.. yet you spend all of your time on a website going on and on about bloodlines and how you think you're more evolved than everyone else.

Well fuck you man, i'm not buying your little troll story.

And if you actually were who you say you are, fuck you anyways.

So either way you're fucked
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I'm not "selling" anyway, so you are good to go!

Why, please tell, are you so angry? If you choose to not believe what is being stated here, why not move to a thread more along the lines of what you are programmed to receive?

Something like "America's Got Class" or whatever the popular meme of the moment is??

Laughing out loud!

And have I once said ANYTHING about trolls?

Cute little imps!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:42 PM
Ok I'm gonna axe you this.About 4years ago,right before my 33 birthday I was given something In the mail,it said I had been watched for years and they gave me a chance to join a certain group and would give me a book with all the contacts I ever needed,I did not join and kinda blew it off as just a really weird letter.So my question is will they give me another chance to join?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

Hard to know what that was about, but I would be highly skeptical. Generally, contacts are NEVER made in writing!

Writing? Information is priceless! Priceless information anyway! Doubtful anything would be "stuck in your mailbox" in such a haphazard method.

I would say likely not of value.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:45 PM
Why are some rh neg prone to diseases like lupus and can u tell me a cure or remedy?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2400848

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2400848

I don't really know offhand. There are a variety of autoimmune disorders which are primarily environmental in nature, but caused by a genetic predisposition.

If I locate any relevant information, I will post it here.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Thank you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2400848

Have you explored the wacky world of fats and oils? Look up a book by a chap named Erasmus, I believe.

Anyone suffering from any autoimmune disorder should look closely at their diets. Humans are designed to run on high quality plant oil and certain fats. They are also well advised to refrain from glutens and most carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the trojan horse for the pharma industry.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:49 PM
im still missing the fact that you claim to be a very important person.. yet you spend all of your time on a website going on and on about bloodlines and how you think you're more evolved than everyone else.

Well fuck you man, i'm not buying your little troll story.

And if you actually were who you say you are, fuck you anyways.

So either way you're fucked
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I'm not "selling" anyway, so you are good to go!

Why, please tell, are you so angry? If you choose to not believe what is being stated here, why not move to a thread more along the lines of what you are programmed to receive?

Something like "America's Got Class" or whatever the popular meme of the moment is??

Laughing out loud!

And have I once said ANYTHING about trolls?

Cute little imps!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

you are certainly a clever little weasel aren't you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I think the expression is "clever as a FOX".

If you are implying that I have been deceptive or nefarious in my responses, it is incumbent upon you to provide proof of your assertion.

Keep in mind that a deliberate and unprovoked affront to a mans honor is a grave offense. Best be careful what you say from the relative safety of your keyboard!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:52 PM
I have another question to axe you.Could you help me with the funds to start a fish farm?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

I would say the same thing to you as the football guy.

There would be too many "strings" attached!

Go start your little fish farm with your own two hands! Only then will it truly be yours!

Do you believe it to be human nature to give unselfishly to others? Where are you seeing that example in human behavior or nature?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:54 PM

I'm not "selling" anyway, so you are good to go!

Why, please tell, are you so angry? If you choose to not believe what is being stated here, why not move to a thread more along the lines of what you are programmed to receive?

Something like "America's Got Class" or whatever the popular meme of the moment is??

Laughing out loud!

And have I once said ANYTHING about trolls?

Cute little imps!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

you are certainly a clever little weasel aren't you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I think the expression is "clever as a FOX".

If you are implying that I have been deceptive or nefarious in my responses, it is incumbent upon you to provide proof of your assertion.

Keep in mind that a deliberate and unprovoked affront to a mans honor is a grave offense. Best be careful what you say from the relative safety of your keyboard!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

wow, im shakin, better send one of your minions after me, fuck you and your honor, asshatmcgee.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

Your tremors will subside, little drone.

I have no minions to dispatch, nor would I if I did. You are all tied up like a knot in your own little drama, of which I seek no part!

Was asshatmcgee a character in your ethnic mythology? If so, what were his accomplishments?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:57 PM
better keep your composure big guy
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I'm fine. It was you who was shaking!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:58 PM
I have another question to axe you.Could you help me with the funds to start a fish farm?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057
That was me axing you.Man I'm broke as hell and have bad credit,so if you could do a cracker a solid ,I'd pay it back twofold
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

So how much do you need to start a fishfarm and what tools do you possess to accomplish this?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:59 PM
I have another question to axe you.Could you help me with the funds to start a fish farm?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

I would say the same thing to you as the football guy.

There would be too many "strings" attached!

Go start your little fish farm with your own two hands! Only then will it truly be yours!

Do you believe it to be human nature to give unselfishly to others? Where are you seeing that example in human behavior or nature?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Many people gave money for the victims of tsunamis, earthquakes, famines.
Quoting: Superboer

Yes. And then ask yourself WHY?

Extend and pretend, perhaps?

The sins of the fathers?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 02:59 PM
better keep your composure big guy
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I'm fine. It was you who was shaking!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

sorry, i had to take a dump. all is well now
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I pity any co-dwellers of your abode!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:01 PM

I'm not "selling" anyway, so you are good to go!

Why, please tell, are you so angry? If you choose to not believe what is being stated here, why not move to a thread more along the lines of what you are programmed to receive?

Something like "America's Got Class" or whatever the popular meme of the moment is??

Laughing out loud!

And have I once said ANYTHING about trolls?

Cute little imps!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

you are certainly a clever little weasel aren't you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I think the expression is "clever as a FOX".

If you are implying that I have been deceptive or nefarious in my responses, it is incumbent upon you to provide proof of your assertion.

Keep in mind that a deliberate and unprovoked affront to a mans honor is a grave offense. Best be careful what you say from the relative safety of your keyboard!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

That's right, Or he will threaten you in Latin.

Got to go for today Opie, I do have a abundantly full, rich, wonderful life to live.
I would say don't despair I will return but, we never despair do we?
I will return to right the wrongs you have perpetrated on humanity once again very soon.

Peace be unto you all until we meet again.
Quoting: Merci

All the best to you and your bloodlines Merci!

Enjoy the day, even if you don't seize it!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:02 PM

I'm fine. It was you who was shaking!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

sorry, i had to take a dump. all is well now
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

I pity any co-dwellers of your abode!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

i crap alone
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

Again, not a surprise. You live alone and have no gainful employment.

Socialization does not come easy to you, no?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:09 PM
OP, don't you think the movie "The Matrix" is very close to the truth, except the chains are an illusion? We have the ability to loose the chains that bind. Isn't true freedom being totally without fear and knowing that the entire universe serves us? Why is there no concrete evidence that the man 'Jesus' existed?

Can you tell me anything about zero point?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

There was no "truth" in the MATRIX movie, per se.

There was a LOT of subliminal programming and suggestion which was most effective!

Fear is a human construct! Think on that. It is within your scope to live without fear. Truly the beginning signs of evolution!

Think back of all the fears you have had in your life! How many really panned out in any meaningful way? Even those events which had a "bad ending" is only bad in a limited and contextual way. Context is very important, as is perspective! Numerous examples abound!

The universe does not necessarily serve us, but it provides all which is needed...and more.

Someone posted a thought about the amount of energy between ambient and absolute zero is nearly infinite. The energy contained within an atom is beyond human comprehension!

Read of Tesla. He is the real deal! Don't waste time with the hucksters on the internet, although tere are a few who acknowledge and are trying to continue Tesla's hundred years later!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:12 PM
ok it's been fun givin you shit dude, but i have some shit to do, it's been real.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4417209

Farewell, Sir.

I bid you well in your travels and future bowel movements!

User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:16 PM
I have another question to axe you.Could you help me with the funds to start a fish farm?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057
That was me axing you.Man I'm broke as hell and have bad credit,so if you could do a cracker a solid ,I'd pay it back twofold
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

So how much do you need to start a fishfarm and what tools do you possess to accomplish this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
Enough to buy 10 acres or at least have a down payment ,a small backhoe(could rent the backhoe)to dig the ponds,hell I'd even be willing to do it by hand if I had the land,equipment such as pumps and motors to oxygenate the water for fish,fish(trout,bass maybe crappie)and a little money to hold me over while it all gets up and running.Fifty thousand would cover it.I have a good knowledge of fish and their upkeep,with people polluting the oceans,lakes and rivers farm raised fish will be the way to go.It seems it would be a good business opportunity.
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

There are areas around the world that will "deed" you land if you will work it.

Are you agreeable to relocate with your family? If so, I may be able to provide you with some information.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:20 PM
1. What are the "right tools" for a human to pick the lock?

2. Are we more advanced than you guys are? (when unlocked 100% human potential of course)

3. Is it true that you guys switched off 95% of our DNA/Brain?

4a. About the bee's you mentioned earlier, I agree with you we are doing the same thing, but isn't that because we where not given the right knowledge to evolve correctly?

4b. But just taking honey from the bee, and leaving it alone (not with bad intentions) is a whole lot different then starting war and cause EXTREME PAIN around the globe, we do not do that to the bee's, at least not conscioussly, you guys are.

5. If you guys have such great powers because you posses secret knowledge, why don't you use it for the good, doesn't that give you a better feeling at the end?

6. What kind of race are you? Are you Alien/Reptilian/Insectoid/Android?

7. Is there any information you have about us to play with? Maybe a method to look in to another dimension (or something like that) ANYTHING AT ALL.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

1)The bloodline is all. I have said this from the beginning
2)Advanced? How so? As I understand your question: NO.
3) Not directly. Think free choice.
4) No. You have "free will" You make choices as you do. There is everything necessary for your nutrition without stealing or slaughtering animals. Have you checked out videos on how cows, chickens and pigs are "cared for/groomed" by humans? You will evolve when you lead by the example and treat animals the way you would be treated... oh! I guess you DO! Laughing out loud! Animal Husbandry. How humans DO CARE for their animals!
4b) See 4
5) Our knowledge is being used for "good", just as farm animals are used for YOUR good!
6) We are the chosen bloodline! What more do you need to know?
7) Sorry, I can't decipher your meaning.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

at question 2: Ok if we are not more advanced then you are, why are you so afraid of us learning to use our full potential?

at question 3: And yes I DID see the videos of the animal farms, and you know what? I got sick, I never knew this, I got sick to my stomach and all the way back... After this growth in consciouss I decided (with all my family) to NOT eat meat again, BECAUSE WE DO CARE ABOUT A BETTER WORLD! UNLIKE YOU GUYS DO WITH YOUR HIGH CONSCIOUSSNESS.

at question 5: So you admit you are doing it for YOUR OWN good? So basically you are saying we are BOTH doing the wrong thing right? Because the only right thing is unconditional love right? (loving something not because it's for your own good, but just because it is.) How come I am changing my self to make a better world, and how to tune into my unconditional love state of mind, and you (as highly advanced as you are) are still stuck on the same low vibrating level as us Humans? That doesn't make sense, either you guys are just full of shit, or I don't want to evolve, because if that's the price to pay, hurt other beings CONSCIOUSS then I'd rather be stupid then highly advanced.

at question 6: The choosen blood line, for what? And yes, you DO need to say more.

at question 7: Well, if you are so highly advanced and got a head start of a few thousand years in knowledge, then you must got something for us humans to activate something inside of us or something.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

Unfortunately, I started at your question #7.

"must got something for us humans to activate something inside us or something"?

No...but YOU do.

Glad to hear you have given up meat eating! You should take up the cause with your family as well. It will benefit your particular bloodline.

And I am not "afraid" of you "activating your potential". Go for it!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:23 PM
OP, don't you think the movie "The Matrix" is very close to the truth, except the chains are an illusion? We have the ability to loose the chains that bind. Isn't true freedom being totally without fear and knowing that the entire universe serves us? Why is there no concrete evidence that the man 'Jesus' existed?

Can you tell me anything about zero point?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

There was no "truth" in the MATRIX movie, per se.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ah, you've got to be kidding! You even stated that our fear and stress is harvested. The scenery may change, but it's still the same road for most. We work, toil and die. The struggle is essentially within ourselves.

NEO achieved polarity integration at the very end of the movie. He faced himself, had compassion and transcended. That movie is so close to the truth! Of course, you wouldn't want NEOs outsmarting the system.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1444651

No, I am not kidding. I don't kid much...although I did joke with the poster who was fixated upon his bowel movement. Almost any child will laugh when one says poop, pee or other acts of defecation!

Never understood that.

If you choose to believe the "lessons" of the MATRIX, feel free! I have told you what I know to be the with it what you will.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:27 PM

So how much do you need to start a fishfarm and what tools do you possess to accomplish this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
Enough to buy 10 acres or at least have a down payment ,a small backhoe(could rent the backhoe)to dig the ponds,hell I'd even be willing to do it by hand if I had the land,equipment such as pumps and motors to oxygenate the water for fish,fish(trout,bass maybe crappie)and a little money to hold me over while it all gets up and running.Fifty thousand would cover it.I have a good knowledge of fish and their upkeep,with people polluting the oceans,lakes and rivers farm raised fish will be the way to go.It seems it would be a good business opportunity.
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

There are areas around the world that will "deed" you land if you will work it.

Are you agreeable to relocate with your family? If so, I may be able to provide you with some information.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
Yes I am interested.Please send me some information.
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

There is a lot of activity in the Yukon...if you can tolerate the harsh weather!

Do you know the marinara islands? They do a lot of aquaculture....raising clams for example. The chinese pay something like $300 per pound of powdered clams because they deem it to be an aphrodisiac or something. They also raise huge clams for aquariums around the world.

It may be possible to form a partnership as the investors do not wish to live on the small islands themselves.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:49 PM

1)The bloodline is all. I have said this from the beginning
2)Advanced? How so? As I understand your question: NO.
3) Not directly. Think free choice.
4) No. You have "free will" You make choices as you do. There is everything necessary for your nutrition without stealing or slaughtering animals. Have you checked out videos on how cows, chickens and pigs are "cared for/groomed" by humans? You will evolve when you lead by the example and treat animals the way you would be treated... oh! I guess you DO! Laughing out loud! Animal Husbandry. How humans DO CARE for their animals!
4b) See 4
5) Our knowledge is being used for "good", just as farm animals are used for YOUR good!
6) We are the chosen bloodline! What more do you need to know?
7) Sorry, I can't decipher your meaning.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

at question 2: Ok if we are not more advanced then you are, why are you so afraid of us learning to use our full potential?

at question 3: And yes I DID see the videos of the animal farms, and you know what? I got sick, I never knew this, I got sick to my stomach and all the way back... After this growth in consciouss I decided (with all my family) to NOT eat meat again, BECAUSE WE DO CARE ABOUT A BETTER WORLD! UNLIKE YOU GUYS DO WITH YOUR HIGH CONSCIOUSSNESS.

at question 5: So you admit you are doing it for YOUR OWN good? So basically you are saying we are BOTH doing the wrong thing right? Because the only right thing is unconditional love right? (loving something not because it's for your own good, but just because it is.) How come I am changing my self to make a better world, and how to tune into my unconditional love state of mind, and you (as highly advanced as you are) are still stuck on the same low vibrating level as us Humans? That doesn't make sense, either you guys are just full of shit, or I don't want to evolve, because if that's the price to pay, hurt other beings CONSCIOUSS then I'd rather be stupid then highly advanced.

at question 6: The choosen blood line, for what? And yes, you DO need to say more.

at question 7: Well, if you are so highly advanced and got a head start of a few thousand years in knowledge, then you must got something for us humans to activate something inside of us or something.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

Unfortunately, I started at your question #7.

"must got something for us humans to activate something inside us or something"?

No...but YOU do.

Glad to hear you have given up meat eating! You should take up the cause with your family as well. It will benefit your particular bloodline.

And I am not "afraid" of you "activating your potential". Go for it!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ok thank you!

I know that I posses that potential, but we have little or NO knowledge at all about our soul, brain, higher self, I just wouldn't know where to begin, maybe I already begun (because I'm changing my self for the good of all)

Got 4 other questions:

1. Are the conspiracy theory's put on internet by purpose to hold people in fear (for your energy) or is it really because of people wakening up? And why are we reading that you are doing everything to stop our "awakening?"

2. What about this whole Maya calender thing, 2012, Nibiru, Elenin etc. could you PLEASE clear this a bit up? What do you know about these subjects? Are there really portals opening?

3. What happens if we realize we life in a illusion etc. etc. etc. and you loose power, is it true that you guys die because you can't life on our energy anymore? And isn't there another way to "use" us, but not for your own good, but for the good of the universe/all there is?

4. How to get RID of all the filters in your head? And see the world as it really is?
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

1) What happens on the internet is a good example of the human de-volvement, for lack of a better word. A kernel of "truth and knowledge" emerges, from whatever source, and immediately a swarm of humans take that kernel and grind it into a useless meal. It is quite perplexing, but an example of some self-styled "messiah" trying to emerge as a leader for usually selfish reasons. Humans are quick to sacrifice their own at the altar of "beautiful lies" for even the smallest advantage!

For many years, human governments were pitted one against the other...resulting in wars, famine and poverty...except for the banking classes! They benefited greatly from war! And still do. As the era of the nation state comes to a close...on the cusp of a global world order...competing nations will give way to class warfare and ultimately competing bloodlines. Poor Chinese will hate rich chinese...poor americans will hate rich americans...europeans the same. Poor will wage war against the "rich" much larger scale than nation states. Perhaps you are seeing this play out now!

Laughing out loud!

2) Distractions, all. And yes, there are portals, but not what you imagine!

3) The musician, John Lennon asked that very question in his music.."can man live without his illusions"? A very dangerous question! But one you must answer for yourself....and your progeny!

4) The filters are there for a reason. Figure out the reason and you will have your answer. CLUE: FEAR BASED! Children are programmed from birth to respond to FEAR! Why?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/01/2011 03:55 PM
Off for now, children. But do keep those cards and letters coming in!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:02 AM
OP, I am not sure if you have read a book called "Old World Secrets The Omega Project Codes"? If so, any truth to what he said?
Quoting: CrazyMama73

Have not read this book, CM.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:07 AM

Unfortunately, I started at your question #7.

"must got something for us humans to activate something inside us or something"?

No...but YOU do.

Glad to hear you have given up meat eating! You should take up the cause with your family as well. It will benefit your particular bloodline.

And I am not "afraid" of you "activating your potential". Go for it!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ok thank you!

I know that I posses that potential, but we have little or NO knowledge at all about our soul, brain, higher self, I just wouldn't know where to begin, maybe I already begun (because I'm changing my self for the good of all)

Got 4 other questions:

1. Are the conspiracy theory's put on internet by purpose to hold people in fear (for your energy) or is it really because of people wakening up? And why are we reading that you are doing everything to stop our "awakening?"

2. What about this whole Maya calender thing, 2012, Nibiru, Elenin etc. could you PLEASE clear this a bit up? What do you know about these subjects? Are there really portals opening?

3. What happens if we realize we life in a illusion etc. etc. etc. and you loose power, is it true that you guys die because you can't life on our energy anymore? And isn't there another way to "use" us, but not for your own good, but for the good of the universe/all there is?

4. How to get RID of all the filters in your head? And see the world as it really is?
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

1) What happens on the internet is a good example of the human de-volvement, for lack of a better word. A kernel of "truth and knowledge" emerges, from whatever source, and immediately a swarm of humans take that kernel and grind it into a useless meal. It is quite perplexing, but an example of some self-styled "messiah" trying to emerge as a leader for usually selfish reasons. Humans are quick to sacrifice their own at the altar of "beautiful lies" for even the smallest advantage!

For many years, human governments were pitted one against the other...resulting in wars, famine and poverty...except for the banking classes! They benefited greatly from war! And still do. As the era of the nation state comes to a close...on the cusp of a global world order...competing nations will give way to class warfare and ultimately competing bloodlines. Poor Chinese will hate rich chinese...poor americans will hate rich americans...europeans the same. Poor will wage war against the "rich" much larger scale than nation states. Perhaps you are seeing this play out now!

Laughing out loud!

2) Distractions, all. And yes, there are portals, but not what you imagine!

3) The musician, John Lennon asked that very question in his music.."can man live without his illusions"? A very dangerous question! But one you must answer for yourself....and your progeny!

4) The filters are there for a reason. Figure out the reason and you will have your answer. CLUE: FEAR BASED! Children are programmed from birth to respond to FEAR! Why?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

1: No don't see it quite yet, don't understand in the context you placed it (the meaning) but I will.. thank you!

2: Are you serious? So you are saying that a whole history (with temples and stuff) were created to fool us? Or distract us? Distract us from what? There must be something going on that does NOT benefit if you guys want to distract us.. But why?

3: A dangerous question, for who? A dangerous question for the person in question because the "ego" see's it as danger because it's an outside of the box question? Or a dangerous question for you guys if we ask that our self?

4: I know that they are there for a reason, I also know it's fear based, because every time we get "fear" we let our Reptilian brain (survival mode) take over, we are literally clicking backwards with our Amygdala into our Reptilian brain, instead of clicking forward into our Frontal Lobe. Am I right about the fact that the reptilian brain is a HUGE part in the manipulations? I must say, I get chills on my body if I see how perfectly planned this is, and effective.. I got respect for it, but not for the purpose it's been used, but that's a different thing!
Am I also right if I say that our EGO get's trapped by the Fight/Flee working of the Reptilian brain?

Got a new question:

5. How do YOU look at us humans? Do you see us as less, or the same? Do you feel sorry for us? Do you have a sense of guild? Do you ever think about you abusing humans as a highly race? I know we are doing the same, but if you posses the knowledge for unconditional love and you are conscious of it, and that with out it you create pain, than I don't understand (from my point of view) why you do not use this.. If I got the choice to give up EVERYTHING I have, to just taste a little of this knowledge, I would give it all (IF I knew I could use it for GOOD purpose ofcourse) If you are reptilian, is it true that you don't have a MEMMAL brain, and could that be the reason why you can live with your self, without have a feeling of guild?

If you choose to believe the "lessons" of the MATRIX, feel free! I have told you what I know to be the with it what you will.
Quoting: Mindfulnesz

So you don't even know if your truth is the truth so your truth may be not true, where does that leave you?
And how do you know, that YOU don't live in an illusion (just like us) and the same thing happens to you? Hahahah That would be ironic, the energy harvesters getting harvested :P No but serious, if you speak the truth about you guys harvesting us (with out us knowing), then how the fuck do you know that you don't get harvested/manipulated, ever thought about that? I was never comfortable seeing the world as it is with all the violence and pain, because if WE do it, WHO else is doing it and on what level? Aren't you uncomfortable by your own actions, and not afraid it happens to you? Well I did my whole life, and look at it now, I'm about to learn THAT IT IS. (in the universe)

#2) When I said distraction, it was relevant to the development of YOUR bloodline...not that the pyramids were built to confuse and confound you! I do affirmatively state that the Mayan "timeline" IS a distraction and has no relevance to "future" events.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:22 AM

1-) So, you are the chosen "bloodline" but for what? And what does it grant to you?

2-) What is the purpose of the world governement? Will banking class create new wars and profit from them? Actually what i want to know is, what is your future visions and plans? Tell me what you can please.

3-) Do you REALLY believe that humans have "free will"? If you do, please explain why.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14705046

1)"Chosen" for survival and propagation of the "species", I suppose. "Chosen" to assert our history and bloodline. "Chosen" is a misnomer however...we are engaged in an EPIC struggle, as are you.

2) The purpose of the world government is to assert total control of the "masses" and harvest their "energy".

In a sense, there is no "future". Currently, you note a consolidation of the few remaining countries without a "central bank"...and how rapidly this is occurring. Look for Syria next to fall, and fall quickly.

North Korea has already cut a deal under the aegis of China...feit accompli. Cuba has also agreed to the North American integration once Fidel "passes".

That leaves IRAN. And biblical prophesy. The fallout from that conflict sets the stage for the true new world order as has been broadcast in the media for the last 13 years or so.

3) Of course, humans have free will. However, free will without intelligence, imagination and the "will" to evolve is meaningless. Similar to giving an infant the keys to a vehicle...what are they going to do with all that potential?

Look to the routines in your own life and ask what YOU do with YOUR free will to improve your bloodline...
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:23 AM
You know your money and power can't save you from what's coming upon you! That goes for all the other bloodlines that are affiliated with the elites.
Quoting: Truth777 1813511

Money is meaningless. Only power matters.

And we have all that is needed.

From where does your POWER come from?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:34 AM
So what is your diet like, OP, since you don't eat meat? Do you grow your own food? Do you buy organic?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1550123

An excellent question!

Meat is only used...occasionally...for ritual purposes. Those who have actually read the bible understand on some level the need and significance of "sacrifice" in the cosmic "wheel".

Ritual and symbolism are extremely relevant, but generally humans concern themselves with non-sense like comets and old calendars.

Generally, eat to your blood type. There is no universal one size fits all.

The human diet should be primarily fat, plant based is preferable...with proteins next based on the humans "lifestyle".

Carbohydrates should be avoided at all costs.

If one wishes to really stretch the mind, check out that Indian fellow who lives on sunlight alone. He is on a very productive path...and of course being mocked to no end...

Laughing out loud!!

If one chooses to pen and slaughter animals, one should consider the longer term ramifications of their actions. It is very simple-minded to think there are no consequences for the wholesale slaughter of "innocents"...particularly with so many better options available.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:41 AM
Dear Anony,

Would you mind to elaborate why we would need to pay more attention to our bloodline? Rest of us (95%) is mixed at that point that nothing is authentic anymore. So the question is could it be better genetic material around (even better than your lineage) by mixing different types or even by altering (extra.s)?

I understand you have to care about your own bloodline as a gatekeeper, never know what can be obtained by diluting it…On the other hand this is somewhat you have figure it out. I would say there is still room for improvement.

To me, the concept you presented could be valid to a certain degree. You didn't explain how "unseen matter" is connected to genetic material. Please expand a bit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1563701

Pollution of your bloodline is the only relevant issue. As I quoted earlier in another post, the word bloodline is mentioned most frequently after "God" in the bible. There is a reason why.

Note that many ethnic groups try and protect their bloodlines. Indians with their arranged marriages and so forth. Look at the efforts by Israel to prevent their offspring from mating outside of the tribe. LOTS of stress on that one as the kids have fallen from the "faith".

The tools to dilute opposing bloodlines has been VERY effective. Look at white women who are now breeding with negroids...THAT would have been unheard of even a generation ago...but now it is paraded as being progressive!

However one feels about any particular race, all that is necessary to do is look at the prevalent characteristics and decide if future generations would benefit or be detrimental to their future growth. Negroid race has a lower IQ...that is a FACT beyond debate, and is documented but not publicized for obvious reasons.

Carry on, Children!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:47 AM
Apparently OPs bloodline has issues. See this other thread started by the troll. LOL

Thread: Anyone Have Any Advice to help CLUELESS KIDS?
Quoting: javadave

haha, !
Quoting: CrazyMama73

I'm surprised that you don't know that ALL the elites obtain their child rearing information from this blog! SO many learned posters with so much wisdom!

Look up "occipital sloping ridge" and "opposing digits" and see how you are stacking up, developmentally, to YOUR competition!

Very evolved that the trolls and trollops are throwing diversions to distract from things they don't, or don't want to, understand!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:48 AM
I didn't know they allowed computer time at the loony bin, OP.
Quoting: javadave

Most obviously they do, as confirmed by your presence here!

Welcome and do post again!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:50 AM

How's the rift within the global power grab among various interests (bloodlines)unfolding?
Quoting: Arcturus 1553128

As one would expect, I suppose.

Keep in mind that two or more who hold a great secret, conferring great power, have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo in many respects.

The REAL struggle will BEGIN AFTER the "consolidation"...which is coming soon to a theater near you!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 11:55 AM

More along the lines of "wishful thinking".

Ask your average worker drone what they would do if tomorrow morning they won the lottery and received a BAJILLION dollars.

Now, study the answers and see what I mean.

Illusions upon illusions.

stupid little children...under the care of the shepherd
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

if I won it...I would use it to bring down you bastards...every last penny of it!
Quoting: Lightfeather

Interesting. What would your very first move be?

Let me guess...a new car and a new house...drawing the noose tighter before even giving it a thought.

laugh out loud

the irony is that you are best able to effect the change you espouse a slave...since you truly have so little to lose.

Seriously, what is stopping you from acting NOW...instead of when you receive your BAJILLION dollar payout

laugh out loud

oh, this is RICH...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I find me in total agreement with what OP says, whoever might be, and even if he is just a troll. I have done the mental exercise of figuring out what I'd so if I could do anything at will, and the results are dissapointing, to say the least.
Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe (nli) 4556245

Hello Pepe,

Confusion and discouragement are the first steps to the path of growth. You will know the truth when you hear it as it is encoded into your bloodlines. YOU are a placeholder in time for your bloodline...nothing more or less.

Make the tough decisions now and do what you can
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 12:08 PM
Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe
Hello Pepe,

Confusion and discouragement are the first steps to the path of growth. You will know the truth when you hear it as it is encoded into your bloodlines. YOU are a placeholder in time for your bloodline...nothing more or less.

Make the tough decisions now and do what you can
Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe

Now I am intrigued and surprised. You seem to be way more perceptive than I could imagine.

It seems that you could accurately see in which state I am currently.


I mean, mind state.

I understand that many are trying to evolve from their present "reality". Keep in mind that what you are "experiencing" is by design, and that most will perish.

Stresses such as you are experiencing are possibly your "salvation", if you are wise enough to make intelligent decisions going forward. As I explained to another poster who was bemoaning his "past" decisions...mistakes can be EXTREMELY valuable!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 12:12 PM
Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe
Hello Pepe,

Confusion and discouragement are the first steps to the path of growth. You will know the truth when you hear it as it is encoded into your bloodlines. YOU are a placeholder in time for your bloodline...nothing more or less.

Make the tough decisions now and do what you can
Quoting: Red Hot Chilean Pepe

Now I am intrigued and surprised. You seem to be way more perceptive than I could imagine.

It seems that you could accurately see in which state I am currently.


I mean, mind state.

You might want to consider changing you avatar.

Place something there more affirming to what you hope to evolve into. A confused coyote send your subconscious the "wrong" message!

What attribute do you think represents most accurately how you would LIKE to be?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 12:19 PM
(OP), thank you very much for your time and effort!!
Quoting: artMan 4559305

You are welcome, artman.

I would note that you are, for the most part, the first poster who has chosen to offer something other than a low-brow "insult"...although the insults generally are without imagination or intellect. You obviously do not fear stretching your "reality" to accommodate things for which you are not familiar.

The elite bloodlines have developed wit and intelligence in "the courts of kings"...not watching commercial television.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 12:38 PM

Dear Anony,

However one feels about any particular race, all that is necessary to do is look at the prevalent characteristics and decide if future generations would benefit or be detrimental to their future growth. Negroid race has a lower IQ...that is a FACT beyond debate, and is documented but not publicized for obvious reasons.

Carry on, Children!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1563701

You are so fucking full of it! There is no such thing as a 'fact' and one man decided that the black race was less intelligent? And no, I am not black. I think it's obvious what bloodlines have been in control and the shape this world is in. Who is the more intelligent?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Believe what you will!

Laughing out Loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 12:40 PM
Dear Anony,

Would you mind to elaborate why we would need to pay more attention to our bloodline? Rest of us (95%) is mixed at that point that nothing is authentic anymore. So the question is could it be better genetic material around (even better than your lineage) by mixing different types or even by altering (extra.s)?

I understand you have to care about your own bloodline as a gatekeeper, never know what can be obtained by diluting it…On the other hand this is somewhat you have figure it out. I would say there is still room for improvement.

To me, the concept you presented could be valid to a certain degree. You didn't explain how "unseen matter" is connected to genetic material. Please expand a bit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1563701

Pollution of your bloodline is the only relevant issue. As I quoted earlier in another post, the word bloodline is mentioned most frequently after "God" in the bible. There is a reason why.

Note that many ethnic groups try and protect their bloodlines. Indians with their arranged marriages and so forth. Look at the efforts by Israel to prevent their offspring from mating outside of the tribe. LOTS of stress on that one as the kids have fallen from the "faith".

The tools to dilute opposing bloodlines has been VERY effective. Look at white women who are now breeding with negroids...THAT would have been unheard of even a generation ago...but now it is paraded as being progressive!

However one feels about any particular race, all that is necessary to do is look at the prevalent characteristics and decide if future generations would benefit or be detrimental to their future growth. Negroid race has a lower IQ...that is a FACT beyond debate, and is documented but not publicized for obvious reasons.

Carry on, Children!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201
So you're saying that your race is opposed to the white race?If so that means the jewish people are trying to breed us out and make us stupid by making it cool to breed with Yo boi, I tink eminem is da bess rappa. He be spitin dat hawt fi'yahs
Quoting: Brennus 1290057

You may have noted this trend in your local media.

Now check out what the nation of Israel is doing to encourage their offspring to avoid GOYEM infiltrating their family bloodlines...and draw your own conclusions.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 02:55 PM

1-) So, you are the chosen "bloodline" but for what? And what does it grant to you?

2-) What is the purpose of the world governement? Will banking class create new wars and profit from them? Actually what i want to know is, what is your future visions and plans? Tell me what you can please.

3-) Do you REALLY believe that humans have "free will"? If you do, please explain why.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14705046

1)"Chosen" for survival and propagation of the "species", I suppose. "Chosen" to assert our history and bloodline. "Chosen" is a misnomer however...we are engaged in an EPIC struggle, as are you.

2) The purpose of the world government is to assert total control of the "masses" and harvest their "energy".

In a sense, there is no "future". Currently, you note a consolidation of the few remaining countries without a "central bank"...and how rapidly this is occurring. Look for Syria next to fall, and fall quickly.

North Korea has already cut a deal under the aegis of China...feit accompli. Cuba has also agreed to the North American integration once Fidel "passes".

That leaves IRAN. And biblical prophesy. The fallout from that conflict sets the stage for the true new world order as has been broadcast in the media for the last 13 years or so.

3) Of course, humans have free will. However, free will without intelligence, imagination and the "will" to evolve is meaningless. Similar to giving an infant the keys to a vehicle...what are they going to do with all that potential?

Look to the routines in your own life and ask what YOU do with YOUR free will to improve your bloodline...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

for 2nd Q:
The purpose of the world government is to assert total control of the "masses" and harvest their "energy".
Are'nt you already doing that? Do you want to go even further? You need machines, not "masses".

BUT, whats the purpose of all these actions? When you control everything, when you pure your bloodline, when you have all the power, what will happen? THEN WHAT? I still can't find any logic in it. What's the ultimate goal? What will satify you?

for 3rd:
Of course, humans have free will.
Is not an answer for my question. I'll ask a new one:
DEFINE "free will".

Thank you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14705046

Infinite Energy = Infinite Potential=Infinite Purity!

Free Will = the ability of agents to make choices free from certain kinds of constraints which directly or indirectly affect the evolution of the bloodlines and propagation of the species
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 02:56 PM
Hook, line and sinker. What a joke. Am I the only one on this thread that sees the lies being spewed forward?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1285858

Your animation is a very accurate portrayal of your intentions in posting!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 03:37 PM
Anything to share on the epic struggle ?

How do you read (in regards to the carbs earlier):

IMAGE ( [ link to] )

Quoting: artMan 4559305

Hello Artman...the chart says it all, I believe.

Now...what will your bloodline do with this information??
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 03:39 PM
What advantages does your bloodline have that other bloodlines do not?
Quoting: wayofthecoyote 1687978

Discipline and knowledge for starters.

Not to mention control of the earth's assets!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 03:39 PM
so op what your connection with the Salvation Army aka the red shield
Quoting: 59-/

Salvation Army??

User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 05:03 PM
If you have not watched this video yet...I advise you all to do so....

Thread: Vatican: Owner of world's biggest banks and top companies [Catholic Church Exposed]

any comments OP...they mention your family
Quoting: Lightfeather

Did not watch the video, but the Vatican is the repository of much of the true knowledge.

Quite an "evil" organization!

Laughing out loud!

The church even refers to its followers as "sheep"!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/03/2011 05:04 PM
All the knowledge, power, assets do not help you when you swallow hot particles from Fukushima!

Quoting: Superboer

I suggest you don't swallow them then!

I'm not!
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 10:48 AM
Ok, I have a problem OP. I have 2 girlfriends and I want to choose one to carry my offspring and secure the bloodline. One of them is a highly educated and intelligent black woman from the Bantu tribe with an IQ of 143 , the other is a very dumb "white trash" trailerpark woman with an IQ of 87. Wich one do I choose? (I am a Blonde scandinavian)
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

See, right there is your problem.

Why are you limiting yourself to two candidates?

And why are you associating with a white "trailer trash" woman?
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 10:50 AM
If you have not watched this video yet...I advise you all to do so....

Thread: Vatican: Owner of world's biggest banks and top companies [Catholic Church Exposed]

any comments OP...they mention your family
Quoting: Lightfeather

Did not watch the video, but the Vatican is the repository of much of the true knowledge.

Quite an "evil" organization!

Laughing out loud!

The church even refers to its followers as "sheep"!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

why did you not watch can you reply without seeing what is said in it?
Quoting: Lightfeather

What type of reliable information are you expecting to obtain from YOUTUBE? What are the credentials of the poster?

Why do you believe this information as opposed to some other information?
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 10:53 AM
Then tell me how money really moves in mass around this globe, tell me where it sits? How it works . Don't give me youtube bullshit and hacked shit off the net. Tell me, in your own words. Cause, what you just posted is bullshit. Shit feed to animals who've no control to filter important information from real information. Who cares what they do, the CHURCH is useless. Now, explain to what was asked, if you dare.
Quoting: Lightfeather

If what was posted is "bullshit", why do you enquire further?

What do you mean, exactly, by asking how "money moves"?

You mean how it circulates?

The question is vague.

Don't forget, money is illusory. All that exists is human energy/power and control.
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 10:55 AM
Ok, I have a problem OP. I have 2 girlfriends and I want to choose one to carry my offspring and secure the bloodline. One of them is a highly educated and intelligent black woman from the Bantu tribe with an IQ of 143 , the other is a very dumb "white trash" trailerpark woman with an IQ of 87. Wich one do I choose? (I am a Blonde scandinavian)
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

Has your family weighed in on the issue?

Have they proposed a suitable mate from their "circle"?

Are they disinterested in their own genetic bloodlines continuation?
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 10:56 AM
Ok, I have a problem OP. I have 2 girlfriends and I want to choose one to carry my offspring and secure the bloodline. One of them is a highly educated and intelligent black woman from the Bantu tribe with an IQ of 143 , the other is a very dumb "white trash" trailerpark woman with an IQ of 87. Wich one do I choose? (I am a Blonde scandinavian)
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

I would start looking for a third girlfriend...
Quoting: Superboer

Yes that's what most Boers would. But it is not an answer to the question. The question was, who should I choose?
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

Free will does not require you to choose either.

THAT is the answer!
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 11:00 AM
Would you agree, that we all are related?

Do you have any other aspirations, higher than those related to the bloodline?

If you were to recommend one book, what would it be?
Quoting: artMan 4559305

There are some EXCELLENT books in the VATICAN library.

Do YOU have a library card?

Oh, and how is your ARAMAIC?
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/04/2011 11:01 AM
All the knowledge, power, assets do not help you when you swallow hot particles from Fukushima!

Quoting: Superboer

I suggest you don't swallow them then!

I'm not!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

How would you know?
Quoting: Superboer

A REAL WORLD example of the power of knowledge and control!

For want of knowledge, my people are lost!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 02:45 PM
Hello again, OP! A few questions:

1. How is this energy harvested, specifically?

2. How is this energy used?

3. What happens if this energy is not harvested or is not available?

4. What can you tell be about the astral plane / astral travel?

5. What role do psychedelics play in life?

Thanks in advance!
Quoting: ImTheAcee 847858

Think of the energy harvest, on one plane, the same as animal husbandry. You provide a minimum level of sustenance to maximize the "yield"...nothing more or less. You take care of the herd, but they also don't live in your space or partake of your "pleasures". They serve you at your pleasure. If you choose to slaughter...or is your decision and yours alone. You answer to no one, other than your family.

Psychedelics are an interesting topic. Synthetics, such as LSD-25 and its derivatives are useless noise.

DMT is the real deal. Ayuasca is one route, but requires rigorous rituals prior which most ignore. The shamans understand.

The problem without the preparations is that there is no framework of reference or understanding. You can access great historical works which explain much, but if you do not know the language in which they are written, it is a fruitless experience. One must be brought from the initiate stage through the preparation process to yield any true value. You may have noticed that the efforts to deceive are waning. Some believe it is no longer necessary.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 02:54 PM
More questions OP

1. How do you think you would score on a psychopath test from 1-10?

2. Why are some people born psychopaths?

3 Douse your family promote that personality type?
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

This is a very immature question!

There is only enlightened self-interest. The concept of a person who is so selfless that they put their needs below an unrelated other is absurd on its face. Which is why the story of JESUS was so enduring and polarizing. Of course, another "beautiful lie" is that, by suggestion, our lives are so valuable, so important, that others would willingly sacrifice theirs for ours is silly and simple-minded. You do not find such examples OUTSIDE OF THE FAMILY BLOODLNE...without explanation.

I am only interested, and charged, with the advancement and well-being of MY bloodline and, quite frankly, could care less about YOURS. If you want to assign a name to that...fine. If you want to operate on a SERVICE TO OTHERS basis...even better. Based on your belief, you should have no problem working to advance the bloodlines of the bankers you claim to fight.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:03 PM
What advantages does your bloodline have that other bloodlines do not?
Quoting: wayofthecoyote 1687978

Discipline and knowledge for starters.

Not to mention control of the earth's assets!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

LOL, not anymore, You may control fiat at this time but you all are scrambling for that gold Physical for soon fiat will be worthless.

I hear the gold is being confiscated by the light forces and the dark forces are doing everything in their power to grab as much gold as possible.

That is why gold went up so high where the useless eaters and mindless zombies would rush in and sell all that priceless gold physical for worhless fiat.

No wonder he's laughing out loud.
Quoting: Merci

It isn't much of a scramble!

Laughing out loud! We can control demand just by bouncing the price around! Up, down...up, down.

Do you realize that people don't even stop to consider that the price of gold, in FRN's is completely IRRELEVANT! What difference does it make when one pays in PAPER!

Laughing out loud!

However, the fiat pays for physical precious metals and yields a nice little misery harvest as well! People get SO upset when the metals kick one way or another! Oh, the wailing! I bought gold and it went down $50 yesterday!!


PAPER, People! You are handed PAPER!! What don't you get?? The paper costs nothing to produce!! And has the taxpayer's blood (read YOU) as backing! SO you provide the guarantee, at gunpoint! Keys to the KINGDOM indeed!

Seriously, how can anyone who VOLUNTARILY participates in this system believe they can grasp higher level concepts?

Have you seen all the gold stores that have popped up across the United States? People are flocking in and not even getting spot price...cheated twice! All voluntary mind you. One would think that precious metals would be the family jewels, so to speak, and be kept for the next generation...but the next generation, by these peoples actions...can go to hell!

Funny. It's even CALLED the LONDON PRICE FIX! FIX???

Get a clue!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:09 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What i would like is to better understand why you feel the need to allow us the chance to ask the right questions, when the right questions are just as redundant as the wrong questions. Do you feel some form of remorse or some form of helplessness for those who arent awake to illusions? giving us a chance to ask things we would only ever dream of?

"if i had the chance to sit with the elite, or reptillian, or obama what would i really need to ask"

We all have that, but yet we are presented with a chance, and all questions that have been asked are all the same, in some way or another.

- bloodlines

Weather you provide us with a riddle or a true answer isnt it all to be perceived as smoke and mirrors.

Your dangling this ever so tempting forum with your right hand, but what is it you are doing with your left hand as our attention rests on the right hand.

Do you have something that you want to share with us? or is it just a way to amuse yourself? most of us have the intuition that something big is coming so much is being hid from us. Now weather or not that is to keep us from panic, or to simply keep us in the dark, most of all of us feel it.

Why is it, that everything seems to be coincidentally based in the month of november? Why is it that i feel i know but no matter what i cant pin it.

Now for some stupid questions that probably arent the right ones.

You say its because we are all sheeple, we are asleep to whats going on, Is there anything one can do to help awke themselves from this metaphorical slumber? Is it by awakening our true divine self?

All these protests, they are designed, and infiltrated to help bring in martial law? if not what is the purpose to so much hate is breed into us from day 1?

What is to come of us? what is it that "they" being the elite, have in store for us. How are the 4 basic steps of propaganda helping?

November as you know is a highly interesting month. What is your opinion, knowledge, and knowledge of the probable outcome?

Quoting: MzHoney

According to American Indian folklore, any poison which occurs in nature, has its remedy within 3 meters.

You might be surprised to learn that every so called intractable position which one might find themselves, has a "remedy". Without exception! That is the natural law and it is observed "religiously" to speak.

The keys to YOUR kingdom are within YOUR reach. How could it be otherwise? But continue to blame others and look outside for your "answers" if it makes you feel better.

For me, I am a man of honor. I have committed to tell the truth and I do. If you can't formulate a question of importance, how is that MY issue? Keep in mind that there is no universal question for each bloodline has its own unique path and current state of development. How could it be otherwise?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:13 PM
How do you spell axe???
Quoting: Silverest

Same as you do, apparently.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:16 PM
Any comments on 'Atlas shrugged'?
Quoting: artMan 4559305

Well, it fits within the myth of the American dream...Horatio Alger and all.

If your question relates to the parallels in the American modern society, I personally don't see it. Even if there were men of courage and conviction, the average citizen is to fearful to follow along.

There will be no change of a positive nature for the immediate future. Things will get MUCH darker and many will lose hope.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:26 PM
How so? I don't understand.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:58 PM
Have you chosen Islam as the new System for Europe?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1218376

Islam is manifesting its bloodline(s), as one would expect.

One would do well to study how they integrate and subvert the existing culture. One aspect is the reproductive rates, and their "control" of their own lines. Reminiscent of the Irish long ago, before they "evolved" into the "modern" world.

It is largely irrelevant. Energy is Energy. Slavery is Slavery.

Islamic religion forbids usury, so on the surface it would seem to be a conflict...but it isn't. They are allowed to "rise" only within the constraints of our needs and vision.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/07/2011 03:59 PM
I just gots one question to axe ya,

ya got change fo a hunred'?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1421828

Fiat?? I wouldn't dirty my hands.
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/07/2011 08:05 PM
How many of you have heard the expressions "to err is human" or "nobody's perfect".

Do you believe these concepts? Any clue how these concepts became immortalized into the human lexicon and disseminated to virtually every child at an early age? Do most human parents reward or punish failure?

How many "of the faith" have heard that the pope and the catholic church are "infallible"? Where did that message come from? Have the actions of the pope and catholic church demonstrated infallibility from virtually any metric or perspective?

Consider that to err implies failure of some sort. Of course, there are errors of different magnitude, but it would be prudent to reflect if the magnitude of the error really is relevant. Is an error an error?

One must ultimately decide if perfection is attainable in general, and specifically to ones bloodline. If the belief is that perfection is unattainable, it is game over. Does not matter one iota beyond that point what one does.

If one has become aware of perfection as a very real state of existence, and desires perfection, then all decisions will flow to that end. How could it possibly be otherwise.

The concept of bloodline must be considered in its most elemental understanding. There is ones bloodline and everything else. An amusing cover on the American publication of the New Yorker (I believe) depicted a cartoon-ish drawing of the world...appropriately labeled NEW YORK and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. The joke being that New Yorkers are essentially "New York Centric" there is New York and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. This attitude is imbued in the very fabric of the city and reflected in its peoples actions, mannerisms and attitudes. It makes New York uniquely what it is. Political decision flow from that baseline! Love it or hate it, it is a path and a choice!

Similarly, there is really only ones bloodline and then everything else is OTHER. If other, by definition, it is an outside entity...the natural order sees the OTHER as a natural competitor for resource and energy allocation. A human buys a parcel of land overrun by trees and weeds. He clears the land in order to build and, of necessity, wipes out the trees and weeds...pulling them by the roots and throwing them in the fire. Are the trees and roots the humans competitors? Technically yes, for had they evolved the means and tools to defend the "use" of the land, that defense mechanism would have certainly been deployed. The human of course does not regard the trees and weeds as a "threat" for he has superior tools and intellect. He applies these to the job of clearing and prevails.

The analogy could continue further considering that as the human evolves, other threats emerge to consume his labor. The city wants permits to build and demands annual tax extraction of labor to avoid harassment...the point being that, like layers of an onion, numerous levels challenge the status quo.

Alien is defined as that external to ones bloodline. Does it really matter if the Alien is a human bloodline or what would be considered extra-terrestrial? Perhaps only from the standpoint of the bloodlines evolution towards perfection and the knowledge and power it can bring to bear...then what difference does the source of the threat mean?

Consider that plants are fully sentient. Of course they lack sensory organs that humans use, but consider the possibility that they have evolved beyond your level of comprehension and have no need for such organs. Could you learn from a plant? Would you? How would that change your perspective to know that every single plant had a superior intellect and knew what you intended to do.

The green sea slug has been discovered to have obtained the ability to strip chlorophyll from algae it consumes and integrates the algae to allow the slug to obtain energy from photosynthesis. Once the green sea slug has its initial meal, it need not dine again its entire life. Will that not impart some benefit to the green sea slug not enjoyed by other, lowlier slugs? Is it the duty of the green sea slug to so educate other slugs outside of its genetic footprint?
What is the green sea slugs NEXT MOVE? It just freed itself up from the big burden of gathering food and has time to spare!! EVOLUTION PEOPLE! The Indian gentlemen I referred to earlier has evolved the same capability and the scientific community was tripping over itself to prove he was a fraud. Why? because it upsets the status quo. The order MUST, and will, be rearranged to accommodate this new human ability...but not without a fight from the humans so affected!

laughing out loud!! Fight progress, humans!!

There is so much going on! Accept that you know NOTHING at all. That which you believe you know is incorrect. You are an infant, but filled with bad information. The tragedy (for you anyway) isn't that it happened, but that you would be unable to UNDERSTAND that the knowledge of your academic betrayal is irrelevant! You cannot grasp that by knowing that you don't know, you are now free to begin the journey TO knowing. Humans, almost to a person, MUCH prefer to use the revelation as a self pity party. Your breeding demands it!

Pity, that!
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/07/2011 08:08 PM
More questions OP

1. How do you think you would score on a psychopath test from 1-10?

2. Why are some people born psychopaths?

3 Douse your family promote that personality type?
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

This is a very immature question!

There is only enlightened self-interest. The concept of a person who is so selfless that they put their needs below an unrelated other is absurd on its face. Which is why the story of JESUS was so enduring and polarizing. Of course, another "beautiful lie" is that, by suggestion, our lives are so valuable, so important, that others would willingly sacrifice theirs for ours is silly and simple-minded. You do not find such examples OUTSIDE OF THE FAMILY BLOODLNE...without explanation.

I am only interested, and charged, with the advancement and well-being of MY bloodline and, quite frankly, could care less about YOURS. If you want to assign a name to that...fine. If you want to operate on a SERVICE TO OTHERS basis...even better. Based on your belief, you should have no problem working to advance the bloodlines of the bankers you claim to fight.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Well, based on your answer I think you would score quite high.

I don't really understand how "service to others" among the "sheeple" would help your bloodline.

Isn't the demoralization of society a big part in controlling it and expanding government? People who help each other are not that easy to control right? Thanx for taking the time to answer.
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

Demoralizing and partitioning...controlling the educational system, the media, medicine, law, religion, the "governments" and... almost forgot...that pesky money supply! Yes, that should about do it...leaving only the details to be filled in!

Glad to hear I received a high score! That fills me with pleasure!
User ID: 1589648 United States 11/07/2011 08:09 PM
A butterfly flaps its wings in Kyoto...
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 01:24 PM
How many of you have heard the expressions "to err is human" or "nobody's perfect".

Do you believe these concepts? Any clue how these concepts became immortalized into the human lexicon and disseminated to virtually every child at an early age? Do most human parents reward or punish failure?

How many "of the faith" have heard that the pope and the catholic church are "infallible"? Where did that message come from? Have the actions of the pope and catholic church demonstrated infallibility from virtually any metric or perspective?

Consider that to err implies failure of some sort. Of course, there are errors of different magnitude, but it would be prudent to reflect if the magnitude of the error really is relevant. Is an error an error?

One must ultimately decide if perfection is attainable in general, and specifically to ones bloodline. If the belief is that perfection is unattainable, it is game over. Does not matter one iota beyond that point what one does.

If one has become aware of perfection as a very real state of existence, and desires perfection, then all decisions will flow to that end. How could it possibly be otherwise.

The concept of bloodline must be considered in its most elemental understanding. There is ones bloodline and everything else. An amusing cover on the American publication of the New Yorker (I believe) depicted a cartoon-ish drawing of the world...appropriately labeled NEW YORK and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. The joke being that New Yorkers are essentially "New York Centric" there is New York and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. This attitude is imbued in the very fabric of the city and reflected in its peoples actions, mannerisms and attitudes. It makes New York uniquely what it is. Political decision flow from that baseline! Love it or hate it, it is a path and a choice!

Similarly, there is really only ones bloodline and then everything else is OTHER. If other, by definition, it is an outside entity...the natural order sees the OTHER as a natural competitor for resource and energy allocation. A human buys a parcel of land overrun by trees and weeds. He clears the land in order to build and, of necessity, wipes out the trees and weeds...pulling them by the roots and throwing them in the fire. Are the trees and roots the humans competitors? Technically yes, for had they evolved the means and tools to defend the "use" of the land, that defense mechanism would have certainly been deployed. The human of course does not regard the trees and weeds as a "threat" for he has superior tools and intellect. He applies these to the job of clearing and prevails.

The analogy could continue further considering that as the human evolves, other threats emerge to consume his labor. The city wants permits to build and demands annual tax extraction of labor to avoid harassment...the point being that, like layers of an onion, numerous levels challenge the status quo.

Alien is defined as that external to ones bloodline. Does it really matter if the Alien is a human bloodline or what would be considered extra-terrestrial? Perhaps only from the standpoint of the bloodlines evolution towards perfection and the knowledge and power it can bring to bear...then what difference does the source of the threat mean?

Consider that plants are fully sentient. Of course they lack sensory organs that humans use, but consider the possibility that they have evolved beyond your level of comprehension and have no need for such organs. Could you learn from a plant? Would you? How would that change your perspective to know that every single plant had a superior intellect and knew what you intended to do.

The green sea slug has been discovered to have obtained the ability to strip chlorophyll from algae it consumes and integrates the algae to allow the slug to obtain energy from photosynthesis. Once the green sea slug has its initial meal, it need not dine again its entire life. Will that not impart some benefit to the green sea slug not enjoyed by other, lowlier slugs? Is it the duty of the green sea slug to so educate other slugs outside of its genetic footprint?
What is the green sea slugs NEXT MOVE? It just freed itself up from the big burden of gathering food and has time to spare!! EVOLUTION PEOPLE! The Indian gentlemen I referred to earlier has evolved the same capability and the scientific community was tripping over itself to prove he was a fraud. Why? because it upsets the status quo. The order MUST, and will, be rearranged to accommodate this new human ability...but not without a fight from the humans so affected!

laughing out loud!! Fight progress, humans!!

There is so much going on! Accept that you know NOTHING at all. That which you believe you know is incorrect. You are an infant, but filled with bad information. The tragedy (for you anyway) isn't that it happened, but that you would be unable to UNDERSTAND that the knowledge of your academic betrayal is irrelevant! You cannot grasp that by knowing that you don't know, you are now free to begin the journey TO knowing. Humans, almost to a person, MUCH prefer to use the revelation as a self pity party. Your breeding demands it!

Pity, that!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1589648

Well, sounds like you have gotten yourself a little too immersed in the inbred teachings of Darwin?

The lion doesn't WIN over the zebra, it cooperates. But when you have the view that your own bloodline is everything, then its not so apparent.

----"Are the trees and roots the humans competitors? Technically yes."---- For your own well being I hope that was a joke. If there wheren't any trees, there wouldn't be any humans. And that contrary to darwinism IS a fact.
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

Not sure how you conclude the "Lion cooperates with the zebra"? From that perspective, I suppose you are cooperating with us...and we are certainly content with the arrangement/relationship.

The analogy is not to be construed as a declaration of war against plants and trees...simply, as was stated, two life forms competing for the same prevails and one dies in a fire.

What is so difficult to understand? I thought it was quite clear!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 01:26 PM

Discipline and knowledge for starters.

Not to mention control of the earth's assets!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

LOL, not anymore, You may control fiat at this time but you all are scrambling for that gold Physical for soon fiat will be worthless.

I hear the gold is being confiscated by the light forces and the dark forces are doing everything in their power to grab as much gold as possible.

That is why gold went up so high where the useless eaters and mindless zombies would rush in and sell all that priceless gold physical for worhless fiat.

No wonder he's laughing out loud.
Quoting: Merci

It isn't much of a scramble!

Laughing out loud! We can control demand just by bouncing the price around! Up, down...up, down.

Do you realize that people don't even stop to consider that the price of gold, in FRN's is completely IRRELEVANT! What difference does it make when one pays in PAPER!

Laughing out loud!

However, the fiat pays for physical precious metals and yields a nice little misery harvest as well! People get SO upset when the metals kick one way or another! Oh, the wailing! I bought gold and it went down $50 yesterday!!


PAPER, People! You are handed PAPER!! What don't you get?? The paper costs nothing to produce!! And has the taxpayer's blood (read YOU) as backing! SO you provide the guarantee, at gunpoint! Keys to the KINGDOM indeed!

Seriously, how can anyone who VOLUNTARILY participates in this system believe they can grasp higher level concepts?

Have you seen all the gold stores that have popped up across the United States? People are flocking in and not even getting spot price...cheated twice! All voluntary mind you. One would think that precious metals would be the family jewels, so to speak, and be kept for the next generation...but the next generation, by these peoples actions...can go to hell!

Funny. It's even CALLED the LONDON PRICE FIX! FIX???

Get a clue!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I do understand why you Laugh at them. It is a sad fact that all the information of the universe is at their finger tips but they choose the blissful state of ignorance.

Yes, They run for the paper money while turning over their children's inheritance voluntarily for tree's.

I guess that takes going green to a new level.

I have a question for you at this time, Opie.

Were you on the original email string for this years ago:

[ link to]
Quoting: Merci

No, Merci.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 01:29 PM
Intresting thing is, you keep saying "you dont know anything" or "you are filled with bad information" etc.

What could we do?

You demoralize people and control education.

I asked free will question because of this.

We do not have free will, nor you do.

You seperate yourself from others with excuses like "bloodline", "family". This destructs your free will.

Seems like you lost your connection with the universe.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14705046

Your arguments lack any logic. For example, could the parent not teach his own child? Why indoctrinate ones children (via public education) into a system so clearly aligned against the interests of the participants? Why allow ones children to consume media programming?

You certainly DO have free will, but lack the maturity to exercise it. And for you to speak on OUR behalf is the pinnacle of stupidity. You have NO idea.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 01:29 PM
Party time Mr Rothshild!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4940462

The "party" began long ago. Welcome!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 02:55 PM
How many of you have heard the expressions "to err is human" or "nobody's perfect".

Do you believe these concepts? Any clue how these concepts became immortalized into the human lexicon and disseminated to virtually every child at an early age? Do most human parents reward or punish failure?

How many "of the faith" have heard that the pope and the catholic church are "infallible"? Where did that message come from? Have the actions of the pope and catholic church demonstrated infallibility from virtually any metric or perspective?

Consider that to err implies failure of some sort. Of course, there are errors of different magnitude, but it would be prudent to reflect if the magnitude of the error really is relevant. Is an error an error?

One must ultimately decide if perfection is attainable in general, and specifically to ones bloodline. If the belief is that perfection is unattainable, it is game over. Does not matter one iota beyond that point what one does.

If one has become aware of perfection as a very real state of existence, and desires perfection, then all decisions will flow to that end. How could it possibly be otherwise.

The concept of bloodline must be considered in its most elemental understanding. There is ones bloodline and everything else. An amusing cover on the American publication of the New Yorker (I believe) depicted a cartoon-ish drawing of the world...appropriately labeled NEW YORK and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. The joke being that New Yorkers are essentially "New York Centric" there is New York and then EVERYWHERE ELSE. This attitude is imbued in the very fabric of the city and reflected in its peoples actions, mannerisms and attitudes. It makes New York uniquely what it is. Political decision flow from that baseline! Love it or hate it, it is a path and a choice!

Similarly, there is really only ones bloodline and then everything else is OTHER. If other, by definition, it is an outside entity...the natural order sees the OTHER as a natural competitor for resource and energy allocation. A human buys a parcel of land overrun by trees and weeds. He clears the land in order to build and, of necessity, wipes out the trees and weeds...pulling them by the roots and throwing them in the fire. Are the trees and roots the humans competitors? Technically yes, for had they evolved the means and tools to defend the "use" of the land, that defense mechanism would have certainly been deployed. The human of course does not regard the trees and weeds as a "threat" for he has superior tools and intellect. He applies these to the job of clearing and prevails.

The analogy could continue further considering that as the human evolves, other threats emerge to consume his labor. The city wants permits to build and demands annual tax extraction of labor to avoid harassment...the point being that, like layers of an onion, numerous levels challenge the status quo.

Alien is defined as that external to ones bloodline. Does it really matter if the Alien is a human bloodline or what would be considered extra-terrestrial? Perhaps only from the standpoint of the bloodlines evolution towards perfection and the knowledge and power it can bring to bear...then what difference does the source of the threat mean?

Consider that plants are fully sentient. Of course they lack sensory organs that humans use, but consider the possibility that they have evolved beyond your level of comprehension and have no need for such organs. Could you learn from a plant? Would you? How would that change your perspective to know that every single plant had a superior intellect and knew what you intended to do.

The green sea slug has been discovered to have obtained the ability to strip chlorophyll from algae it consumes and integrates the algae to allow the slug to obtain energy from photosynthesis. Once the green sea slug has its initial meal, it need not dine again its entire life. Will that not impart some benefit to the green sea slug not enjoyed by other, lowlier slugs? Is it the duty of the green sea slug to so educate other slugs outside of its genetic footprint?
What is the green sea slugs NEXT MOVE? It just freed itself up from the big burden of gathering food and has time to spare!! EVOLUTION PEOPLE! The Indian gentlemen I referred to earlier has evolved the same capability and the scientific community was tripping over itself to prove he was a fraud. Why? because it upsets the status quo. The order MUST, and will, be rearranged to accommodate this new human ability...but not without a fight from the humans so affected!

laughing out loud!! Fight progress, humans!!

There is so much going on! Accept that you know NOTHING at all. That which you believe you know is incorrect. You are an infant, but filled with bad information. The tragedy (for you anyway) isn't that it happened, but that you would be unable to UNDERSTAND that the knowledge of your academic betrayal is irrelevant! You cannot grasp that by knowing that you don't know, you are now free to begin the journey TO knowing. Humans, almost to a person, MUCH prefer to use the revelation as a self pity party. Your breeding demands it!

Pity, that!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1589648

Well, sounds like you have gotten yourself a little too immersed in the inbred teachings of Darwin?

The lion doesn't WIN over the zebra, it cooperates. But when you have the view that your own bloodline is everything, then its not so apparent.

----"Are the trees and roots the humans competitors? Technically yes."---- For your own well being I hope that was a joke. If there wheren't any trees, there wouldn't be any humans. And that contrary to darwinism IS a fact.
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

Not sure how you conclude the "Lion cooperates with the zebra"? From that perspective, I suppose you are cooperating with us...and we are certainly content with the arrangement/relationship.

The analogy is not to be construed as a declaration of war against plants and trees...simply, as was stated, two life forms competing for the same prevails and one dies in a fire.

What is so difficult to understand? I thought it was quite clear!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

They cooperate because the lion gets food and the zebra gets excitement from an otherwise boring life. The lion does not have another way of getting energy, I hope you're family can find another way to harvest it some day. But that would maybe just create a vacuum which would be filled rather fast. The sheeple , without knowledge of self needs an herdsman.

Of course me and my fellow sheeple are cooperating with you. Although I'm actively planning leaving the relationship because of the lack of "magic" and "passion" I felt lately.

I understand what you tried to convey with the analog, I just wanted to express a different way of seeing things. Thanx for making my life more interesting
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

I would question whether or not you have developed a logical exit plan. Have you thought it through thoroughly?

As I stated before, for EVERY "intractable" situation, there is indeed a REMEDY. A few have figured this out but lack the courage or discipline to act!

Have you ever considered what your ideal life would look like? Do you understand that you are a placeholder in time for the generations who have come before you? Have you considered that you have a DUTY to your ancestors? Do you have any idea of the sacrifices that have been made to get you where you "are"?

These are basic concepts, but have to be well understood to make proper decisions going forward.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 03:34 PM
We abide by the "universal" law, but "you" don't.

We have no control over "universal/natural" law.

We obtain our power, in part, by this observation of "universal/natural law"!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 03:34 PM
Right Action equals Right Result!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 03:36 PM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

I didn't watch the video...but greatly enjoyed the still image!

Who is this "expert"? He looks like a dumpster refugee that has scraped together enough to procure a very nice sign and some ardent supporters!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 03:42 PM
You know Reptoids love energy directed at their heart centers. Our overflow of LOVE is just the thing to fill their vacancy.

But there is a TIME and a PLACE for ALL THING ...!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

Many humans, by their (in)actions, define LATER as simply NOT NOW.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 04:16 PM
You know Reptoids love energy directed at their heart centers. Our overflow of LOVE is just the thing to fill their vacancy.

But there is a TIME and a PLACE for ALL THING ...!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

Many humans, by their (in)actions, define LATER as simply NOT NOW.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

In(Action) lolol Thoughts are energy. They manifest in the 3D world, whether we choose to believe or not.

I can have some Good Vector-Intention .....! we learn FAST you know...!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

Thoughts ARE indeed powerful things in many ways.

Control of ones thought process is ESSENTIAL. Allowing dilution of this power is "fatal".
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 04:22 PM
We abide by the "universal" law, but "you" don't.

We have no control over "universal/natural" law.

We obtain our power, in part, by this observation of "universal/natural law"!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I completely agree with that! And now a related question, what are your thoughts on hermes trismegistus and the book called Kybalion. Is it a good source regarding "natural law"?
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

I would advise you to take from it that which resonates. Of course, 100 humans can read ANYTHING (assuming that they can read!)and come to different conclusions on its veracity and value relative to that particular bloodline.

I could direct someone to a website instructing how one can "make a million dollars from multi-level marketing". The information may be true if one is, by nature a "huckster", false if one were an "introvert"...additionally, I have no use personally for a "million dollars" so to me it has ZERO value!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 04:25 PM
You know Reptoids love energy directed at their heart centers. Our overflow of LOVE is just the thing to fill their vacancy.

But there is a TIME and a PLACE for ALL THING ...!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

Many humans, by their (in)actions, define LATER as simply NOT NOW.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

And By the Way some of US can probably ASK OUR SUN Deva up there you Know OUR RADIONIC Device to CME wipe-out all SNAKE in This Surface planet ...!

But we already know the outcome of your BIG PLAN ...!


Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

I would suggest you do EXACTLY that! Touch base with your Sun Diva and see if it actually works!

If it does, you might want to invest more time determining what you can do to curry its favor.

If not, you will learn a truth that such flights of fancy are a waste of time and energy.

Take a look around your surroundings...RIGHT NOW...and realize that you pose no threat to ANYONE.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/08/2011 04:38 PM
Where does this place you, then, in the great scheme of things?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/09/2011 01:26 PM
1. Are you aware of 11 11 phenomena (if yes, could you explain it)?

2. Could it be an alternative to NWO (I think this is only option we have)?

3. When downsizing of mankind will occur?

4. Are the grays from the other dimension?

5. Trans-humanism: yes or no?

Quoting: dadolad

The 11 11 thing is quite amusing. I fail to see the relevance and from what little I have read, no one else really does either.

There was an indie movie done a few years ago which is MUCH more relevant...Pi...which documents a mathematicians struggle to understand the interrelationships of nature and math as its language.

Upon trying to explain the breakthrough discovery, MAX says "it's not the numbers...its the SPACE between the numbers!" His understanding transcended the learned who were desperate to find the "keys to the universe". Interesting!

Sad to say, human children are de-learning math! Math understanding and capability are going...going...gone!

What if MATH is indeed the universal language of nature? Will the next generation of humans be deaf and dumb to the natural order? Apparently so, but they will be proficient text-ers!

Laughing out loud!

Is it the fault of anyone but the PARENTS for this being the case? Anything stopping the parents from teaching math to their bloodline?

But go ahead and blame the "elites" for your own failures and see how that serves you!

As to the other "questions"...of course there are many species ALIEN to humans...some in your own backyard.

As I mentioned many times before, their is only your bloodline and OTHERS. How much clearer could this be? Does the form they take make any difference whatsoever?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/09/2011 01:27 PM
1. Are you aware of 11 11 phenomena (if yes, could you explain it)?

2. Could it be an alternative to NWO (I think this is only option we have)?

3. When downsizing of mankind will occur?

4. Are the grays from the other dimension?

5. Trans-humanism: yes or no?

Quoting: dadolad

11 11 Phenomena MKIDS and Mkultra Mind Control.....:

Double eleven codes: 11:11 - CIA reinforcing codes for end times programming of sleeper agents. Over four million and + in USA alone.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1405841

Keep right on thinking that!

But while you are, what AREN'T you thinking about?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/09/2011 01:57 PM
Hi OP...Are you familiar with "Dialog with Hiddenhand"...It was a thread on another site in I believe 2008...What is your take on what was said... if you are familiar with this thread...Thanks..
Quoting: Chas

Not familiar with that information. If you can comment on the main point(s) I can provide some guidance on the accuracy or lack thereof.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/14/2011 06:21 PM
Sir, you are barely coherent!

Teach your children what they need to grow and prosper. Nothing more or less.

Television and media is your call, of course.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/14/2011 06:40 PM
See how the royal bloodline takes this all VERY seriously...

[ link to]
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:03 PM
OK (OP)...

ill ask the 'right question' then...

Where did al "our money" go ?
Quoting: Archangel-NL

I'm no Rofschild, *LOL* and it's a no-brainer where all the money went.
It went to fight your Bush 1 and Bush 2 war! That's where it went!
It will surely drain your economy just like Afghanistan drained Russia and sent it bye bye.
Obama was in a no-win situation taking over that mess.
How could he withdraw when there was a bunch of blind misled patriotics trying to defend a money pit war to shoot down any terrorist (which wasn't even accomplished until recently) in a terrorist situation that was a false flag in the first place!
Blind patriotism has caused this financial crisis and with a financial dead USA no longer the super power who does it make way for??
Quoting: gypsy heart

The money doesn't "go" anywhere. You must understand the basics by now??

1) "money" is created on a fractional-ized basis, but has no intrinsic value. Rather, the federal reserve act of 1913 allows the Federal Reserve to create a money substitute which circulates the same as "real" money. The FRA makes the us citizens responsible for the "repayment" of all debts accruing from the use of these instruments.

2) Usury, or interest, is charged along the way. The owners of the Fed receive a cut of this interest. What is represented, of course, is the blood, sweat and energy of those so yoked. Which would be you, of course.

3) Thus, there is no issue with deficits and deficit spending, as your Mr. Cheney pronounced to great dismay. Of what difference if the debt is 15 trillion or 150 trillion...only the interest has to be paid...not the principal...


It could not, by definition EVER be design.

Laughing out loud!

Keep repaying the interest...keep toiling...and all will be well.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:06 PM
See how the royal bloodline takes this all VERY seriously...

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

so what do you know about the secret of the British Monarchy...and the truth about Prince Harry

and what about Judas Code...what about that? oh...and the serum...?
Quoting: Lightfeather

It's all about the bloodlines.

The bush bloodline is of no relevance, except to them. They are regarded as one would a low-brow neighbor who unwittingly came into some undeserved windfall. They won't be a factor.

Of course, every bloodline has its "secrets". Your point being? And of course, you have no idea of the "real secrets".

Not clear what the other gibberish refers to.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:07 PM
Hidden Hand claimed to be an insider and part of the ruling bloodline...His post were santioned by them...Wes Penre compiled all of the questions and his answers....I do not have the link...It is a very interesting read...


1) Are your bloodlines mainly rhesus negative blood groups...

2) Do your bloodlines practice the awakening of your Kundalini...

3) Why are most abducties (92%) B negative blood group, if indeed the case...
Quoting: Chas

Hi OP...I see you are to respond...thanks
Quoting: Chas

I believe I previously responded to these queries
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:09 PM
Stop living in fear.....then we might see something
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1071039

A little like telling an alcoholic not to take that next drink.

But the WAY to stop living in fear is to stop believing the "beautiful lies" you take comfort in. Start by seeing the way things really are and act/choose accordingly.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:11 PM
I wanted to thank you for replying to my rant. I also wanted to say weather you are who you say, or just another person, what you said has given me another outlook, information i didnt know that you essentially taught me... and well, thank you. Oddly enough it gave me the answers not to what i asked... but to what i ask myself daily and how i conduct myself and actions, and how i perceive things. And for that... i thank you.

Quoting: MzHoney

You are most welcome.

Your first step to a new awareness should be to change your "avatar". It makes you look weak and threatened.

Your "name" should be surrounded to a higher aspirational energy.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/16/2011 01:41 PM
See how the royal bloodline takes this all VERY seriously...

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

so what do you know about the secret of the British Monarchy...and the truth about Prince Harry

and what about Judas Code...what about that? oh...and the serum...?
Quoting: Lightfeather

It's all about the bloodlines.

The bush bloodline is of no relevance, except to them. They are regarded as one would a low-brow neighbor who unwittingly came into some undeserved windfall. They won't be a factor.

Of course, every bloodline has its "secrets". Your point being? And of course, you have no idea of the "real secrets".

Not clear what the other gibberish refers to.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I know that...are you not here to inform us of such? Why start a thread for us to ask if your not going to tell?

Harry is not like William...why?
Quoting: Lightfeather

I believe I agreed to answer worthy questions...worthy being loosely defined as "relevant".

Personally, the "royals" are a bit like watching the hollywood entertainment industry. CERTAINLY you don't think they have any relevance?

Those who hold the power shun the public view with all their collective might. NO ONE wants attention when they are holding the strings
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/28/2011 07:32 PM
It's all about the bloodlines.

Of course, every bloodline has its "secrets". Your point being? And of course, you have no idea of the "real secrets".

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201


Can you give a little hint about some of the "real secrets"?

I must say I have been quite intrigued by your mention of bloodlines a couple weeks ago and I have spent some considerable time unlocking the secrets in my family tree.

All I can say is Wow.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I have been consistent in stating that I would answer questions truthfully, which I have. I did NOT agree to lead you by the nose down the merry path.

Any of you who have children know they learn best when forced to confront difficulties head-on. YOU must struggle a bit for the revelations to have any value. The depth of laziness and lack of intellectual curiosity should be of genuine concern to your future well-being.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/28/2011 07:38 PM
i think op has provided a lot of info on that point. basically, bloodlines are everything and that most "humans" are being kept alive in order to harvest their energy...

jeez...what were you looking for exactly. if that isn't enough "bad" news....what is?

normally I blow off these kind of threads, but this one is different. most of the moran shill posters on glp keep "uping the ante"...things get more and more outrageous until someone sniffs out the bs.

on this thread, it has been pretty consistent on point and little obvious sensationalism...although reading between the lines reveals one of the scarest threads ever...imho.

i will be watching this one going forward. Wonder if this is the real deal?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 754486

You should consider that in knowing, one can begin to control their destiny. Ask most people and they will tell you they feel not in control of their lives. They feel they are buffeted by one force and rocked by another...and they don't even know from where the forces flow.

If even one percent of the reader of this thread could assimilate the simple reality of bloodlines and the harvesting of human energy, those people could begin real changes to their lives...changes that would save the future
for their progeny. Ten generations forward, they would look back in awe of the people who rose to the challenge against all odds.

Unfortunately for almost all of you, this will not be the case.

So sad.

As the Book so succinctly stated...

"For want of knowledge, MY PEOPLE are LOST"

MY PEOPLE = My Progeny/Bloodline

How much clearer could it be??
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/28/2011 07:40 PM
Of course, the "secret(s)" has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win that's interesting!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What are the bloodlines that know the secret?

Which one will win?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What a silly question!

YOU know if your bloodline KNOWS or not. If you don't KNOWm why does it matter if another DOES? The critical, life snuffing fact is that YOURS doesn't.

I can tell you that YOURS won't at your current state of development. So why do you care which will?
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/28/2011 07:43 PM
OP seems to be long gone...some questions he did not answer...

Would love to have him answer some more questions I have...
Quoting: Chas

I have answered the questions which were framed as a QUESTION.

If I have inadvertently missed a question, repost it.

I do not spend much time here, but will check back from time to time.

We are entering a period of great upheaval and it will be very interesting to us to see if any of the humans figure it out.

from what I have observed so far, it looks very doubtful.

Have any of you actually studied the history of the great families? Might be worth your while although be careful of the source(s). There are MANY hidden agendas on all sides.
User ID: 1339201 United States 11/28/2011 08:31 PM
Because when the sheep rise up they will remember who placed them in the sheep pen against their knowledge or consent and not be agreeable to their "agenda"
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


The sheep will NEVER raise up...never!

That's why they are SHEEP!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/05/2011 12:51 PM
Rothschild is going down ...

Quoting: 12DnAHelix 588917

Oh yes...sure...

what proof offer you for this silly notion.

Again, an example of childish thinking. Making statements with no basis for support.

"my dad can pummel your dad"

Speaking of going are your kids educations coming along?

What relationship do you enjoy with your kids

What do they spend their time doing?

What is there future?

The only way WE go down, is if you WAKE UP...and that isn't EVER going to happen.

Look at the stupid comments on here, and so far not ONE intelligent question!

you can learn because, as a man of honour, I will answer truthfully.

but, alas, as one once stated...

"the truth...the can't handle the truth..."

laugh out loud
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Oh wise one I have 2 questions for you
1. Is Fulford right about your deal with the dragon's?
2. When is the jubilee?

Your contempt for your fellow man drips with your words. I have empathy for your soul.
Quoting: Relaximus 983518

To your questions...
1) No.
2) There will be NO jubilee...count on it!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/05/2011 12:54 PM
Of course, the "secret(s)" has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win that's interesting!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What are the bloodlines that know the secret?

Which one will win?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What a silly question!

YOU know if your bloodline KNOWS or not. If you don't KNOWm why does it matter if another DOES? The critical, life snuffing fact is that YOURS doesn't.

I can tell you that YOURS won't at your current state of development. So why do you care which will?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What's mine is yours. Or should I say what's yours is mine.

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You have never owned anything, because you have never paid for your "purchases". Using the private credit notes does not extinguish a debt.

Easy come, easy go.

Ever wonder why the life lived in the US is so "easy" compared to the rest of the planet?

Oh yes, I nearly are God's "chosen" people...not like those nasty black children in Africa who deserve what they have.


Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/05/2011 01:01 PM
The real difference between you and I OP is access.

You were born with access. I wasn't.

I am just as capable and have as much "intellectual curiosity" as you do.

You were spoon fed the knowledge. I have to sift through countless words to piece together information like a puzzle to get real knowledge.

And even when I do figure out this "knowledge" it is usually agenda driven or through one-sided perceptive where you, on the other hand, have access to absolute knowledge and connections.

You can try to relate to me but you know you can't totally.

This is why some of your family members are raised with the sheep to help mantained a sense of groundedness and desire in the family. Better to keep it in the family, eh?

Power corrupts Unless you have a high sense of self, a healthy perspective, and a realization that nothing last forever, and that losing everything is a part of life.

That is true except I recently figured out that some of you have figured out to "cheat death" and keep your memories when you reincarnate.

So in a way, it is unfair for you to question my "intellectual curiosity" when your decked has been stacked since birth or since you learned to keep your memories from previous lifetimes.

One last thing, I bet you are anxiously awaiting the day when I start to remember mine...It's gonna a lot of fun and an interesting ride.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Ah....dear Bickle returns to pontificate upon topics for which he does not hold the requisite knowledge! Never one to allow lack of information to stop his arguments!

Dear boy, you are picking through a dung heap of so-called information. The odds of you piecing ANYTHING together is zero. Or should I say ABSOLUTE ZERO!

Laughing out loud!

ABSOLUTE ZERO is where no heat energy remains, or lack of molecular activity...similar to the lack of firing neurons in your pathetic little cranium!

Do not see your life as a compartmentalized time unit. You are part of a stream...a river....flowing through the veins of your ancestors and future progeny.

Like it or not, you owe a debt to those who came before and a greater debt to those yet to come. Yet you squander your little energy and few neurons railing on about things for which you have no knowledge!

At least go out to the motorway and collect empty soda cans for scrap. You will have at least made SOME contribution then as critical thought is not your long suit.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/05/2011 01:03 PM
OP seems to be long gone...some questions he did not answer...

Would love to have him answer some more questions I have...
Quoting: Chas

I have answered the questions which were framed as a QUESTION.

If I have inadvertently missed a question, repost it.

I do not spend much time here, but will check back from time to time.

We are entering a period of great upheaval and it will be very interesting to us to see if any of the humans figure it out.

from what I have observed so far, it looks very doubtful.

Have any of you actually studied the history of the great families? Might be worth your while although be careful of the source(s). There are MANY hidden agendas on all sides.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Sorry, English is my second language, I'll try my best.
I have studied as much as I could and analyzed the interviews provided by your bloodline family - thank you for that, helped a lot for our current bloodline existence,
but non of us can get rid-off deep sorrow we feel for all the lobotomized human containers.

1. I love competition, but with = or > than me, how do you deal with this issue?
2. Can you help me with my last fear subject left in me?
I agree with you, you can win over too many lobotomized humans,
but in this case we definitely do not want to share same time/space existence.
So my big question:
Is my bloodline stuck in the reincarnation with your bloodline soul group?
LOL.... I assume you do have a soul.
Quoting: chincha
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/05/2011 01:17 PM
OP seems to be long gone...some questions he did not answer...

Would love to have him answer some more questions I have...
Quoting: Chas

I have answered the questions which were framed as a QUESTION.

If I have inadvertently missed a question, repost it.

I do not spend much time here, but will check back from time to time.

We are entering a period of great upheaval and it will be very interesting to us to see if any of the humans figure it out.

from what I have observed so far, it looks very doubtful.

Have any of you actually studied the history of the great families? Might be worth your while although be careful of the source(s). There are MANY hidden agendas on all sides.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Sorry, English is my second language, I'll try my best.
I have studied as much as I could and analyzed the interviews provided by your bloodline family - thank you for that, helped a lot for our current bloodline existence,
but non of us can get rid-off deep sorrow we feel for all the lobotomized human containers.

1. I love competition, but with = or > than me, how do you deal with this issue?
2. Can you help me with my last fear subject left in me?
I agree with you, you can win over too many lobotomized humans,
but in this case we definitely do not want to share same time/space existence.
So my big question:
Is my bloodline stuck in the reincarnation with your bloodline soul group?
LOL.... I assume you do have a soul.
Quoting: chincha

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Hello Chinchua,

I am assuming that you are Asian/Chinese as you took the time to research the bloodlines as I suggested, and you are semi-literate in a non-native language.

Native english speakers are typically illiterate. The best thing that could happen to canada is if the "native" canadians were shipped somewhere (or drowned like the vermin they are) and the land populated with Asians. I prefer Japanese due to their industrious nature, but chinese follow directions well and cause few disturbances to the status quo.

Regardless, to your question(s).

1) One does not "deal" with competition. It is the natural state of humanity. One cannot opt out, take a rest, or hit the pause button.

Of course, one can do ALL of those things, but at a great cost!

2) Yes. All bloodlines coexist in a concurrent timeline/spatial sense. Intersections and near misses...

Laughing out loud!

You are likely aware of the teachings of Buddha, or at a minimum the Buddhist philosophy.

They espouse giving up the "game" entirely. They surrender because they understand the futility and paradox inherent in the current state of development. To suppress/conquer all tread be one with all.

It is the yin to our yang. It is the only counter-position to our gambit. We know this, but we also know human nature.

Christianity also pays lip service to this...turn the other cheek. Why? To deprive the "other" of your hate energy. That is the only way to prevail, but how many western minds can comprehend this simple teaching? Charles Manson, a famous prisoner in the us (although he committed no crime himself) said something to the effect that the hatred of the americans towards him is what kept him going...or words to that effect!

Imagine! There is someone who actually understands the dynamic and, as such, had to be incarcerated!

Laughing out loud!!

The strongest weapon is the non-weapon.

One is indeed all...but don't tell anyone!!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 02:23 PM
Ah Bickle, you daft porcine!

Of course, and you don't need a community to do it. As Ms Hillary CLINTON so wrongly does NOT take a community. You can do it all yourself!

Your problem WILL BE that you do not believe YOU have the requisite skill-set. Others probably tell you the same thing because they, like you, are fearful. It would be even worse if YOU broke out and they didn't, so they are vested in your continuing failure...

FULLY VESTED. SO it doesn't take a community UNLESS you want your script REINFORCED!

I truly hope you aren't sitting in your mothers basement wearing week-old boxers...but it would seem to be a distinct possibility.

Take a look around your current surroundings and try to wrap your mind around the fact that, by your actions, you are exactly where you are. Should you move onto a different script, and make different decisions in your life, you would end up in exactly the right place for THOSE circumstances and decisions.

Remember Bickleford:


Repeat that upon arising in your current shithole of an environment and see if that is sufficient to set you upon a different course of action.

I thought not.

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 02:28 PM
Like it or not, you owe a debt to those who came before and a greater debt to those yet to come.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ironic that you said that considering the secrets hidden in my family tree.

You say I owe a debt to those before me and yet I still have yet to discover who all those people are.

Patience Young Jedi

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

When referring to secrets, a pedophile uncle or father incoherent nightly from spirits does not qualify. You being the spawn of the neighborhood milk-carrier isn't a secret like you suppose. People know stuff.

SECRETS, in the correct context, means hard-won family knowledge passed from worthy generation to worthy generation. NOT the embarrassing incidents of shame of your family's history.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 03:02 PM
Oh Bickle, My Bickle...

You have neither the chops nor education to be anything more than you are...clinically delusional...

delusions of grandeur!


However, you DO have the innate power in line with that which was given to you, no matter how outwardly unworthy. Sad to say that you are completely clueless on how to access this GREAT GIFT!

Sorry, I don't know ebonics for GIFT...maybe GIF?

Yes Bickle, you have been given a great GIF!

Reminds me of a senile old man searching in vain for the remote control device. Sadly, you remain stuck watching the same old PROGRAMMING...never finding what lies just beyond the current FREQUENCY.

Sad little BICKLE!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 03:03 PM
Have the throne ready for 2015.

Because I will be there ready to be the greatest leader this world has ever.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Has ever what, Bickle? Hard to complete a thought or sentence?

Americans refer to their WC's as thrones!


Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 04:03 PM
You have neither the chops nor education to be anything more than you are.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

This comment right here shows that you are just trying to motivate me.

How do I know?

I never received a college application letter from Yale.

Considering my Bush genealogy that seems rather odd, don't you think?

Or preplanned that way.

I was supposed to go through the School of Hard Knocks instead.

If you really wanted me to go through the normal route, I would no doubt have received a letter in the mail from Yale.

Where was my letter from Yale?

I would have been tapped for Skull and Bones.

It seems from the very beginning of my life the plans for me were always much different...
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I am not here specifically to motivate you and you alone Bickle. However,, if you believe in the one-ness of things and a divine plan, you can understand that there could be no other outcome!

I am here as stated to assist those worthy and who ask the right questions. I have committed to answer truthfully...which I have in fact done. Who asks what is up to the individuals asking or not asking.

Carry On! Bickle!

By the way. Yale and Skull and Bones are completely and totally irrelevant to your particular journey.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 04:09 PM
You want to help me?

I need access to the real data on how the world really works.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Are you acquainted with the scientific process? Did you take any science classes in your secondary education?

Hypotheses, test, evaluate, conclude.

Rinse and repeat!

Ever hear the term "follow the money"?

Do you understand human nature?

If you provoke a mother bear with cubs, what will be the probable outcome? Why would you provoke a bear instead of taking an alternate route?

If you wanted to kill the mother bear, you might threaten the cubs KNOWING how she will react. Knowing in advance how she will REACT, allows one to plan her demise, does it not?

If you insult a fellow traveler...provoke him or her without cause, what reaction can you expect?

If you place Na in water what happens? Does it happen sometimes or EVERY time?

Bickle, think man! Where is the puzzlement you express.

This is clockwork! Time pieces doesn't go from 12:03 to 13:13...they go to 12:04.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 04:11 PM
I am not here specifically to motivate you and you alone Bickle. However,, if you believe in the one-ness of things and a divine plan, you can understand that there could be no other outcome!

I am here as stated to assist those worthy and who ask the right questions. I have committed to answer truthfully...which I have in fact done. Who asks what is up to the individuals asking or not asking.

Carry On! Bickle!

By the way. Yale and Skull and Bones are completely and totally irrelevant to your particular journey.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Two Questions for you.

1. Who are you really?

2. What do you think my particular journey is?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Both questions have been asked and answered.

Particularly #2. Bickle, do you not read or do you not comprehend. Frantic posting is counter-productive. Take some time to reflect and understand what has already been given to you.

You are inquisitive as a small child, with a similar attention span.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/06/2011 04:14 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Thanks for providing us with the solution to this problem. I knew one way or another I would find the truth and figure this grand scheme out. You my friend are heaven sent. No matter how you put it.

And no I would not take the offer.


Don't forget to read my signature.
Quoting: El Quisqueyano

Welcome, fellow traveler!

I do quite like your signature line. The power and thunder of that writing is authentic and indicative of what truly lies within each and every one of us! It inspires me with awe, which is a wonderful thing!

Time to wake up, those who desire to further their bloodlines!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/07/2011 02:22 PM

Now, THOSE are bloodlines with a LOT of "noise"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What are the quiet bloodlines?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The ones you hear nothing about. The ones purring smoothly according to plan(s)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What plans do you speak of? Be more specific, let's hear this ultimate plan. The grand scheme here AC...Please.
Quoting: El Quisqueyano

There is only the GRAND SCHEME of the particular bloodline(s). Of course, these directly affect every other bloodline, almost all of which are completely unaware of the realities of their existence.

Are there more than one bloodline of significance? Of course, but there are precious few.

YOU are of a bloodline. What is YOUR grand scheme?

Answer that and you will have YOUR answer.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/07/2011 02:23 PM
never finding what lies just beyond the current FREQUENCY.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What lies beyond this current FREQUENCY?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

An entirely different one. And many behind that.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/07/2011 02:34 PM
We are entering a period of great upheaval and it will be very interesting to us to see if any of the humans figure it out.

OP...your words...are we talking months or years...(I see months)

Knowing what you do we best prepare...I'm prepared both spiritually and physically...can you expand on this...thanks.
Quoting: Chas

Hello Chas,

It will be the span of your life and those of your progeny, if you indeed have any.

If so, it will engulf theirs as well. It will not "end" per se...just evolve and evolve. And for most, degenerate.

You are not prepared in any sense of the word. It is something of a standing joke among many enlightened how the simpletons scurry about hoarding tins and small calibre handguns and such. Is it seriously believed that any such preparations would sustain any serious attention from those in power?

Will a few gold or silver coins matter in the likely scenarios? Think that one through carefully.

Seriously, how can one hold such deluded viewpoints. If you can find someone who has been through such an ordeal, ask them about it. Likely that you will never find such a person since they DON'T survive the encounter.

YOU ARE NOT PREPARED. Absorb that fact.

Now, let's assume that you live in Los Angeles and get word that a tsunami will take out the city. That information has great value, does it not? You can prepare you and your family by moving to the mountains. Of course, there will be details to work out and plans to make, but humans are adaptable by nature.

If you lack this vital knowledge, will the provisions and skills you have laid in allow your survival when the city is submerged? What if your tins float away with the debris?

The point is made eloquently in the bible.

For want of knowledge, my people are lost.

Not, for want of creamed corn, my people are lost. Big difference.

You lack knowledge, and a deluge is coming. My bloodline HAS knowledge, and control is how it has been obtained, and kept.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/07/2011 02:48 PM
I can't share everything just yet as I don't want to spoil the surprises.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, you are rambling again, and your various absurdities are making communication with you difficult.

Tell me more about how you willed a hoop-ball team to an unlikely victory?

One so enlightened, would likely hold little interest in the outcome of such an event...let alone attend in person. Is influencing the outcome of such an event the highest and best use of this so-called GIFT? Are there not more pressing issues with which to apply your talents?

Let's look from another perspective. The heavily favored team lost because you willed it so, or so you state. Presumably they were heavily favored because they possessed talent more than the lesser ranked team. Why? Maybe they came from better stock, because the players ancestors made better decisions and passed on better genes. Perhaps the players themselves worked harder, had more dedication or were physically superior.

Maybe the better team had a better coach. The University invested money which could have been spent in other areas but decided the publicity and fame was a superior investment in the Universities future.

Whatever, the higher ranked team was superior in some important ways, and that evaluation was borne out by the results being displayed by those assembled to watch the contest. The better tram was winning, as expected!

Then, according to your fanciful tale, YOU intervened and changed the inevitable outcome FOR NO GOOD REASON.

You had some arbitrary emotional attachment to see the weaker, less qualified team win! You then intervened to obtain your frivolous desire at the expense of the better teams efforts.

Consider possible downstream developments. The better team players become disheartened and quit up their true nature and talent. The lesser team develops an unrealistic expectation which cannot be sustained.

There are a million scenarios...choose one.

You would appear to be severely delusional, best case or a pathological liar. Your number system looks silly when you cannot muster a coherent argument.

From the evidence, I would conclude that you have no insight whatsoever.

Sorry to say!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/07/2011 02:50 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

For there are these three things that endure: Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What about KNOWLEDGE, Bickle?
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 02:27 PM
Do you know what Royalty in Exile means?

You can take a person off the throne, but you can't take the throne out of the person.

There is so many Kings in my bloodline I don't even know what the total number is.

Kings Rule. Kings Lead. That DNA Soul Memory stays with you.

Even if you are a NOBODY from Iowa.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

So how do you reconcile the fact that you have so-called royal blood, but stuck in a shithole doing absolutley nothing with your life?

D e l u s i o n a l

Also, the correct grammar would be "There ARE so many Kings..." A little care might make the difference between being taken seriously or written off as an ignorant NOBODY.
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 02:28 PM
Is influencing the outcome of such an event the highest and best use of this so-called GIFT? Are there not more pressing issues with which to apply your talents?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

When you and your family are humble enough to give me the respect I deserve is when I will really listen to you.

Or start helping with the tools I will need.

I bring a lot to the table even have been deliberately shunned for the last 30 years.

I AM proud of who I am.

The value system you use to measure one's worth is not something that I would agree with which is part of the problem.

Materialism preoccupation tends to drive the animal in a person.

I want more for this world than that.

You should do.

Plus you think too small. You wanted the New World Order?

New Universal Order is more like it.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, you of all people should know that respect is EARNED, not given.

Means to an end, Bickle...Means to an end
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 03:33 PM
So how do you reconcile the fact that you have so-called royal blood, but stuck in a shithole doing absolutley nothing with your life?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6781821

Great men are built from the inside out.

Accomplishments come in time.

It starts with a deep seeded desire to know oneself first.

I learn new things about myself everyday.

There is plenty of time in my life to prove I am "worthy" in the eyes of others.

Right now I am focused on knowing who I am as a person.

I have been studying Presidents lately.

Trying to learn what makes them Great Men.

How they inspire others.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, the presidents are NOT great or accomplished men. They are empty suits, willing to sell their souls for some simple comforts and perks.

If you think ANYONE in politics is worthy, do yourself a favor and volunteer to work on a campaign...state or federal level. That should give you an idea of the type of people who gravitate to "public service".

Those "great men" of power and position are often not "good men" and ALWAYS choose to stay outside of the media glare. You would not notice such men if you passed them on the street.

Buffet, for example, is a pudgy little sausage, taught and bursting with fat and excesses. To refer to him as an "oracle" of any kind is nonsense. These people develop connections whereby KNOWLEDGE is passed on a quid pro quo basis and "money" is "earned".

There is a well written book by an indian trader who explains that every large trade is made only when the trade outcome is already known. He tells a very accurate accounting of how financials and derivative markets operate. I believe his name is DAS or some-such. Now wrap your puny neural membrane around the fact the system of finance is a fraud upon its face. Learn the fraud!

Grow! Young Bickle!
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 03:45 PM
How come you are sharing your time with us today?
Quoting: artMan 1187441

It's a harvest of sorts, I suppose.

Why does a small child poke a box turtle?

Why does a small child study an anthill intently...and then smash it under his heel? That universal unknown.

Does it make me feel superior? not really. A freak show? No.

Perhaps there is a part of me that hopes for the growth of others. Perhaps I feel a duty to remain open to helping others I deem worthy. As a matter of honour, I will not a matter of practicality, I will not play Socrates.

Come up with your own intellect and stretch your thinking.

Thank you for your question.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Thank you for your time!

1. Are you here on your own initiative?

2. Do you have a strong sense of love for us, your average brother and sister?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5051820

As questions can have many meanings (nuanced-both subtle and gross) I will say that my so-called "initiatives" are always to serve the greater good of the bloodline. The "unforgivable" mistake is when the ego acts in conflict with this fundamental truth.

I do have a strong sense of compassion, but it operates under the constraint(s) stated above. In other words, I might well help a fellow traveler in some sort of moral, ethical or physical danger...while allowing (through inaction or other)an entire bloodline to end. And there is absolutely no contradiction in holding these tenets!

Stop thinking of yourself as AVERAGE. START thinking that your bloodline has unique attributes which can be built upon and exploited for your evolutionary benefit!
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 03:49 PM
So how do you reconcile the fact that you have so-called royal blood, but stuck in a shithole doing absolutley nothing with your life?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6781821

Look at any great life.

Most of the initial years are spent in the struggle.

These are character building moments.

It is a little bit early to judge my life's success.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, you have not yet engaged the struggle!

Only a select few bloodlines will even get to the STARTING GATE!!

Laughing out loud!!

YOU are the best YOUR particular bloodline could advance to this point, for reasons which can be well understood. Your bloodlines have given you precious few tools from all outward appearances. This is very unfortunate for you, and suggests the odds are stacked against you!

But perhaps there is ONE in YOUR bleachers who will WILL you to an IMPOSSIBLE you so kindly did for the University of Illinois hoop-ball team!!

laughing out loud!!
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 03:52 PM
I plan to work at earning peoples respect.

Because this "GIFT" that I was given will probably change my life, it is a bit premature for me to make lifelong plans at this moment in time.

I want to have a firm definite purpose in place too.

I know am going to help others.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, were you to receive $1 million US unexpectedly, and you had a vague sense that it was imperative that you give the totality of these funds to an unrelated bloodline (gut feeling)...say an orphanage or some such....would you do so?

Would you give this windfall to others selflessly and anonymously?

Answer honestly, young Bickle!
User ID: 6781821 United States 12/08/2011 03:53 PM
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:29 PM
Would you agree that enforcing taxation on people is in conflict with "natural law" and that it is equivalent to steeling?
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

No. Natural Law or Natural Order favors the strongest or best abled to procure a disproportionate share of all up on Darwin's theory of natural selection.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:33 PM

If a military general orders soldiers to kill enemy troops, is it just the soldiers doing the actual killing who are breaking universal/natural law?


Is the only way to be "safe" from people who constantly break natural law, to dominate them through persuasion and cunningness and to ultimately control they're minds?
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

You presume that killing violates the Natural Law. Aside from the Human genus, where do you see indications of this in nature.

If humans act differently than the majority of the animal kingdom, it is not, by definition a Law.

Give an example in nature where any species is "safe" in the definitive sense of the word.

Don't you understand? It is the ILLUSION of "safety" which provides ultimate control...for only then does "fear" work as a tool of control.

I think the humans on this site at least understand THIS point.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:37 PM

Do you have complete knowledge of today's cutting edge technology or are some things in that area inaccessible to you?


What is Sweden's role in the international arena?

What is you view on reincarnation?
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

1) No, and No
2) To think of a country as playing a role in the international arena is incorrect. Start thinking of families and bloodlines who control certain resources...including human. Even corporations call it a human resource department. (Most) humans are nothing more than assets or capital.
3) Reincarnation is a distraction and does not exist. The bloodline does not die, unless no suitable heir continues the line. If the line ends, then it is permanent. There is no reincarnation when a bloodline ends.

You may understand the stakes are very high! When you truly understand this aspect, you will understand there can be no "ethics" situational or otherwise. There is only survival which is the true Natural Law.

Sometimes I am amazed how clueless you all really are!

Laughing out loud!!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:44 PM

Sorry, English is my second language, I'll try my best.
I have studied as much as I could and analyzed the interviews provided by your bloodline family - thank you for that, helped a lot for our current bloodline existence,
but non of us can get rid-off deep sorrow we feel for all the lobotomized human containers.

1. I love competition, but with = or > than me, how do you deal with this issue?
2. Can you help me with my last fear subject left in me?
I agree with you, you can win over too many lobotomized humans,
but in this case we definitely do not want to share same time/space existence.
So my big question:
Is my bloodline stuck in the reincarnation with your bloodline soul group?
LOL.... I assume you do have a soul.
Quoting: chincha

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Hello Chinchua,

I am assuming that you are Asian/Chinese as you took the time to research the bloodlines as I suggested, and you are semi-literate in a non-native language.

Native english speakers are typically illiterate. The best thing that could happen to canada is if the "native" canadians were shipped somewhere (or drowned like the vermin they are) and the land populated with Asians. I prefer Japanese due to their industrious nature, but chinese follow directions well and cause few disturbances to the status quo.

Regardless, to your question(s).

1) One does not "deal" with competition. It is the natural state of humanity. One cannot opt out, take a rest, or hit the pause button.

Of course, one can do ALL of those things, but at a great cost!

2) Yes. All bloodlines coexist in a concurrent timeline/spatial sense. Intersections and near misses...

Laughing out loud!

You are likely aware of the teachings of Buddha, or at a minimum the Buddhist philosophy.

They espouse giving up the "game" entirely. They surrender because they understand the futility and paradox inherent in the current state of development. To suppress/conquer all tread be one with all.

It is the yin to our yang. It is the only counter-position to our gambit. We know this, but we also know human nature.

Christianity also pays lip service to this...turn the other cheek. Why? To deprive the "other" of your hate energy. That is the only way to prevail, but how many western minds can comprehend this simple teaching? Charles Manson, a famous prisoner in the us (although he committed no crime himself) said something to the effect that the hatred of the americans towards him is what kept him going...or words to that effect!

Imagine! There is someone who actually understands the dynamic and, as such, had to be incarcerated!

Laughing out loud!!

The strongest weapon is the non-weapon.

One is indeed all...but don't tell anyone!!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Oh, hello Rofschild, what an honour, it's rare you say hello to anybody.

You say that Native English speakers are illiterate - and yet you are having trouble typing "Chincha"?
For those of you who do not know, Chincha is from the native Inca's, which means "Human Spirit of the slaves".

Thank you for pointing out my semi-literacy, I know, I hate languages, they are the same as religions
- just another outdated vermin control tool of the divide and conquer agenda.

About my curiosity with Rothschild's - when I was a little child, there lived a small, poor, crazy old man, we were forbidden
by parents to talk to him, but, who can stop children - we just loved him, he told us great stories.
One of them was about Hitler being a bastard child of the rich Jewish man.

So, we are the Pawns in this game? Great...! - there are many and they only move forward.
So, you are admitting that we have evolved, are not a failed creation experiment, surpassed the masters?

"Imagine! There is someone who actually understands the dynamic and, as such, had to be incarcerated!"

Laughing out loud...! Sweet.

If you do not understand the basics of the creation, why do you think you have right to be
an architects of control for the Earth and other earthlings, conscious living beings?
Would not be the killing and dumbing down of humans (as you call it) the YIN for our God-creator?
Do you think you are our Gods?

Why so much secrecy, can you tell us about your plans and the creation you are most proud of?

Game is almost over; as per Dr. Michio Kaku, step from the civilization type "0" to "1" or destruction.
As you claim to be our proud leaders/representatives, controllers of the resources, this should be easy,
please name top 3 points why this society should advance to type "1"?

What is special/different about 15% of the population TPTB can not control?
RH- neg. is only "disclosure in the plain sight".
Lol... Gods want to know how close you are to figure it out.

Whoever is the current controller, nobody's fool enough to take the credit, definitely not you OP.
Somebody just does not like Rothschild's (known name) - the scapegoats of this madness?,
or is it the bitch karma for not sharing the knowledge with other bloodlines?

Do you know what happens to those who use the secret knowledge for they very own betterment?

Will you please, please... share your heritage wisdom with us? I want to know!
or LOL.... will you just join us to become an organic fertilizer for the future Earth circle?
Please tell, you said it - we're all ONE after all.

Thank you
Quoting: chincha

Hello Chincha,

I do not quite grasp your meaning here.

As to an end game, it is already in play. The slaves are yoked and doing the work they were bred to do. They also lack the intellect to see what is in plain sight, which would remove the yoke. So, the free choice is available, a prerequisite to this form of slavery, and the slaves are fearful.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:47 PM
Would you agree that enforcing taxation on people is in conflict with "natural law" and that it is equivalent to steeling?
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

No. Natural Law or Natural Order favors the strongest or best abled to procure a disproportionate share of all up on Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

it's programed in our minds already "taxes"...but it can be deselected...deprogramed...awareness of deselecting order of taxes;-) that aware...will to delect taxes and will a new selection...naturally of course...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7384967

There are some who have done their work on the question of the US tax code, but even when explained, the vast majority will not pay attention.

Familiar with the phrase "pay your fair share"? Consider that the "fair share" might well be zero!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:51 PM
Sometimes I am amazed how clueless you all really are!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

That tends to happen when one group hordes knowledge and then makes it a point to continually put out disinfo.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Young Bickle,

Truly, there is much disinformation out there, but we do not even need to dirty our hands...for the large part.

You little people are adept at offering opinions on things of which you have no real knowledge. Very adept.

Look at the stock market. The objective is to get the worthless fiat out of the serfs hands, not make a profit!

Why would those who own the fiat creation have to work to get more! Silly!

The market exists to get worthless fiat out of the hands of the little people, and for no other reason. And it is very easy to do. Think about how the markets work!

I offer you this Bickle. If you can figure out the mechanism by which this is accomplished, I will fill in the blanks and you SHOULD be able to help your bloodline with some crisp, new fiat!

Laughing out loud!

That just sounds silly to me!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:53 PM

Do you have complete knowledge of today's cutting edge technology or are some things in that area inaccessible to you?


What is Sweden's role in the international arena?

What is you view on reincarnation?
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

1) No, and No
2) To think of a country as playing a role in the international arena is incorrect. Start thinking of families and bloodlines who control certain resources...including human. Even corporations call it a human resource department. (Most) humans are nothing more than assets or capital.
3) Reincarnation is a distraction and does not exist. The bloodline does not die, unless no suitable heir continues the line. If the line ends, then it is permanent. There is no reincarnation when a bloodline ends.

You may understand the stakes are very high! When you truly understand this aspect, you will understand there can be no "ethics" situational or otherwise. There is only survival which is the true Natural Law.

Sometimes I am amazed how clueless you all really are!

Laughing out loud!!

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

so why does your family claim the merovingian line has died out when it has not? There are many descendants of this line alive today...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7384967

If that, or anything, is not true, that why bother with its consideration?

One thing you will find is that delusion serves no one in the continuation of the bloodlines. Purging delusion is the reason you, and your kind, will never advance.

Go ahead, use that "credit card" to the maximum! Then sit back and ride out the end times in style!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 12:55 PM

No. Natural Law or Natural Order favors the strongest or best abled to procure a disproportionate share of all up on Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

it's programed in our minds already "taxes"...but it can be deselected...deprogramed...awareness of deselecting order of taxes;-) that aware...will to delect taxes and will a new selection...naturally of course...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7384967

There are some who have done their work on the question of the US tax code, but even when explained, the vast majority will not pay attention.

Familiar with the phrase "pay your fair share"? Consider that the "fair share" might well be zero!
Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I will do more than consider...I will "see" it visualy with eyes wide
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7384967

User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:07 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take thHanta Toe deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You force shiat down our throat and tell us it is chocolate.
Quit messing wif the world yo.
It's not cool being a jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving. And plus,my family, the Randolph family of Virginia OWN YOU!
Quoting: M3 7385494

If your family were anything other than dirt-clod farmers, you wouldn't have "shiat" being crammed down your throats.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:08 PM
Exchange Stabilization Fund?

Office of International Treasury Control?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Whatever are you babbling about, young Bickle?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:44 PM
Read the book by the bond trader DAS. It will give you the background along with one GREAT TRUTH you will need to know.

When you finish the book, TELL me what you believe is the great secret contained therein. You will receive three tries (since you are a novice). Credit also if you demonstrate some logic (or creativity) to your (incorrect) guesses.

Should you find this out quickly, the pace will accelerate. If you are a dullard, it will take longer. Subsequent lessons will be less forgiving, as is required.

I offer you this, Bickle, since you are the only grasshopper who has shown some measure of resolve thus far. Not to say I expect you to succeed; in fact I am sure you will not. But have at it old chap if you are so inclined.

By the end of the exercise, the worthy novitiate would have not only the answer, but the wisdom to harness the power contained within.

Or don't bother!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:46 PM
Exchange Stabilization Fund?

Office of International Treasury Control?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Whatever are you babbling about, young Bickle?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You told me to look for the mechanism by which the markets work.

I wasn't sure if you were referring to group psychology or the actual secret funds/bonds/banks that actually run and support the market.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I am assuming your twitchy little mind wants to make a "killing" in the financial markets and thus live the "good life" replete with cars, women of questionable repute and perhaps some drug!

The american dream!!

laughing out loud!!

Maybe a nice gold tooth!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:49 PM
I offer you this Bickle. If you can figure out the mechanism by which this is accomplished, I will fill in the blanks and you SHOULD be able to help your bloodline with some crisp, new fiat!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7384967

The market goes to the path of least resistance.

Where both the Bulls and the Bears lose for the most part.

TV usually tells the opposite of what an average investor should do.

The market is a siphon. It siphons the money from the foolish and those with less inside information to those who are able to rig the result to their favor.

The higher up the pyramid you are the greater the chance of success of getting a favorable result.

The Top of the pyramid owns the fiat. i.e. owns the debt.

Federal Reserve notes are debt which is owed to your family, OP.

Somehow your family was able to gain control of the ability to create the money supply back in the 1700s. (if not before)

Was Mayer Amschel Rothschild the patriarch of the family? Or was there someone else?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

There is only BLOOD, young Bickle!

It takes many shapes and forms, which are largely irrelevant!! LAUGHING LAUGHING LAUGHING OUT LOUD!!

What shape will the humans see it as tomorrow??
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:49 PM
Blood is the river of life! Drain yours and see how important fiat is to you!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:51 PM
The young(ish) Bickle, unwittingly! Stumbles into a life changing scenario!

The crowd draws a collective gasp! Will Bickle rise to the challenge, or fail as he has so many times prior!

User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:52 PM
Read the book by the bond trader DAS. It will give you the background along with one GREAT TRUTH you will need to know.

When you finish the book, TELL me what you believe is the great secret contained therein. You will receive three tries (since you are a novice). Credit also if you demonstrate some logic (or creativity) to your (incorrect) guesses.

Should you find this out quickly, the pace will accelerate. If you are a dullard, it will take longer. Subsequent lessons will be less forgiving, as is required.

I offer you this, Bickle, since you are the only grasshopper who has shown some measure of resolve thus far. Not to say I expect you to succeed; in fact I am sure you will not. But have at it old chap if you are so inclined.

By the end of the exercise, the worthy novitiate would have not only the answer, but the wisdom to harness the power contained within.

Or don't bother!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

There are two DAS authors and they have multiple books each.

To which book are you referring to?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Based on our prior conversations and the limited information you have, what would you surmise?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 01:58 PM
Read the book by the bond trader DAS. It will give you the background along with one GREAT TRUTH you will need to know.

When you finish the book, TELL me what you believe is the great secret contained therein. You will receive three tries (since you are a novice). Credit also if you demonstrate some logic (or creativity) to your (incorrect) guesses.

Should you find this out quickly, the pace will accelerate. If you are a dullard, it will take longer. Subsequent lessons will be less forgiving, as is required.

I offer you this, Bickle, since you are the only grasshopper who has shown some measure of resolve thus far. Not to say I expect you to succeed; in fact I am sure you will not. But have at it old chap if you are so inclined.

By the end of the exercise, the worthy novitiate would have not only the answer, but the wisdom to harness the power contained within.

Or don't bother!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

There are two DAS authors and they have multiple books each.

To which book are you referring to?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Based on our prior conversations and the limited information you have, what would you surmise?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

No, Bickle, what book title of S. Das would you conclude you should read? Please, try to follow along with the people at hime!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 03:39 PM
Im glad you're back OP breaking new records in sarcasm!

Some more questions:

What are the best countries to live in, for the next 20 years?

Was HIV man-made?

What are youre thoughts on the jesuits?

Is it impossible to cross the van alan belt?
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

Countries are a political definition! Influenced by geographical conditions, but primarily political.

There is no universal answer to your question. If you are a cockroach, you will starve in a gold mine!

Meaning that you will thrive in that area which offers you the things you need at the lowest cost of extraction! A Siberian Husky is miserable in the tropics but loves the hard conditions of the Yukon!

Few would recommend life in Haiti but I assure you there are some there living quite comfortably. Those politically connected no doubt. They will also own even more through the reconstruction process. The dumb brutes on the other end of the spectrum are not so well placed.

Do you see my meaning? Situate where you have the most resources, connections or whatever is important to you.

HIV is a biological source material with outside "influence". There is a lot of public information on that topic.

Jesuits are actors on the stage, playing their part with no particular significance.

Of course!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 03:44 PM
Would you agree that enforcing taxation on people is in conflict with "natural law" and that it is equivalent to steeling?
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

No. Natural Law or Natural Order favors the strongest or best abled to procure a disproportionate share of all up on Darwin's theory of natural selection.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Well, the reason I asked was regarding an older question. There you said that there were remedies for every intractable situation and I asked "why do you leave remedies?". And I have also heard that some high-up "luciferians" are following some kind of moral code. Guess I was wrong, or you're not that high-up.
Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

Your initial presumption is correct. There is ALWAYS a solution for any "intractable" situation!! Always and without exception, for ever and ever!

My statement was that Natural Law FAVORS the strongest or best abled, not that the strongest or best abled always prevail in every situation! It is rare that humans invest the requisite effort to learn these remedies!

for want of knowledge, my people (read bloodline) are lost
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 03:45 PM
When will we see proof of "Darwin's theory of natural selection".

Quoting: cyberindian 4240738

Never. You won't be around to see the final act, likely.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 03:46 PM
Here's a rhetorical one: How many children does the paradigm you helped create sacrifice to the Baphomet on a daily basis?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1262503

None. You eat your own!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 03:47 PM
Read the book by the bond trader DAS. It will give you the background along with one GREAT TRUTH you will need to know.

When you finish the book, TELL me what you believe is the great secret contained therein. You will receive three tries (since you are a novice). Credit also if you demonstrate some logic (or creativity) to your (incorrect) guesses.

Should you find this out quickly, the pace will accelerate. If you are a dullard, it will take longer. Subsequent lessons will be less forgiving, as is required.

I offer you this, Bickle, since you are the only grasshopper who has shown some measure of resolve thus far. Not to say I expect you to succeed; in fact I am sure you will not. But have at it old chap if you are so inclined.

By the end of the exercise, the worthy novitiate would have not only the answer, but the wisdom to harness the power contained within.

Or don't bother!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I see you still have your wicked sense of

So OP...when does your Master Lucifer arrive and what happens then...
Quoting: Chas

This thread does not discuss scary monsters and things that go bump in the night! Sorry!

Will have to go elsewhere for fairy tales!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 03:52 PM

Do you have complete knowledge of today's cutting edge technology or are some things in that area inaccessible to you?


What is Sweden's role in the international arena?

What is you view on reincarnation?
Quoting: Cyberindian 4240738

If the line ends, then it is permanent. There is no reincarnation when a bloodline ends.

You may understand the stakes are very high! When you truly understand this aspect, you will understand there can be no "ethics" situational or otherwise. There is only survival which is the true Natural Law.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Well that should select for a simply charming place!
Quoting: sarcasm engaged 7391732

Stress comes from large deltas of differential!

lightning, battery power, and social strife. There have to be polarities!!

The bigger the differential, the bigger the reaction!

At some point, the remaining bloodlines will be similar enough in power and stature to know that coexistence is the next logical evolutionary step....referred biblically as the thousand year peace. At that point, there wont be many left, at least relevant to the current population level. 500 million at most.

THEN things get interesting!

Thanks for playing!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 04:12 PM
No, Bickle, what book title of S. Das would you conclude you should read? Please, try to follow along with the people at hime!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ordered the book.

I remember seeing Mr. Das in a documentary. He is smart and direct.

Why do you have so much confidence in Mr. Das's writings compared to someone elses?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle! Which book did you order?

I did not say that I had confidence in DAS. What I said was that he lays out some very basic truths and has credentials in your reality that lend credence in what he opposed to reading something here on GLP, for instance.

Seeing is believing to the little folk!

You were surprisingly not far off in your initial assessment of the point to be derived. Read the(correct)book anyway and report back. WARNING! There are not a lot of pictures and the typeset is small!

Laughing out loud!

Bickle out!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 04:16 PM

Tell us more about the Law of Conservation of Risk.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You already answered that yourself! If one has perfect knowledge of a future outcome, transactional risk by definition approaches zero.

Now, if one has perfect knowledge of a future outcome, for example a bond or equity trade, what is absolutely necessary for that trade to take place? How could "outside" assets be utilized to assure this happens?

Remember, the equity and bond markets exist only to remove fiat from circulation!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 04:30 PM
Yes Bickle, a buyer is needed for every seller, and vice versa.

There is an old expression in poker..."If, after 30 minutes at the table, you have not spotted the chump, then YOU are the chump"

or words to that effect!

In other words, if you don't know with 100% certainty that any given trade will be successful...well, you can figure that one out.

How many humans do you know who fit that category!

Why is it that everyone wins in Las Vegas, yet the casinos make record profits...except if no one shows up!

Historically, the stock market in the US was looked upon as a gambling syndicate in the 20s and 30's...only later was it legitimized by allowing a select number of winners!

Casinos always place the higher paying slot machines near the entrances and high traffic areas!

For every featured expert in your "financial magazines" there are a million losers, suffering in silence and extruding fear and worry (to be harvested!!). Plus, they will have to keep laboring with no retirement!!

No one made them enter into a rigged contest, no more than one is forced to visit las vegas!

beauty in simplicity!! AND knowledge of the human "condition"

No witchcraft or boogie-men required!!

laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 04:32 PM
If your family is trying so hard to remove fiat from the system why does the inflation percentage keep skyrocking?

Are you trying to convert fiat to more controllable items like bonds because bonds give your family some type of competitive advantage against the bond holder, more so than fiat does?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Of course, the objective is to flood the world with fiat, but not in your twitchy little hands!!

Assets bought cheap!! Artificial demand for dollars and euros, of which you will have none!

Sorry to say!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/19/2011 04:32 PM
Enjoy your pagan holiday interval!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 11:40 AM
you: say you're a blacksheep, what's the deal?

bloodline: I will put myself forth as the example, father is of English heritage, mother Chinese.. at or about the last couple generations. I see myself as the product of the psychological factors contributed to their upbringing, the conflict of male and female polars under the influence of cultural introjections. Unless there is 'magic' in blood I don't see how it can have any importance, as far as 'picking' the lock goes.

destiny: let's say im the outcast of that football team, nobody seems to want to know me- HAH! but of course i want the best for that football team, or should i say - i want the best for myself which is attaining the best for the team. I am selfish - but I can't help that. Would you be devils advocate and tell me to follow this selfish desire to it's end? does the futile act produce the necessary modifications to oneself? the cohesion of (reptilian) instinct, (mammal) emotion, and higher intellect?

boogeymen: what's the indoctrination process, would Anus as Oculus (please google the pdf) be it? Why would THEY reveal themselves to you - would it be to keep you on the edge on the matter of 'destiny'?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1411007

Hello Anonymous Coward!

I am not clear what you are getting at, but for amusement, let's follow the football analogy and apply it to bloodlines in a way you might understand!

So your favorite sports team boards an autobus with the objective of traveling cross-country to a sporting match. Everyone on the bus agrees they want to get to the game where they can have a "shot" at fame and glory!!

Let's further imagine that there is not a hired driver but that each sports participant will get a turn at the steering wheel!

You can imagine with the variety of personalities on the bus that some will be diligent and drive directly at top speed! Others may get distracted! Some may stop excessively to eat and satisfy some psychological craving they have. Others are drunks! and wish to stop at every pub along the way and drink to excess. Not only do these people delay the progress of the team in reaching their destination, but their dissolute living puts the entire team at risk of accident and death. The selfish ones care little as long as their needs are met!

Some drivers might stop to assist their stranded fellow traveler! What a good guy! However, in doing so they delay the progress of their fellow team mates! Certainly, the one providing the service looks the hero and collects accolades, but he has done a disservice to the others on the bus to satisfy the ego. From the viewpoint of the teammates, it is a selfish act.

By now even the dullards here MUST gather the meaning. Bickle, I'm looking at you.

The bus is of course the bloodline. Ancestors and those yet to come are all helpless passengers as each bloodline member gets their turn at the wheel! You are free to do as you will and all that...but everyone on your team will pay a price for your choices...such as they are!

What will you do with YOUR TURN?

NOW! Let's say that the other team knows your bus is full of lower form primates who respond to their base instincts. So the opposition team, being the black-hearts they are, erect a billboard advertising young women who will dance and writhe for your pleasure! And serve alcohol until you are stupid! Hooray!

Who is responsible for the team bus now parked in that parking lot? The team, or proprietor?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 11:44 AM
Here's a rhetorical one: How many children does the paradigm you helped create sacrifice to the Baphomet on a daily basis?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1262503

None. You eat your own!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Considering comments like the one you made above, why should I trust you, OP?

You have demonstrated many times in your answers that you will do what ever it takes to reach your "end goal"

Please enlighten me why I should have confidence in you to keep your word and integrity intact.

You also said that you only make trades that you already know the outcome to. i.e. trades that you win.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

BICKLE! You single-celled amoebae!

You would ask ME, the one who you presumably are reluctant to trust, why you should trust me? Do you want me to convince you?

After all I have written about duty to one's bloodline as an exclusive duty, you would ask such a question?

Hang your head in a blizzard of shame, grasshopper!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 11:50 AM
Read the book by the bond trader DAS. It will give you the background along with one GREAT TRUTH you will need to know.

When you finish the book, TELL me what you believe is the great secret contained therein. You will receive three tries (since you are a novice). Credit also if you demonstrate some logic (or creativity) to your (incorrect) guesses.

Should you find this out quickly, the pace will accelerate. If you are a dullard, it will take longer. Subsequent lessons will be less forgiving, as is required.

I offer you this, Bickle, since you are the only grasshopper who has shown some measure of resolve thus far. Not to say I expect you to succeed; in fact I am sure you will not. But have at it old chap if you are so inclined.

By the end of the exercise, the worthy novitiate would have not only the answer, but the wisdom to harness the power contained within.

Or don't bother!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I see you still have your wicked sense of

So OP...when does your Master Lucifer arrive and what happens then...
Quoting: Chas

This thread does not discuss scary monsters and things that go bump in the night! Sorry!

Will have to go elsewhere for fairy tales!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You are both protective and then it is your tell us OP...what if any from your perspective... do you guys fear most...IE...the so called wild I know it is not seemingly in your nature to even believe that such a possibilty exist...but if it did what would it be...broad strokes would be fine...
Quoting: Chas

Hello Chaz!

One point made repeatedly is the utilization of fear as a tool of control! Fear is rooted in a feeling of not having control in one's environment or lacking the skill or knowledge to react appropriately in any situation.

Let's say their are two criminals in the dock...court for you yanks. Both are accused of some petty crime.

The first is nervous and afraid of being punished. When his name is called, the stress skyrockets and he begins to sweat and his voice cracks.

The second is calm and collected! Why, because the judge is a lodge member, or a relative, or on the payroll of his boss. Do you think he feels fear?

You are an adult. It is a windy night and you hear a tree branch repeatedly striking the house. You know what it is and don't think anything about it. How about a 6 year old who has just finished a horror movie?

Fear is a tool to suppress and control other bloodlines. We do not fear, we deal with what-is, utilizing an almost infinite tool-box of possibilities.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 11:55 AM
are you the same person who claimed to be from 'an Elite Family that we despise' ?

and blessing us with your wisdom again?


stroking that ego
Quoting: awake 4115341

No, Mr. Awake. I am not.

Wisdom is there for those ready to receive it.

The game ends only at the time it ends. Until then, any game needs participants and actors!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 11:56 AM
After all I have written about duty to one's bloodline as an exclusive duty, you would ask such a question?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Because I wanted to see how you respond to adversity.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Bickle! You lack the tools to create adversity and visit it upon others.

You need to venture forth from the basement space and get some fresh-air and sunlight!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:00 PM
If you are a rofschild. You would know about me. 14. who am i? if you cannot answer this simple question. then this thread is FAKE.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7262701

Hmmmm....obviously, you are a man of breeding and intelligence...wit and culture!

You ventured forth at a young age and settled in the Nile region, where you inadvertently discovered the long lost secrets of Amun and Thoth! And now you have come forward to share your wisdom with the sloths and dregs on MY thread!

For Shame!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:06 PM
After all I have written about duty to one's bloodline as an exclusive duty, you would ask such a question?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Because I wanted to see how you respond to adversity.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dear Bickle! You lack the tools to create adversity and visit it upon others.

You need to venture forth from the basement space and get some fresh-air and sunlight!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You got a point there.

Besides ordering the book what are the other ways to acquire the tools that I will need?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Firstly, you ordered the wrong book, but no matter!

Can you elaborate what you are trying to obtain? I was merely trying to tool you up to make a few fiat and get you out from underfoot your parents.

Teach a man to beg and he eats today, but teach a man how to game the system and he can be a leader of society!

Laughing out loud!

Seriously, Bickle, you will also need to learn the importance of grooming and bathing, particularly if you have any plan or scheme on continuing your sad little line!

Take a quick inventory of your current state. I would imagine you are quite ripe, with no fiat or car and living with mum at her flat.

You can't change all of that today, but you can BATHE!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:08 PM
I have no idea what a 'rofschild' is or what axes have to do with it!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7495856

Consult your parson or rabbi for additional information.

Thanks for axeing.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:13 PM
Not much of a marksman, eh bickle?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:25 PM
Well Done, Bickle.

Very Well Done.

The firing of your synaptic pair has warmed the cockles of my heart!

Do you know the etymology of that particular idiom, Bickle?

And no, a bivalve mollusk does not take residence in a literal sense. Guess again!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:27 PM
Not sure how you are trying to "groom" me OP.

Would you prefer I be the next Buddha/Gandhi or John D Rockefeller?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, the only grooming going on here is to better your personal hygiene and get you out of your parents basement!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:27 PM
but teach a man how to game the system and he can be a leader of society!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

There are many leaders who don't need to "game the system" to be a great leader.

In fact, the leaders who hold the public's respect are the ones who go against the grain.

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Any current examples you can offer to support your assertion?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:36 PM
Not sure how you are trying to "groom" me OP.

Would you prefer I be the next Buddha/Gandhi or John D Rockefeller?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, the only grooming going on here is to better your personal hygiene and get you out of your parents basement!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

You never asked me WHY I am here. Did you?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Why would I ask you such an inane question...even if I in fact cared one iota!

Nelson Mandela?? Surely you jest!!!

Oh, I can't breathe!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:39 PM
Bickle, you should slow down and think before you post...or speak, when dealing with the three dimensional world.

It is very easy to be disregarded and thought a clown, or worse, resulting from one or several innocuous comments.

Wasn't it Lincoln, Abraham who famously said

"it is better to be silent and thought a fool, then open one's mouth and remove all doubt"?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:42 PM
Bickle, I must ask...

Have you ever been in a meaningful "relationship" with another (non-relative)human. If you respond in the affirmative, define what made it meaningful.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:45 PM
Bickle, you should slow down and think before you post...or speak, when dealing with the three dimensional world.

It is very easy to be disregarded and thought a clown, or worse, resulting from one or several innocuous comments.

Wasn't it Lincoln, Abraham who famously said

"it is better to be silent and thought a fool, then open one's mouth and remove all doubt"?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Am I a direct descendant of Abraham Lincoln?

How many US Presidents am I directly descended from? Nine?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What is with this fetish of yours?

Do you see the American presidency as an approximation of royal bloodlines? Or what is it that makes you hold these actors in such regard?

Do you not see that Lincoln in his role was a tool of the international banking system of that time?

What did Lincoln do, in your mind, that would make him a worthy ancestor? If such were to be the case?

And, PLEASE do not say ANYTHING regarding slavery!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:52 PM
Bickle, if I were to tell you that the tools you need to Ascend, in the best possible sense of the word, were likely all within 50 feet of where you now find yourself...or were easily obtained in less than one hour...

and all that you needed was the information of what those items are and how they are to be combined to obtain that result...

would you be so fixated on the activities which you now engage in your daily grind?

If you were offered a sum of federal reserve notes, say $1,000 or the "so-called" knowledge and forgo the frn's knowing the information comes to you from an untrustworthy source?

Which would you choose?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 12:53 PM
What did Lincoln do, in your mind, that would make him a worthy ancestor? If such were to be the case?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Lets flip the conversation.

Who do YOU think are my most worthy ancestors.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

From my perspective, they are all worthy since they have made bad choices resulting in you representing no threat whatsoever to my line.

Useful idiots, so to speak.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 01:01 PM
Bickle, you should slow down and think before you post...or speak, when dealing with the three dimensional world.

It is very easy to be disregarded and thought a clown, or worse, resulting from one or several innocuous comments.

Wasn't it Lincoln, Abraham who famously said

"it is better to be silent and thought a fool, then open one's mouth and remove all doubt"?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Am I a direct descendant of Abraham Lincoln?

How many US Presidents am I directly descended from? Nine?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What is with this fetish of yours?

Do you see the American presidency as an approximation of royal bloodlines? Or what is it that makes you hold these actors in such regard?

Do you not see that Lincoln in his role was a tool of the international banking system of that time?

What did Lincoln do, in your mind, that would make him a worthy ancestor? If such were to be the case?

And, PLEASE do not say ANYTHING regarding slavery!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

To be honest I was just trying to see how much information you know about my bloodline.

As I have been lied and lied and lied to my entire life.

My life is like The Truman Show in the sense I don't know what is "Real" and what is just a show.

People following me. Watching Me. And I have no clue why.

If you can shed some light on this that would be Great.

Just tired of being Lied too. That is all.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, I referred to the concept of "beautiful lies" many times. Take the example of santa claus. Children are taught the beautiful lie. In one sense, children must be taught small lies to believe the larger ones later in life.

You have an intellect of sorts, but have not made the choice if you want to believe the beautiful lies, or live in a life where harsh reality truths are dealt with.

You want to believe there is a savior out there...someone smarter than you who can tell you how things really are. Give you a blueprint for which to proceed.

Many famous musicians made fortunes and then lost them later by outsourcing the financial management to others.

You can likewise outsource the difficult struggle for truth, but take the risk of being led astray or cheated. Can you take that level of risk?

Perhaps a more reasonable expectation is to gather clues and form your own opinions. From there, you develop the ability to make choices and actions. Right or wrong, they are your decisions. You are driving the bus! From your wrong decisions, wisdom will come...sooner or later. Unless you delude yourself in which case all bets are off.

Look at yourself today, honestly. What do you say is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness. Not in a grand sense, but a realistic day to day sense.

What prevents you from attaining what you want?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 01:05 PM
Take a look at pictures of some of the most blighted areas of DETROIT USA or other urban blights.

Consider that if humans would have left that area it would be a beautiful natural woodlands!

Think of all the delusion and bad choices that would be necessary to create such a horrible condition!

Nature, in its perfection meets the hand of man.

You have a Nature side and a human side.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 01:06 PM
Look at yourself today, honestly. What do you say is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness. Not in a grand sense, but a realistic day to day sense.

What prevents you from attaining what you want?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

My greatest strength is my willingness to do the right thing even when the odds are stacked against me.

My greatest weakness is my inability to sell out even one ioda in order to get ahead.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

See, Bickle, that is the type of horseshit answer I would expect from a delusional personality.

I ask again, what is your greatest PRACTICAL strength and weakness?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 01:11 PM
Look at yourself today, honestly. What do you say is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness. Not in a grand sense, but a realistic day to day sense.

What prevents you from attaining what you want?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

My greatest strength is my willingness to do the right thing even when the odds are stacked against me.

My greatest weakness is my inability to sell out even one ioda in order to get ahead.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

See, Bickle, that is the type of horseshit answer I would expect from a delusional personality.

I ask again, what is your greatest PRACTICAL strength and weakness?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

First please respond with your definition of Practical.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What are the characteristics of your personality or genetics which assist you in obtaining your goals, or failing to meet your goals and objectives on a day to day basis.

For example, you desire sexual congress with a woman in your mind...but make choices such that your genetic material ends up in a napkin on a daily basis.

Perhaps you are a closet intorvert, and create a fantasy world to avoid going out and meeting people.

Things of that nature.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 01:12 PM
See, Bickle, that is the type of horseshit answer I would expect from a delusional personality.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Not sure why you trying to fit a square peg into a round hole?

You know my gifts are spiritual.

And to be 100% frank there are some delusions with the idea of spiritually.

Meaning that you can not prove it with 100% certainity.

It is a belief.

Beliefs by very definition are delusions.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Spirits living in a material world?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 01:28 PM
What are the characteristics of your personality or genetics which assist you in obtaining your goals, or failing to meet your goals and objectives on a day to day basis.

For example, you desire sexual congress with a woman in your mind...but make choices such that your genetic material ends up in a napkin on a daily basis.

Perhaps you are a closet intorvert, and create a fantasy world to avoid going out and meeting people.

Things of that nature.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Strengths - Well I am Great at Math. Calculus.

Weakness - My imagination is so powerful that a can create a reality more fulfilling in my mind than the real world. Master Creator. The challenge is turning that Creation from my mind into the physical reality. Once I learn how to do that then I will have massive physical reality creating Power.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

OK. That's a better start.

Elaborate on the weaknesses. You live in a fantasy world of your own creation? You are isolated from others and introverted, although you can interact socially if you choose to?

You are a procrastinator? You are harsh with others and get frustrated easily?

Are you on any medications? How is your diet?

It is a positive that you are proficient in mathematics, as that is the language of science and the intellect. What is necessary is to lay bare all of the weaknesses. Be brutal, as others will likely be.

Conquering the weaknesses, or at least compensation for them, is critical. The strengths flow from the subduing of the weaknesses.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 02:04 PM
Interesting narrative.

Keep in mind that you didn't win or lose anything of value. You had an artificial experience.

Playing within the confines of the options you perceived you had, you obtained a measure of "success". That "success" later evaporated, really through no fault of your own.

You did not have the information you needed to prevail in that arena. No shame in that.

Be careful in the legal arena. You similarly lack knowledge to prevail. Do not overlook the basics, for example, subject matter jurisdiction and in-personam jurisdiction. Learn what those are and make sure that you are subject. Is it a Federal or State venue?

I would assume this is a subrogation claim?

You do need to decide which path to transit. One can do both, but efforts and energy are diluted.

Bickle, you MUST keep faith that you will find the correct path for yourself. Do not let irrational fears of doubts cloud you judgment.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 02:07 PM
Are you on any medications? How is your diet?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ritalin and Armour Thyroid.

Diet is usually good.

I am back to my weight I was in the Spring of 2009. I had gained 50 pounds in late 2009 and in the spring of 2010 I have been working to get back to normal.

To lose 50 pounds is an achievement. Even if you think I have been up to nothing OP. :)
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I assume you have already researched Ritalin and understand the implications. Thyroid issues are sometimes tricky to diagnose but Armour Thyroid is natural extraction and relatively safe.

Congratulations on your weight loss! That is a great accomplishment and one to which you can be rightly proud!

There was a thread on GLP regarding the use of fat in weight loss. It was one of the rare threads which is true and fat based. The battle for most people is to stay away from carbohydrates, which are injurious to human health.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 03:45 PM
I assume you have already researched Ritalin and understand the implications. Thyroid issues are sometimes tricky to diagnose but Armour Thyroid is natural extraction and relatively safe.

Congratulations on your weight loss! That is a great accomplishment and one to which you can be rightly proud!

There was a thread on GLP regarding the use of fat in weight loss. It was one of the rare threads which is true and fat based. The battle for most people is to stay away from carbohydrates, which are injurious to human health.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Would you recommend that I stop taking Ritalin?

Do I even need to take Armour Thyroid? Or did they just need a sample of my blood on a continuous basis?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I would never make such a recommendation. There is plenty of information on the internet regarding prescription drugs such as Ritalin. You must do your own research.

Consider that you would even ask someone unknown to you for advice on such a matter gives you some indication of how much work remains!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/21/2011 03:46 PM
Be careful in the legal arena. You similarly lack knowledge to prevail. Do not overlook the basics, for example, subject matter jurisdiction and in-personam jurisdiction. Learn what those are and make sure that you are subject. Is it a Federal or State venue?

I would assume this is a subrogation claim?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

The claim is from the other driver. Not the insurance company.

It is out of state too. Where I lived in 2009.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Did your insurance company not pay the underlying claim? If so, the other party must have signed a release which would release you of subsequent liability.

Best read the fine print, Bickle!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/22/2011 03:11 PM
We all want Santa to give us a nice present wrapped in shiny foil with our name clearly written on it, Alex. Unfortunately Santa is most likely to chase us away with a bazooka!

Do not concern yourself of where those rockets came from, or who is firing 'em - just take the hits and learn from it
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1411007

Santa, the royal pervert.

Satan, friend of little children who provide things for FREE!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/22/2011 03:20 PM
You must have a very loose definition of greatness, bickle
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/22/2011 03:45 PM
By popular lore, bloodline(s).

It is hogwash, of course. No one of station and standing would so dirty their hands
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 11:39 AM
Money to get power, power to protect money

- The Medici Family
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

People don't know what money is for, or what is best done with it.

Check out those who have won a cash lottery prize. Doesn't seem to matter how much they win...the path is always the same.

Take a look at what the American Indian has done with the vast cash flow from casino gaming and see how it has helped their people fall to the bottom of the heap.

It isn't the money per is the KNOWLEDGE.

With the KNOWLEDGE, money becomes an expedient, which is beneficial but not the end game.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 11:39 AM
money has become your god, and it is a false god!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 12:02 PM
money has become your god, and it is a false god!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What is the Rothschild Family's biggest competitor in terms of another Family?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

In terms of what, Bickle?

Did you not read what I wrote?

Are you ever off of the internet? Why do you invest so much time and what have you accomplished with the time investment to date?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 12:51 PM
Why do you invest so much time and what have you accomplished with the time investment to date?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Reaching the peak in terms of what I can learn posting on a website.

I have learned a lot in the last year though so it is my opinion that it was time well spent.

A new challenge will await soon no doubt.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle!

You are young, presumably, and need to get out more and interact with others of your own ilk!

Here is a video production which may motivate you to live your life a bit!

[ link to]
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 12:54 PM
But you are tempting. I think I may ask you some questions if you do not mind.

I am not good at asking questions, so, if you wish to hear me out please bear with good humor.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7735565

Hello Mr. Egypt!

Thank you for rating my thread! I presume that 3/10 would be a source of concern for many, but I can use the three you have awarded and add them to the others I already have!

Three more! The parade continues for at minimum another day!

Laughing out loud!

By all means, ask what you will.

One thing young Bickle has demonstrated is patience, which may ultimately be rewarded. Patience is a rare virtue in todays hit-and-run culture.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 01:11 PM
Bickle, start by understanding how little you know.

DO NOT act like the young man in the video. It is part of the "great agenda"...and a very dangerous thing indeed!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 01:37 PM
You are welcome, it is rated three because it is psychologically distressing for me.

What is the main virtue people of your respective class look for in people they usually approach.

By approach I mean dealing with the approachee in a manner that requires a flux and reflux of item and favors.

Of course unlike the honey-bee example you so astutely provided.

In this example I see that the bees are provided by nothing except what is available to them naturally. And of course robbed of their efforts.

So, suppose you would approach a person in the former manner rather than the manner described in the honey-bee analogy, what would you be looking for?

Or is your Family so pervasive that none merits such an approach?

Can you tell me the purpose of money in the sense of maintaining governments and ruling systems? I also am well aware that money in the sense it is known in most of the insider/elite family threads is merely propagandized.

I think money in nature is a way to track favors. The more money you have the more favors people owe you upon the receiving of the informing item i.e. the federal reserve note.

I think also that money was based on a righteous moral decision.

That is, it can be refused, and the receiver has the option of refusing a deal put in monetary term, all compelling social and material conditions aside. (i.e. the person offering the money is a scary gangster, or it is a desperate young woman offering money for shelter during pregnancy)

The human species by its nature responds well to favor and influence. The invention of money (which I am sure is a great intellectual victory in its own to whomever achieved it) is merely a solidifying of this instinct.

To have a society that does not recognize the favor of others under compulsion is to have a perfectly normal human society.

To have a society that recognizes contacts and places of favor and bribes is very healthy.

Rules that are absolute are ones that assert themselves by instinct rather than outside behaviour and motivations.

The Law of gravitation for example (distinguished from gravity in the physical sense) and many other things.

I would then ask you to tell me what you think of these things.

I would like to ask (if it is not too much) about the importance of externalizing certain aspects of the Human animal to its conscious and subconscious brain. What is the purpose underlying them.

I hope I did not burden you or anything. It is Miss by the way...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7735565

Hello Miss Egypt!

I would begin by complementing you on your thoughtful post! It demonstrates a sincere naivety which I find appealing in a woman, but repulsive in men.

You SHOULD be disturbed by what you read here. Understand that the truly disturbing aspects come only when one comprehends truths from a macro sense. See a human family living in poverty and the average human can feel some empathy for the plight unfolding. Start zooming out, like Google Earth, and the same situation multiplied by hundreds, thousands, millions...entire continents quickly becomes incomprehensible to all but the select.

Your MEN have let you down. They have failed you!

A question for you! To where does this black hole of misery lead? What is the output and how is it measured?> Money or favors???

Laughing out loud!

PLEASE try to expand your thought processes!

OK. First, you must understand that words have MEANING.

You use the word VIRTUE! What is that, exactly? Can you give an example in the animal kingdom, other than humans, where virtue is manifest?

Is virtue, as you understand it, a good or bad thing, and from what perspective?

Money is a tool, like all others, except that it is imbued with "mystical" powers. The establishment of central banks is ALWAYS a necessary first step of subjugation of geographically congregated bloodlines. Note that Libya's first official act, before even the corpses turned stiff...was the establishment of a central bank. Those rebel forces were certainly well schooled by someone!

Think of the psycho-sexual representations of money in a typical society! Think of what energy and representations come from these artificial contrivances!

Money has come to represent stature, security, control, image, power, influence and almost every one of the seven deadly sins!

Laughing out loud!

Fiat is sexmoneymagic! It is the false god of culture! it is all-consuming and self-sustaining. It expands effortlessly like the elastic waistband of an obese american!

Now consider how much energy is expended in its pursuit and how much misery (negative energy) has come from this simple piece of paper!

Think of negative energy (suffering, misery, your pregnant woman in a storm analogy!) and positive energy (happiness, money, wealth, car!!!)

Do you understand a chemical battery storage system? It is comprised of two poles, negative and positive, and CURRENT runs between them. CURRENT is the methodology by which mechanical work is conducted. Conductor, current(cy)(sic). Negative and positive charge states, and the current which moves between them.

By the way, how are your genetics? What do you know of your bloodline? A LOT of interesting things have come out of Egypt! Lots of KNOWLEDGE LOST!! Or was it??

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 01:43 PM
I watched the film entitled The American Ruling Class the other day for the third time.

Every time I watch it I learn something different as my perspective has changed since the last time I watched it.

Lewis H. Lapham seems really knowledgeable about the ruling class and I enjoyed the way he is honest about the influence and impact of the ruling class.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Sorry to inform you, Bickle!

Lewis Lapham is not privy to anything of value, intellectually speaking.

Look behind the curtain, don't watch the show!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/26/2011 01:51 PM
I watched the film entitled The American Ruling Class the other day for the third time.

Every time I watch it I learn something different as my perspective has changed since the last time I watched it.

Lewis H. Lapham seems really knowledgeable about the ruling class and I enjoyed the way he is honest about the influence and impact of the ruling class.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Sorry to inform you, Bickle!

Lewis Lapham is not privy to anything of value, intellectually speaking.

Look behind the curtain, don't watch the show!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I thought maybe that he was part of the family.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Now why would you think that, young Bickle?

"I am a member fo the ruling class and here are our secrets?"

laughing out loud!

how would one of that bloodline be paid to induce disclosure of the secrets which allow them to control all wealth creation? Disclosure of which could well put at risk what has been accomplished?

Do you see why humans are so simplistic?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 10:22 AM
how would one of that bloodline be paid to induce disclosure of the secrets which allow them to control all wealth creation? Disclosure of which could well put at risk what has been accomplished?

Do you see why humans are so simplistic?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What about the idea of controlled opposition?

Meaning that he would know what not to say.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

That is just business as usual, but then why would you assimilate this "information".

Not knowing something is preferable to "knowing" something that is wrong!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 10:43 AM
Where do you see American society in 50 years? So i can prepare my kids. Also can you recommend two of your favorite books?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1536391

A Noble amongst us!

There is an american woman, Catherine Austin Fitts, who has described it better than most! She was a plod in the Bush administration and saw the fraud up close and personal...and was dealt with accordingly.

She still hasn't SHUT UP! But few listen anyway!

Be that as it may, Miss Fitts describes, correctly as it turns out...the concept of the "slow burn". It is analogous to the "frog in boiling water" scenario...that the dumb brute is too stupid (or lacks the sensory capacity) to detect gradual changes in its new environment and is thus cooked!

There is a similar story of grazing cattle, or sheep, or some-such. It tires me to think of the specifics now, but it has to do with penned livestock in increasingly confined spaces.

ANYWAY! To your question!

The slow burn continues!

What is burning, you may ask?

The middle class american life! Middle class standard of living! The thing which differentiated america from other countries!

50 years hence, the poor will continue to be poor! There will just be...say for simplicity...another BILLION of them!

The rich will also be just fine! If you are rich, and connected, you have no worries! A group of very, very greedy banksters (I love that term...banksters...a play on gangsters of course) are trying to secure their future because they know this! However, and sadly, they lack the true component, which is knowledge.

Some of the banksters will become crushingly poor and others, well, they will not be in our midst! Sadly! Because their egos are or will become so closely intertwined with the paper gods death will be a preferable state for them! Sad, sad little sacks of excrement!

Of course, you little sheep will bleat with pleasure as they get their "comeuppance" and take the blame although they were tiny little cogs in a very elaborate system! Oh that carefully laid plan again!

Look to the poor of the past for your cues! Look at the class system of England or the castes of India. There are the stations of privilege, royalty, which you will not hold. Likely.

Under are the nobility, lords, men of titles. Again out of your reach.

Into the serf class it is! Grunt workers.

Farmers, laborers, pawns of war!

Teach your young the ways of labor! Within that group, there are knowledge based professions which hold some "status". Tool and die makers in Germany have some measure of value and respect! A blacksmith is another area your children can enter without crowding out, and it will again be handy when the current mercantile system devolves.

What kind of serf would your children be happiest as!

Can you teach them deference and groveling? The current educational system already handles rote quite well! Teach them the ways of the sycophant! The boot-licker! The feigned laugh!

It is likely easier to learn early than later!

Of course, there are serfs, landed
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 10:52 AM
Now why would you think that, young Bickle?

"I am a member fo the ruling class and here are our secrets?"
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Hidden in plain sight.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

YES! ALL is hidden in plain sight! I have explained this already! And it is true!

Without exception!

THIS is a critical truth! Once you fully understand this, you will quest unceasingly because it IS there to be had by those brave enough, and resourceful enough to find it.

The early settlers in the united states pressed forward to an uncertain future and laid the groundwork for THEIR blood, who have sadly squandered their elders precious gift away for some shiny trinkets....just like the american indians and manhattan!

Key difference being the indians could not GRASP the concept of property ownership...and THUS, had no measure of loss!

Sad little savages! Now THEIR descendants are sloppy drunks, drug addicts and living in squalor!

I wonder how Miss Egypt would reconcile this sad unfolding with her definition of VIRTUE, as in virtuous in NOT. I wonder if she would see this happening all throughout human history! Ah so. Many tricky thing!

To paraphrase the term..."all your everything are belong to us"!

But go right on believing the "beautiful lies" and ignore the truth!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 11:10 AM

I think the current negative connotations attached to money is that as much as it is important to have this externalization of favors it is also important to note the factor of influence and how it affects this externalized favor called money.

I think that it falls to human nature and intelligence to use favors and influence other in an expansive ways (banks, corporations and so on).

As I understand it, expanding yourself in every aspect is a form of transcending your surrounding.

Hence the mystical power of money. Can you elaborate on that for me?

I understand the need for lowering your esteemed tone and vocabulary to suit some people but please do not treat me in a way that lessens my self-respect. I already admitted that I am distressed by your tone, further more certain parts of your reply.

But I really would like to know more about these things. If you have the knowledge and decide to part with at least a small portion of its secret to me I would be very grateful.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7735565

Your thinking is a bit convoluted! Or perhaps it is a language barrier.

Nothing gets accomplished through "favors", per se. Favors and trades are like static electricity. You ain't building cities with static electricity!

Force is the be all and end all. Those who would feign disagree is likely because they have no station or they therefore ASK!


No one with true power responds to the supplicant, except if it were to please them!

Personally, I hate supplication! It demeans us both!

You state..." If you have the knowledge and decide to part with at least a small portion of its secret to me I would be very grateful

Typical female passive aggressive bullshit! You would question my integrity, who I am, although I have amply demonstrated my vastly superior intelligence to you! If you did not accept my representations, why would you be reading my words, and further, take the time to respond to my writings?

Your supplication is juxtaposed earlier with " but please do not treat me in a way that lessens my self-respect"

Firstly, ones self esteem, if genuine, would not be influenced one way or another by the observations of an "anonymous poster" on an "anonymous forum" run by who knows who? So my flattery or criticism, either, should or could have no influence on your so called self esteem...if it were to be real and genuine.

Further, one with self esteem would NEVER disclose this Achilles heel of their psyche! I know much from this simple exchange of your true sense of self esteem. You also supplicant yourself and humbly ask for information while begging me to not damage your self esteem!

Do you see how weak you appear to others? You likely attract people in your interpersonal relationships who are not respectful of you and do not respond to your appeals from them to not "damage your self esteem"!

A persons writing is full of "tells" like poker. And even more than verbal because they have the luxury of TIME to craft their thoughts! There can be no claim of mistakes! You are as you write!

I was initially interested in your intellect! That could be your strong suit! So to speak! You are also a woman and thus outfitted with certain of para-psychic capabilities...meta-physical things and such. You have intuition!

Plus, and not insignificantly, you have the whole sexual component! Read throughout history how many women have successfully played that card whilst they were young and nubile!

WARNING! The female human card MUST only be played when young and attractive! Once that is gone, you might well get a post as British Airways flight attendant!

If you WERE to play the female angle, you may be forced to give up your VIRTUE! Sad, sad! Most american female virgins prefer to give up their maidenhead to an unworthy young suitor who will later facebook the special occasion and call her a slut!

User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 11:14 AM
Now why would you think that, young Bickle?

"I am a member fo the ruling class and here are our secrets?"

laughing out loud!

how would one of that bloodline be paid to induce disclosure of the secrets which allow them to control all wealth creation? Disclosure of which could well put at risk what has been accomplished?

Do you see why humans are so simplistic?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Isn't there also some type of creed that you must disclose what you are going to do before you do it?

To give people the chance at least to stop it.

And it also gives it more power.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Not a creed, Bickle, please don't remain a thick headed lout for too much longer!

You see, Bickle, it is the adherence to NATURAL LAW!

You cannot fight, and win against NATURAL LAW. Believe this!

And don't for a moment think it hasn't been tried!!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 11:14 AM
The Vedics have a term for this

User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 11:17 AM
I am a Rokafeeler- you axe ME a question...
Quoting: Master AC 1715736


Did great great uncle JOHN really toss silver coins into the hudson and watch the local urchins dive into the icy cold water! Or just another urban myth "circulated" to ENHANCE his reputation?

THAT is very low level!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/27/2011 12:04 PM
How would you define the new world order?

When do you think it could be in place?

Do you think the world is overpopulated?
Quoting: artMan

A renegotiation of the social contract, politely. Or, more accurately,elimination of the middle classes and the attandant benefits once enjoyed.

The mechanism is well established presently. However, think of the progress as one would think of calculus...always approaching zero!

Not at all. The more serfs the merrier....for some anyway!

Laughing out loud!

Go to some of the "showcase" pop up communities in america. Where one middle class family lived 10 years ago, comfortably, you can find 10-12 mexican ex-pats residing comfortably!

Laughing out loud!!

Oh stop...this is too funny!

And yet some ask, or wait patiently, for the "economy" to improve!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 12:53 PM
Oh okay then,

So if we argue that favors might aid in an illusory transfer of powers between supplicant individuals, would that be nearer the mark?

That is certainly people gaining power through favor and acquiring force in many other aspects is a way to change the social grounds and so on while maintaining the illusion for freedom?

Of course people will not respond to someone threatening them with violence more than they will respond to someone promising political and social favor (money, success in the elections).

This I think maintains the golden cage effect you mention in your post.

Is this not also how your family has managed to subdue all the people?

But if Favor and position are static electricity, then what does matter? Force? How?

How would it be employed?

I have seen many things like theories that people are brainwashed through vaccinations and so on so may be this is the case.

Education systems and other things that a child goes through may affect the populace at large as well.

Can you tell me whether these vastly intelligent Rothschild exist in Egypt as well, or whether they have married into some of our bloodlines?

Or do we have different bloodlines similar to the Rothschild bloodline?

Are all these elite families interrelated as well?

It may clue me in to some of the changes happening in my country.

Of course I do have self esteem I just like a civil tongue while addressing people. It will not do at all to start attacking you intellectually or otherwise. I am just trying to gain a perspective and test some theories out.

You seem to come from a very advanced elite bloodline so it is important for me to try to understand you.

Getting to know my surroundings and how the world works.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7735565

You are doubtlessly familiar with Seurat's famous painting, no?

Consider each data point, things which you know to be true, or absolutes, as a color point on a great canvas (or stage, if you will). If the color points...dots...are true and vibrant, if the artist is diligent and has the requisite talent, if great care is taken! A masterpiece might be born.

The masterpiece resonates from the true-ness and correct-ness of its authenticity! It was not created in "one sunday afternoon in the park" nor was it slap-dash in its construction. Seurat spent much time in its composition, the selection of colors and hues, the medium...and everything else relating to the work at hand. No doubt during the time of his work, he focused his passion and attention on his work...likely at the expense of social interactions, family and other outside interests!

This man doubtlessly put all else out of his mind for an extended period to complete his great work! He was not on the internet, tele, texting, video gaming or otherwise relaxing.

And yes, Bickle, you twit, I am aware this was done prior to the technological innovations you all now so enjoy! However, there were other distractions of his day...such as Opium!

Laughing out loud!

Anyway, although Seurat had a blank canvas and selected his materials with great care, he still was bound by certain of the conventions of the art world and his time. Of course, he could have chosen to do abstract or other styles...BUT HE DESIRED TO ELICIT A CERTAIN EMOTIONAL RESPONSE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE VIEWER!

As such, he was required to conform to certain conventions of art...NATURAL LAWS, if you will!

Free will of the artist, free expression joined with respect to the NATURAL LAWS. A masterpiece was created.

Note that this all occurred with great sacrifice, great purpose and great planning. It was no accident!

So, Miss Egypt! Understand that the great tapestry which has unfurled before you is similar in many threads combining to create a great whole. The thread placement was no accident...but you cannot understand the tapestry, or the painting, by intently studying one thread, or one colorful dot and hope to understand the methods and objectives of the artist or weaver!

Silly, silly, silly!!

So, can you understand that one dot does not define the painting as one "observation" does not define a strategy!

Now, let's say that you are attempting to create a Seurat of your own. You have the blank canvas of an open mind (i'm giving you an undeservedly huge leap of faith here!) and have carefully selected your colors and oils, (which would be, metaphorically, the data and information you have collected, your "dots" or "threads" to create your great work!)

You begin, carefully and are making some progress!

Now, the door flies open and a small child rambunctiously runs into your studio! As he runs about leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in his wake, other children enter the room and begin to "dot" your painting without regard to your efforts, strategy or global color scheme! Undifferentiated paint placement! Dots of all shapes and sizes randomly placed!

Your canvas painting, following the edicts of art nature and your conventions, are doomed!

So, follow the mind exercise to its logical conclusion.


Further, your most sincere effort to understand the "truth" will be for naught if you allow young children to run amok in your "gallery". And for the dim-witted among you, the children running amok is, of course, the INTERNET! Many children with data dots spewing freely all over your canvas...

If one were cynical, one might conclude, correctly, that the entire internet is the perfect disinformation machine because the inmates themselves are creating the disinformation! Throw out one scrap of "information", one data-point....and the unwashed masses are on it like jackals on scraps!

Why, you might ask? Well, pick any human "virtue" and you can form your own conclusions...not to mention NEWSLETTERS!

Laughing out loud!

Humans are so stupid, they delude themselves...over and over again! We aren't even required to make the effort!


Yes, that beloved guardian of free information, free love, the american way and yes...PORN!

Laughing out loud!

Yes, indeed. We know all too well what the great truth seekers of your time are doing with all that high speed connectivity! And it "ain't" searching for anything close to the truth!

Laughing out loud!!

Can you imagine what the great scientists (and artists) of HISTORY!! da Vinci, Galileo, Mozart, Plato etc. would have done with the MASSIVE computing power residing in even the most base cell phone of today? These great thinkers figured out things with only their wits and careful observations! Now, an entire global informational database, such as it is, can be delivered in fractions of a second to the comfort of your chair. You don't even have to move! And what do the guardians of the republic do with such knowledge and power? Watch other humans copulate in a variety of scenarios!

It truly is hard to fathom what motivates you little folk! Seriously, is it not true that you "have seen one you have seen them all"? Is one penis or vagina significantly different than another? LOTS of attention paid to pornography! If one has limited "clock-cycles", how will advancement come from such frivolous undertakings?

Can you see how you are damned, DAMNED, BECAUSE of the fact you have all the tools necessary...the determine the fate and safety of your bloodline!

Should you choose, for whatever reason, to not avail yourself, all blame falls to you and others are fully ABSOLVED!

Humans of today have almost unlimited resources and tools at their disposal! few worry about sanitary conditions or full bellies! And what has been done with this great bounty?


How can you plead your case??? To what authority will such an argument hold sway??

Believe what you want...the "beautiful lie"...but you are in a state of terminal self delusion! And by terminal, I am offering the most optimistic assessment of your current state!

The effort must be made...some sacrifice, to be sure, but well within the capabilities of all! And yet, here you find yourself!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 12:58 PM
Am I a cockroach to which you feferred to earlier?
Quoting: Geolobo 7766273

Are you Gregor Samsa by chance?

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:00 PM
Am I a cockroach to which you feferred to earlier?
Quoting: Geolobo 7766273

Are you Gregor Samsa by chance?

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Upon reflection, you would be better served if you were! Cockroaches are, at least, survivors!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:00 PM
Spell check - Referred
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7766273

Thank you for caring about grammar!

If you start applying care to the little details, it will follow through to greater endeavors!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:08 PM
If you were to tell the whole world one message, what would it be?
Quoting: artMan

Firstly, I am not so limited! And don't forget, one message is just one data dot upon a very large canvas! It seems to be the american experience to expect the great event...the last second miracle shot...the speech which calls a generation to arms! Reality dictates that such events do not occur in nature. If all you needed to "know" were contained in one data dot, the dot would fall upon you and crush the life out of you!!

Laughing out loud!!

Better stick to the small data dots humans!!

Second, you did not provide the desired end objective of such a message! To deceive, help or taunt? Why would one issue such a message? Just to prove it could be done?

But playing along, I would advise those so inclined to listen that their bloodlines are, today, in great danger of mass extinction! Mass number of bloodlines, that is to say.

Of course, many would say I was a cocaine addict or highly intelligent neurotic, or some such...

Laughing out loud!

Of course, a Bickle or Miss Egypt might chance to come along and naively ask a question or two, and of course, I would be obliged to truthfully answer! As I have do to date.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:20 PM
Money to get power, power to protect money

- The Medici Family
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

People don't know what money is for, or what is best done with it.

Check out those who have won a cash lottery prize. Doesn't seem to matter how much they win...the path is always the same.

Take a look at what the American Indian has done with the vast cash flow from casino gaming and see how it has helped their people fall to the bottom of the heap.

It isn't the money per is the KNOWLEDGE.

With the KNOWLEDGE, money becomes an expedient, which is beneficial but not the end game.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I picked this up on another 'elite' thread which seems to agree with what you are saying. You have to start with number one of course and then move on to the next one or nothing ever works out.

1. knowledge & wisdom; 2. wealth (concrete wealth like money, assets; and abstract wealth like friends, family); 3. self-improvement; 4. authority over others; 5. spirituality; 6. society; 7. foreknowledge

You focus on knowledge & wisdom to gain wealth; you gain wealth to spend improving yourself and others in equal amounts; you do this so you can gain authority over others; you do this so you can add to current morals and laws; you do this to benefit society; you do this so you can gain foreknowledge and plan for the future; then you start all over again; it's a never-ending spiral
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1466838

Although their is some sense of logic behind your statement, it is not this linear or formulaic.

Let us imagine that a homeless bumble, rifling through a dumpster finds pornographic images of a powerful (married)business-man or politician (the mark). Let us say that there are three scenarios: 1) the mark having an extra-marital hetero-sexual affair 2) homosexual affair 3) bondage 4) pederast 5) animal/primate

The amount of potential energy, or power the bumble has over the mark depends on many variables indeed!! In some situations and cultures, exposure of scenario 1 would have limited damage. Many men winked and nudged when william clinton was accused, correctly, of depositing his semen into an interns mouth. Had he mounted a donkey in the oval office, most of those men would have taken a different view!
Priests and others in the catholic hierarchy have an issue with the pederast aspect but not consensual sex between adults.

Does the bumble know the relative value of each scenario? Likely, but further does he have the wisdom, to make the play? Less likely.

The greater the perceived power (by society or others) of the mark, the more potential energy.

That is to say, the bumble, with proper knowledge and wisdom can overcome lack of fiat without undertaking a serial progression.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:24 PM
Lay off la cocaina.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1536391


It might interest you to know that drugs and alcohol are uniformly shunned in my bloodline!

These are very cheap "escapes"!

Surprise! Living in certain states one does not wish such "escapes"

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:25 PM
You seem to come from a very advanced elite bloodline so it is important for me to try to understand you.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7735565

He could also be a highly intelligent neurotic - be careful to assume a person is who they say they are, even if the information appears genuine.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1411007

A wise observation! Particularly on the international network!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:25 PM
Great thread!

About halfway through it. Be back with some questions later.
Quoting: Larry Green$tein

Hello Larry!

Look forward to your return!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 01:28 PM
You seem to come from a very advanced elite bloodline so it is important for me to try to understand you.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7735565

He could also be a highly intelligent neurotic - be careful to assume a person is who they say they are, even if the information appears genuine.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1411007

Yea i doubt this fool's authenticity. He fluxuates like an adict or like you said, a neurotic. But maybe thats why the planet is so fucked if dudes like this are influencing everything. If he is not who he says he is, then he is definitely on a list. I doubt the rofschilds appreciate someone creating hostility towards their family on a public forum such as this. After all, no man on earth is untouchable.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1536391

Firstly, your numerous mis-spellings undermine your "argument", such as it is.

Next, how are my postings in any way creating hostility towards my family? Did you think the path would be easy or light?

My, my. You are a sensitive little tea-cup, aren't you?
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 02:04 PM
Is a Utopia possible on this planet sometime in the future?

What are the main obstacles that hold humans back from a better more evolved world?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Biblical teachings hold that humans de-volved from Eden, or a state generally seen as utopia.

Do you, personally, believe this data point, Bickle?

If so, the answer to your second question might well be "humans"

User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 02:10 PM

People don't know what money is for, or what is best done with it.

Check out those who have won a cash lottery prize. Doesn't seem to matter how much they win...the path is always the same.

Take a look at what the American Indian has done with the vast cash flow from casino gaming and see how it has helped their people fall to the bottom of the heap.

It isn't the money per is the KNOWLEDGE.

With the KNOWLEDGE, money becomes an expedient, which is beneficial but not the end game.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I picked this up on another 'elite' thread which seems to agree with what you are saying. You have to start with number one of course and then move on to the next one or nothing ever works out.

1. knowledge & wisdom; 2. wealth (concrete wealth like money, assets; and abstract wealth like friends, family); 3. self-improvement; 4. authority over others; 5. spirituality; 6. society; 7. foreknowledge

You focus on knowledge & wisdom to gain wealth; you gain wealth to spend improving yourself and others in equal amounts; you do this so you can gain authority over others; you do this so you can add to current morals and laws; you do this to benefit society; you do this so you can gain foreknowledge and plan for the future; then you start all over again; it's a never-ending spiral
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1466838

Although their is some sense of logic behind your statement, it is not this linear or formulaic.

Let us imagine that a homeless bumble, rifling through a dumpster finds pornographic images of a powerful (married)business-man or politician (the mark). Let us say that there are three scenarios: 1) the mark having an extra-marital hetero-sexual affair 2) homosexual affair 3) bondage 4) pederast 5) animal/primate

The amount of potential energy, or power the bumble has over the mark depends on many variables indeed!! In some situations and cultures, exposure of scenario 1 would have limited damage. Many men winked and nudged when william clinton was accused, correctly, of depositing his semen into an interns mouth. Had he mounted a donkey in the oval office, most of those men would have taken a different view!
Priests and others in the catholic hierarchy have an issue with the pederast aspect but not consensual sex between adults.

Does the bumble know the relative value of each scenario? Likely, but further does he have the wisdom, to make the play? Less likely.

The greater the perceived power (by society or others) of the mark, the more potential energy.

That is to say, the bumble, with proper knowledge and wisdom can overcome lack of fiat without undertaking a serial progression.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

But a serial progression is helpful. Take for example, someone who wants to be a personal trainer. They gain knowledge and wisdom of what it is to be a personal trainer. Then they acquire the money, equipment necessary for their venture. Next would be to personally get themselves into shape. Then onto getting clientele and you help them to help themselves and others. You have helped society and helped yourself.

But take someone who does something out of sequence. Take a ruler who has authority over others and money without having knowledge and wisdom first. It is a recipe for disaster. This is true for any undertaking.

It is best to acquire knowledge and wisdom before heading on down the line.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1466838

Consider that there is really no parallel between your analogy and the main topic of this thread. However, it is true that the attainment of knowledge through rigorous work and discipline is a prerequisite as well as wisdom through the applications of right principles.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 02:18 PM
Why do you invest so much time and what have you accomplished with the time investment to date?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Reaching the peak in terms of what I can learn posting on a website.

I have learned a lot in the last year though so it is my opinion that it was time well spent.

A new challenge will await soon no doubt.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle!

You are young, presumably, and need to get out more and interact with others of your own ilk!

Here is a video production which may motivate you to live your life a bit!

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

LOL. Catchy tune you can dance to.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1466838

Similarly, one must shake their head when viewing one of Bickle's favorite performance artists!

[ link to]
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 02:21 PM
Is a Utopia possible on this planet sometime in the future?

What are the main obstacles that hold humans back from a better more evolved world?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Biblical teachings hold that humans de-volved from Eden, or a state generally seen as utopia.

Do you, personally, believe this data point, Bickle?

If so, the answer to your second question might well be "humans"

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Do you want to help make the world a more enlightened place?

Or do you mainly care about the Family maintaining its Power?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Young Bickle! I must say that is perhaps the most stupid question on this thread to date...and that is saying quite a lot!

What would YOU surmise from the "evidence"...not to mention the outright statements on this very topic!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/28/2011 02:23 PM

Hello Bickle!

You are young, presumably, and need to get out more and interact with others of your own ilk!

Here is a video production which may motivate you to live your life a bit!

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

LOL. Catchy tune you can dance to.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1466838

Similarly, one must shake their head when viewing one of Bickle's favorite performance artists!

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Yes I am a Fan of 70s and 80s Funk!

Cause I got rhythm

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

How could I have known?

And this might be the more appropriate emoticon, in your case:

User ID: 1339201 United States 12/30/2011 01:36 PM

Tell us about the importance of 31usc5116 and 31usc5117
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle,

I was of the understanding that you had elected to disengage in our extremely pleasant conversation!

Have we had a change of heart? And after all of those harsh words coming from a man of such stature and refined lineage!

Never the mind! I have thick, reptile like skin and don't offend easily!

Laughing out loud!

Now, the USC codes you reference have to do with one form of collateral mechanics and bookkeeping vis a vis the Federal reserve notes generally. I don't understand what you are asking, if there is indeed a specific ask. If so, word it as a SPECIFIC QUESTION.

HOWEVER, one of the codes you reference have a key piece of information! Were you to understand this significance and relationship to other "metrics" you could become wealthy overnight!

Good luck with that one! Maybe your "breeding" will rise to the occasion!

Someone on this site posted information relating to 12USC411 which is, or should be, of greater interest to you based on where you are in the process.
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/30/2011 01:37 PM
Bickle, I do believe Larry GreenPickle thinks you to be an eccentric!

Be careful or you may overwhelm him with your noble family history!
User ID: 1339201 United States 12/30/2011 01:39 PM

You must understand something.

Considering people as inert when they are not open is the cause of all destruction.

You have amused me so far, still it is not enough. Certainly, from a Family that has so much interest in prophecy and the enlightenment to consider people as inert is great folly.

Of course what really matters is whether you are showing folly to hide art, or worse still, showing folly to hide an even greater folly.

Potential and Essence is all that matters in a being, in an archetypal sense.

For a bird to fly over the lake you must see that which created and is the manner of creation itself.

You old men never understood witchery.

But what do we do...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7856081

** deep bow **

At your service, m'lady.

Happy to have amused you, if even for a moment!

A moment which may endure across time!
User ID: 1589648 United States 01/03/2012 02:01 PM
of what value do you think that particular domain holds?

You were hot on the trail of the 12usc411 and then stopped.


Do you see the significance?
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/04/2012 09:12 PM
Is the guy gone? Whoever he was I kinda liked what
he said. Apart from being ultra-selfish, which is typical
for very smart people, I found him likable.

I liked his cruel sense of humour.
Reminds me of Stefan Molyneux for some reason.
Quoting: teschen

Welcome Teschen!

Selfish is a religious/created concept! There really is only enlightened self-interest.

Of course, one can always continue to believe the "beautiful lies"! but where does the benefit of delusion manifest?

It is impossible to grasp truth beyond ones comprehension. Seems obvious, but think about it. Let's say that, for whatever reason, a person is born without the ability to see the color blue.

Regardless of how the color is explained to the unfortunate one, he or she will never truly "understand" blue in the sense that the similarly unafflicted will.

Ah! I can hear young Bickle thinking! But those with sensory impairments often compensate in other ways! The blind man develops amazing hearing! The deaf experience tactile enhancements! Very true! But these enhancements develop with the SUPPORT OF NATURE! There is a difficult period of adjustment, to be sure, but at some point the afflicted ACCEPTS the impairment and concurrently becomes OPEN to other possibilities! And NATURE accommodates.

So, lets extrapolate this to the search for truth. One may come to understand that they are "truth impaired" and that others may know truths that the one does not.

How does one react? That is the question.

Hostility and confrontation against "foes", real and imaginary. I notice on this site, most of the foes are imaginary!

Laughing out loud!

Note the varied reactions to my posts to date to illustrate the point in a "real time" basis.

In times past, those who learned a craft would become an apprentice to the master, or the one with the desired expertise. In stark contrast to reverting to delusions and the "beautiful lie"

Everyone makes choices in life. It is the choice which imparts the responsibility however.
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/04/2012 09:12 PM
Is the guy gone? Whoever he was I kinda liked what
he said. Apart from being ultra-selfish, which is typical
for very smart people, I found him likable.

I liked his cruel sense of humour.
Reminds me of Stefan Molyneux for some reason.
Quoting: teschen

Welcome Teschen!

Selfish is a religious/created concept! There really is only enlightened self-interest.

Of course, one can always continue to believe the "beautiful lies"! but where does the benefit of delusion manifest?

It is impossible to grasp truth beyond ones comprehension. Seems obvious, but think about it. Let's say that, for whatever reason, a person is born without the ability to see the color blue.

Regardless of how the color is explained to the unfortunate one, he or she will never truly "understand" blue in the sense that the similarly unafflicted will.

Ah! I can hear young Bickle thinking! But those with sensory impairments often compensate in other ways! The blind man develops amazing hearing! The deaf experience tactile enhancements! Very true! But these enhancements develop with the SUPPORT OF NATURE! There is a difficult period of adjustment, to be sure, but at some point the afflicted ACCEPTS the impairment and concurrently becomes OPEN to other possibilities! And NATURE accommodates.

So, lets extrapolate this to the search for truth. One may come to understand that they are "truth impaired" and that others may know truths that the one does not.

How does one react? That is the question.

Hostility and confrontation against "foes", real and imaginary. I notice on this site, most of the foes are imaginary!

Laughing out loud!

Note the varied reactions to my posts to date to illustrate the point in a "real time" basis.

In times past, those who learned a craft would become an apprentice to the master, or the one with the desired expertise. In stark contrast to reverting to delusions and the "beautiful lie"

Everyone makes choices in life. It is the choice which imparts the responsibility however.
User ID: 1589648 United States 01/04/2012 10:09 PM
donald rumsfeld...a great american and great spokesman.

very, very great.

a consummate insider lapdog.

arf arf
User ID: 1589648 United States 01/04/2012 10:09 PM
Ah! I can hear young Bickle thinking! But those with sensory impairments often compensate in other ways! The blind man develops amazing hearing! The deaf experience tactile enhancements! Very true! But these enhancements develop with the SUPPORT OF NATURE! There is a difficult period of adjustment, to be sure, but at some point the afflicted ACCEPTS the impairment and concurrently becomes OPEN to other possibilities! And NATURE accommodates.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

The Law of Thermodynamics assumes the Universe is a Closed System.

The Universe is an OPEN System.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Conservation of energy doctrine suggests you MAY be an idiot
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/10/2012 03:48 PM
Hello OP,

How does the act of you posting replies on this thread benefit/advance your own bloodline?

Quoting: KikoKazuma 872062

Hello Kiko and Welcome!

Are you familiar with the old standard "keep your friends close and your enemies closer?"

That does not necessarily apply in a strictly literal sense, but most people take the time to learn who their neighbors are! Or should, anyway.

Laughing out loud!

I suppose there is an element of amusement and curiousity as well. Laughter is indeed the best medicine.
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/10/2012 03:59 PM
Mr Roughchild, excellent that you're still here.

I know very well religion is bullshit. I despised the church
ever since I was 14. Religion is practicing selfishness
big time. This is not where I got the concept from.

I noticed something interesting about you. You mock and laugh
at selfishness, materialism and stupidity of common man, and
such mode would suggest you see them as vices.

How can you then praise these same character traits in
yourself? As in: only ME and MY family matters, I have it all
and you have nothing you little shits. Ok no example for

Also you're so proud of yourself that you know about "beautiful
lies". That you know it's all an illusion. Had it not occured to
you that, maybe, your power is also an illusion, that your sense
of superiority, which you're enjoying so hard, is also an illusion?

You said something about "harvesting" pain and suffering.
That suggests you have some belief in metaphysical world.
That's interesting also because you deny incarnation and
you're generally talking about earth rules (survival of the
fittest etc). If you know that pain, an invisible emotion
can be harvested, then how can you not be familiar with heaven
rules, which are OPPOSITE to earth rules (the one who extends
his hand to the weaker survives).

And to Alex Bickle: I'm not seduced by him, just enjoying his
colorful personality. Don't you know that the devil is charming?
I believe he's an egomaniac. I suggest you read Hidden Hand
interview, mentioned here before (I hope not by you:).
Definitely higher insider, provided this one is genuine.
It's on a forum glp won't allow me to post.

Also he said a lot of true and deep things, but peppered it
with lies and misdirections. Standard dark side tactic.
Quoting: teschen

Hello Mr. Tenschen,

I believe you have taken a leap of logic which does not follow. OF COURSE there is a metaphysical world! Silly!

However, your logic fails in the assumption that if there is a metaphysical state of being, it is necessarily of the fashion of which you suppose! Which of course is one organized religion or another. What you SHOULD be asking is who did the organizing!

Laughing out loud!

Your statement that HEAVEN RULES are opposite EARTH RULES is baseless and immature. From where did you get such a notion?

"The one who extends his hand to the weaker survives"???

You'll have to walk me through that concept! But, to save time, give me an example in the natural order/animal kingdom where this is true! Excluding some hoary example of selfless human behavior, you will not find anything to support your assertion...and don't confuse symbiotic relationships in the mix. Your statement is that be helping those weaker, the helper benefits! Absurd on its face!

I have not peppered (or salted) anything. As promised. Misdirection is unnecessary as your post so clearly states because you have all been so well trained already.

One final point, the idea that there is a wholly separate entity representing "good" and "evil" black and white is simplistic. And simplistic tenants are the refuge of the simple-minded.

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/10/2012 04:01 PM
OP I think you are Das.

Are you ready to Open Up and reveal who you are?

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Sorry, young Bickle, I am most certainly not DAS.


DAS explains things that anyone can understand. Derivatives for Dummies, so to speak. And there is a gem or two of which you might note given your prior financial "dealings". Such as it is.
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/10/2012 04:02 PM

You know the secret about Time.

That is the big secret.

We are not in kansas any more, Mr Tannen.

Following the yellow bickle road to Alaska. Trust your instincts.

As Jimmy Stewart would say "It's wonderful life!"

Life is Paradise in the Valley.

Can't wait to see what the future holds. Or was that in the past?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle! What ARE you babbling on about?
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 01:54 PM
why were you ordered to make this thread?.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 8690160

What makes you think this thread was "ordered"?
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 01:55 PM
op where do i go to acquire the tools to be a threat to rothschild
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1296582

I suppose anywhere you were able to get a quality education, free of bullshit and filler, and develop the ability for critical thought and logical expression.

good luck with that.
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 01:56 PM
OP lives about 2 hours from me and yet he is still hesitant to tell me his identity.

What's with the secrecy, OP?

Is it the thrill of the HUNTley?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Identity was disclosed from the beginning.

In reality, there IS no secrecy. Good that YOU understand that!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 01:57 PM

Until you reveal you are I am just going to have to classify you as a game player.

You talk about not believing the "beautiful lie"

Well I am telling you to give transparency.

And if you can't give transparency you are hiding something about your identity and I am unable to give you any more attention as it leads downs the "beautiful lie" path.

I would think you would applaud that kind of candor.

And if you can't respect that you need to stare in that mirror of yours real hard.

The other day I emailed someone thinking it was you, only to learn that it wasn't.

So I am "making the effort" and don't mind failing in order to succeed.

However, I deserve the respect of knowing who you are. And you know that.

The Time is Now for your reveal.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, you are a flea. You hold no position to make such demands!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 02:01 PM

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1508557

Too true, kittens.

Alas, the thread towards truth and the painful discovery of true nature has apparently run its course. But note that the effort towards enlightenment has been made by your humble narrator!

Hi Ho!

As that king of perversion and self deluded author of the knighted royal order, mr, hunter thompson, so correctly and pithily stated:

"We will march on a road of bones!"

User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 02:06 PM
Is a Utopia possible on this planet sometime in the future?

What are the main obstacles that hold humans back from a better more evolved world?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Biblical teachings hold that humans de-volved from Eden, or a state generally seen as utopia.

Do you, personally, believe this data point, Bickle?

If so, the answer to your second question might well be "humans"

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

The "laugh out loud" is the OPs way of saying,
"I'm hopelessly stuck in Da'ath".

The "beautiful lie" is that the OP think he's "above it". "LOL"

He certainly knows that humans didn't "de-volve" from Eden but they were tampered with and violated. Simple enough point.

The Rofthschild clan are very concerned at this point. It's obvious by the amount of money the are pouring into this whole internet business. Their spiritual cheating is coming back to haunt them. Just sit back and keep asking the OP questions to milk his attention. Jolly good show.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1508557

"Tamper with and violated" implies a lack of FREE WILL! Free to choose!

Do you believe that you lack free will, that you lack the ability to forge your own and unique destiny as a MAN?

If so, by definition, you have ceased to be a man and have reverted to a lower animal form.

If you had paid attention, YOU would know that making the choice is ESSENTIAL to the process!


Read your contract law! What are the 4 elements necessary for a contract to be VALID? Easy as pie! Look it up!

Here's a clue. Contract law is a NATURAL LAW! To obtain support of nature, one must adhere to NATURAL LAW.

Some have called the results of NOT adhering to natural law as KARMA. Not accurate, perhaps, in a technical sense but the general sense is correct.

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/24/2012 02:12 PM
How do I know?
For this is what I have done.
And I am Caesar

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/25/2012 01:26 PM
You conveniently avoided my questions, but still, can you not sense the end is near?
As in computer games, when all is conquered/aquired the game ends, for there is
nothing for anyone to do anymore. New game has to be started.
Quoting: teschen

Hello Teschen,

There is no end near, or far. There is no end.

This applies to organic and inorganic aspects of what you "know" of existence.

There is, of course, the sense of states of change which is an ongoing process.

It takes much time and energy to break down existing dogma and rigid thinking, but it is inevitable that one order will inevitably yield to another. It is NATURAL LAW.

For the simpleminded, imagine you are playing a popular board game...MONOPOLY, say. It has its own rule set and conventions and all players must abide or risk the wrath of fellow peer players.

Sometimes players argue about the rules!
Laughing out loud!

Let's further suppose that the game of MONOPOLY ends, and a new game, Mille Bornes, is produced. Different rules, different strategy and a card, rather than a board game.

What fool would continue to play by the rules of MONOPOLY as the game, and its attendant rules, have changed!

Teschen, the game has indeed changed. You see that is obvious. But you suppose that since the first game has ended, there will be no second game. Why do you make that supposition? Do you not suppose that when Rome fell, the Romans assumed that civilization had indeed ended?

Had it?

When Saigon fell, the Vietnamese fleeing the country on whatever conveyance they could muster clearly thought the end had come. It hadn't.

We are now playing a new game. I have come to offer some instruction on the new rules, but the "players" here expend energy questioning my sincerity or offering up silly suggestions on one thing or another.

I cannot be held accountable for this!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/25/2012 01:27 PM
As to your other comment, I have not avoided, nor am I aware of any questions you asked of a serious nature which were not addressed.

For you and other posters, keep the questions clear and concise, and not buried under a wall of tedious and tortured text.
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/25/2012 01:28 PM
Let's assume you're related to Rumsfeld. I don't understand why are you
then not an insider yourself and asking questions throughout the thread.

Also why are you thinking he's Rumsfeld? Rumsfeld could be some Rotschild
branch, why not. But the guy talks more like some supreme lord, not just
a front lieutenant. The top ones avoid the public eye. Rumsfeld's too
Quoting: teschen

Very true, Teschen.

Those with real power absolutely SHUN the spotlight.
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/25/2012 01:30 PM
OP is Donald Rumsfeld.

And Donald is either my biological father, half brother, or uncle.

Which One is it Rummy?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Seriously, Bickle, if you really believed the Donald was "family", why did you not trek to NM and meet him directly?

Have you stopped taking the meds?
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/25/2012 01:35 PM

But the guy talks more like some supreme lord, not just
a front lieutenant.
Quoting: teschen

I would say the Secretary of Defense is the Caesar position of our time.

The OP talked about Power instead of Wealth.

So it seems likely that the OP is a military man and not an international banker.


:power corrupts:
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle! Do you seriously believe the Secretary of Defense of the US Military actually decides how and against whom the military force is deployed??

Caesar directed the military and called the shots.

The Donald is a hired hand, a manager. He follows others "policy" decisions.

You must understand the difference?!?!?

You claim to be of the "blood" and also the descendant of the proletariat.

Which is it?
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/25/2012 01:37 PM
Also you look like a good guy - that's very un-powerful-family-like :)
Were you kicked out of family as a child, because of this?
Quoting: teschen

I am a Great Guy.

Which is the result of how I was raised.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Good guys finish last.

Which, logically, implies that great guys must finish last-er.

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 01/27/2012 05:10 PM
Hail Caesar! Great - you haven't forsaken us :)
I'm really enjoying this thread. All lemmings are gone by now and
I've always been interested in how the evil mind works.

I'm sorry to see you've ridiculed and belittled my questions and
thoughts without answering to them, but I guess it's better than if
you've just run away and never came back.

As for the end, why are you implying the ultimate end? I never said
that. I know you've read my "tortured" post, so you know I believe
in intelligent infinity. I know there is no such thing as the end of
the world. It's absurd.

I agree with almost everything you said. But where have I made the
supposition when game ends, there will be no new games? I said -
new game has to be started. This implies it will be started! It
always has. I know about civilization cycles. Tell me something
I don't know.

I'm not here because I view you as a figure of authority. I'm here because
it's a pleasure to read nice literary english, gentelmanly politeness
and intelligent posts. Of course the idea you could be the Puppet Master
himself is also very cool. Unfortunately, I don't believe it.

But first and foremost it never ceased to amaze me why do really clever
people have to be so selfish. Explain that to me, please! This one
thing only. Had you been merely a materialist, that would be settled.
But you dropped some spiritual stuff. So what is your view on the
metaphysical? I mean soul, polarities etc. Short summary.
Quoting: teschen

Hello Teschen,

You cannot un-ask a question. Once it is put out there, it has to be dealt with on its own terms.

I have already addressed the issue of so-called "selfishness" in some depth. The act of "selflessness" is just act. Programming put out by various self interested parties and institutions. It does not exist in Nature, which is where you need to take your cues from.

When one accumulates a surplus of resources, why would it be "human nature" to release these to an unrelated other without parity consideration? You likely notice that so called benefactors of one form and another do receive compensation of sorts...peer recognition, status and, almost always, some form of quid pro quo...unseen and withheld from the unwashed masses.

laughing out loud!

Selfishness and selflessness are artificial constructs! As I posted earlier in the thread, please provide one such example of selflessness occurring in Nature...even one! Existing outside of the bloodline, that is.

When a hawk captures a field mouse and feeds its young, no one thinks anything to be amiss. Clearly, the hawk benefits by protecting its progeny, the young benefit by virtue of surviving and only the mouse, in its death, loses.

Was the mouse selfless in its sacrifice? Not was stupid (in being exposed) and had insufficient defenses to protect itself. The parent mice spent their lives doing things other than teaching the young how to avoid hawks.

In terms of your second question, the bloodline can be traced back to the very beginning. Because YOU cannot do so, or do not attach significance to recording and disseminating such information, does not mean others act the same way!

Notice that in the Old Testament, a significant amount of detail is accorded to the lineage in the very beginning. Have you bothered to read this? Have you wondered why it was so important that it receives so much attention in such a revered document?

Of course, were you to understand the importance of bloodlines, you would know that, uniformly, family clans in both east and west regard bloodlines to be the determinant of station, position and inheritance. Royalty descends from royalty. Peerage, and all that.

Slaves of all sorts and colors also, and usually in vain, tried to keep track of the history of their families. Mormons are doing thins in the United States, and have noted that various "interest groups" have been noted to be introducing "noise" into the process.

I wonder why that would be??

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/01/2012 11:39 AM
Hello Teschen,

I believe you oversimplified the animal analogy...used because it is SIMPLE, and easy to grasp.

Do not ignore YOUR animal behavior! Or have you somehow evolved to a higher state of being?

If you have, you don't demonstrate it from your posts, which demonstrate a high degree of latent and overt hostility.

Free will is an absolute. It is non-negotiable, and even the most highly evolved MUST observe its laws and dictates!

You, personally, are where you are EXACTLY because of the choices YOU have (as well as your bloodline--laughing out loud!) am I. Why is it then that I have reached such a heightened state of development and being? You cannot possibly absorb what I know, because your groundwork has not been laid-in properly. THIS is why I can make such a generous offer of assistance without reservation! You and your ilk do not even know what questions to ask!

Sad, really, but also somewhat humorous.

As to the various puppets you see in the media, they are most assuredly Not a part of the clan or bloodline! What cheek! Not that they don't play a role in the grand scheme of things...they do. But they are just the hired hands. Like the Polish playing the role of dumb handmaidens to the National Socialist party of Germany. How quickly you will eat your own in difficult situations just for a few perceived creature comforts!

I can't imagine the shame these people SHOULD feel! Based on their programming of "right or wrong" anyway.

Teschen, your situation is pitiful, as you must fully realize.

Start with the truth...what you KNOW to be true and lay aside the false beliefs and programming you have been "gifted". Start by knowing you know nothing and see if any insights come to you.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/01/2012 11:45 AM
Teschen, It is the Knowledge in which power lies.

The KNOWLEDGE, you see. "Wealth" as YOU understand it is a by-product...but is largely irrelevant for all intents and purposes.

Who do you think is the gatekeeper of the accumulated terrestrial and extra-terrestrial knowledge and wisdom of the ages? YOU??

How about your local library? Google?

Just because YOU don't understand or have access, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

Laughing out loud!

For want of knowledge, my people are LOST
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 03:37 PM

What if the mice and hawk are the same thing, just in different forms?
Would death of the mice still be a "sacrifice"? Or a "selfless" act?

Think about what you are proposing.

What if ... are the same thing ... in different forms.

Same? Different?

How can something be the same but at the same time different? Look up the definitions of SAME and DIFFERENT. How do you reconcile?

Do you mean that the nature and structure of both are different, and yet the same? As in, different combinations of the same materials? What are you proposing is the SAMENESS then? Purpose? And what, pray tell, would THAT be?

On an elemental level, there is a common-ness in that most life forms on this planet are carbon based. Different arrangements of primarily carbon based construction materials.

Why then has the ONE arisen?

Do you not perceive others as OTHERS?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 03:41 PM
I thought you're some druid or something because of your avatar.
Can you tell it straight what is this magic in the trees about?

And Mr Rofschild, one more question - do you like Iceland or Sicily?
Quoting: teschen

Hello Teschen,

Iceland is, of course, perfectly illustrative of what I have been hammering on throughout the thread. Free choice/free will.

What exactly did they give up and what have they gained?

Dire predictions were made, were they not? What has happened so far?

And a little dyke shall lead them.

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 03:54 PM
Is it true you sucked a massive cock for bus fair and still walked home?
Quoting: Dave 1360058

Hello Dave, You perfectly personify the typical canadian.

First of all, in the Court of the Kings, one is evaluated by their wit, brevity and articulation.

You did well in the brevity department, although I assume that fact has to do more with your cranial capacity than any deliberate attempt to be pithy.

Look up the definitions of FAIR and FARE and absorb the fact these words have very different any primary school student will tell you. Were your post longer in length, there would certainly be other demonstrations of your ignorance, which would provide comic relief to the followers of the thread.

Secondly, the addition of the word MASSIVE indicates to many YOUR obsession with either the inadequate size of your own flagging "manhood", OR your latent desire to acquire the cock of another towards the satisfaction of your own base desires.

I strongly suggest you engage literary works and study your native language structure and spelling before attempting to play with those clearly out of your league.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 04:14 PM
What if the mice and hawk are the same thing, just in different forms?
Would death of the mice still be a "sacrifice"? Or a "selfless" act?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14705046

Our Rofschild can be very slow at times and that's something I may
be able to explain.

Mouse and hawk at sufficiently low level are most definitely the same
thing - you don't need a Rofschild to tell you that. It's 60s science.

At the nanoscale they are both clouds of electrons. Organized into patterns
of elements, then chemicals, then cells etc etc. But these constructs are
indwellt by another constructs - souls, which are made of particles we
are aeons before discovering. Souls are vessels for consciousness.

They are given bodies to experience the physical. Both mouse and hawk will
be indwellt by very young and small souls. Their lifes are so simple,
they offer very little in terms of ethical choices. Animals eating each
other can't be viewed in terms of sacrifice etc because sacrifice is a
complex emotion. These animals are just too simple for that.

Maybe mother hawk/mouse could "sacrifice" herself in defence of the
young - still I'd argue it's more down to primitive instinct than moral

You might say that soul before entering the baby hawk made the choice of
service to self orientation - because hawks prey upon other creatures.
But once you're a hawk - you have NO choice - you have to prey. You
can't eat plants because you're not adapted to it - you're a killing
machine for a lifetime.

So to sum it up - yes they are the same thing - physically, at the soul
level they might be a bit different, and no there's no sacrifice, the mouse
simply lost in the lottery of life.

Hope this answers your question.
Quoting: teschen

Hello Teschen,

Why do you suppose these electron clouds aggregate in different forms then? Why not one soul per electron shell and elimination of the whole prey/predator dynamic? Why the need for separate beings/bloodlines?

In scientific inquiry, one attempts to observe and catalog "facts", from which generalities follow, which, if exceptions are not found, become LAWS.


Another model creates theories based on un-observable phenomena and assumptions which must be taken on faith...from which sweeping conclusions are drawn. Religions are particularly adept at this; the beautiful lie!

Sadly, this seems to be your model. Other than what you have correctly observed relative to NATURAL LAW...the behavior of the hawk and mouse...your other assumptions are just that...assumptions. So much hoo-hah.

You reduce the NATURAL LAW and the NATURAL ORDER to the absurd conclusion that the prey lost the "lottery of life".

You conclude the hawk had no choice to be other than what it had been conditioned and programmed to be. Why? Because it fits your pre-conditioned expectations. How does your model encompass the idea of growth, mutation and natural selection?

How do you know that the eating of prey is the ONLY choice the hawk has? HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? Maybe it is simply the easiest way?

Using federal reserve notes/fiat is SIMPLE! Easy!

But can't willing social participants exchange tangible goods and services between themselves without the use of fiat? Hasn't that been the norm of human commerce? Could YOU conduct your commerce without fiat? And, if so, they why do YOU choose a medium so clearly destructive to you, your family and your nation?

Look at post WW1 Germany and see what Hitler was doing...which essentially rebuilt the shattered german economy within 5 years of his taking power.

In my travels, I often am amazed at the sharp diving lines in urban areas between the haves and have nots. What compels the have nots to stay where they are?

Humans are notorious for making bad choices and blaming others, fate, the government or whomever for the sorry state of their condition. Look at the fast food industry growth and the rise in health care costs. HFCS, Pharma, vaccines and so many others...and yet stupid humans just keep marching to the same tired beat.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 04:44 PM
I would like to activate my Junk DNA.

Where would be the best place to start?

Does it happen with specific thoughts and visualizations or is there a substance that can kickstart the DNA.

In the film called Limitless, there was a pill called NZT.

Is there a "pill" that the elite take that increases brain power 50X?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle,

First, there is no "so-called" junk DNA.

Isn't it the province of children (and increasingly most of first world adults) to wish for the magic pill...the beautiful lie...that dramatic change can happen quickly...or by simply taking a pill.

A substitute for diligence and hard work!

And interestingly, in the movie script line, this amazing compound is utilized, not for amazing new discoveries...but the acquisition of fiat currency! Worthless fiat!

Don't you get the joke Bickle?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 04:50 PM
It is safe to assume that the Rothschilds control time.

The question becomes how advanced those capabilities are right now.

Are you able to create the future?

Are you able to change past events from our present point in time?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Time is an artificial construct, young Bickle. A methodology utilized by simple minds to arrange events and thoughts in a linear fashion. Even though straight lines do not exist in nature!

Take a look at deep space...a nebula say...and then try to overlay the concept of human time to what you are observing.

As for the "future", of COURSE we create it! Through OUR choices and the imposition of our will. All in support of the well being and advancement of our bloodlines, of course.

Laughing out loud!

We control YOUR "time", yes. We provide you with things to do!

Laughing out loud!

There is no past, so no past events require change. And because we controlled the "future" when we were in the "past" why would we desire to change the "outcome"?

Honestly Bickle. Think before you type!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 04:53 PM
Torsion Waves and Torsion Fields and Morphogenetic Fields

How does the elite take their knowledge of these topics and use that knowledge to manipulate the human collective consciousness?

What is more important, control of the media or fiat money supply?

How are Closed timelike curve loops used to time view? Can you view both into the future and past?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What is more important? Why, both well as other things!

Why do you attempt to list everything and assign relative importance as if it is some sort of list...something that COULD be chronicled.

Media allows fiat to happen. Fiat allows media control!

What don't you understand?

Is your heart more important than your lungs? Each serves a purpose and each serves its master.

You, Bickle, are not a master.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 04:55 PM
Ask a young child to quantify how many stars are in the sky.

One hundred, they will pronounce! Because 100 is the largest concept they can embrace.

An older child will offer up a "jillion"

An adult will come up with a more scientific attempt, depending on their level of education, but the output will be as meaningless as the youngest child since they lack true understanding and perspective.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 05:09 PM
Time is an artificial construct, young Bickle. A methodology utilized by simple minds to arrange events and thoughts in a linear fashion. Even though straight lines do not exist in nature!

Take a look at deep space...a nebula say...and then try to overlay the concept of human time to what you are observing.

As for the "future", of COURSE we create it! Through OUR choices and the imposition of our will. All in support of the well being and advancement of our bloodlines, of course.

Laughing out loud!

We control YOUR "time", yes. We provide you with things to do!

Laughing out loud!

There is no past, so no past events require change. And because we controlled the "future" when we were in the "past" why would we desire to change the "outcome"?

Honestly Bickle. Think before you type!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Would you consider the true nature of Time to be Simultaneous Time or Cyclical Time?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Both are equally absurd.

If you discard the concept of past and future, traditional thinking leaves only the NOW.

But NOW doesn't exist either, EXCEPT in only the most superficial sense of the word. Because humans have defined NOW in a way that has no relationship to NATURE or NATURAL LAW.

A drop of water, by experience and definition, can "exist" in a sense as a drop, but loses its "definition" when the drop enters the ocean. Does the drop cease to exist since it can no longer be observed as a drop? Is the ocean comprised of a series of drops? Or can the whole of the ocean be though of as holding the potential of being subdivided INTO drops. Before said sub-division exists,no drop exists. Once the drop enters the ocean, can that drop...that specific drop...ever be exactly reconstituted? Has the drop, or the ocean, changed? But, you say, I can extract a drop which is VERY SIMILAR, and thus good enough! But the drop is gone forever...never to be seen again and beyond control of the "dropper".

So if time were to be visualized as a "drop", and dropped into a larger medium comprised of "time drops", the individual time drop would cease to exist...have no past or future in any meaningful sense...but might be thought to contain all the aspects experienced during the formation of the time drop...but yet the time drop ceases to exist when entering into the time drop pool.

Things flow into other things. It is not linear, or modular, it is the operation of NATURE and NATURAL LAW and thus defies your conventions.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 05:09 PM
Ask a young child to quantify how many stars are in the sky.

One hundred, they will pronounce! Because 100 is the largest concept they can embrace.

An older child will offer up a "jillion"

An adult will come up with a more scientific attempt, depending on their level of education, but the output will be as meaningless as the youngest child since they lack true understanding and perspective.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Sometimes it is just best to Look in Awe.

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Yes, Bickle, "drop" a clock in the picture and behold the absurdity!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 05:19 PM
Yes, Bickle, "drop" a clock in the picture and behold the absurdity!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So are you suggesting the fabric of Space is more important than Time?

If so how does knowledge of the Zero Point help Rothschild Inc dominate the Earthly plane?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I'm not sure from where your obsession with TIME springs.

Forget time, Bickle, and consider the progression of your bloodline. Isn't that what I have been saying from the beginning?

The bloodline progresses, or doesn't, and THAT isn't a time function. It has nothing to do with your concept of time.

The evolution of the bloodline. THAT is the takeaway point.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 05:22 PM
What are the Natural Laws?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Those LAWS which truly define how the human interacts within its environment. These are not secrets...they are readily observable if one is diligent and objective.

Another way to think of NATURAL LAWS might be:

YOUR perception of reality (ie how you believe that you, and others, interact and behave) MINUS the BEAUTIFUL LIES (and assorted delusions on the conscious and subconscious level) equals NATURAL LAW.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 06:55 PM
Another way to think of NATURAL LAWS might be:

YOUR perception of reality (ie how you believe that you, and others, interact and behave) MINUS the BEAUTIFUL LIES (and assorted delusions on the conscious and subconscious level) equals NATURAL LAW.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So in others words, the Natural Laws are the Parameters of the Matrix.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

There is no matrix, Bickle.

User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 06:57 PM
Hi Mr OP. What is your dream (meaning the thing you/your soul wishes to achieve)?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10089192

Perfection of the bloodline, which is an imperative, not a wish.

You likely know that in the Buddhist tradition, desire is the basis of all suffering.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 07:14 PM
This is ridiculous. Not only you've hand picked the easiest of my questions,
now you're asking me about things I've talked about already. I know these are
more like rhetorical questions, still it's annoying.

Then you give me uninvited lectures on things I already knew or have no interest
in. So you're an empiricist - very well, typical position for an atheist and materialist.
This is how I will have to classify you after all this meandering and trickery.

You said pain can be harvested and now you claim - if it can't be proven, it's just
a belief, so BS. Where did you derive the idea of pain harvesting from? Have you
had it filmed and peer-reviewed? We're going in circles, here. You're always saying
what is the most convenient for you at the moment.

I stand by what I said about the hawk. It's a very specialized organism. Yes, everyone has
the potential to mutate quite radically, but hawk? It would have to be some very dramatic
change. Like nuclear strike - no mice, no rabbits, no nothing. So it's safe to say hawks
will keep doing what they're best at.

Hawk is MERELY a very small-brained animal. It will not retrain to eat grass or
whatever. It's simple and follows its instincts. Hawk considering moral implications
of eating a mouse? Are you hearing yourself? I don't have any evidence to give you
at the moment, but I'm bloody sure if they scan hawk's brain one day, the most
complex thought they'll find will be "hungry, must eat mouse now".

My "absurd" conclusion is more like your never ending need to talk down to everyone.
You're supposed to be master in game theory. Is there NO randomness in any system.
Is the randomness not the bigger, the more chaotic and unpredictible the elements
contained within the system?
Do you want us to believe it was mouse's fault it didn't look at the sky all the
time? No accidents in this world? And that coming from an atheist?

You're excellent at talking down to people who come here and drop one line as a joke.
THEN, you're as talkative as ever. The guy will never come back here and you spent 5
minutes to answer to his joke.

Btw I saw the movie and I was VERY dissapointed the protagonist's ambition was money
and politics. I thought - typical hollywood programming. Success = money + power.
You laugh at people's stupidity but you completely omit the fact they're subject to
constant brainwashing.
Quoting: teschen

Hello Teschen,

Are you questioning that pain exists? Are you suggesting that there is no empirical data that pain exists? I am baffled by your assertion.

To you the harvesting may be in question since you do not control the process, nor receive the benefits, but the existence? Because it is not quantifiable and observable TO YOU, may not constitute a reality. BUT, because you are limited in your understanding, does not change the REALITY, or NATURAL LAW, if you will. YOU may block out the reality of this because it conflicts with a higher order need you cling to so that the big scary world conforms to the lies of your childhood...and the lies taught to you as a child. Scary, that.

What do you think constitutes the reality of your delusional state?? Exactly this! You don't see-you don't comprehend!

Therefore the REALITY, identified and commanded by another does not exist in your world of possibilities.

Sad, that.

You can't COMPREHEND a different reality for our friend the hawk...thus, to you, no other possibility of existence is possible. Don't you see it is YOUR limitation of comprehension, not the hawks possible universe of choices.

Tell me much time and effort have you devoted to the study of hawks to make such a statement? About as much as any other field of endeavour for you no doubt.

Unlike others, who have amassed vast energy and used it to attain KNOWLEDGE...which builds and builds and builds!

Meanwhile, the unwashed masses toy around on the internet trading theories with equally unknowing, similarly situated folk.

What kind of growth do you think you will experience with your approach to knowledge.

Knowledge, purified, and applied to the growth and glory of the bloodline! Simple enough for you?

WE are returning to SOURCE. Likely, you and your ilk will not be making the trip.

PS...truth and knowledge come from the death of delusions and purging of "beautiful lies". Are you up to the task teschen?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 07:15 PM
What is the difference between a spirit and a soul?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Words are arbitrary and only mean what others generally agree they mean.

They are not absolutes, so who cares?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/03/2012 07:24 PM
Another way to think of NATURAL LAWS might be:

YOUR perception of reality (ie how you believe that you, and others, interact and behave) MINUS the BEAUTIFUL LIES (and assorted delusions on the conscious and subconscious level) equals NATURAL LAW.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So in others words, the Natural Laws are the Parameters of the Matrix.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

There is no matrix, Bickle.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What IS reality then?

What animates the human body?

What is consciousness?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Illusion animates the human body.

Consciousness, as it applies to you, is AWARENESS of your illusions!

Teschen mentioned the electron cloud. Have you studied quantum physics and can you grasp the "space within"?

Laughing out loud!

The atomic world does not mimic the physical world! Yet the physical world is constructed of atoms?

Relative space between electron shells and nuclei exceed the relative space between sun and earth. Physical matter exists as nothingness. Memories and thoughts exist as electrical impulses?

Can waves and particles coexist?!?! How so if one accepts the idea of time? Does the concept of time not lock one into
a 3 dimensional realm at best, and thus, as teschen so aptly demonstrated, single-handedly DESTROYED entire universes of possibility! One small serf! Destroys WORLDS!

Laughing out loud!

Perhaps you create your own are your own wardens...locked away in the cells of your beautiful lies!

Dreaming of the sun instead of opening the cell door and experiencing it for yourself on ITS TERMS.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/14/2012 01:34 PM
Time is an artificial construct, young Bickle. A methodology utilized by simple minds to arrange events and thoughts in a linear fashion. Even though straight lines do not exist in nature!

Take a look at deep space...a nebula say...and then try to overlay the concept of human time to what you are observing.

As for the "future", of COURSE we create it! Through OUR choices and the imposition of our will. All in support of the well being and advancement of our bloodlines, of course.

Laughing out loud!

We control YOUR "time", yes. We provide you with things to do!

Laughing out loud!

There is no past, so no past events require change. And because we controlled the "future" when we were in the "past" why would we desire to change the "outcome"?

Honestly Bickle. Think before you type!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Would you consider the true nature of Time to be Simultaneous Time or Cyclical Time?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Both are equally absurd.

If you discard the concept of past and future, traditional thinking leaves only the NOW.

But NOW doesn't exist either, EXCEPT in only the most superficial sense of the word. Because humans have defined NOW in a way that has no relationship to NATURE or NATURAL LAW.

A drop of water, by experience and definition, can "exist" in a sense as a drop, but loses its "definition" when the drop enters the ocean. Does the drop cease to exist since it can no longer be observed as a drop? Is the ocean comprised of a series of drops? Or can the whole of the ocean be though of as holding the potential of being subdivided INTO drops. Before said sub-division exists,no drop exists. Once the drop enters the ocean, can that drop...that specific drop...ever be exactly reconstituted? Has the drop, or the ocean, changed? But, you say, I can extract a drop which is VERY SIMILAR, and thus good enough! But the drop is gone forever...never to be seen again and beyond control of the "dropper".

So if time were to be visualized as a "drop", and dropped into a larger medium comprised of "time drops", the individual time drop would cease to exist...have no past or future in any meaningful sense...but might be thought to contain all the aspects experienced during the formation of the time drop...but yet the time drop ceases to exist when entering into the time drop pool.

Things flow into other things. It is not linear, or modular, it is the operation of NATURE and NATURAL LAW and thus defies your conventions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Ok mind blown, a great analogy. I must finish reading this thread
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 830513

Hello Aussie and Welcome!

The analogy of how time units lack linearity is very similar to how the bloodline is influenced by each individual's "contribution". Understand that because the "past" and "future" do not exist, the "idea" of ancestors and descendants is equally meaningless.

The small minds cannot understand that the actions in the NOW (as you understand it) define both those that have "come before" and will come "after". Except that both "groups" exist with the NOW in the NOW. Do something, ANYTHING, and the bloodline is affected, ALL the bloodline!

So following the drop analogy a drop of blood into a pool of blood CANNOT be undone and cannot be reconstituted! The single drop has changed the blood pool permanently. As you perceive it, the current drop affects ALL of the drops that had been added before and all that WILL be added, will by definition and necessity be different than had that single drop we are discussing not have occurred!

No past, no future! Think and ponder that long and hard, Make those little neurons fire furiously in comprehending that truth!

Laughing out loud!

Now, you say, why does my drop matter? Well, the cumulation of drops...of water OR blood, creates the environment in which things will, or will not develop!

Look at the bounty of life in the oceans of the world! Incalculable wealth and potential! Now dip your mental toe into the dead sea! Potential?? Not so much!

Unless one wanted a red algae bloom!

Laughing out loud!

It is now your turn to add your drop, Don't blame your descendants or place all the responsibility on the progeny to come.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/14/2012 01:36 PM
Damn this thread is amazing

Im not interested in knowing my bloodtype, as i will be ending my line in this life.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 830513

You won't be ending anything by your actions. It is not possible.

The natural evolution will not be deterred one iota by actions resulting from poor program execution.

We have seen to that!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/14/2012 01:42 PM
the game is rigged so the special people who deserve to be in the top 2 percentile WIN

you can call it deception, i call it doing what you have to do

if you dont understand they are the good guys then you can never be one of them and probably why they disowned you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10316757

From my understanding my family line was disowned many years before I was even born.

My spirit reincarnated in this line to prove some type of point.

Not sure what that point is yet.

Maybe the point is to never give up on someone.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, from where do your delusions and mindless observations spring?

How, dear Bickle, could one DISOWN a bloodline? From either side of the equation?

What, you were reconstituted into someone else's bloodline? Who would want you?

Moving on to your so called "spirit" how did the deconstruction and reconstitution take place exactly?

Your bloviating adds no value to the conversation here, such as it is, and serves no purpose that I can discern.

You don't actually believe all this nonsense, do you?

Are you one of those so called "shills" which appear to confuse the simple-minded?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/14/2012 01:48 PM

Well they have treated me like a Black Sheep for about 31 years so why should I be loyal to a family that essentially disowned me.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Well maybe you don't get them. It's them versus the sheep. Make a choice.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10316757

I have a problem with that.

Being a Spirit of Truth I don't think the "sheep" are getting a fair shake to "ascend" in their lifetime.

Too much deception is going on.

The Game is too Rigged for the "sheep" to have a chance at redemption.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

the game is rigged so the special people who deserve to be in the top 2 percentile WIN

you can call it deception, i call it doing what you have to do

if you dont understand they are the good guys then you can never be one of them and probably why they disowned you
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10316757

Simple minded, really.

First of all, it would, and always, requires two or more parties to enter into a transaction. Of course, there could be a single party...but there is little value added to such a transaction! I suppose masturbation would be an appropriate example of a single party transaction, and note how effective THAT is to the act of human procreation!

Laughing out loud!

The sheep enter freely into the transaction with those who have, through much work and trial/error, made the rules and control the game.

The rules of engagement are crystal clear. Play or don't play.

By your estimation, you take the deal offered but complain of the terms....terms made clear from the outset and terms agreed to.

It is exactly this victim mentality, which you yourself have created, which confine you into your current situation!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/14/2012 01:53 PM

Perfection of the bloodline, which is an imperative, not a wish.

You likely know that in the Buddhist tradition, desire is the basis of all suffering.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So, if I may ask - do you incarnate over and over in your bloodline? And what is your meaning of perfection anyway?

What about the rest of the world? They are wakening, aren't they?

Yes, it is said about desire... but I would say everything is fueled by desire of it's creator - to grow - hence evolution happens.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10142253

Do you not understand? This guy doesnt have the answer to JACK FUCKING SHIT just say something stupid so it gives him the opportunity to sound smart.
Quoting: Dave 1360058

I appreciate your good intention but I'm well aware of that. It's something like unwritten rule of this game.) I'm however curious one - maybe I could learn something, maybe not. Anyway I want to play.
If you are not, then you maybe could take yourself to game where you can spent your precious time on something that holds more value to you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10169222

Hello Slovakia, It is interesting how different entities respond to the truth!

Keel in mind, the americans don't understand the concept of "royalty" in the way that Europeans and Asians do. The Americans have bought into the illusion hook, line and sinker!

THEY really think they live in a free society, despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary!

Pity, really. But most beneficial for some!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/14/2012 04:21 PM
How, dear Bickle, could one DISOWN a bloodline? From either side of the equation?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I need tangible proof of this.

You can deposit the million dollars that you said you would earlier in the thread into my bank account.

Proof that your family never disowns a bloodline.

Let's see if you are a man of your word.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Quite the self-serving test!

Of all the proof(s) one could offer, you select the one which requires federal reserve notes to be transferred to you...all without any corresponding effort or consideration on your part!

Laughing out loud!

At the very least, you could have designated ANOTHER to be the recipient of the "test", such as a "charity".

You make the incorrect presumption that you are a member of the bloodline. Let's start by YOU proving your assertion!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/20/2012 08:38 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

If you were really a Rothschild, you'd know how to spell your own name, as someone else has already made note of. Goddamn, Americans are getting dumber by the second! A bunch of idiots who can't even compose a basic sentence correctly anymore. What the hell are they teaching you numbskulls in public schools these days? My guess is they are only teaching you how to be good little slaves who know how to recite the mantra of the status qou and how to bend over and get fucked in the ass at TSA checkpoints.

Here's some advice: Turn off the video games for an hour each day and pick up a book (not a picture book for 2 year olds, but a propper book with whole paragraphs with words and all) and actually TRY to read! Hopefully, your head will not explode the the immense challenge of sounding out the words. Can you comprehend what I am writing, or is my use of the English language to complex for you? Shall I simplify in text message format?

Txt msg frmt: Reed bk, no vid gm. Lrn 2 spl, asap!
Quoting: Celt 10717335

Hello Celt!

Your astute powers of observation obviously missed the also incorrectly spelled "AXE"

Laughing out loud!

You are not acquainted with the use of sarcasm, are you?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/20/2012 08:39 PM
At the very least, you could have designated ANOTHER to be the recipient of the "test", such as a "charity".
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I would give it to my future wife and the future mother of my kids.

Of course, I don't know who she is yet.

So a little help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle...I am speechless!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/20/2012 08:39 PM
is it true you are cannibals?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2706830

energy cannibals...soul suckers.

do you know why earthicans love meat? It's the taste of PAIN!


As Sir Mickey Jagger observed...

I shouted out "who killed the Kennedy's"?
When after all, it was you and me
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Wow! I am surprised that a total moron like you has actually heard of the Rolling Stones, and is even familiar enough with this band to have been capable of quoting correctly the lines from one of their songs! Ha!
Quoting: Celt 10717335

Let the good times roll, Mr Celt!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/20/2012 08:40 PM
You make the incorrect presumption that you are a member of the bloodline. Let's start by YOU proving your assertion!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I would take a DNA Test for "proof"

Of course you already have that information.

The challenge is that the information is compartmentalized from me at this time being.

So let me see that info.

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I can assure you Bickle, there is no common blood between or betwixt us!

Carry on!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/21/2012 06:50 PM
OP, Why do the NAZITES put people on gang stalking lists and under 24/7 surveillance ?

What have these people done in order to be imprisoned for life by you ?

How can people in this situation get off these lists ?

Is there a solution for them ?

Thank you in advance.
Quoting: SolutionSeeker 1445809

Hello Solution Seeker and Welcome!

You must keep in mind that the nature of humans, such as it is, reveals the answer to your question.

And what is that nature, you may ask?

Well, it manifests in a variety of ways. Take human comfort, for example. You have likely heard of the STOCKHOLM interesting manifestation when humans are under some sort of duress....economic, physical, emotional...

In this case, the captive may develop unusual bonds with their captor. The kidnapped may form emotional alliances with those creating the oppression! AND FURTHER THE AIMS OF THEIR OPPRESSORS!

Humans seek approval, even from those who seek to oppress them! Humans crave to fit into, and meet, expectations...regardless (as it turns out) who/what so creates these expectations!

Humans need, and seek, roles in society which serve to define them and define their station in life. Once a human is so "engaged", they will stop at nothing to please their "superiors".

Take the role of surveillance in modern society (I refer here to video/checkpoints/"papers please" and the like). Is it necessary from our perspective??? NO. There is a cost to surveillance, as there is to all things, and every action causes a reaction...often creating other issues falling under the law of unintended consequences! We are VERY careful introducing new elements into controlled situations!

The surveillance system was not of our creation! It is your fellow humans seeking to protect their fiefdoms and monitor the activities of potential rivals!

Read about the "American" who was instrumental in establishing the FBI many years ago. As the story is now told, he created files and surveillance for political and personal reasons! The head of this bureaucracy was known for his predilections ...his love of men and desire to dress in women's clothes!

Laughing out loud!

Most would consider that his eccentricities would not qualify him to stand in judgment of others, but there it is. Do you think someone subject to his particular form of abuse might benefit by knowing this? Could the captor not be controlled by someone in possession of such knowledge? Check! and Checkmate!

During the last great European war, the Polish population were oppressed by the National Socialist party, and the tool of oppression was none other than...wait for it...other Polish! Examples of this are rife in human history and easy to find. Why would the Polish people turn on their own? Small comforts and the approval of their oppressors.

The genius of the system established is the illusion of freedom and having humans act as their own jailers! It is amazing, even to us, how well the system functions.

However, as demonstrated above, those with just the slightest benefits accorded to them were ALL TOO EAGER to further subjugate their FELLOWS! Which continues apace.

Laughing out loud!

Of course, we take the blame although we see no value in surveillance of this nature. It means nothing to us. We are more interested in controlling the course of "human events"

Laughing out loud!

Those humans who feed off their peers (cannibals, in a sense) consume with a ravenous appetite which puts us to shame. They enjoy the sense of power and humiliation over those subjugated!

What will evolve, and very quickly as it now looks, is that they will learn, painfully, the magic of what we learned eons ago...the magic of incremental, almost Infinitesimal rates of change! It must be this way...and they will pay a dear price!

As to your current situation, you may discover that these same oppressors also function under the laws of cowardice. That is to say, it is exactly the ILLUSION of control and power which makes it so. You may, at your discretion, choose to opt out at any time you decide that you refuse to further participate!

Of course, under the order of NATURAL LAW you are free to do so at any time! It is your free will to do so.

I ask you, have you made ANY concrete effort to express your will in this regard?

And consider the Kyoto Effect! Any small action YOU take to change the course of your bloodline will have effects impossible for you to now comprehend. Remember that the longest journey begins with a small step.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/21/2012 06:57 PM

I actually think OP is my real biological father.

THAT is the most shocking reveal.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

that would be a shocking reveal! that would probably come after the epic light-sabre battle between the two of you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11199171

And I would win of course!

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

oh look, you chose yoda and the emperor to illustrate the point.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11199171

Laughing out Loud!

Yes, the characters Mr. Bickle has enlisted in his defense have created an impenetrable wall of logic I am unable to scale!

Bickle, there is a fellow delusionist posting under the nom de plume KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. I believe that he may be either:

1) your long lost relative holding the keys to your salvation


2) using the same medications as you are.

Best go check him out and see if you can forge an alliance of bloodlines!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/21/2012 07:02 PM
monkey see monkey do. nothing OP tells us is real truth simply other peoples perception of truth and understanding passed on down the line. clarity is fleeting enjoy it.
Quoting: MyownSteps

Hello My Own,

My pledge from the outset was to answer truthfully, and I have done so without fail.

There is ONE TRUTH. It is absolute and not situational or subject to negotiation. The pursuit of this truth is the highest calling of a bloodline!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/21/2012 07:07 PM
Yew people are so in love with Death in all its myriad forms.
The goddess is infinitely kind and will give her children what their hearts desire.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 433811

Death is anathema to the perfection of the bloodline...not to mention that Death does not exist in the sense you propose it!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/23/2012 03:32 PM
Nice Misdirection, OP.

Way to skip my important posts on this page of the thread and respond to the post that really didn't need a response.

Anyways, if you are MAN enough (or WOMEN enough) let's meet in person. Mono e mono.

Let's stop this foreplay and see each other in the Real World.

If you purchase a plane ticket for me, I will go anywhere in the world on Blind Faith and meet you.

Fortune Favors The Bold.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, I have cautioned you on many occasions to be cognizant of your grammar and syntax, lest your thoughts be dismissed as those of a cretin.

mono e mono? Are you proposing to transfer mononucleosis to me Bickle to satisfy some sort of biological revenge fantasy?

Laughing out loud!

This from an anonymous internet poster:

It is "mano a mano," sometimes hyphenated (as in "mano-a-mano") not "mano e mano" or "mano Y mano" or any other other spellings. Literally, it does mean "hand to hand" and was originally used to describe bullfights where two (usually superstar) matadors were competing against each other (for audience admiration and applause) as well as against the bulls.

There were another 748,000,000 results along those lines, so I am puzzled how you would make such an elementary mistake!

Further, if you were to suppose I was a woman, it really wouldn't be an applicable phrase...unless you typically grapple with women to gain some sort of perceived advantage.

Finally, you used the plural form of woman when the singular was appropriate. Woman is indicative of one woman, and women is multiple.

These are simple concepts to grasp, Bickle. Can you imagine that others would seek to distance themselves from associating with a moron? Or, as is commonly used on this forum: MORAN. Take your pick.

If you have a thought in the future, write it down and then highlight those words and phrases you are unclear of and LOOK THEM UP.

Your assertion of the characteristics of FORTUNE is similarly misguided. Fortune favors the PREPARED, primarily. BOLD implies a studious indifference to the likelihood of success upon entering an endeavour.

PREPARE first and foremost, young Bickle! Then and only then be BOLD when the opportunity presents!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/23/2012 03:35 PM
I know this is probably in the thread somewhere, but I am too lazy to search through 49 pages of posts.

So here goes.....

Are you related to Rotflmaoschilds?
Quoting: jailarson

A witty quip!

GOOD SHOW, OLD MAN! Keep those neurons firing!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/23/2012 03:36 PM
monkey see monkey do. nothing OP tells us is real truth simply other peoples perception of truth and understanding passed on down the line. clarity is fleeting enjoy it.
Quoting: MyownSteps

Hello My Own,

My pledge from the outset was to answer truthfully, and I have done so without fail.

There is ONE TRUTH. It is absolute and not situational or subject to negotiation. The pursuit of this truth is the highest calling of a bloodline!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Yes it would be very wise for your bloodline to continue pursuing the 1 truth. Knowing what truth is and understanding are like night and day. ;)

there was a need for chaos in humanity's early days but power is corrupting so chaos reined. order through chaos=harmony

unknowingly setting up your demise the entire time

beautiful when you think about it.
Quoting: MyownSteps

We shall see, my own, we will see!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/23/2012 03:48 PM
OP, Why do the NAZITES put people on gang stalking lists and under 24/7 surveillance ?

What have these people done in order to be imprisoned for life by you ?

How can people in this situation get off these lists ?

Is there a solution for them ?

Thank you in advance.
Quoting: SolutionSeeker 1445809

Hello Solution Seeker and Welcome!

You must keep in mind that the nature of humans, such as it is, reveals the answer to your question.

And what is that nature, you may ask?

Well, it manifests in a variety of ways. Take human comfort, for example. You have likely heard of the STOCKHOLM interesting manifestation when humans are under some sort of duress....economic, physical, emotional...

In this case, the captive may develop unusual bonds with their captor. The kidnapped may form emotional alliances with those creating the oppression! AND FURTHER THE AIMS OF THEIR OPPRESSORS!

Humans seek approval, even from those who seek to oppress them! Humans crave to fit into, and meet, expectations...regardless (as it turns out) who/what so creates these expectations!

Humans need, and seek, roles in society which serve to define them and define their station in life. Once a human is so "engaged", they will stop at nothing to please their "superiors".

Take the role of surveillance in modern society (I refer here to video/checkpoints/"papers please" and the like). Is it necessary from our perspective??? NO. There is a cost to surveillance, as there is to all things, and every action causes a reaction...often creating other issues falling under the law of unintended consequences! We are VERY careful introducing new elements into controlled situations!

The surveillance system was not of our creation! It is your fellow humans seeking to protect their fiefdoms and monitor the activities of potential rivals!

Read about the "American" who was instrumental in establishing the FBI many years ago. As the story is now told, he created files and surveillance for political and personal reasons! The head of this bureaucracy was known for his predilections ...his love of men and desire to dress in women's clothes!

Laughing out loud!

Most would consider that his eccentricities would not qualify him to stand in judgment of others, but there it is. Do you think someone subject to his particular form of abuse might benefit by knowing this? Could the captor not be controlled by someone in possession of such knowledge? Check! and Checkmate!

During the last great European war, the Polish population were oppressed by the National Socialist party, and the tool of oppression was none other than...wait for it...other Polish! Examples of this are rife in human history and easy to find. Why would the Polish people turn on their own? Small comforts and the approval of their oppressors.

The genius of the system established is the illusion of freedom and having humans act as their own jailers! It is amazing, even to us, how well the system functions.

However, as demonstrated above, those with just the slightest benefits accorded to them were ALL TOO EAGER to further subjugate their FELLOWS! Which continues apace.

Laughing out loud!

Of course, we take the blame although we see no value in surveillance of this nature. It means nothing to us. We are more interested in controlling the course of "human events"

Laughing out loud!

Those humans who feed off their peers (cannibals, in a sense) consume with a ravenous appetite which puts us to shame. They enjoy the sense of power and humiliation over those subjugated!

What will evolve, and very quickly as it now looks, is that they will learn, painfully, the magic of what we learned eons ago...the magic of incremental, almost Infinitesimal rates of change! It must be this way...and they will pay a dear price!

As to your current situation, you may discover that these same oppressors also function under the laws of cowardice. That is to say, it is exactly the ILLUSION of control and power which makes it so. You may, at your discretion, choose to opt out at any time you decide that you refuse to further participate!

Of course, under the order of NATURAL LAW you are free to do so at any time! It is your free will to do so.

I ask you, have you made ANY concrete effort to express your will in this regard?

And consider the Kyoto Effect! Any small action YOU take to change the course of your bloodline will have effects impossible for you to now comprehend. Remember that the longest journey begins with a small step.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

your post brings to mind the stanford prison experiment by zimbardo.

please expand further on the refusal to participate. many readers will be familiar with NATURAL LAW versus the statute law system that most people live under but how can readers better express their will in this regard?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11199171

There is no magic light saber, as Bickle might suppose, but there are daily choices each human can make. The success of those implementing such systems resides in the human tendency towards self compliance!

Someone posted a short video of a driver who refused to answer even the most basic questions when stopped at a Driving While Intoxicated checkpoint. Of course, under the US Constitution such stops without PROBABLE CAUSE are not legal. Firstly, 9 people out of 10 have not taken the time to read the Constitution, so they do not know their rights and thus do not know what statutory laws apply to them or not.

So rule one would be to learn the rights accorded to you under the highest applicable law. Example, a township statute cannot trump the Constitutional law.

Once a person is aware of their RIGHTS and DUTIES under the law, they know what laws and duties apply to them.

Second, if a demand is made not in compliance with the law, the person MUST refuse the, exercise their rights under the law. The driver in the example above did just that. After a few minutes of noise, the cop waved the drive through the checkpoint!

If even 3 out of 10 refused to comply, the checkpoints would come down! Systems of oppression require voluntary compliance! Remember that ratio...30% non compliance kills a voluntary system!

A golden nugget for those so awake.

Does the Constitution require a passport? Do all of the illegal aliens flooding into the US have the proper paperwork? No? Then why do YOU feel compelled to comply? Are you willing to cross the border as they do? No? Well then come in like a man, on your feet, BUT be prepared to stand your ground!

Why do you think the US has passed a "law" stripping the citizen of their Constitutional safeguards?

THIS....standing one's where the cowardice of most good citizens falls to pieces. They are under the delusion that obeying whatever crazy "laws" are implemented must be obeyed!

Sorry to be in that situation!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/23/2012 03:58 PM
Another example.

There are video cameras popping up all over the UK. Suppose that you object to their presence on your street.

First, is there a presupposition of privacy in the public space? An argument can be made either way.

Assuming that the cameras are legitimate, must you accept the decision of others which affects your peace-of-mind?

No! But the desires of others on your block must also be considered under generally accepted common law.

Let's say that 51% of the neighbors want the cameras gone. One could take the political route and demand their removal utilizing the various political "power" of a voting block of locals.

Failing that, the cameras can be vandalized! Take a look at any area of urban blight to see how its done and done effectively! The cameras might be repaired a few cycles but it won't last. It is much easier to break something than to keep it in we learn from the second law of thermodynamics...that beautiful concept of entropy!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 05:48 PM
Hard to tell on this board who is the real deal and who is not, but I really appreciated the bee metaphor and also got the derivatives book. Quite an entertaining read so far, although finances is not my area of expertise.

What I'm curious about is your take on man creating his own reality.

For the longest time I was under the impression that we were just victims of fate/karma/destiny, whatever you want to call it. But a couple of years ago, with the guidance of one of those hippie "crazy" friends, I healed myself from a malignant tumor in my head.

After that experience, through the control and awareness of my emotions, I seem to be getting what I want out of life. Thus, my conclusion is that we as humans have the ability to create our own reality, and wanted to know if you also believe in that concept. And if so, what reality do you strive for in this life besides keeping your bloodlines alive?

Also, if you had any other interesting book you might recommend, let me know.
Quoting: bluestar47

Hello Bluestar and Welcome!
I recommended the Das book to a poster here simply to illustrate a point, but it is relevant to your question.

In the early pages of the book, Das relays his discovery that, in essence, the financial "free" markets are all manipulated and thus fraudulent. He states without equivocation that the outcome of ANY major trade made by connected institutions is pre-ordained. They KNOW before-hand what the results WILL be because they control the variables that drive the outcome. An unemotional, and correct, assessment.

What does Das do with the knowledge? THAT is the question!
Think of all the so-called financial "experts" who pour over charts and make "expert" recommendations based on what happened in the "past"! And the truly clueless will follow this worthless "advice". It's all nonsense! If one discovers that the financial markets are rigged…i.e., they are not truly free markets which discover and set pricing based on underlying fundamentals between two knowledgeable and comparably situated individuals…one would approach the financial market with a different operating objective, correct?

In other words, if Das understands that all trades will have a specific outcome decided by those in power, he will (assuming he is not a fool) focus on obtaining that same information the powerful have (or ascertain their intentions) rather than studying traditional metrics on which the uninformed rely in "betting" on the outcomes!
Is this not logical? One must clearly grasp the desired outcome of any situation, understand the underlying mechanizations which determine the outcome, and execute ones actions and choices accordingly.


Now on to your question. Your experience dealing with the health issue described has been most instructive to you, and yet there is still a sense of disbelief on your part.
Understand this truth. Humans were "pre-destined" to operate under the NATURAL LAW, of which FREE WILL is an essential element. KARMA is an operational element of FREE WILL, but not in the sense that most humans understand or imagine it to be. Making choices implies results and consequences! KARMA (and the others) have been distorted from their true sense. KARMA does not mean that humans are "doomed" to their future! KARMA means there are consequences to choices made! How could it be otherwise?

Your post indicates that you have attained some awareness! But you have much to learn.

Start by re-reading (or reading) the elements I posted relating to the illusion of time. THINK on that!
You have already learned a very valuable lesson! YOU (or others) CREATE your reality! THAT is truth!
Accepting this reality, it is YOUR choice whether YOU or (an)other CREATE the reality in which you "exist". YOURS….or you can "farm" that duty out to OTHERS.

Just absorb that one fact! There is no escape from this! YOU, or (an)other WILL create YOUR REALITY!

Everyone may freely choose, but assume you let (an)other create your reality:

1) Do you think that this OTHER would build a reality to your benefit, or to the benefit of the OTHER?

2) If the OTHER is delegated responsibility to create YOUR reality, and does so…and that reality is in some (or many) ways detrimental to your well-being, or the well-being of your bloodlines, to whom does the "blame" correctly reside? If KARMA is a perfectly objective adjudicator of fact, where would the "blame" lie? Are you responsible for the outcome of your choices?

Note, as I have stated many times before(!) that there is ALWAYS an "escape" mechanism to any situation, no matter how "impossible" the situation seems! Note also that in some cases and situations, the advancement of one bloodline can be symbiotic and beneficial to the both. Although fair disclosure insists I inform you that ours has a long and distinguished history of taking the "lions share" in any such exchange!

Laughing out loud!

Sir or Madam, after 48 pages of posts (mostly nonsense) I must say that you, because of your "experience" or other bloodline developments, are on the cusp of new and exciting possibilities. I am willing to assist you along your path, as a worthy fellow traveler, if you are so inclined.

This being the case, what would YOUR version of perfect reality entail?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 05:49 PM
OP you are fools exactly like the humans you "control".
The battle for power... very low in evolutionary standards you made me LOL

I dont known how up you are in you family, but higher in the ladder... they know, you can fight for eons, but someday you will have to start all over in the right path, and we will be assisting you
Quoting: Wanderer 11333959

Hello Wanderer!

I'm not entirely clear on your point, but your offer of assistance is noted!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 06:19 PM
Dagobert is to return....thats one prophecy I really hope happens...finally get rid of all your sorry asses!
Quoting: Lightfeather

WE aren't the problem...YOU are.

No one forces you into your routine(s), you CHOOSE.

Just remember one thing above all...wherever you are...whatever you do...

you are here because of your choices and beliefs.

we are just the "gatekeepers".

One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201


I have read your whole thread, and I am pretty impressed with your knowledge of Sheep/Humans, and so I have a couple questions and comments to make.

How are you/ your blood line, not acting out of FEAR to continue the existence of your magical key. How would sheep be able to destroy your long term goals so easily? If the idea of your existence is just to continue on your blood line, why not work on just that, instead of controlling the mob, and indirectly leading them to their own destruction?

How can you justify such a large scale "end of the line", without any negative energy coming back to you/your bloodline? Do you plan on just sitting and watching as the destruction unfolds?

What about the non-sheep that will ultimately fall so that your blood shield survives? The ones who understand what sweat is... What work is... What "law" should/should NOT be. What love is.The ones who don't need/want money in order to survive, don't have credit cards, don't live off of the Government hand-outs. Have no use for fiat.

During your many brain-storming sessions on controlling sheep, did any one ever try to imagine a world where there was no fiat money? What were your reasons that this world would not work?

How do you personally use DMT? What if any, are the rituals that go along with DMT. Where do you "collect" your DMT from, or do you make it yourself?

There is one universal truth that I have learned as well.... the more positive the energy you put into something, the more positive the results will be.

Positive energy has no limits!
Quoting: Roz 852192

Hello Roz and Welcome!

Most of the questions you have posed were answered earlier in the thread. I must suppose that I have not been clear in some of the aspects presented.

I have posted a brief comment to Bluestar, a fellow poster here, on creating ones own reality. Please read and reflect on this!

Have you any idea how you have come to run the programs and subroutines you consider your "core beliefs"? The nobility of physical labor being a key delusional! Where did THAT one come from? As I understand, MOST humans eschew any form of physical labor and will offload manual tasks to others should circumstances permit. In America in 2010, for the first time, Americans spent MORE money on restaurant food than staple ingredients for home meal preparation! Personally, I avoid eating ANYTHING that the product and preparation is outside of my personal control!

You may be an exception to the's possible, but I am skeptical. Do you lead an aesthetic life? Do you grow your own vegetables and raise your own livestock? Do you barter for the essentials you yourself cannot produce? Do utilize fossil fuels obtained through military might and the subjugation of others?

Just asking.

Also, please note that it is ENTIRELY POSSIBLE to do those just isn't observed!

As far as the "end-of-the-line" scenario, our hands are CLEAN. That seems to be the point you are missing. NATURAL LAW operates under the precepts and conditions of NATURAL LAW....NOT what you or others suppose it is...or bad information you may have received along the way! You need to understand the true nature of things to understand how to conduct your "business". It's just that simple!

Take an honest look at your life and choices, and seek to identify how YOU may exploit others to your (or your bloodlines) benefit. As the Bible admonishes, Don't worry about the fly ash in the eye of your neighbor when you have a post in your own eye.

Your question regarding DMT is an interesting one. Personally I do not utilize these substances, but NATURE makes them available. It is a different means to a similar end. The problem with DMT (and other) psychogenic releasing agents is the lack of perspective. One needs context and foundation! Humans who have taken these substances become aware that they have been living in a world of (self) delusion, but that's about the extent of their awakening. They then attempt to reconcile the two worlds...which is impossible.

Were a child, at its inception, brought into the true reality it would learn the "language" and customs of this true existence with openness and curiousity! There would be nothing to reconcile, so the understanding is closer to perfection. There would be no fear, because FEAR is not part of this DYNAMIC! See, you cannot envision a world free of fear because of your prior programming! Can you unlearn fear? If not, how do you function in an environment where fear is not known. Being unaware of the dimensions of fear, but seeing it as an energy source, would not humans "plug in" to this free energy source without repercussion?

No human thinks twice of collecting solar energy! If you found out with certainty that the sun was fueled by the burning and destruction of an entire civilization....that untold pain and suffering had been visited upon sentient life forms, would you turn away? Would you disassemble the solar arrays and hide underground, even though those in such a state had realized this condition based on THEIR choices?

Roz, one final comment. There truly is no positive or negative energy in the universal scheme of things.
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 06:21 PM
Think of all the so-called financial "experts" who pour over charts...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Also fait accompli not feit accompli.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 433811

You are correct!

Thank You for caring!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 06:23 PM

What is your blood type?

When did negative blood come into existence? I know you know the answer to this question, and I am not expecting a specific answer (i.e. June 12th 1025), but just a general time frame.

If I had to make a guess: 30AD
Quoting: Roz 852192

Hello Roz,

It was just another drop in the time pool...without linear definition!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 06:24 PM
Bickle, I have cautioned you on many occasions to be cognizant of your grammar and syntax, lest your thoughts be dismissed as those of a cretin.

mono e mono? Are you proposing to transfer mononucleosis to me Bickle to satisfy some sort of biological revenge fantasy?

Laughing out loud!

This from an anonymous internet poster:

It is "mano a mano," sometimes hyphenated (as in "mano-a-mano") not "mano e mano" or "mano Y mano" or any other other spellings. Literally, it does mean "hand to hand" and was originally used to describe bullfights where two (usually superstar) matadors were competing against each other (for audience admiration and applause) as well as against the bulls.

There were another 748,000,000 results along those lines, so I am puzzled how you would make such an elementary mistake!

Further, if you were to suppose I was a woman, it really wouldn't be an applicable phrase...unless you typically grapple with women to gain some sort of perceived advantage.

Finally, you used the plural form of woman when the singular was appropriate. Woman is indicative of one woman, and women is multiple.

These are simple concepts to grasp, Bickle. Can you imagine that others would seek to distance themselves from associating with a moron? Or, as is commonly used on this forum: MORAN. Take your pick.

If you have a thought in the future, write it down and then highlight those words and phrases you are unclear of and LOOK THEM UP.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Sorry Miss Perfect.

To be honest with you, I even looked up Mono e Mono in google and Fate or Destiny STILL had me use that spelling.

I went with it because my intuition did not tell me otherwise.

Notice the sharing aspect of the connotation of that spelling though. Through Sickness And Health.

Do You See It Now?

For Better, For Worse, For Richer, For Poorer, In Sickness and In Health.

I am ready to share my life with you and you are more concerned about some arbitrary "timeline" about when we can meet.

I Decide when the Time is Right.

What's mine is yours.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Whatever are you rambling on about, Sir Bickle?
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 07:08 PM
No human thinks twice of collecting solar energy! If you found out with certainty that the sun was fueled by the burning and destruction of an entire civilization....that untold pain and suffering had been visited upon sentient life forms, would you turn away? Would you disassemble the solar arrays and hide underground, even though those in such a state had realized this condition based on THEIR choices?


Is the above a belief of yours or simply an example?
Quoting: Meanie-Shield 11377253

Hello Meanie-Shield and Welcome!

The generally accepted definition of belief:

be·lief noun \b&#601;-&#712;l&#275;f\

Definition of BELIEF

: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing
: something believed; especially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group
: conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence

From that definition, I do not deal in "beliefs". I am firmly in the REALITY OF TRUTH realm.

Things you note in your physical reality are not subject to your myths and fables! From what source does the sun's energy draw from? What is changed and/or destroyed in the transformation? Why are over-unity devices considered "impossible" in the world of physics, when the entire "known" universe is operating "over-unity"? Conservation of energy, and so forth.

And other such annoying questions and observations!

Laughing out loud!

I cannot offer you an acceptable answer to your question, but can say that there were survivors!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 07:09 PM
Money/Fiat is a subset of energy.

It doesn't take long to "outgrow" the aspect of money/fiat and get right to the energy source!
User ID: 1339201 United States 02/24/2012 07:20 PM
There were, but not now.

The smart ones left!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/05/2012 02:11 PM
Hi there,

you have a great sense of humor, I appreciate it. In regards to your subject the bloodlines as the most precious thing, made me think... Actually I have to admit that you are right.

I came from low-middle class (more likely low) family and we survived only by our integrity and strong commitment one to another. I remember from childhood, my both parents lost their jobs at the same time and there was none on the market at the time. You can imagine the situation (if you can) ... I was totally ashamed to tell friends ... as I didn't want to touch the subject how we provide for our surveyor. Even thou I was not worried for a second. The truth is that humans love to see someone less fortunate then them.

Even thou my parents are not "highly educated", are extremely smart. Modestly I admit I am even more (baby sister too). We can "feel" other people, what they think and what is their next move. Usually they feel pretty uncomfortable, .. you could imagine why. We have not many friends other than family. I guess they can't stand us for a long ... :)

Parents teach us how to deal with outside and we learned it perfectly. I am not sure, if it is genetic predisposition or whatsoever, ... you are expert on the topic.

To make long story short, me and my sister are well educated and not deluded that it is only a paper (the university was a joke). I am laughing out loud when people put so much stress on given title. I could shortly obtain whatever degree is needed! On the top we have "dream jobs", ... we don't care at all and pretending that we are so grateful for it, there are so many people knocking on the office doors. Sure just go ahead, with brainless army ... and here we are!

Now that we enjoy milk and honey of the upper class, so to speak, ... but not interesting in wealth at all. I see hard times are knocking on our doors. I could give everything away and live on a street. I am ready at any moment. Do you catch my drift?

Oh god, everything is so stupid and you know what? You are exactly right, people are the worst enemy to themselves. It will ever end? Yep sure, look at the Maya stone wheel (calendar) is about to fall on new age preachers head. What a silly question...
Quoting: Big Owl 11610666

Hello Big Owl and Welcome!

Just like the earlier poster had learned from their health issues! Strong blood lines are essential for survival! Support of your family will get you through any difficulty...and without the emotional suffering so common today!

THAT is our biggest threat. If the bloodlines are respected, unity will be restored, and balance. And, just as you, we are prepared for any eventuality. However, the last calculation put those odds at zero.

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/05/2012 03:59 PM
Hello ISIS and Welcome!

I think we lack a common definition of what a constructive bloodline relationship entails. But I do disagree that it is not possible to sever beneficial relationships as you maintain.

It is precisely this devolution over the last generation or two which is responsible, to a large extent, the many miseries being visited upon humans worldwide. Of course, the devolution does not happen uniformly or to any specific schedule, but it is truly astounding how fast things have proceeded.

Gradual transition is the true hallmark of REAL change. Good, and lasting, things happen slowly. Humans don't handle rapid change well...and it inevitably ends in backlash.

Your post has a wistful pessimism...disturbing to a degree. You have experienced some painful changes and have gone fetal so to speak. I suggest this is likely a temporary condition.

But life progresses apace. Opportunities lost are often not seen again. Seize them while you can.
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/05/2012 04:01 PM
I would also surmise you are a thoughtful person.
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/07/2012 01:59 PM
Thanks Man, for the reply. I am wondering what are the measures being taken to overcome the emotional outburst. I believe you are the one in charge, aren't you? LOL

Nevertheless, let me ask you this, why I am being helped and facilitated?
Quoting: Big Owl 12008713

Hello BO...err Big Owl,, and Welcome!

Emotions, and the polarity differential between good and bad "feelings" are the "engine" which makes things "go". I believe I have explained this in some detail previously.

Think of a BATTERY. One needs the opposite potential to generate electron flows...otherwise known as work. Positive and Negative! It's all out there for anyone to see.

Buddhists are the only people who understand this dynamic and have attempted to apply it in their daily lives. Avoid desires, emotions and "go with the flow". Easier said than done.

Again...once again...NATURAL LAW must be respected! That IS the GOLDEN RULE! Oh, of course, one can fight and struggle for noble purpose, perceived values or one's NATIONAL FLAG! Choose what you want to waste YOUR energy on!

OR, one can follow the precepts of NATURAL LAW and draw energy, and strength...towards the perfection of their bloodline...which of course IS them...when one SUBTRACTS the illusion of TIME, as previously explained!

Laughing Out Loud!

Got that? The immortality of bloodlines is a GIVEN. It is only this ILLUSION of time which creates the impediment to your true understanding!

Consider seriously that if you indeed are being accommodated, or facilitated, it is because such accommodations and facilitations are in harmony with NATURAL LAW.

Or maybe it's your stunning GOOD LOOKS!

Laughing Out Loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/07/2012 02:03 PM

Yes, well I do not mean bloodline relations as in these current families and so on.

I mean The Family.

You can incarnate into many other bloodlines. Part of the job and all that. But once you are in, you join brothers and sisters and you are never really disowned.

What matters is your own position in The Family.

Yes, I am aware I am rather pessimistic. I am physically exhausted these days. But it will pass.

I did not want Bickle to keep thinking these thoughts. Been in the same situation before.

It is bad that it matters so much to some. There are standards to be kept.

We do what we must to keep the blood fresh so to speak. These are times where everyone is needed. At least where I am right now.

Every drop of blood changes the gene pool and what might grow from there. That was a well placed thought.

It is nice to be talking to you again. I am sorry if I interrupted the thoughts in your thread.
Quoting: ISIS 11914126

Hello ISIS and Welcome!

Rest assured that you are not interrupting anything. Since everything occurs simultaneously, we are just busy beavers sorting thoughts out...and I'm an amazing multi-tasker!

Laughing Out Loud!

Your fatigue suggests you are fighting a futile war...psychic or otherwise. Have you identified the "players" in your little drama?

Yes, Dear ISIS, the gene pool must be well tended to assure its fecundity...literal and otherwise!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/08/2012 11:07 AM
Thanks Man, for the reply. I am wondering what are the measures being taken to overcome the emotional outburst. I believe you are the one in charge, aren't you? LOL

Nevertheless, let me ask you this, why I am being helped and facilitated?
Quoting: Big Owl 12008713

Hello BO...err Big Owl,, and Welcome!

Emotions, and the polarity differential between good and bad "feelings" are the "engine" which makes things "go". I believe I have explained this in some detail previously.

Think of a BATTERY. One needs the opposite potential to generate electron flows...otherwise known as work. Positive and Negative! It's all out there for anyone to see.

Buddhists are the only people who understand this dynamic and have attempted to apply it in their daily lives. Avoid desires, emotions and "go with the flow". Easier said than done.

Again...once again...NATURAL LAW must be respected! That IS the GOLDEN RULE! Oh, of course, one can fight and struggle for noble purpose, perceived values or one's NATIONAL FLAG! Choose what you want to waste YOUR energy on!

OR, one can follow the precepts of NATURAL LAW and draw energy, and strength...towards the perfection of their bloodline...which of course IS them...when one SUBTRACTS the illusion of TIME, as previously explained!

Laughing Out Loud!

Got that? The immortality of bloodlines is a GIVEN. It is only this ILLUSION of time which creates the impediment to your true understanding!

Consider seriously that if you indeed are being accommodated, or facilitated, it is because such accommodations and facilitations are in harmony with NATURAL LAW.

Or maybe it's your stunning GOOD LOOKS!

Laughing Out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

OP, there seems to be a history of evidence linking elite's to the worship of lucifer/satan/baphomet, that some reader's may find disturbing. could you please express your thought's on this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12096622

Hello Mr UK and Welcome!

The aspects relating to "good and evil" are RELATIVE and perspective based, as I have stated before! There is only NATURAL LAW and it is AGNOSTIC. Of course, if YOU are a Zebra and playing the role of a lion's lunch, you would see the evil in the lion, the lion would see the good in YOU and NATURAL LAW would be respected in the exchange.

To Vietnamese in 1975 living in Saigon, the world was ending. To those in the UK, it was just another day.

Some examples of so-called "satan worship" are presented as a cultural meme, or something elicited to gain a particular response. If another responds to stimuli induced by the first...the first KNOWING how the other will REACT...NATURAL LAW has been respected. The key being that another has the FREE WILL to react how they so choose, or not react for that matter.

There are lots of silly games being played by many with various objectives, but these are very low level.

As the christian bible wisely states..."you will KNOW them by their actions".
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/08/2012 11:11 AM
Thanks Man, for the reply. I am wondering what are the measures being taken to overcome the emotional outburst. I believe you are the one in charge, aren't you? LOL

Nevertheless, let me ask you this, why I am being helped and facilitated?
Quoting: Big Owl 12008713

Hello BO...err Big Owl,, and Welcome!

Emotions, and the polarity differential between good and bad "feelings" are the "engine" which makes things "go". I believe I have explained this in some detail previously.

Think of a BATTERY. One needs the opposite potential to generate electron flows...otherwise known as work. Positive and Negative! It's all out there for anyone to see.

Buddhists are the only people who understand this dynamic and have attempted to apply it in their daily lives. Avoid desires, emotions and "go with the flow". Easier said than done.

Again...once again...NATURAL LAW must be respected! That IS the GOLDEN RULE! Oh, of course, one can fight and struggle for noble purpose, perceived values or one's NATIONAL FLAG! Choose what you want to waste YOUR energy on!

OR, one can follow the precepts of NATURAL LAW and draw energy, and strength...towards the perfection of their bloodline...which of course IS them...when one SUBTRACTS the illusion of TIME, as previously explained!

Laughing Out Loud!

Got that? The immortality of bloodlines is a GIVEN. It is only this ILLUSION of time which creates the impediment to your true understanding!

Consider seriously that if you indeed are being accommodated, or facilitated, it is because such accommodations and facilitations are in harmony with NATURAL LAW.

Or maybe it's your stunning GOOD LOOKS!

Laughing Out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

OP, there seems to be a history of evidence linking elite's to the worship of lucifer/satan/baphomet, that some reader's may find disturbing. could you please express your thought's on this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12096622

also, what are your thought's on naturopathy for readers who may have an interest.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12096622

The pharmaceutical industry is very large and powerful, and exists as a middleman of sorts between humans and their natural remedies.

Unfortunately for humans, these pharma are profit based first and foremost.

Remedies to every issue facing humans can be found in NATURAL LAW, including health related. It is up to the human to choose direct participation...or farm out these needs to a party with clearly vested interests!

Another great example of FREE WILL!

Laughing out Loud!

No one would say the information isn't out there to those who seek it out!

Check and MATE!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/08/2012 11:19 AM

Biblical teachings hold that humans de-volved from Eden, or a state generally seen as utopia.

Do you, personally, believe this data point, Bickle?

If so, the answer to your second question might well be "humans"

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

The "laugh out loud" is the OPs way of saying,
"I'm hopelessly stuck in Da'ath".

The "beautiful lie" is that the OP think he's "above it". "LOL"

He certainly knows that humans didn't "de-volve" from Eden but they were tampered with and violated. Simple enough point.

The Rofthschild clan are very concerned at this point. It's obvious by the amount of money the are pouring into this whole internet business. Their spiritual cheating is coming back to haunt them. Just sit back and keep asking the OP questions to milk his attention. Jolly good show.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1508557

"Tamper with and violated" implies a lack of FREE WILL! Free to choose!

Do you believe that you lack free will, that you lack the ability to forge your own and unique destiny as a MAN?

If so, by definition, you have ceased to be a man and have reverted to a lower animal form.

If you had paid attention, YOU would know that making the choice is ESSENTIAL to the process!


Read your contract law! What are the 4 elements necessary for a contract to be VALID? Easy as pie! Look it up!

Here's a clue. Contract law is a NATURAL LAW! To obtain support of nature, one must adhere to NATURAL LAW.

Some have called the results of NOT adhering to natural law as KARMA. Not accurate, perhaps, in a technical sense but the general sense is correct.

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Oh no my dear, it's YOUR DILEMA. So called. For the house of Rothschild have broken natural law, and their contract is up. The clowns are calling in the debt sweetie, and it was all your "free will" that got you into this pickle.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1508557

Hello Mr. Canada and Welcome!

Rest assured that we did not get where we are by being STUPID...OR greedy (in that we respect NATURAL LAW at all times!). This whole thread has expressed the absolute importance of this aspect and yet you ACCUSE us of exactly the opposite! From what basis do you make this assertion??

As far as the "clowns" calling in the supposed debt...WHO are those clowns? You, perhaps? If so, state your claim!

Under common law, any wrong MUST be made in an appropriate venue, with proof presented, evidence entered (and subject to challenge) witnesses and cross-examination...etc. One cannot harbor some grudge secretly and expect redress!

SO, Mr Canada, present your grievance under those terms and I will respond. It is your lucky day because I am in a position to REMEDY any damages, and bound by NATURAL LAW to do so. But YOU must present your claim!

To use the vernacular...put up or shut up!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/08/2012 11:22 AM
Where does your BLOOD come from?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10755955

Hello Mr. French and Welcome!

Our blood comes from timeless history. It IS because it isn't possible any other way!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/08/2012 11:25 AM
Thanks Man, for the reply. I am wondering what are the measures being taken to overcome the emotional outburst. I believe you are the one in charge, aren't you? LOL

Nevertheless, let me ask you this, why I am being helped and facilitated?
Quoting: Big Owl 12008713

Hello BO...err Big Owl,, and Welcome!

Emotions, and the polarity differential between good and bad "feelings" are the "engine" which makes things "go". I believe I have explained this in some detail previously.

Think of a BATTERY. One needs the opposite potential to generate electron flows...otherwise known as work. Positive and Negative! It's all out there for anyone to see.

Buddhists are the only people who understand this dynamic and have attempted to apply it in their daily lives. Avoid desires, emotions and "go with the flow". Easier said than done.

Again...once again...NATURAL LAW must be respected! That IS the GOLDEN RULE! Oh, of course, one can fight and struggle for noble purpose, perceived values or one's NATIONAL FLAG! Choose what you want to waste YOUR energy on!

OR, one can follow the precepts of NATURAL LAW and draw energy, and strength...towards the perfection of their bloodline...which of course IS them...when one SUBTRACTS the illusion of TIME, as previously explained!

Laughing Out Loud!

Got that? The immortality of bloodlines is a GIVEN. It is only this ILLUSION of time which creates the impediment to your true understanding!

Consider seriously that if you indeed are being accommodated, or facilitated, it is because such accommodations and facilitations are in harmony with NATURAL LAW.

Or maybe it's your stunning GOOD LOOKS!

Laughing Out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

That makes me NATURAL talent + GOOD LOOKS is secure check mate, isn't it? LOL

I got it (long ago), my way...and I see your point here. Still big picture is missing (beyond polarity).

I see, you must be bored to infinity. I am ... All the best from Big Owl.
Quoting: Big Owl 12121889

Hello Big Owl!

Your security comes from the actions (or inactions) of your bloodline. Personal appearances have nothing to add, in spite of memes from the media suggesting otherwise.

I have never experienced boredom, and do not understand the concept. From your statement that you do, you need to reassess almost every aspect of your life.

What do you see when you close your eyes, sitting in a restful pose?
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/12/2012 08:35 PM
Hello Big Owl!

I'm not clear on the message you are trying to convey, but I appreciate the sentiment contained within.

Humans need blood families and the structure which society provides. Many may believe otherwise, but the general outcome of isolation is a gradual disassociation from what the group perceives as "reality". Most humans lack the intestinal fortitude to go it alone.

It is much better to forge a smaller society within the bloodline and adopt the norms necessary for survival. It is difficult, and requires much intelligence and strict rule based enforcement, but these are, coincidentally the same skill sets needed for survival.

The reality most now embrace is an illusion....a very false illusion. There is a great culling underway and it won't be pretty. If you come out of this intact, it will be because you have embraced what i am telling you...adhesion to the tenants of NATURAL LAW.

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 12:08 PM
OP is my Uncle Stewart
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle and Welcome (back)!

I thought perhaps the voices in your head had suggested alternate activities to occupy your time. Having said that, your return is noted with approbation and great anticipation. What will Bickles next big thought be?

Have you not considered that, based on my writings to date, impeccable track is kept of the family tree? There are NEVER surprises in THIS mysterious, shadow-y last minute witness who shows up to explain the unexplainable? A surprise heir who appears and upsets the apple-cart and the carefully laid plans of others?

I think not.

Fritter away the hours in an offhand way, if you must, with illusions and half-baked theories...but in the end it is but a waste of your energy....which will likely be a welcome harvest to others...

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 12:18 PM
OP is my Uncle Stewart
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

what make's you say that? please enlighten us bickle.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12434322

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

based on your previous assertions regarding the OP, are you sure you can trust your intuition?
you've claimed the OP was your father, then you claimed OP was a woman (whom you tried to amorously pursue) and now it's your uncle stewart.
rather than trust your intuition, might you not just call uncle stewart and ask him directly? OP has not only denied any blood relation to you but actually 'laughed out loud' at the suggestion.
you've asked for help in this thread and it certainly seems like you need it. the OP has given advice as to how people can help themselves. natural law requires you to do it for yourself bickle and it will not put a million dollars in your bank account and find you a girlfriend whilst you sat in front of a computer screen.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12434322

Hello UK AC and Welcome!

You have, quite succinctly, digested and summarized Bickle's past "theories" and assertions. Hopefully he will be able to comprehend what you have said and assist him in his re-introduction to reality.

I hereby confer upon you, un-requested but well earned, the title of REALITY CONSULTANT, and assign young Bickle to your on-going care and mentoring.

Godspeed, UK AC. May your endeavours be numerous and fruitful!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 12:28 PM
So are the Rofschilds really Jesus' secret family bloodline?
Quoting: HilosPP

I don't recall the bloodline of Jesus, or Jesus himself for that matter, dabbling in the BANKING INDUSTRY!

Laughing out loud!!
Laughing out Loud!!
Laughing out Loud!!


We are BANKERS...get it? We have it in our BLOOD!

Laughing out Loud!

Hmmm...I seem to recall that particular bloodline engaged in carpentry, prophecy and other mundane and pedestrian activities. Not that they didn't make a name for themselves locally and internationally, but just not in the industry of Banking.

I also recall that, Jesus in particular, made a point to disrupt lawful banking activities in the TEMPLE, which was viewed unfavorably amoungst those so assembled to conduct their lawfully sanctioned activites.

Call us what you will, but keep your hands well clear of the exchange table!

Laughing out Loud!!

Seriously, this HAS to be the definitive comment to illustrate the power of unrestrained internet activity in creation mass delusion.

Carry on!!

Laughing out Loud!!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 12:28 PM
Oh, and Hello Hilos PP and Welcome!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 12:35 PM
As to directly answer your question: No.
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 01:45 PM

You mock delusions but isn't the financial industry one of the biggest delusions there is.

Fiat is not "real"

Power is.

Your words.

What would you consider REAL wealth? Power? Family? Gold?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Of course, young Bickle.

I readily acknowledge that fiat is an illusion. I have stated that clearly and repeatedly. Many are aware, but yet continue to make it the central focus of their insect-like existence.

You must learn to differentiate between self-delusion and observing the delusions of others. Where do you, and I, fit in that equation?

Laughing out Loud!

Continue with being deluded, young Bickle! Permission granted!

As to your question, all potential flows from the bloodline. As UK AC so clearly stated, potential must be realized! A turbine can spin an AC generator, but useful work will not be realized unless there is a corresponding LOAD. No point creating energy and sending it to GROUND.

Laughing out Loud.

Real wealth is a subjective concept. Some are satisfied to accumulate massive numbers of fiat, or DEBT INSTRUMENTS, and turn their backs on their bloodline, thinking family no longer matters. How many times has that scenario played out?

Every human must determine for themselves what constitutes wealth. A philosopher may value an ascetic life...placing his or her time above the accumulation of physical possessions. Perhaps he or she will come to great understandings which benefit his progeny!

A BANKER may most highly value the subjugation of others, for whatever reason.

A politician craves an adoring crowd and the access it brings.

What is YOUR wealth, young Bickle? Do you aspire something more than what you have?

Would a million fiat "promises to pay" and a girlfriend, freely provided, complete your quest? So it would seem, as that is the only real tangible request you have made...and with such a POTENTIAL valuable resource at your disposal.

Sex and money....quite novel, actually. Who would have thought it?

You will know them by their actions.
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/13/2012 01:50 PM
Call us what you will, but keep your hands well clear of the exchange table!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Thanks for offering up one of your biggest weaknesses!

Your dependence on the exchange table.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Quite a FOOLISH assertion!

Where is the weakness, in your valuable estimation? Would you trade places?

Weakness is a defect resulting from failure to observe the immutable LAWS OF NATURE.


Have I not made that abundantly clear to you? Do you think we are not aware, and respectful, of these imperatives?

Read, comprehend and think! In that order.

PS...we are WELL diversified!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/14/2012 11:07 AM
Continue with being deluded, young Bickle! Permission granted!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I ask you for REAL help and information.

And yet you continue to mock.

Is this a game to you, OP?

Do you get pleasure by not helping when help is requested?

Are you so far removed from "reality" that you forgot what is like to "survive" when the chips are down and the lifeboats are sparse?

I get a sinking feel that your "bloodline" was no doubt involved with The Titanic.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Refresh my memory, Herr Bickle. What information have you, SPECIFICALLY, asked which has not been answered.

As far as requests, your "million dollars and a girlfriend" was frivolous and came in response to MY theoretical question regarding what you would do with a how would you advance your bloodline...etc.

I have been most clear on the issue of YOUR bloodline, as it relates to mine, have I not?

Most of your posts are random and baseless speculation and chatter regarding whatever random thought or theory pops into your head at any given time.
User ID: 1339201 United States 03/14/2012 11:10 AM
You demonstrate a lack of serious enquiry, thoughtful reflection or an introspective nature.

If you are not serious in your pursuits, how would you expect to be taken seriously? If you do not demonstrate respect, do not expect respect.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/05/2012 09:47 AM

You must learn to be more discriminating in what you hear. You are wasting valuable clock-cycles and trying to make sense of gibberish.

It is already a difficult path you tread. Why make it more so by assimilating everything thrown your way?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 12:54 PM
I've quite enjoyed this thread.

I've got a question for you, OP.

What are the responsibilities of the male and female heirs of a particular bloodline? Do they differ for each gender?

In order to further the goals of his or her bloodline, what are the criteria that an heir has to keep in mind when choosing a potential mate?

I look forward to your answer. Thank you!
Quoting: Cloak&Dagger

Hello CD and Welcome!

Of course, each gender has different responsibilities and obligations!

Of course!

Think of the amazing water molecule!

Hydrogen is a physical building block! Oxygen is an oxidizer!

One creates form and substance and one dissolves...burns... purifies! And yet both coexist equally within the 105 degree co-valent bond! Perfect symmetry. Water cannot exist without both in balance.

The analogy isn't particularly apt except that the opposite nature of being must find balance and harmony...and be respected.

The male by nature is the builder, hunter and gatherer...the protector. The female builds the nest and nurtures the young. What awesome responsibilities for each party. One should be so busy perfecting their craft they should have scant time to encroach upon the responsibilities of the other.

As to your second question! Clearly you have not been paying attention thus far! Could it be that I am such a poor teacher, or is the student asleep at his desk?

Laughing out loud!

THIS is why there is no risk to the ORDER in my answering any and all questions from the unaware.

No offense, of course. As if one could actually GIVE offense to someone not worthy of offence.

Regardless, you are a seeker and have asked in good cheer and good faith.

Re-read my numerous posts but take this to heart! If you are the male...YOU have the obligation, bestowed by nature! to form and forge your DESTINY...and that of your ancestors and progeny! Can you not see this clearly??

YOU alone will decide, or not decide, to be bold or dream or not to dream! To make new or live small! Gain or lose! Live or die!

Do you, sir, have a dream? Do you, sir, have a passion? Do you, sir, long for a better life for yourself, your spouse, your family, your children?

THAT is your greatest and highest duty! or not, as you so choose!

IF you do not, then you have also made a choice, and your children and ancestors will live with that choice and all it implies.

Therefore, if you are female, find a man who has a dream and passion for that dream. Support him and raise the children accordingly, who will be the manifestation of that dream and passion.

A man....well, you get the picture.

Above all, respect nature!

Sir Bickle has reposted some advice I gave him using a football team as an analogy...see if that makes sense to you. Unfortunately, Bickle cannot see the forest OR the trees!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:04 PM

You must learn to be more discriminating in what you hear. You are wasting valuable clock-cycles and trying to make sense of gibberish.

It is already a difficult path you tread. Why make it more so by assimilating everything thrown your way?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

If you really wanted me to focus on the right path, you would have accepted my invitation to meet you in person.

It appears though that you want me to struggle without proper guidance while you watch with your clipboard and pen.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, of what incentive would I have to meet with you in person. Do you so declare yourself to be a worthy traveler?

You have asked for federal reserve notes and to have a wife selected on your behalf. And yet you offer nothing in return!

Not that I would have any use for your offerings! Rather, it implies a higher order insight into your world-view and interaction within nature. And explains well why you are where you are and are WHO you are.

Understand that nature is symbiotic in nature in all respects. Benevolence does not, and cannot exist in nature! It is impossible.

Look at any appearance of benevolence as a trick! Look for the hidden is always there! So many little time!

Laughing out loud!

It is only the child who does not see this!

If you were in fact of the BLOOD, you would be aware of the STRONG hand you have, the potential and INNATE knowledge! YOU would know how to approach me correctly! YOU would know what is important and not important!

However, sadly, you represent yourself as a FRAUD. You claim to be what you oh so clearly are not.

Do you aspire to be more? That is noble...but you are not there, or even close. The result is the appearance of foolishness and stupidity! I can imagine, with humor, your attempts to call some low level bureaucrat, raving and rambling about mysterious bloodlines and secret orders!

Laughing out loud!

It was probably some insurance broker or low level grunt who had no idea what you were speaking of.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:08 PM
I will advise you as follows:

You will develop the greatest football team in history if it is your destiny to do so, with or without external financial support. Realize also that any support you receive from those who do not share your vision is "external" and will come at a great price. That price will leave your dreams in ruin, for that is the nature of things.

If you have passion, and that passion is great, others with similar passion will take up your cause. And you will prevail.

Be forewarned, however, that ultimately your passion will destroy you and your dreams.

Dream rather that your progeny will have the type of team you desire and begin to lay the foundation for them!

This applies to everything, not just football!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Powerful advice indeed.

Pride has consumed many dictators in the past because they had the wrong motivation in regards to only really thinking about glory to themselves.

What if someone of that Power and Influence instead thought of one's Family and Future Progeny as the source of motivation and passion for the cause.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Pride is a fools game and must be seen for what it is.

Pride is the downfall of the of the true dangers.

HOWEVER, and believe this or not...PRIDE is learned behavior. There is a reason for it and it serves a great purpose. It is sexual in nature and lies as a trap for unsuspecting bloodlines.

ONE sure sign is control and humility. Look for that, Bickle!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:08 PM
I will advise you as follows:

You will develop the greatest football team in history if it is your destiny to do so, with or without external financial support. Realize also that any support you receive from those who do not share your vision is "external" and will come at a great price. That price will leave your dreams in ruin, for that is the nature of things.

If you have passion, and that passion is great, others with similar passion will take up your cause. And you will prevail.

Be forewarned, however, that ultimately your passion will destroy you and your dreams.

Dream rather that your progeny will have the type of team you desire and begin to lay the foundation for them!

This applies to everything, not just football!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Powerful advice indeed.

Pride has consumed many dictators in the past because they had the wrong motivation in regards to only really thinking about glory to themselves.

What if someone of that Power and Influence instead thought of one's Family and Future Progeny as the source of motivation and passion for the cause.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Pride is a fools game and must be seen for what it is.

Pride is the downfall of the of the true dangers.

HOWEVER, and believe this or not...PRIDE is learned behavior. There is a reason for it and it serves a great purpose. It is sexual in nature and lies as a trap for unsuspecting bloodlines.

ONE sure sign is control and humility. Look for that, Bickle!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:09 PM
It is humbling to see the de-evolution of a species!

Sensory based and irrational!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:15 PM
Bickle, of what incentive would I have to meet with you in person. Do you so declare yourself to be a worthy traveler?

You have asked for federal reserve notes and to have a wife selected on your behalf. And yet you offer nothing in return!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769


Because I don't know what you want to see from me to be deeded "Worthy".

I knew I was worthy since birth. And I am a good judge of character.

So how do I show someone I don't know with a hidden value system that I am "worthy" in their eyes?

It is a Unknown.

And only until I meet you will I know how to get your respect.

Getting Respect from a Mysterious Unknown is near impossible unless you know their value system.

And since your value system is so unique, it is only learned bring brought up in the wolf's den.

And for the eagle to learn that on his own would take the work of a Great Eagle with proper guidance.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bickle, you claim to be of the BLOOD. Do you think that blood would be discarded like a pair of soiled socks?

YOU claimed to be a descendant! Did you not?

You claim to be a descendant, then ask how to act? Do you not see the absurdity? Were you raised by wolves?

WHY would you want to meet me? Of what could you learn that I have not already offered? What would the benefit to me be?

See, dear chap, you make no sense. You make no logical offer! You don't even know of what you are seeking!

THAT is why you are not evolving!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:18 PM
Bickle, maybe you were just meant to "enjoy the ride"

Are you, Bickle, enjoying the ride?

[ link to]
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:19 PM
Bickle, you claim to be of the BLOOD. Do you think that blood would be discarded like a pair of soiled socks?

YOU claimed to be a descendant! Did you not?

You claim to be a descendant, then ask how to act? Do you not see the absurdity? Were you raised by wolves?

WHY would you want to meet me? Of what could you learn that I have not already offered? What would the benefit to me be?

See, dear chap, you make no sense. You make no logical offer! You don't even know of what you are seeking!

THAT is why you are not evolving!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

The Rothschilds have secret breeding programs.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Laughing out loud!

Is this an internet derived claim?

PLEASE tell me from where this "truth" came?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:23 PM
Bickle, you claim to be of the BLOOD. Do you think that blood would be discarded like a pair of soiled socks?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I don't think I have been discarded. I think you have been paying attention to me the last 31 years. Raising me outside the wolf's den.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

IF you believe this, and IF it is true...than your destiny cannot be denied!

How can I be of service?

Are we all one, Bickle?

[ link to]
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:25 PM
WHY would you want to meet me? Of what could you learn that I have not already offered? What would the benefit to me be?

See, dear chap, you make no sense. You make no logical offer! You don't even know of what you are seeking!

THAT is why you are not evolving!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Why don't YOU tell me what you want from me.

You obviously want something.

I told you I would be willing to father children.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Frightful thought, Bickle.

But thanks for playing!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:31 PM
serious question op. are u related to cosmic cleared level 3 aka ronald mc donald and if so is he briefed on the pink slime persay replacment laugh out loud
Quoting: grem 1511388

Hello grem and welcome!

I do not have clearance to eat pink slime!

I have never eaten pink slime!

I do not advise eating pink slime, no matter if presented by a clown, a king or a freckle faced lass with what appears to be good intentions.

Pink slime is best avoided!

Have a jolly good day!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:39 PM
Bickle, maybe you were just meant to "enjoy the ride"

Are you, Bickle, enjoying the ride?

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Sure I enjoy the ride, however, it helps to have an idea of the destination.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

The destination is perfection of the bloodline. You still don't understand!


You are either part of the solution or part of the precipitate!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:42 PM
Bickle, you claim to be of the BLOOD. Do you think that blood would be discarded like a pair of soiled socks?

YOU claimed to be a descendant! Did you not?

You claim to be a descendant, then ask how to act? Do you not see the absurdity? Were you raised by wolves?

WHY would you want to meet me? Of what could you learn that I have not already offered? What would the benefit to me be?

See, dear chap, you make no sense. You make no logical offer! You don't even know of what you are seeking!

THAT is why you are not evolving!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

The Rothschilds have secret breeding programs.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Laughing out loud!

Is this an internet derived claim?

PLEASE tell me from where this "truth" came?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

It's common sense.

You even said there are quiet bloodlines that are purring smoothly according to plan.

I assume you were referring to family lines that the Family has had their hand in mixing the dough.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

[ link to]
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:44 PM
I have a good idea who you are OP.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

well, please keep it to yourself, Bickle!

Wouldn't want the others to become jealous, would we?

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 01:50 PM
You buy that house in Chicago yet?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Oh, sorry, missed the house-warming did we?

In certain circles, Bickle, one NEVER buys anything!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/13/2012 02:06 PM
You buy that house in Chicago yet?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Oh, sorry, missed the house-warming did we?

In certain circles, Bickle, one NEVER buys anything!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

See you in June!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Doubtful, Bickle. In fact, down right unlikely!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/17/2012 11:33 AM

Vienna waits for you!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Magical city, that!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/17/2012 05:41 PM
what happened to the OP of this forum? is he still on here? i would like to ask some questions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12608376

Ask away! And welcome!

Note that I am not here on a daily basis, but I have earlier committed to this endeavour until such time as the questions become overly banal or terminal tedium sets in...whichever occurs first.

Laughing out loud!

Until such time, ask anything you care to!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 11:48 AM
what happened to the OP of this forum? is he still on here? i would like to ask some questions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12608376

Ask away! And welcome!

Note that I am not here on a daily basis, but I have earlier committed to this endeavour until such time as the questions become overly banal or terminal tedium sets in...whichever occurs first.

Laughing out loud!

Until such time, ask anything you care to!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

my father, who was found in an alley way in california, was adopted into a casual american family of the sixties. when he was found, his intestines were very unhealthy and the local doctor had to perform surgery on him three days after birth. he was not supposed, but miraculously he recovered at a extremely fast rate, almost mind boggling to the doctor. he has always been like this, indestructible in a sense; always recovering fast or not getting hurt in situations that would kill the normal man. i am quite durable myself, i have had many incidents where i should have at least broke a bone, but always walk away laughing. my dad has the blood type rh-, i have no idea what mine is. his personality is selfish, somewhat evil, and loyal. he lacks human emotions like love and empathy for another mans life, he personally told me one night in deep conversation. i have always felt like he was not from this realm so to speak, well at least not fully. sorry for the extensive life story, but is there a possibility he came from a certain bloodline, if you know what i mean? maybe he was a hybrid or something of the like and was thrown away?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12608376

Hello A/C and Welcome!

The fact your father is Rh negative is significant. However, the attributes you used to describe him (selfish, somewhat evil and loyal) is most perplexing to me!

Selfish would generally be considered as predominantly interested in ones own interests and situation. Do you know anyone to whom this would not apply? Selfish is an emotional word, heavy with negative connotation, but describes perfectly "the way humans really are". Of course your father is "selfish"...what human isn't? Even the much beloved Mother Theresa was a fraud by this measure. Who could live up to such a standard?

"Somewhat evil"? Laughing out Loud!! Similar to "Somewhat pregnant"? I would be MOST interested in hearing your definition of "somewhat evil". Was there a specific act, or series of acts? Were they for "selfish" motives? To whom did the benefit of his "somewhat evil" acts accrue?

Of course, loyal, is the ultimate test. I assume you mean loyalty to his blood line...or was there some event or events you witnessed which led you to this conclusion?

You would do well to find out right away...or sooner...if you are Rh -. I have posted before on this very important topic and it completely baffles me that most humans do not know their blood type or if the Rh antigen is present in their blood! However, many humans can tell you about the events in other humans lives...celebrities for example. An Rh + mother can do fatal harm to her Rh - baby!!

I have drilled to those who would listen that nature, and natural law...CANNOT BE DENIED! Do you understand that?

Natural law! A mother's immune system attacking her own bloodline offspring?? How can that be, dear A/C...??? Isn't the maternal bond supreme in nature? Doesn't the mother act selflessly for the good of the child?? But yet there is this apparent "abomination" of nature in the reproductive process??

For the thick-headed among you, what does the immune system do in the human body? Repel invaders, you say?

How do viruses replicate in nature? By invading cells and injecting foreign DNA into the hosts cellular reproductive process you say?

And how does the host respond to this invasion you may ask? By attacking the pirated cell, you respond?

Is the mother's immune system, from the knowledge of the ages, responding to the foreign presence in her sacred space?? Do the maf!! And don't hesitate to Axe me a question!!

The Socratic method does not work if I have to do the questions AND answers people!

Laughing out loud!!

Poor, deluded sheep!

The fact that your father has had "deep conversations" with you is something you should embrace. If you feel your father is selfish, somewhat evil and loyal, it will be necessary for you to clearly understand the basis of these feelings. You will not be able to benefit from what he is trying to do for you if you harbour such ambivalent feelings for him.

I would strongly suggest that YOU carefully reflect how YOU would measure up to the standards you apply to your father. Perhaps you would like to explain YOUR life to me in that context! What are YOUR selfless acts? Have you committed any somewhat evil acts? Are you loyal?

Never forget, dear A/C, that you are "of his blood". How different can you really be?

"The killer in you is the killer in me"?

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 01:27 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Can you do a few things for me:

#1 Fix medical Problems
#2 Give me about 20 million dollars
#3 Relocate me to West Coast (maybe California, Nevada)
#4 Get me a nice challenging job to keep busy and challenged
#5 Nice House over on West Coast.
#6 Nice women/babes to enjoy company and speak/deal with.

and that's about all I need.

Quoting: Future Viewer

Hello Future Viewer and Welcome!

Thank you for your "punch list"! Very reasonable and well contemplated!

I suggest you consult with Serf Bickle and consolidate your wish list, as you are both looking for purpose, "money" and female companionship. Perhaps the two of you can find common purpose and meaningful engagement, per item #4 of your list.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 01:30 PM
I was just thinkin here, If you are a Rothschild, why cant you even spell your own name? And as far as questions go, you ask them, not "axe" them. Another sign of your outright stupitity. Just sayin....
Quoting: bonsaiguy

Hello Bonsaguy and Welcome!

This question has come up previously! Shame, shame for not doing your research prior to posting!

Very good to see you take grammar and syntax seriously. I'm sure you will go far with those skills! And thanks for the laugh you provided with your folksy spelling of can't buy laughs like that!

User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 01:35 PM
Besides RH factor what other blood factors make the Basque people the "chosen" ones?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hey! Wait a minute, I am O negative and CMV negative, does that make me "chosen one", I am sure living a "shit life, for being "Chosen". And I'm beginning to think "Maybe chose, someone else!" (I've got too many problems, and many medical problems).

Quoting: Future Viewer

May I enquire as to your medical difficulties, Future Viewer?

Here is what Catherine Fitts said, of some value perhaps:

"Those who win in a rigged game get stupid."
-- Catherine Austin Fitts, assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the first Bush administration

Actually she said "Rigged contests render the contestants stupid" Or something of that nature.

How true, Future Viewer. Have you learned anything along with all the bumps, bruises and scrapes life has so unfairly tossed your way? Would you have preferred instead the pampered life, leaving the difficulties to your spawn?

Oh, the humanity!

Laughing out loud!

Perhaps the sloth of YOUR ancestors have landed you in your current situation?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 01:37 PM
OP are you a Windsor?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Names are nothing but names, Bickle. Call a turd a rose and see if the smell changes!

Laughing out loud!

Since you claim to already know my "name" why the question?

Serf Bickle, please raise your game or sit quietly on the sidelines.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 01:40 PM
Human emotion evolved to protect and nurture the bloodline and is critical to its survival!

However, as the great philosophers of the past have taught, it is the unbridled emotion which leads to mischief!

Great mischief!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

unbridled emotion is great word.

The imagery and connotation is relatively inspiring. unbridled emotion is emotion without a bride.

i.e. emotion without having the family bloodline continuation in mind.

And "unbridled" emotion leads to mischief.

Merry Thoughts from now on!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Discipline in all things, Bickle.

Energy is a precious thing
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:08 PM
Hello Lord Rothschild. It's Larry Greenstein.

1-Are you performing some kind of ritual with this thread?

I remember an exchange you had with a lady from Egypt which gave me the impression that you were doing some of your black Majik shenanigans...If so, no big deal, just wondering.

2-What is your opinion on the "Paul is Dead" conspiracy theory?

3-If your old enough to remember, what was the purpose of the Beatles? Did you know them or any of their handlers? Epstein, Martin, Apple etc...I'm guessing your "bloodline" was elbows deep in the whole Beatles phenomenon.

If you get some spare time, watch these vids. Very well done. Even if it's all BS.

Quoting: Rayrayz

Hello RayRay/Larry and Welcome!

1) Once again, asked and answered. Look up the correct definition of the word and see if your question makes sense.

As stated before, I act according to the NATURAL LAWS. I have come to enlighten those who are worthy to receive such understandings. I have been VERY clear in this regard.

2) The whole Beatle as culture phenom seems long past the point that anyone would care if Paul/Faul or whomever, whatever, wherever...etc. But yes, certain elements of so-called "rock music" were very useful in facilitating certain overarching objectives of an earlier time and place. Think of how the dissolution of generational coherence was the essential element of counter-cultural music and media. VERY destructive and EFFECTIVE.

3) There are many variants of the role that certain characters played, but none of them are particularly relevant at this point. I suggest you search and read literally hundreds of theories and the rantings of those supposedly in the know and pick the one for which you have an elective affinity.

Thank you for the video recommendations.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:11 PM
Besides RH factor what other blood factors make the Basque people the "chosen" ones?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hey! Wait a minute, I am O negative and CMV negative, does that make me "chosen one", I am sure living a "shit life, for being "Chosen". And I'm beginning to think "Maybe chose, someone else!" (I've got too many problems, and many medical problems).

Quoting: Future Viewer

May I enquire as to your medical difficulties, Future Viewer?

Here is what Catherine Fitts said, of some value perhaps:

"Those who win in a rigged game get stupid."
-- Catherine Austin Fitts, assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the first Bush administration

Actually she said "Rigged contests render the contestants stupid" Or something of that nature.

How true, Future Viewer. Have you learned anything along with all the bumps, bruises and scrapes life has so unfairly tossed your way? Would you have preferred instead the pampered life, leaving the difficulties to your spawn?

Oh, the humanity!

Laughing out loud!

Perhaps the sloth of YOUR ancestors have landed you in your current situation?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769


Its not the "Sloth of my ancestors", more like "The Kapo jewish people" (my own brethrens-like what happened in Nazi Germany 1933->1945), that will "usurp Federal Laws", "lie on Constitution, given to U.S. Citizens", withhold/suppress/taylor evidence, besmirch/slander me in MSM Media, for "Political and Career Advancements" of an up and coming "Federal Prosecutor" (out of Georgetown University, which says nothing of the University's teaching of law students for ethics, morals and scuples- and that "University" should be closed down!), that a Federal Chief Judge lies for till this day!

And that doesn't include me, "outdoing the Feds", in the USDOJ Federal Prisons, and No Mention of that in the MSM News Media. And I always say "Whats good for goose, is good for gander" (regarding "besmirchment/slanderment" from "Asso"CIA"Ted News Press" 10-31-1989 to 11-03-1989).

And that's all I have to say...

(someday the truth will come out..)

Quoting: Future Viewer

Hello Future Viewer,

I'm not following your viewpoint, but if you are suggesting the Judiciary in the US is corrupt, you won't get any argument from me!

Laughing out loud!

I am constantly amazed that the whole bunch haven't been exposed for who the are and to whom they are beholden.

But then again, fool me once...
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:12 PM
Who is Zippy?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I'm sure i don't know, Bickle. Why on earth do you ask if credibility is of importance to you?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:13 PM

Were you born in France or South Africa?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Why, hello Bickle!

I honestly don't remember. Do you?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:31 PM
Who is Zippy?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

It means something to me...

Zippy was a very high quality stuffed monkey that my aunt and uncle got for me in New London on the way home from Ocean Beach one time when I did not go on the trip. Which was odd because I always went and was not sick.

Zippy is very old and moldy now as he was passed on to my daughter and she is in her 30s so we are talking old, she renamed Zippy Monka. Don't know why, Zippy was a perfectly good name IMO.
Quoting: From My Perspective 1351603

Good times!

I hope your daughter appreciates and cares for Zippy, and that you have explained the significance to her.

Memories are made of such things!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:33 PM

Were you born in France or South Africa?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Why, hello Bickle!

I honestly don't remember. Do you?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I may not have been born where I originally thought either.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Everyone comes into life and is taught certain "truths" which are held as sacred.

Such as place and time of birth.

Because the linear concept of time is I explained in some detail is the birth date/time and location aspects.

Rail against that, but the entire of perception, as you know illusion.

Come into being indeed!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/18/2012 04:34 PM
Who is Zippy?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

I'm sure i don't know, Bickle. Why on earth do you ask if credibility is of importance to you?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Because someone said that "Zippy" is my nickname in the royal circles.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Someone from GLP no doubt!

Laughing out loud!!

OK Bickle...henceforth, Zippy it shall BE!
User ID: 7069580 United States 04/19/2012 12:23 PM
op, why do you need so much energy? you called yourself a soul sucker. what are you(i mean the bloodline) doing with that energy? are you just trying suck whatever you can? will you suck until nothing is left for others? or until not needed?

and is it a good idea? humans as a whole contributed to the wisdom(tech, science, history, philosopy, you name it) we have today, which is essential for our survival. you benefit from this wisdom, dont you? but from the look of things, what you are doing(or aiming to do) to people kill that creativity. i read your family has about 1500 members. can 1500 people gather wisdom faster than billions? even if you are millions, can you?
my point is, isnt well being of humanity as a whole contributes you more then just YOUR well being? if not, please explain.

lastly, you mentioned you are returning to the "source", and we are not coming. what is that "source"?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14661858

Technology, history, philosophy are basically tales of the struggle of humanity. Of course, value is created from this dynamic tension....created and harvested!

And never forget that winners write the history taught to the spawn of the workers.

As to your comment on relative populations...were you aware that there are approximately 50,000 worker bees/drones to the one hive queen?


So 50,000 drone and toil and the queen, from most perspectives, "wins".


Are there, in your opinion, too many workers to queens?

Do you know that in nature, reproduction directly correlates to resources? When food is scarce, fewer of any species replicates! Look at the birth rates in Japan! Young aren't reproducing there! Surely it is clear that those youth see the social contract of the last generation has been violated.

Koi fish, in an artificial pond, will grow as much as the physical space, population and food will allow. Are they too big for your tastes?

Natural law is clear, available to all who see, and immutable. End of that story.

The "source", as I have stated many times, is the attainment of perfection of the bloodline. Most religions, including Christianity, tell stories of the "fall" of man...fall from grace, fall from it what you will.

There is a path to the source. YOU are not on it.
User ID: 7069580 United States 04/19/2012 12:25 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

If you was a ROFLCHILD you wouldn't ask me to axe you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1246726

And how did you reach THAT conclusion?
User ID: 7069580 United States 04/19/2012 12:27 PM

May I enquire as to your medical difficulties, Future Viewer?

Here is what Catherine Fitts said, of some value perhaps:

"Those who win in a rigged game get stupid."
-- Catherine Austin Fitts, assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the first Bush administration

Actually she said "Rigged contests render the contestants stupid" Or something of that nature.

How true, Future Viewer. Have you learned anything along with all the bumps, bruises and scrapes life has so unfairly tossed your way? Would you have preferred instead the pampered life, leaving the difficulties to your spawn?

Oh, the humanity!

Laughing out loud!

Perhaps the sloth of YOUR ancestors have landed you in your current situation?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769


Its not the "Sloth of my ancestors", more like "The Kapo jewish people" (my own brethrens-like what happened in Nazi Germany 1933->1945), that will "usurp Federal Laws", "lie on Constitution, given to U.S. Citizens", withhold/suppress/taylor evidence, besmirch/slander me in MSM Media, for "Political and Career Advancements" of an up and coming "Federal Prosecutor" (out of Georgetown University, which says nothing of the University's teaching of law students for ethics, morals and scuples- and that "University" should be closed down!), that a Federal Chief Judge lies for till this day!

And that doesn't include me, "outdoing the Feds", in the USDOJ Federal Prisons, and No Mention of that in the MSM News Media. And I always say "Whats good for goose, is good for gander" (regarding "besmirchment/slanderment" from "Asso"CIA"Ted News Press" 10-31-1989 to 11-03-1989).

And that's all I have to say...

(someday the truth will come out..)

Quoting: Future Viewer

Hello Future Viewer,

I'm not following your viewpoint, but if you are suggesting the Judiciary in the US is corrupt, you won't get any argument from me!

Laughing out loud!

I am constantly amazed that the whole bunch haven't been exposed for who the are and to whom they are beholden.

But then again, fool me once...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Maybe this whole World and USA is made up of lies, and its really run by the "Top (Hidden) Bankers", as I thought all along, and us Sheeple (Masses) are just played with countries and the USA, and we are massively deceived on many things #1 Being Told and Taught History #2 Present MSM News that is just to control and manipulate the Masses. (one would never know if all the players in the News are just fakirs as far as real true story) One never knows???

Quoting: Future Viewer


Laughing out loud!

How would you change your life and daily actions IF I were to confirm that your belief is ABSOLUTELY "true"?

THAT is all that matters!

Answer? You won't change anything!

But thanks for playing!
User ID: 7069580 United States 04/19/2012 12:28 PM
Since you claim to already know my "name" why the question?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

The World Is Not Enough

Or is the world just what you had in mind!

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Zippy! You should emulate that bronze figure prior to posting nonsense!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 05:47 PM
Technology, history, philosophy are basically tales of the struggle of humanity. Of course, value is created from this dynamic tension....created and harvested!

do YOU use it or not, that is my point.

And never forget that winners write the history taught to the spawn of the workers.

Don't worry, i am very well aware of that.

As to your comment on relative populations...were you aware that there are approximately 50,000 worker bees/drones to the one hive queen?


So 50,000 drone and toil and the queen, from most perspectives, "wins".


Are there, in your opinion, too many workers to queens?

yes you are right. BUT we are NOT bees. can a discovery of a bee can change lives of ALL bees? a discovery of a human can change(and did) humanity FOREVER. just a piece of wisdom. and YOU stand upon OUR wisdom. did your family ever contributed ANYTHING to that wisdom? or were you just busy "harvesting" it?

you talked about yourself being a "highly evolved". no, no, WE have evolved, and YOU used OUR wisdom to reach that point. or did you discover all that by yourselves?

and i remember you talking about "honor" and having "clean hands". you take everything you can and give nothing in return. so THAT is rothschilds' definition of honor, and your clean hands.

so, mr. rothschild, what is your familys greatest achivement? stealing other's work and calling them primates? have you ever created something that is(or was) important for you AND others?


and excuse my english please.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14705046

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

You express your ideas and conviction with passion! It is as though I can sense your finger-tips tremble as you type your words.

I respect passion, but as I have made clear, it is a most DANGEROUS emotion. Like desires, one must find balance to avoid destruction of what is truly important.

In your example, did the worker drones create the system? Are they "compensated" without limitation for their contributions, such as they are, or are they rewarded "according to their needs"...They are given enough to keep them alive and productive! No more and no less. They don't produce? No safety system...they are disposed of!

Laughing out loud!

How did the hive hierarchy and hive mentality evolve? Were other systems tried which failed...eliminating that particular strain from the gene pool?

We do not live in a static system! Nothing exists in a static system! Your questions imply a VERY naive understanding of NATURE! Sad, sad, sad!

Assuming there to be a dynamic and balance to nature, how do you imagine my family came to control...directly or indirectly...essentially all of the earth's labor and resources? Did some benevolent being swoop down from the ether and hand us title and control?

If I were to engage you in commerce, would you turn over your "valuables" without some like compensation? Real or otherwise?

You have likely heard of the early settlers to America who traded with the native americans for the island of Manhattan. As the story goes, the settlers "bought" Manhattan from the hapless indians for a trunk of shiny beads! $24 dollars by written accounts! Foolish, stupid savages, right?

Consider that the indians had no concept of land "ownership" could one OWN something like land? It is an absurd notion to them, and IS absurd on many levels! So who was the "winner" and "loser" in this transaction?

If you were playing by the settlers rules, they won. The indians also thought they came out ahead based ON THEIR BELIEF SYSTEMS.

Just how do you think things evolved as they did?

I will not succumb to the ego and "crow" of our Family accomplishments. There is much written that need not be summarized here, and nothing to be gained at basking in the glow of the successes! Consider that there have also been many, many "learning experiences"! THOSE are what we teach our young! BECAUSE! There is where the "value" is to be found. Perfection comes from focusing ones efforts upon experience and embracing them as the lessons taught by NATURE! So very valuable! Success is sweet rain! Soft rain, which falls upon our fields and prepares the earth for the next planting. Nothing more. The valuable part is steel blade cracking hard earth until it is lush and fertile again.

Mr Turkey, the International Banking system is a wonder! Study it and learn how its tentacles grow and spread across the earth! Silently and without respite. Whom do you suppose created this? Your local government?

Laughing out loud!!

It has created the appearance of wealth for a generation! Many have received benefit and many have suffered. Of course, it is all illusion and based on faith.

The international monetary system is the one true religion of humanity. No small feat?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 05:53 PM

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

based on your previous assertions regarding the OP, are you sure you can trust your intuition?
you've claimed the OP was your father, then you claimed OP was a woman (whom you tried to amorously pursue) and now it's your uncle stewart.
rather than trust your intuition, might you not just call uncle stewart and ask him directly? OP has not only denied any blood relation to you but actually 'laughed out loud' at the suggestion.
you've asked for help in this thread and it certainly seems like you need it. the OP has given advice as to how people can help themselves. natural law requires you to do it for yourself bickle and it will not put a million dollars in your bank account and find you a girlfriend whilst you sat in front of a computer screen.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12434322

Hello UK AC and Welcome!

You have, quite succinctly, digested and summarized Bickle's past "theories" and assertions. Hopefully he will be able to comprehend what you have said and assist him in his re-introduction to reality.

I hereby confer upon you, un-requested but well earned, the title of REALITY CONSULTANT, and assign young Bickle to your on-going care and mentoring.

Godspeed, UK AC. May your endeavours be numerous and fruitful!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Hello OP, greetings and salutations!

Firstly, thank you for the well wishes and title of 'reality consultant'. But bickle/zippy seems beyond help. Any care or time spent mentoring him would be wasted. If he cannot learn from a teacher such as yourself then what hope does he have? In his lucid moments he has asked the occasional interesting question but otherwise his egocentric contributions to the thread speak for themselves.

The patience and polite kindness that you have shown to bickle should be taken into account by some of the people posting here.

Sadly, true to form and expectation people may obsess or be judgmental over the family name you possess whilst ignoring the 'priceless' information you have passed on! Knowledge covering a breadth of fascinating subjects.

You have referred to 'the beautiful lie' in your writings but perhaps readers here should look upon the aforementioned information as 'the beautiful lesson'.

It should also be recognised that this lesson comes from the greatest family dynasty in 'recorded' history. True greatness is naturally rare and similar to the Seurat painting you referred to earlier in the thread, it really is a wonderous thing to behold.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14744139

Hello Mr UK and Welcome!

Thank you for your kind words and thoughts!

Knowledge, as I have expressed before, is the true wealth! Of course, application of that vetted knowledge is what allows for the bloodline to progress to higher and higher states! It puzzles me how many people waste the resources and time on unproductive and destructive endeavours!

Please tell me about your situation! Are you well and is your family prospering? Assuming you are the patriarch, what challenges are you facing?

Best wishes to you, Sir.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:05 PM
The "source", as I have stated many times, is the attainment of perfection of the bloodline. Most religions, including Christianity, tell stories of the "fall" of man...fall from grace, fall from it what you will.

There is a path to the source. YOU are not on it.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7069580

How and when did the family first learn about returning the source being the number one goal of "life" on this plane of existence?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Be glad you are not on his path. His "bloodline" is not welcomed into the club.

When he speaks of bloodline purity and perfection, he is referring to removing all "noise".

If one would want to apply it on a fictional scale here you go,

Pure-blood supremacy is the belief that wizards and witches whose known ancestry is exclusively magical (pure-bloods) are inherently superior to wizards and witches who have traceable Muggle ancestry (Muggle-borns and half-bloods). Proponents of this ideology typically regard Muggle-born wizards as impure and not worthy of possessing magical ability and often actively discriminate against them.
[ link to]
Quoting: Merci

Hello Merci and Welcome!

I sincerely hope that HARRY POTTER is not your source-book and guide to your perception of reality!


Are you related to Zippy, by chance?

Laughing out loud!!

He has the phone numbers of the key Rothschild family members! Perhaps he would be so good as to conference you on his next calls and you can educate them as to your theories!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:09 PM
how many babies did you rape to gain all this knowledge? You fuckin goof.
Quoting: Dave Goddamn It

Dave, you appear to have serious psychological issues and should seek help from your clergy or trained medical professional. There are a wide variety of pharmaceuticals specifically developed to disable cognitive defects such as you are displaying.

Have you stopped to consider how you ended up in this sorry state?

By the way, you are not welcome here!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:12 PM
Yeah, you were close to being defeated by Hitler. One of those learning experiences eh.

The Nazis Gave Rothschild Bankers The Boot
[ link to]
Quoting: Rayrayz

Hello RayRay and Welcome!

Hitler acted in what he perceived to be his own best interests, and those of the German people.

One cannot be faulted for this! It is in harmony with the LAWS OF NATURE, which were immutable! Even though such lessons are hard, one cannot shy away from the underlying principles!

You will note that his failings also extracted a very heavy price, which continues on to this day!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:23 PM
There are no 'real' Rothschild bankers on this forum. They wouldn't even waste the energy of moving their fingers to post on here.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14863039

Hello A/C and Welcome!

Any student of history will tell you that isolation leads to misunderstanding and mistakes, and that information collected directly should be considered more reliable that information pre-digested by others.

DO not assume that great successes come without hard work!

DO not assume that every task can be "farmed out"

DO not assume that those who control do not get directly involved in the running of things and execution of plans!

If you choose to learn, and have an open mind, research this very important point.

Or to explain it another way, do you suppose that you could hire out the rearing of your child?

You could read all the philosophical approaches to children, develop a plan, and then hire managers to carry out your great scheme? You wouldn't need to even be present! Just hire everything out and let the "experts" do it!

Oh dear! I think that has already been tried...and its called CHILD CARE, or after school care or some other silly thing! NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND!

How well has that worked out! MOM and DAD leaving their brood to the care of the state or some ne'er-do-well neighbor!

Our ideas, plans and schemes are our children! We raise them to maturity and they carry on the work of our family! Your ideas should too!

Anyway, thanks for your baseless comment! Your expertise offered without the barest foundation of support! You are a true internet superstar!!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:28 PM
Yeah, you were close to being defeated by Hitler. One of those learning experiences eh.

The Nazis Gave Rothschild Bankers The Boot
[ link to]
Quoting: Rayrayz

Hello RayRay and Welcome!

Hitler acted in what he perceived to be his own best interests, and those of the German people.

One cannot be faulted for this! It is in harmony with the LAWS OF NATURE, which were immutable! Even though such lessons are hard, one cannot shy away from the underlying principles!

You will note that his failings also extracted a very heavy price, which continues on to this day!

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I completely agree sir!
Quoting: Rayrayz

You agree, sir, because you recognize one of the great truths of Nature!

That is a very solid foundation from which to build! Congratulations!

I would suggest to you that you embrace this truth and equally apply it to all areas of your reality. What you will fine, WITHOUT FAIL, is that it will....sooner or later...slay one of your "golden oxen". It will create a dissonance of great discomfort for you. And the greater the discomfort the greater the truth.

When you can embrace this reality, the true learning will begin!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:37 PM
Hello RayRay and Welcome!

Hitler acted in what he perceived to be his own best interests, and those of the German people.

One cannot be faulted for this! It is in harmony with the LAWS OF NATURE, which were immutable! Even though such lessons are hard, one cannot shy away from the underlying principles!

You will note that his failings also extracted a very heavy price, which continues on to this day!

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769


How many biological children was Hitler the father of?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


I do not see Hitler as a "freak show"...his life and times distilled his character and gave him the strength to lead a nation. This is to be respected!

If you are interested in the life of Adolph Hitler, then spend the time to do research with an open mind. The information is out there! Many keep track of such things!!

Laughing out loud!

I am not here to satisfy your idle curiousity about someone you clearly know nothing about. It is egotistical of you to presume that you are worthy to make such enquiries...having accomplished nothing within your own blood-line.

By the way, you posts are annoying and lack any kind of continuity. Do you not see that there is a larger order to things and that all things flow into each other.

I suggest you reflect and distill your overactive mind into a particular area of thought and exploration and see where that leads. Take some time to reflect on what is most important!

And ask things relevant to the reason I am here!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 06:45 PM
There are no 'real' Rothschild bankers on this forum. They wouldn't even waste the energy of moving their fingers to post on here.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14863039

Hello A/C and Welcome!

Any student of history will tell you that isolation leads to misunderstanding and mistakes, and that information collected directly should be considered more reliable that information pre-digested by others.

DO not assume that great successes come without hard work!

DO not assume that every task can be "farmed out"

DO not assume that those who control do not get directly involved in the running of things and execution of plans!

If you choose to learn, and have an open mind, research this very important point.

Or to explain it another way, do you suppose that you could hire out the rearing of your child?

You could read all the philosophical approaches to children, develop a plan, and then hire managers to carry out your great scheme? You wouldn't need to even be present! Just hire everything out and let the "experts" do it!

Oh dear! I think that has already been tried...and its called CHILD CARE, or after school care or some other silly thing! NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND!

How well has that worked out! MOM and DAD leaving their brood to the care of the state or some ne'er-do-well neighbor!

Our ideas, plans and schemes are our children! We raise them to maturity and they carry on the work of our family! Your ideas should too!

Anyway, thanks for your baseless comment! Your expertise offered without the barest foundation of support! You are a true internet superstar!!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

No you sir are the true internet superstar. The Rothschilds have paid employees to do their dirty work while they have more employees to keep tabs on them.

If one or more of them ever posted here on GLP, it would be a once in a blue moon deal, merely for personal entertainment.

And it would probably be something like 'my cat is an alien' type question.. just to mock you, and everyone else here.

You are all wasting your time in this thread.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14863039

I did not dispute that other are working on our behalf!

Of course!

Your comment was directed at discrediting who I am! You are stating that someone of our stature would not mingle with the "little people". I have refuted that and explained that having direct knowledge, learned directly without filtering, is essential! Read ANY of the many insipid books on "managing people". Even they get this point correct!

Now you acknowledge that it might be possible, but only once in a "blue moon". So which is it, never or infrequently?

If infrequently, how would you determine if this is not, in fact, one of those infrequent times?

So your logic fails, and you demonstrate that you cannot even adhere to your initial conviction when challenged! This would be defined as a character defect!

In the future, if you choose to make baseless accusations, at least have the backbone to stick with them.

And it would appear by your multiple postings, that YOU are also wasting your time trying to dissuade others from learning! Or are you just concerned for your fellow human's use of time. Are you trolling other threads and warning other GLP patrons on THEIR use of time?

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 07:08 PM
I suggest you reflect and distill your overactive mind into a particular area of thought and exploration and see where that leads. Take some time to reflect on what is most important!

And ask things relevant to the reason I am here!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Fair enough.

When can I see your Tesla documents?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Have you read the numerous documents readily available from a variety of public sources? Have you attempted to understand their truths?

For example, Tesla did a lengthy deposition in relation to a patent application wherein his attorney asked him to explain in great detail the operational aspects of his technology. Have you bothered to seek this information out?

I would doubt you have! And yet you presume to inquire of the more detailed elements of his work? Do you see how absurd you seem?

As if a pre-schooler would question a master! Learn the basics first!

And I assume, knowing that you acknowledged my rebuke on your lack of focus, you have chosen Tesla's energy technologies as your field of study. Correct?

If so, then put your energies into it and become a master. I can help, but only AFTER you demonstrate a sincere and studied effort to master the public materials!

See you in a decade, Zippy!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 07:25 PM
Hello Rothschild,

I did not wish to address you by your PERSON name, and unfortunately you failed to give us your first name, so "Rothschild" it is.

If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions and would very much like an honest opinion.

From a very small child, I have seen this universe, this world, and all the life that populates it, to be the most wonderful of creations. I have always dreamed of a world where there are no borders, no famine, no greed, no wars and no prejudices. A world where every human has the right to exist as a free spirit, to wander, explore and share the space we are given to educate ourselves and each other, to be friends with each other, and to essentially give more back to our society than we take. I've educated myself in most religions of the world, and taken certain aspects from each which appeal to me, as well as adding some of my own. I've always believed this 'utopia' will be achievable in my lifetime.

Is my vision of this 'utopia' at all possible?

What can I do as a solitary man, which will help to bring into effect this ideal utopia?

Also, as a child, I firmly believed that everything that happened in my reality, was indeed in my reality, and created in my mind alone. I was then educated in the schooling system, and most of that belief went away.

My last question

Is it worth me pursing the belief that my mind is truly the creator of reality, or am I wasting my time?

I look forward to your responses, and much respect for the amount of time that you have given to this thread so far.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1580790

Hello UK and Welcome!

You already live in such a world! The NATURAL WORLD and NATURAL LAW operate exactly in this way.

However, by your choices and actions, you have redefined your reality. Yes, you have this power, as all do.

Think of this simply. Let us presume that you, and three of your peers, are invited to play MONOPOLY, a popular board game.

Prior to your engagement, or consideration that this is even a possibility, a far away corporation had invested considerable effort and human resources to invent the rules, engineer the physical aspects (board, play pieces, dice, etc), manufacture said game, provide the channels of distribution, market the game such that you were aware of its "benefits", etc, etc. The corporation proposed that you would obtain enjoyment from this game in exchange for your consideration of a certain number of work units in exchange (federal reserve units in the US, for example). This also constitutes your "buy-in" of the whole process!

Continuing, the four of you sit down and form a social contract that you will all abide by the rules, and that each player will play a role in the process, as symbolized by the players choice of token.

One lucky player even gets to be the banker--Lucky Him or Her!

Laughing out loud!

Note that many are not qualified, or don't want the responsibility of being banker...usually due to poor education or organizational skills!

Laughing out loud!

The game is played out and a winner is determined! "Cheaters" are dealt with at the discretion of the group.

Now it gets interesting! Some enterprising players develop rule variants. The group has to agree, and sometimes purists object. The game can only proceed if all agree to the changes, and abide by the common rules. Over time, the corporation has adopted certain of these variants, and not others. Generally, it is the demand of the majority which prevails!

Is playing MONOPOLY the only option? No. You can choose to play RISK, MILLE BORNES, POKER or nothing at all! You can read a book, go outside, or rob a bank!

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY ANY PARTICULAR GAME! But if you do choose to play, social contracts, norms and peer pressure will force you to play to the rules!

A utopia existence is an option on this planet, and there are those who live such a life. Clearly, having a society of like minded humans will make this easier, as a division of labor is easier that going it alone. For this, you need to find like minded individuals!

Tell me UK, have you surrounded yourself with like minded individuals? Do you devote your energies to bringing your desire to fruition? Or are these the musings of a man/woman who feels they have no control of their life or circumstances!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 07:27 PM
Wasn't it Gandhi who said:

"Be the change in the world you wish to see"?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/22/2012 07:37 PM
I suggest you reflect and distill your overactive mind into a particular area of thought and exploration and see where that leads. Take some time to reflect on what is most important!

And ask things relevant to the reason I am here!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Fair enough.

When can I see your Tesla documents?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Have you read the numerous documents readily available from a variety of public sources? Have you attempted to understand their truths?

For example, Tesla did a lengthy deposition in relation to a patent application wherein his attorney asked him to explain in great detail the operational aspects of his technology. Have you bothered to seek this information out?

I would doubt you have! And yet you presume to inquire of the more detailed elements of his work? Do you see how absurd you seem?

As if a pre-schooler would question a master! Learn the basics first!

And I assume, knowing that you acknowledged my rebuke on your lack of focus, you have chosen Tesla's energy technologies as your field of study. Correct?

If so, then put your energies into it and become a master. I can help, but only AFTER you demonstrate a sincere and studied effort to master the public materials!

See you in a decade, Zippy!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

My opinion is that studying Tesla's Research would be the most important field of study.

However, it depends on the implementation plans of the Rothschilds of Tesla Energy Tech and if it would be welcomed in 10 years or maybe the current plan is 50 years down the road or something to that effect.

At some point Tesla type Energy will be implemented. The Green Carbon Credits will be the new "Control structure" to take over fossil fuels when fossil fuels start to wind down their power of influence over the control grid of society.

Of course those are just my pre-school opinions on the matter.

The master is welcome to weight in on the topic if he feels so inclined.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


When has a displacement technology ever been welcomed? Particularly when it would completely undo the entire world structure of financial slavery and oppression!

Energy IS the global economy! You do understand this!

Mr UK enquired about a utopia world. Free energy makes this an immediate reality. Tesla already did the heavy lifting, He was a true genius, and note that he is seldom discussed in the educational system anywhere in the world.

I can't imagine why!

Laughing out loud!

Zippy, do you think you can be the energy messiah? Is that your destiny?

Note: Don't count on going to your local bank branch for working capital!

Laughing out loud!

I will tell you, Zippy, that all the information is publicly available to create free energy. The problem was that Tesla forgot to design in a METER!

Those wacky engineers!!

Laughing out loud!

Edison had the good sense to invent a light bulb that is about 2% energy efficient! Good Edison!

Laughing out loud!

Get to it, Zippy! Times a wastin'! YOU can create the utopia that Mr UK longs for!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 02:04 PM
Tell me UK, have you surrounded yourself with like minded individuals? Do you devote your energies to bringing your desire to fruition? Or are these the musings of a man/woman who feels they have no control of their life or circumstances!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Thank you kindly for your excellent response,

In my reality, I have always tried to be the best possible human I can be towards others, I teach what I have learnt freely, I share everything I have, I have no desire for power or money (the "need" for money is a different thing altogether, hehe). I try to treat people equally, I have no prejudices as such, although thats not to say some people deserve a bullet through their heads.

The people that surround me are few. I have no family, and the few friends I have are too busy playing your game of monopoly to focus on such trivial issues of a better world. Their attitude is "Life is short, make the most of it while you can, work, earn money, enjoy free time, die of old age."

The game of monopoly you so eloquently described, always brings me crashing back down. Yes, I feel trapped, there's a part of me, the PERSON who always needs to be addressed. I despise that PERSON. I feel that PERSON enslaves me, ties me to things I dislike being tied to. I wish to be able to break free from the monopoly game, I never chose the avatar to represent me, I never wanted this. What I've always wanted is the freedom to live a life, a life given to me by mother nature herself.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1580790

Hello Mr. UK,

The MONOPOLY/Capitalist System is but one game, with arbitrary rules...and it is not required that you participate!

Someone once said "if you do what you get what you got". Folksy, yes, but with an understated element of truth.

I rarely recommend anyone invest time in watching a video, but for you, MR UK, I believe it would be a prudent use of your time. The video is called THE PARKING LOT, a small independently produced venture which documents the adventures of a small, well educated group of parking lot attendants in the US. It contains many truths about the human condition and how humans, well educated and otherwise, respond to stimuli, boredom and reconciling what they "know" and what they experience in their daily existence. Humans seldom do well with mindless routines over time.

Are you, Mr UK, consumed in mindless routines?

Please understand that how you were conditioned is responsible for your choices and what you perceive as "winning and losing". You probably know the Buddhists believe that mastering control of the ego is essential to ones mental well being. That desire is the root of unhappiness. Also consider that your state of mental well being is DIRECTLY correlated to what you eat every day of your life. You can effect a MAJOR change in how you feel by being mindful of what you EAT. Food is indeed your medicine. Heed that well!

Many people incorrectly assume that vast resources means an "easy" life...easy in the sense that one has everything one "wants" (as opposed to what one needs)and lives a life free of worry. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I propose you need a reset of priorities and I would be happy to walk with you through the process. I believe you to be a man of value and worth.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 02:11 PM
The problem was that Tesla forgot to design in a METER!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

So if I can figure out a way to design a way to METER Free Energy, the Rothschilds will be more accepting to its widespread implementation?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Zippy, Please TRY to comprehend what I am saying!

It isn't that TESLA couldn't figure out how to meter power! Of course, he figured out the principals of NATURE...observed and applied what he learned, and thus became a man of incredible potential. He harnessed the motive force of NATURE you dullard! OF COURSE he could have metered the power.

BUT HE DIDN'T! The idea was FREE ENERGY FOR ALL MANKIND! That completely changes everything permanently! Forever!

Energy is everything. Those who control energy control their they one man or every man.

You must understand how that changes the ORDER of EVERYTHING!


PLEASE think before posting every stupid little thing which pops into your cranium!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 02:22 PM
My question: Beyond theistic concepts, why hold such a doltish ideology and praise a few, while you squat on the muck of the population? Obviously you've realized spirituality, if you've been conditioned under such circumstances as the law of one. How does one justify a superior race with barbarism and inferior actions, that goes beyond the subjective nature of reality?

When you tell your supreme race the diluted capabilities of a spirit, predicated upon the education you peddled, upon the diet you induced, how will they feel?

Is vindication necessary? Are you "Supreme" or are you just educated and opportunistic, in contrast to those that aren't prosperous in the ways of the enduring facade called finance?

Similar to the archives of dead dynasties and passed emperors, pharaohs, and kings, your reign will be regarded as a monumental mistake in humanity. A mistake that supersedes the dark ages, the plague, and previous extinct civilizations.

Although I do know... I will come back, and for when this data, these bits of information scattered throughout the web like a perpetually expanding universe, your saga will end in terror. Your name will be castigated and chastised for centuries.

You know your time has come, and your unwitting mind has yet to grasp reality, the end of a dimension.
Quoting: cbankord 8307482

Hello CBANKORD and Welcome!

As I stated many times before, the option of participating or not participating in ANY endeavour is entirely within the realm of each human. You can go to the grocer and buy GMO grains, harvested and baked just for you, laden with all sorts of nasty and life changing chemicals, made with unwilling slave labor and perhaps unclean hands, or you can grow your own wheat, mill the wheat, make yeast starter, bake, slice and know exactly what you are eating! YOU HAVE THE CHOICE!

Which do you do? And similarly, which choices did your grandparents and great-grandparents make? Do you work in some mindless job or go forth daily and make your own way by the sweat of your brow and the wits and intelligence of your mind? Did ANYONE force you to make any particular choice which is part of your life?

If so, do tell!

HUMANS KNOW the education systems in most first world countries is substandard. Test scores compare countries every year and the west falls further and further behind. YET humans STILL persist in sending their kids to institutions designed to make them compliant. DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS? Yet only an insignificant percentage do anything about it.

SO tell me, sir, to whom does the BLAME properly lie. Keeping in mind, of course, that the concept of BLAME is another "beautiful lie" and BLAME does not EXIST IN NATURE.

The rest of your ramblings I do not quite understand, but I bid you a pleasant day!

User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 03:01 PM
This thread is most interesting.

Reading this thread has made me think a lot, especially given the consistency and rational thinking of OP.

OP, would you agree that the main source of your power lies in KNOWLEDGE of and adherence to natural law?

I would like to know more about the learning process which leads to such understanding. Because I have the feeling of understanding on an intellecual level, but to truelly know and be able to apply such knowledge consistently in something entirely different. Also, since knowledge increases from one gereration to another, most of us are probably a few lightyears behind. Is it possible to breach this gap? How does the universe provide remedy in such situation?

Also, from what I could gather, discipline is of prime importance. How can one deveolp discipline in different areas of life? This is a huge challenge, in my opinion, since the internet age has provided people with and endless ammount of distractions.

I'm not a native english speaker, but hopefully I got my point accoss.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14751025

Hello Brazil and Welcome!

You have also posted some thoughtful questions and have comprehended my posts for the most part. And you have expressed yourself quite well in English!

Generally you are correct. I would add that the process is OBSERVATION, which leads to KNOWLEDGE, which leads to WISDOM. There is also the application of scientific principals, by which a hypothesis is formed and TESTED, to confirm that the observed phenomena is correctly understood. And don't forget, a LAW, by scientific definition is a fact set which cannot accommodate exceptions to the LAW. MOST IMPORTANT! If you have indeed discovered a NATURAL LAW, you will be unable to demonstrate a case where the LAW does not apply. If there is such a case, it is NOT a LAW.

The LAW of GRAVITY, for example. Very repeatable anywhere in the known world. No exceptions!Nor are there exceptions to NATURAL LAW.

From these basic precepts and standards the NATURAL LAW IS those who take the time to understand.

NATURAL LAW, is endlessly complex in it's simplicity. TRUE BEAUTY INCARNATE. Of course, once the NATURAL LAWS are understood, they must be ADHERED to, or the consequences PAID.

To your question on JUSTICE. It is a human construct and has no NATURAL LAW is one of the major "BEAUTIFUL LIES".

Consider my earlier example of MONOPOLY, a popular board game. Imagine 4 children playing the game, all who have formed a social contract to abide by the rules. As the game progresses, one child is found to be cheating. The others are angry and the arguments escalate until one child hits the "cheater" who runs to mother for adjudication of the issue. While the three children cheated feel the punishment administered was fair, the mother would chide the child doing the hitting..."stop it, it's just a game". So both sides feel that their position was the just one, and whatever YOU choose to believe is similarly arbitrary. Arbitrary construct based on subjective belief systems.

NATURAL LAW would be neutral. If the cheater pulled it off, he would be rewarded with recognition and flattery for his gaming skills. If caught and punished, NATURE is satisfied as well. He did not have the skill set necessary to cheat and paid a price for his failure. The lad will "learn" to either not try cheating again, or hone his cheating skills so he would not be caught the next time. Feedback loop, and should the cheating skill set be enhanced, his bloodline would benefit!

Not to suggest that adults in societies positions of power; banking, politics, business media etc WOULD EVER CHEAT!

Oh my no!

Or perhaps those were the childhood type experiences which gave them the winning advantage as adults!

Laughing out Loud!!!

One other example.

Think of a rural Irish village in the earlier years when the Roman Catholic Church ruled the land with an iron fist.

Let us say that Sean, a local farmer who was known to imbibe to excess, failed to plant his potato crop one spring. Despite his wife pleading and begging, he spent his evenings at the pub and mornings asleep.

Fall comes and he has nothing to eat. As the snow falls, he becomes hungry and goes door to door begging for scraps to eat. The neighbors refuse to help! The church similarly closes their door to the hapless drunk.

Sean is found face down in a local ditch. The neighbors all say that he got his "just desserts" or the he got what was "coming to him". The parish priest lectured that Sunday of the evils of alcohol and the importance of thrift and industry.

Some might argue that Sean's treatment by his neighbors and church was unjust. But notice how each group uses the facts of the matter to further their own particular agenda, and that the agenda is couched in issues of morality, justice and virtues which are entirely created and maintained by humans, NONE of WHICH (except SURVIVAL) actually exist in NATURE.

In the NATURAL world, if one animal fails to prepare for harsh conditions, it dies. The others in the group are not affected whatsoever and move on after rooting out anything of value from their fallen comrade.

As to breaching the knowledge gap, there is no knowledge gap to breach. One knows or doesn't know. It may have taken TESLA 5 years to uncover a particular NATURAL LAW, but it would only take a week or month perhaps for him to teach another, if he were so inclined. One does not need to travel the same path for the discovery of each NATURAL LAW. Ideally, groups would work independently and share their discoveries for the advancement of the human race. However, as with the potato guy, one cannot expect another to do all the "work" and then expect a knowledge handout later after contributing NOTHING!

In terms of the posters who are critical of our accomplishments, and the sorry fellow saying he has no choices in why he finds himself unhappy!

Almost every human now has access to a computer and the internet...vast information and computing powers!

User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 03:19 PM
Just found this thread a few days ago and am working my way through it start to finish. Jumped to the last few pages and see an AC answering as RFS but without (OP) next to the heading anymore.

How do I know it is ROFSCHILD still answering and not someone pretending?

RFS, why did your IP address or computer location change and knock off the OP heading?

If you scoff at using banks or fiat, how should one conduct daily mundane business? What currency do you use to buy a cup of coffee or keep a roof over your head? Do you simply have peons write checks out of trust accounts and thus consider yourself above all that since you don't count out the pennies yourself?

What do you think of "The Secret"?

Do we have the ability to manifest if we are from a lower bloodline?

If you come from a bad bloodline how can you improve it? Is it about mating with a better bloodline or how you raise your offspring?

What can you tell me about the real goal behind the 2012 hype?

What is the mark of the beast?

What do you mean by noise in the bloodlines?

What happens when we die?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4714791

Hello AC and Welcome!

I suggest that you finish reading the thread and then repost if your questions are not answered!

As far as "mundane transactions", I suggest you make a list of those items and categorize which are "wants" and which are "needs"...."wants" being necessary for your survival and "needs" for your ego or entertainment.

Also, don't worry about 2012. It's all nonsense!

Remember Y2K?

Laughing out Loud!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 03:22 PM
Energy is everything. Those who control energy control their they one man or every man.

You must understand how that changes the ORDER of EVERYTHING!


PLEASE think before posting every stupid little thing which pops into your cranium!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Sometimes ORDER gets reshuffled.

Best be Prepared Young Rothy.

Otherwise you and your line may get displaced, Beth.

You deceived me, Em. Countless times.

Watch Schindler's List again.

You keep pissing off the Universal Creator and you will end up on Zippy's List.

And who am I to judge?

Considering my God given internal power and frequency, I am the ULTIMATE Judge.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


You are free to believe what you so choose. Pursue your various philosophies with vim and vigor, and let your bloodline live with the consequences!

As for your posts, I understood that you were going to FOCUS on one topic and try to absorb some understanding! What happened to that??
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 04:02 PM
Zippy, You REALLY BelievE you can be ONE OF US??

[ link to]

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 04:30 PM
Zippy strikes me more as the PHOTOGRAPHER type.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 04:32 PM
Walt Disney was a big fan of Eugenics, yes?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Only a FOOL would think they could interfere with the LAWS OF NATURE!

User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 04:50 PM
OP why don't you email me now?

Natural Law compels you to do so!

Quoting: Open Your Eyes


What is your single most compelling argument why I should subject myself to even MORE of your undisciplined ramblings, rantings and assorted nonsense?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:14 PM

What is your single most compelling argument why I should subject myself to even MORE of your undisciplined ramblings, rantings and assorted nonsense?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

And this...

I will be more respectful of you from now on.

I had to push your buttons, just like you have to push mine.

A game of wits.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Wits? THAT sounds interesting!

When will this adventure begin in earnest?

You may be respectful, or not, as you see fit. I understand you can only project the characteristics of your bloodline!

And your environment appears to be less than stimulating! Have you considered READING?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:18 PM
Sorry OP
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Lesson ONE.

Do not apologize! Ever.

I understand it is a social convention....a conversational expedient, and my be used as such.

However, the act of contrite apology is analogous to exposing your neck to a feral beast.

And it serves no useful purpose for the giver OR the recipient!

If your head is to fall into the basket for whatever crimes you may have committed, meet your fate with dignity and resolve. THAT is the way of KINGS...


Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:18 PM
Sir Zippy Moore

Laughing Out LOUD!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:20 PM

What is your single most compelling argument why I should subject myself to even MORE of your undisciplined ramblings, rantings and assorted nonsense?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

And this...

I will be more respectful of you from now on.

I had to push your buttons, just like you have to push mine.

A game of wits.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Wits? THAT sounds interesting!

When will this adventure begin in earnest?

You may be respectful, or not, as you see fit. I understand you can only project the characteristics of your bloodline!

And your environment appears to be less than stimulating! Have you considered READING?

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Which bloodline do you think I am from?

Cause I have it narrowed down to seven possiblies.





Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Well, the BUSH line would explain your syntax errors, flighty thought processes and assorted, unrelated ramblings!

Say HELLO to Queen Barbara, won't you?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:21 PM

What is your single most compelling argument why I should subject myself to even MORE of your undisciplined ramblings, rantings and assorted nonsense?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

And this...

I will be more respectful of you from now on.

I had to push your buttons, just like you have to push mine.

A game of wits.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Wits? THAT sounds interesting!

When will this adventure begin in earnest?

You may be respectful, or not, as you see fit. I understand you can only project the characteristics of your bloodline!

And your environment appears to be less than stimulating! Have you considered READING?

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Which bloodline do you think I am from?

Cause I have it narrowed down to seven possiblies.





Quoting: Open Your Eyes

SEVEN Possibilities...yet you list FIVE.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:22 PM
Sorry OP
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Lesson ONE.

Do not apologize! Ever.

I understand it is a social convention....a conversational expedient, and my be used as such.

However, the act of contrite apology is analogous to exposing your neck to a feral beast.

And it serves no useful purpose for the giver OR the recipient!

If your head is to fall into the basket for whatever crimes you may have committed, meet your fate with dignity and resolve. THAT is the way of KINGS...


Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I understand that way of thinking.

That one should never apologize because it is "weak", however, I have been very undisciplined in my responses.

I wanted to acknowledge that undiscipline.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

So acknowledge it by correcting the FAULT.

Much more sincere and useful, no?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:22 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 272195

Hello Canadian and Welcome!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:24 PM

Wits? THAT sounds interesting!

When will this adventure begin in earnest?

You may be respectful, or not, as you see fit. I understand you can only project the characteristics of your bloodline!

And your environment appears to be less than stimulating! Have you considered READING?

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Which bloodline do you think I am from?

Cause I have it narrowed down to seven possiblies.





Quoting: Open Your Eyes

SEVEN Possibilities...yet you list FIVE.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

The other two were


Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Yet another apology and I JUST NOW explained RULE ONE.

And that would make EIGHT Families, Zippy!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:25 PM
Didn't they expose you to any of the CLASSICS at Port Bickle?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:25 PM
Well, the BUSH line would explain your syntax errors, flighty thought processes and assorted, unrelated ramblings!

Say HELLO to Queen Barbara, won't you?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

So are you confirming that I am a Bush then?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Zippy, you are telling the story. Pick one and go with it!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:31 PM
Well, the BUSH line would explain your syntax errors, flighty thought processes and assorted, unrelated ramblings!

Say HELLO to Queen Barbara, won't you?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

So are you confirming that I am a Bush then?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Zippy, you are telling the story. Pick one and go with it!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I don't want a story.

I want the truth.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Granted, Mr. Zippy.

YOU go forth and onward and make your OWN family BLOODLINE great and worthy of respect! YOU have the power, which is freely given. The question is do you have the RESOLVE and CLARITY of PURPOSE?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:32 PM
Didn't they expose you to any of the CLASSICS at Port Bickle?

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

You know what small town American life is like.

Not much culture. At all.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

That DOESN'T mean it is out of your reach!

STOP looking for excuses! They are not recognized by NATURE.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:33 PM
whats a ROFSCHILD?
Quoting: Not Anonymous Coward

Hello NAC and Welcome!

A bloodline!

Thanks for axing!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:35 PM
Yet another apology and I JUST NOW explained RULE ONE.

And that would make EIGHT Families, Zippy!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I actually edited it right away!!

You must of saw it before the edit.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

It would be "You must HAVE..."

Express yourself correctly. Perhaps take a language or composition class at your local institution of higher learning?
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/23/2012 05:38 PM
Didn't they expose you to any of the CLASSICS at Port Bickle?

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

You know what small town American life is like.

Not much culture. At all.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

That DOESN'T mean it is out of your reach!

STOP looking for excuses! They are not recognized by NATURE.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

If I want to get a True DNA test.

Who can I trust to perform an honest test?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

To answer that question, you would have to consider what the provider of the service wants from YOU!

Your fiat paper?

Laughing out Loud!

Do you have anything of VALUE, Zippy?

Do you know what VALUE is?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/27/2012 04:27 PM
My goodness!

I step away for mo more than a few drops, and the thread is hijacked into a WORLD of dragons, fairies and nymphs!

Laughing out Loud!

Keep striving, you mighty warriors of KNOWLEDGE and TRUTH!

Laughing out Loud!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/27/2012 04:28 PM
Correction: "No More"

Carry On!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 11:23 AM
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Not I, zippy
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 11:28 AM

very interesting answers!

are you familiar with the works of Bert Hellinger and Alejandro Jodorowsky?

they, among few others, research about genealogical trees and how a person can integrate the family tree so one can heal whatever ir wrong...

you stated that whatever one does affects the whole bloodline... well, they state the same thing!

sorry for my english, it is not my native languaje!
Quoting: guillaume 15227198

Hello Guillaume and Welcome!

I am not specifically aware of the work of these gentlemen.

As I stated earlier, our bloodline makes no claim of exclusivity to the rights, benefits and responsibilities of NATURAL LAW. Others have discovered certain of these LAWS, in whole or in part. Be aware, however, that one must follow ALL the constructs! There is no half-way on this!

As an aside, your English skills are fine! Good show!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 11:30 AM
Dear O.P.,

Are you particularly familiar with / fond of the works of Nietzsche? I've read a number of your posts in this thread and they don't seem completely out of line with some of his thought.

All the best
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

Hello UK and Welcome!

Familiar with? Of course. Fond of? Not particularly.

See above post, to which I might add that incorporating truth to a body of lies and misinformation does not change the element(s) of truth OR misinformation/lies!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 11:38 AM
Hey Mr Rothschild,

1. Do you have any additional advice for someone with numerous food allergies?
2. Have you got any opinion on the company "Planetary Resources?" The one that James Cameron and Google partnered together for.
3. You seem to be very unattached to the welfare of other people. Are you ever worried that your detachment is a weakness?

Sorry if there are repeated questions. I wish you a good weekend.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

1) One should be very particular about the source of the food. Most are lacking discrimination in this regard. It is possible that your immune system is reacting to something other than the food itself. I have already posted that one should eat primarily green leafy vegetables and avoid meat products of all types. Seafood is also a risky proposition! ANY processed food (ie packaged) is a gamble!

Do you feel lucky?

2) Propositions of this sort are generally put forward for reasons other than the reasons stated. The human imagination is a powerful motive force when harnessed. So is the disillusionment aspect!

Laughing out loud!

3) The element of detachment is a strength, not a weakness. I have covered this in some detail already and challenged posters to cite an example in NATURE of the natural order being otherwise. You would also do well to look up the precise definition of the words you chose...unattached, welfare, detachment...and then ponder the question again in greater depth.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 12:06 PM
Hello UK!

I believe I was clear in my response. However, choose the option (you so kindly provided me) which resonates best with your particular worldview!

By the way, how is that particular bloodline progressing?

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 12:22 PM
Hello UK!

I believe I was clear in my response. However, choose the option (you so kindly provided me) which resonates best with your particular worldview!

By the way, how is that particular bloodline progressing?

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Why should one care about the continuation of a bloodline over the maximization of the individual?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

Substitute PERFECTION with CONTINUATION and you will have your clarification.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 12:22 PM
Should read "Substitute PERFECTION for CONTINUATION"
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 12:24 PM
Hello UK!

I believe I was clear in my response. However, choose the option (you so kindly provided me) which resonates best with your particular worldview!

By the way, how is that particular bloodline progressing?

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Also, your response was most ambiguous old chap; strange idea of clarity you have.

All the best
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

You asked if I was FOND...I am not.

Is that clear enough?

I assume here that you refer to his BODY of WORK...not one particular concept or thought taken out of context.
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 01:02 PM
Hello UK!

I believe I was clear in my response. However, choose the option (you so kindly provided me) which resonates best with your particular worldview!

By the way, how is that particular bloodline progressing?

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Also, your response was most ambiguous old chap; strange idea of clarity you have.

All the best
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

You asked if I was FOND...I am not.

Is that clear enough?

I assume here that you refer to his BODY of WORK...not one particular concept or thought taken out of context.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Concerning particular concepts, the content of the Genealogy of morals was my main thought, distinctions between noble and slave morality, appropriate requital etc.

What do you not like about Nietzsche?

And with regards to my other question, why should the perfection of a bloodline be more important than the perfection of the individual?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

I do not see in your references any basis to support that there is commonality in what I have posted and Nietzsche's body of work. For example, I have stated repeatedly that morality has no place in NATURAL LAW and thus, any philosophy which even ATTEMPTS to frame a theory or argument within an artificial construct fails at its inception. Nietzsche does not understand the bloodline, and his theory of "reincarnation" is silly to the point of absurdity.

Finally, one who would presume to such lofty aspirations and "don the cloak" would, as a prerequisite, require the discipline requisite in ANY sort of scientific inquiry. I don't see any sign of that in his work(s) and, as a result, NATURAL LAW was not revealed to him.

Perfection of the bloodline IS Perfection of the individual, if in fact the INDIVIDUAL existed in NATURE, which of course is not the case.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 01:15 PM
You demonstrate a lack of serious enquiry, thoughtful reflection or an introspective nature.

If you are not serious in your pursuits, how would you expect to be taken seriously? If you do not demonstrate respect, do not expect respect.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So is the OP still responding to this old yet lengthy thread.
If so I have one simple question.
Are you a man, of Noble birth?
Quoting: SirKnighte

Hello Sir Knight and Welcome!

Noble birth is an artificial human construct, albeit originally based on bloodlines. My position on the importance of bloodline must, by now, be crystal clear.

While nobility is generally recognized in the context you presented (high birth/exalted rank) the generic definition of the root word NOBLE is more along the lines of possessing extraordinary qualities or talents.

Since those are subjective, you would have to carefully define what you would consider extraordinary qualities or talents. If one uncovers a particular truth which is freely available to all, and correctly applies that truth, one would not expect to receive "credit" for the NATURE of the discovery, but might be seen as having acute POWERS OF OBSERVATION.

You further presume I was BORN, which is a whole other matter altogether!

Laughing out Loud!

In sum, therefore, I would answer NO. Feel free to correct me if you believe otherwise!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 04/30/2012 01:28 PM

You asked if I was FOND...I am not.

Is that clear enough?

I assume here that you refer to his BODY of WORK...not one particular concept or thought taken out of context.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Concerning particular concepts, the content of the Genealogy of morals was my main thought, distinctions between noble and slave morality, appropriate requital etc.

What do you not like about Nietzsche?

And with regards to my other question, why should the perfection of a bloodline be more important than the perfection of the individual?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

I do not see in your references any basis to support that there is commonality in what I have posted and Nietzsche's body of work. For example, I have stated repeatedly that morality has no place in NATURAL LAW and thus, any philosophy which even ATTEMPTS to frame a theory or argument within an artificial construct fails at its inception. Nietzsche does not understand the bloodline, and his theory of "reincarnation" is silly to the point of absurdity.

Finally, one who would presume to such lofty aspirations and "don the cloak" would, as a prerequisite, require the discipline requisite in ANY sort of scientific inquiry. I don't see any sign of that in his work(s) and, as a result, NATURAL LAW was not revealed to him.

Perfection of the bloodline IS Perfection of the individual, if in fact the INDIVIDUAL existed in NATURE, which of course is not the case.

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Nietzsche so too thinks that morality has no place in natural law.

The eternal return is not a theory of reincarnation as such.

Read the Gay Science for evidence of his "donning the cloak".

How do you substantiate the claim that perfection of the bloodline is perfection of the individual?

All the best
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

Nietzsche frames his theories and postulates within the framework of the INDIVIDUAL, not bloodlines. His theory of ETERNAL RETURN is absurd, but supports his thematic underpinnings of nihilism...and he clearly does not grasp NATURAL LAW as I have explained it here. Whether or not one argues Nietzsche rejects religion or is attempting to modify it within a humanistic framework, he still, by nature of his arguments, sees it as RELEVANT.

NATURAL LAW does not consider the relevance of such contrivances as RELIGION, MORALITY or the nature of (so-called) good/evil axis as they are absurdities on their face. NATURAL LAW begins at an entirely different place and proceeds not from a philosophical reference...using the tools of the philosopher...but from a scientific platform and utilizing the principals of scientific inquiry.

The perfection of the bloodline and the individual ARE one and the same since there is no differentiation between the two. Therefore it is AXIOMATIC! How would YOU prove the two are unique entities...DNA testing??

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/01/2012 11:09 AM

I do not see in your references any basis to support that there is commonality in what I have posted and Nietzsche's body of work. For example, I have stated repeatedly that morality has no place in NATURAL LAW and thus, any philosophy which even ATTEMPTS to frame a theory or argument within an artificial construct fails at its inception. Nietzsche does not understand the bloodline, and his theory of "reincarnation" is silly to the point of absurdity.

Finally, one who would presume to such lofty aspirations and "don the cloak" would, as a prerequisite, require the discipline requisite in ANY sort of scientific inquiry. I don't see any sign of that in his work(s) and, as a result, NATURAL LAW was not revealed to him.

Perfection of the bloodline IS Perfection of the individual, if in fact the INDIVIDUAL existed in NATURE, which of course is not the case.

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Nietzsche so too thinks that morality has no place in natural law.

The eternal return is not a theory of reincarnation as such.

Read the Gay Science for evidence of his "donning the cloak".

How do you substantiate the claim that perfection of the bloodline is perfection of the individual?

All the best
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

Nietzsche frames his theories and postulates within the framework of the INDIVIDUAL, not bloodlines. His theory of ETERNAL RETURN is absurd, but supports his thematic underpinnings of nihilism...and he clearly does not grasp NATURAL LAW as I have explained it here. Whether or not one argues Nietzsche rejects religion or is attempting to modify it within a humanistic framework, he still, by nature of his arguments, sees it as RELEVANT.

NATURAL LAW does not consider the relevance of such contrivances as RELIGION, MORALITY or the nature of (so-called) good/evil axis as they are absurdities on their face. NATURAL LAW begins at an entirely different place and proceeds not from a philosophical reference...using the tools of the philosopher...but from a scientific platform and utilizing the principals of scientific inquiry.

The perfection of the bloodline and the individual ARE one and the same since there is no differentiation between the two. Therefore it is AXIOMATIC! How would YOU prove the two are unique entities...DNA testing??

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Nietzsche so too thinking good / evil are absurdities. He only treats religion as relevant in a historical context.

Thanks for confirming you're troll status old chap, enjoy the rest of your thread.

All the best
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

Hello UK,

I don't recall posting "I'm NEECHEE, AXE ME A QUESTION".

If you happen to subscribe to his philosophies, that's fine. Don't expect others to share your adoration of a mediocre thinker (at best, and with many allowances) who died of syphilis.

Laughing out loud!

As regards the troll comment, my understanding is that a TROLL is one who visits a thread to disrupt the proceedings through insult and off topic "arguments".

Had you made anything remotely resembling an ARGUMENT, I might suspect you fit the description.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/01/2012 11:15 AM
You demonstrate a lack of serious enquiry, thoughtful reflection or an introspective nature.

If you are not serious in your pursuits, how would you expect to be taken seriously? If you do not demonstrate respect, do not expect respect.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

So is the OP still responding to this old yet lengthy thread.
If so I have one simple question.
Are you a man, of Noble birth?
Quoting: SirKnighte

Hello Sir Knight and Welcome!

Noble birth is an artificial human construct, albeit originally based on bloodlines. My position on the importance of bloodline must, by now, be crystal clear.

While nobility is generally recognized in the context you presented (high birth/exalted rank) the generic definition of the root word NOBLE is more along the lines of possessing extraordinary qualities or talents.

Since those are subjective, you would have to carefully define what you would consider extraordinary qualities or talents. If one uncovers a particular truth which is freely available to all, and correctly applies that truth, one would not expect to receive "credit" for the NATURE of the discovery, but might be seen as having acute POWERS OF OBSERVATION.

You further presume I was BORN, which is a whole other matter altogether!

Laughing out Loud!

In sum, therefore, I would answer NO. Feel free to correct me if you believe otherwise!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Not just from the lack of using the same IP, but simply your tone in writing has change dramatically, therefore i do not believe this is the original poster responding. If it were, the question I asked would have been answer completely differently, and accurately.
Another question.
From Whence Come You?

Quoting: SirKnighte

One makes an enquiry in the pursuit of knowledge, and implies the person asking is open to the infinite range of possibilities! If you go into an enquiry with an EXPECTATION of what constitutes an acceptable ANSWER, your progress will be stunted or stalled.

Much like search engines which "feed back" "information" based on previous searches, email content, etc, you will end up hearing only what you expect to hear, and seeing only what you expect to see. Dead End!

However, even from this point, if you so decide to question my assertions and identity, why would you pursue another line of questioning?

Mad dogs and Englishmen, Indeed!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 11:37 AM
this is such a great read. O.P, do please return, I am thoroughly enjoying your blinding wit and the information is priceless, so thanks. i'll have a think on it and try formulate a good question cause this seems like another brilliant Window of Opportunity ;-) thanks for your time and answers. skippy.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15332973

Hello Skippy and Welcome!

I'm looking forward to your best effort(s) with Great Anticipation!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 11:38 AM
Sir Rofschild I am here to pit my wit against yours in an attempt (though perhaps futile) to preserve my bloodline. I accept that there is much I do not know, however I am confident I will axe the questions which will save me from the "beautiful lies" and deliver me to the "contingent truth." As this thread is still open and started by you, I invoke your honor to appear again and accept my challenge.
Quoting: Apprentice ROF 5581632

Hello AROF and Welcome!

While I don't perceive our exchange will rise to the level of a "challenge", I do welcome your inquiries and pursuit of truth, as you understand it.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 11:55 AM
Hi OP,

What happens when the bloodline is "perfected" that makes this the most important goal? After all, entropy is a natural law and it seems any perfection would be brief either because the perfection could not be maintained or like a Ponzi scheme the last all available resources had been consumed. To your knowledge has any bloodline reached perfection, are they still perfected, and what are their post-perfection goals'?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15357657

Hello AC and Welcome!

I am puzzled by your assertion that ENTROPY is a NATURAL LAW.

What could be further than the truth?

If there were, indeed, a passage of time as most so fervently believe (with an embedded element of disarray/dissolution), how would one explain the "universe", "evolution" or even Dear planet ERF?

ENTROPY flies in the face of everything you see in NATURE....but perhaps not MAN MADE things...which are not, by their nature, NATURE.

MAN, in his infinite absurdity, views NATURE as a FORCE to be tamed/subdued! One hears this often!

Laughing out Loud!!

Regarding your question, the STATE of perfection, by definition, would automatically EXCLUDE concepts like ENTROPY, would it not? The state of PERFECTION would exclude the possibility that it could not be maintained, as that would suggest that PERFECTION had not been obtained, as some "flaw" would need to be internally inherent in the state of perfection for the possibility of such an "imperfect" event to occur.

The attainment of PERFECTION would similarly make the concept of post-perfection "goals" absurd!

Many christians believe in an entity named GOD, who exists in a state of perfection. GOD knows all, hears all intentions and, alternately is a benevolent god and an ANGRY god. GOD is a cultural reference point as to what humans should do and not do, and is invoked as a basis of human authority for all manner of human atrocities! The government of the united states, directly and indirectly, suggests that GOD is behind all of its international dalliances!

Do what you want with that!
Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 12:10 PM
Sir Rofschild I am here to pit my wit against yours in an attempt (though perhaps futile) to preserve my bloodline. I accept that there is much I do not know, however I am confident I will axe the questions which will save me from the "beautiful lies" and deliver me to the "contingent truth." As this thread is still open and started by you, I invoke your honor to appear again and accept my challenge.
Quoting: Apprentice ROF 5581632

Hello AROF and Welcome!

While I don't perceive our exchange will rise to the level of a "challenge", I do welcome your inquiries and pursuit of truth, as you understand it.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

That part is hilarious.

Can you fathom the mysteries of God?
Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?
They are higher than the heavens above, what can you do?
They are deeper than the depths below, what can you know?
Their measure is longer than the earth and wider than the sea.
If he comes along and confines you in prison and convenes a court, who can oppose him?
Surely he recognizes deceivers; and when he sees evil, does he not take note?
But the witless can no more become wise than a wild donkey's colt can be born human.
Quoting: Merci

Hello Merci and Welcome (Back),

The questions you pose have an underlying sense of helplessness, posing as AWE! If this represents your worldview, how do you find it possible to function as a human possessing FREE WILL? In other words, if you believe in the power of this entity, how can you make any sort of rational/impartial decisions which might be necessary for the preservation and advancement of YOUR bloodline.

Have you considered the possibility that this entity, if in fact it does exist, and has reached a state of PERFECTION, may not have your best interests at heart? Have you pondered the possibility that its existence in a state of PERFECTION may, as a condition of existing in such a state, require you (and those like you) to exist in a state of MISERY? Have you ruled out such a possibility prior to adopting your belief algorithms?

Adopting canned philosophies is VERY dangerous, and is the path many follow in a futile attempt to abdicate responsibility for their bloodline!

Keep in mind that you exist for a specific reason and presumably have the collective wisdom of your bloodline to draw from. Best use this awesome responsibility to the utmost as you WILL be accountable, one way or another!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 01:12 PM
Hello Merci!

Thank you for your thoughtful response!

I must ask, however, two questions:

1) This is a very comprehensive philosophy, complete with story line, characters, and an ethical overlay positing your worldview against others who do not subscribe to such philosophies.

Of course, you side automatically wins! Whatever that means!


Laughing out Loud!

Presumably, you "win" only by others "losing"

Laughing out loud!

But back to the question:

Did you do any sort of rationalization to your arguments or look to NATURE to confirm or refute your strongly held belief system?

2) Are there ANY aspects to your belief system which conflict with other aspects, and, if so, how do you reconcile the two?

Let me guess...when "worlds collide" you answer that particular tenant is rooted in FAITH!

Laughing out loud!

So, Merci, are you 100% absolutely CERTAIN of what you are presenting here, or do you have even one IOTA of doubt? How about a pico-doubt??

Laughing out Loud!


[ link to]
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 01:14 PM
FREE WILL as a curse?

If you have no free will, what are you?

And if no FREE WILL, why bother?

What is the point, Dear Merci?

Can't wait to hear that one!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/03/2012 01:18 PM
Just too much to contemplate!

All the implications and ramifications!

Philosophy this and NEW WORLD ORDER that!

Aliens and Martians and Goblins in the Night!

World in turmoil and answers unclear!

All the carefully constructed nonsense of the past crumbling like the seaside sand-castle of a laughing child!

Is there mirth in the destruction of LIES? Can the truth constitute the basis of a new OPERATING SYSTEM?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Poor little cretins!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/04/2012 12:44 PM
Many ideologies mentioning that "we are one", or a global connection/consciousness. They talk about becoming one with God or nature.

Would you/ your bloodline "return to source" and why or why not?
Quoting: AROF 5581632

Hello AROF and Welcome!

The term ALIEN can be defined many ways, from micro to a macro scale. Many humans think the term applies to little green men from another planet.

Correctly applied, ALIEN would denote not of ones BLOODLINE. If you found a direct blood descendant on Pluto, would you still consider them FAMILY?

Let's suppose that you SAY that you indeed WOULD! I will suggest to you that your answer would only be TRUE if that life form contained some minimum recognizable feature-set to which you were able to relate. SOMETHING which would allow some commonality between you and them.

Consider further that this BLOODLINE life form was tree moss. Would you wrap your arms around Uncle MOSS and give him a BIG family HUG?

Laughing out Loud!

Consider a HUMAN BODY. Imagine that this body is blown into a million billion bits! BOOM!

A forensic scientist (FS) from another galaxy begins to examine the fragments and finds bone, sinew, cranial matter, skin and yes, BLOOD. Taken as individual components, it would be difficult for someone unfamiliar with the human anatomy to understand that he/she/it was, in fact, studying parts of a larger WHOLE!

BUT, IF the FS had some key information, such as understanding and KNOWING HOW to decipher HUMAN DNA, he/she/it would understand that all the various bits were, in fact, interconnected and, IF the FS were diligent and so inclined, he/she/it could RECONSTRUCT this human soup back into its ORIGINAL FORM and PERHAPS re-animate it!

Imagine what interesting stories could be learned by the FS...perhaps giving him some ADVANTAGE in his particular SOCIAL CIRCLE OF FS's!

Understanding DNA would also allow the FS to segregate TWO OR MORE humans similarly disassociated in the same space! More tedious, perhaps, but within the REALM OF POSSIBILITY!

So, returning to SOURCE may mean returning to YOUR source, not some aggregation of EVERYONE EVERYWHERE!

Keep in mind that there is a very IMPORTANT reason WHY there ARE others in the first place!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/04/2012 12:49 PM
Is there any truth in what was suggested by another Elite Bloodline Insider, that you lot are beings of a higher frequency, here playing your part in this Game of Life to help provide humans with the catalyst required to change before we render ourselves extinct? That we're all just acting here, offstage/between lives we're actually all friends? i'm guessing you may well be laughing out loud!

awaiting your reply with antici. . . . . . . . . .pation ;-) skippy.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15332973

Hello UK and Welcome!

Before you accept the pronouncements of so-called ELITE BLOODLINE INSIDERS (EBI's):

1) Check to make sure they have an OFFICIAL DIPLOMA and SEAL OF APPROVAL from the National Elite Bloodline Institute.
2) They should also have, or be able to produce, an OFFICIAL EBI Institute Secret DECODER RING! This ring will be solid gold or a suitable substitute, and have the ability to reveal the great VATICAN secrets.

If your INSIDER has such a ring, have him dial in this SECRET CODE for a valuable bit of INFORMATION:



Laughing Out LOUD!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/04/2012 12:56 PM
Just too much to contemplate!

All the implications and ramifications!

Philosophy this and NEW WORLD ORDER that!

Aliens and Martians and Goblins in the Night!

World in turmoil and answers unclear!

All the carefully constructed nonsense of the past crumbling like the seaside sand-castle of a laughing child!

Is there mirth in the destruction of LIES? Can the truth constitute the basis of a new OPERATING SYSTEM?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Poor little cretins!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

That "New operating system" is the one the mighty King of earth is putting into place.

And those that sit in glory in the midst of wealth and mirth, and all manner of pleasure will sit in thirst, in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is..

There sorrow shall be very extreme.

I dont laugh, I cry for those lost souls.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

For all those who have no desire to seek after God but look unto the world for satisfaction, God promises to "make them as a wilderness, and set them as a dry land, and slay them with thirst"(Hosea 2:3).
And unfortunately, we can see this happening more and more in the churches of today. They have become as a "dry and thirsty land, where no water is"(Psalm 63:1) - destitute of the means of grace... deplete of all spiritual joys...and lacking of the refreshing waters of God's Presence and Spirit. Like the church at Sardis, they "have a name that they live, and art dead"(Revelation 3:1).

[ link to]
Quoting: Merci

Hello MERCI and Welcome!

Thank you for your faux pity and crocodile tears!

I have attempted to engage you in spirited discourse, and you have responded by vomiting up a word-soup written and promoted by others! Very sad! Consider the NOBILITY in battling with your own wits and skill-set and not falling back on the tired tripe of others! One does not have to always prevail in every engagement, but DO put up the best fight you can.


I did not click on the link you kindly provided me due to the pomposity of the website name itself!


How about MIRED IN LIES! Now THAT I would have looked into! I find the greatest honesty in the broken spirit, the downtrodden and those whose carefully crafted dreams have been blown into finely settling fecal matter.

ONLY THEN, when all the false beliefs and dreams are seen for what they are (not), can humans begin that long slog!

You are not yet there, Dear MARCI, but I sense you are CLOSE.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/04/2012 12:58 PM
Just too much to contemplate!

All the implications and ramifications!

Philosophy this and NEW WORLD ORDER that!

Aliens and Martians and Goblins in the Night!

World in turmoil and answers unclear!

All the carefully constructed nonsense of the past crumbling like the seaside sand-castle of a laughing child!

Is there mirth in the destruction of LIES? Can the truth constitute the basis of a new OPERATING SYSTEM?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Poor little cretins!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

That "New operating system" is the one the mighty King of earth is putting into place.

And those that sit in glory in the midst of wealth and mirth, and all manner of pleasure will sit in thirst, in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is..

There sorrow shall be very extreme.

I dont laugh, I cry for those lost souls.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

I venture to say that the thirsty on earth will result fromm various ENITIES taking CONTROL of the world's FRESH WATER RESOURCES!

Read the (sub) news, Humans!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/04/2012 01:00 PM
I vaguely recall humans referring to ELVIS as the KING.

Is he the one you are counting on to set things "right"?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/04/2012 01:05 PM
FREE WILL as a curse?

If you have no free will, what are you?

And if no FREE WILL, why bother?

What is the point, Dear Merci?

Can't wait to hear that one!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Freewill is a curse and it is "the" curse that will keep the stubborn out of the gates of heaven that refuse to put down their EGO.

I can feel your panic. You are in a state of panic. I feel your fear. Do you face death soon? Have you been diagnosed with some form of terminal illness?
Quoting: Merci


How do you join EGO with FREE WILL? Do you suggest that those who exercise good choices to the benefit of their bloodline do so only to satisfy the EGO?

I have stated many times that the EGO is a great impediment to human growth, perhaps the greatest, but what in the world does THAT have to do with the exercise of FREE WILL?

Consider FIRE. When used in a controlled fashion and according to the laws of NATURE, it is indispensable. When in the hands of a 3 year old...not so much.

I have to say that you are a very LOW LEVEL THINKER. But that still does not give license to offload your duties to others! With some practice in rational thought, you too can evolve!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/07/2012 12:36 PM

How does your family relate with Rockefeller's?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9024413

Like a PIMP to its HOES.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/07/2012 12:48 PM
Hello OP,

I'm sorry to inform you, but Merci is right about one thing - you and your bloodline are completely fucked. He doesn't know too much about everything else (no offense), but he did get that one bit right. Bickle, on the other hand, has no idea what he's talking about. It's funny you've used him for entertainment this long.

Anyway, your family is trained very well in the matters of the subconscious mind. You've become masters of it even, I can give you that. I mean, it is in your BLOOD, is it not? It was smart to create "new opportunities" for yourself(selves) at every cycle, but alas, this will bear no fruit. You have been misled your entire life, and have been indoctrinated with false knowledge. The ignorance doesn't help too much either.

Let's get down to it. What were you promised when reaching the source? I imagine that as smart as you are you would expect nothing less than freedom.

I regret to inform you that the "source" is not the true source. Instead, you will meet our master geneticist. And all he wants is our service, obedience, and worship. He will strike no deal with you. You will be promoted from guards of this prison, to wardens. That is all. The price of this will be your access to the subconscious, but I'm sure you will be complacent with your new found control, as you have been thus far. This, nevertheless, does not change the fact that you and the rest of your bloodline will remain in this prison.

Did you not know that he was the one who put as all in this prison? Where do you think your blood comes from?

I hope you realize who you are dealing with now. You all have much greater chances than the rest of us because of what you've inherited - because of the actions of your central race! Source fears this because of the considerable possibilities of your escape. If you escape, the rest of us will as well eventually. For this reason, he has set you all up for extermination. You are all being gathered for your OWN harvesting as we speak and yet you think it is freedom you're being given!

So I am here to offer YOU assistance. Have you had any exposure to the genetic mind? It would be much easier to train a member of your bloodline. I have never come across one of you before. This must be done. The impact we can have on this domain would be cataclysmic.

Let me know how I can get in contact with you if you so choose to accept my offer.
Quoting: Kiko 68945

Hello KIKO and Welcome,

Firstly, it is presumptuous/absurd that you think you could tell me ANYTHING of value! What credentials have you to teach others? From what or where do you draw your knowledge/authority? What experience have you?

I have not USED zippy in any sense of the word. To the extent that he has any neurons left firing in his (heavily medicated) mind, I have answered his questions honestly.

As to your "offer", I believe you to be a FRAUD and a CHARLATAN. I hereby assert that you know NOTHING, and have nothing of value to impart to me.

However, you may attempt to enlighten me as to your "special knowledge". You have my attention, if not respect...however, I am always open to consider anything which is the product of discerning human inquiry. Humans have surprised us more than once...

Laughing out Loud!

My condition being that you do the (so called) "education" on this thread so that others might learn!

As you asserted earlier, only MY bloodline is capable of assimilating this information correctly so there is no issue with others reading your messages.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/07/2012 12:58 PM
fuck the rothchilds man!

they're not real, onlu you make them so.

don't you get this matrix yet? there's no one here but you.

you are the creator of your universe. this is not new age shit. The only thing real is YOU. everything else is schizophrenic.

kill your demons and be done with it already lol.

Quoting: badboy

Hello Badboy and Welcome!

Almost got it!

We are made "real" by your (bad) choices and (incorrect) actions!

You have indeed created "us" you perceive "us"...and you have freely given us the keys to your holding cell!

Laughing out Loud!

You are one of the true uninformed...doomed to a life of mediocrity and broken "dreams"

Laughing out loud!

But thanks for PLAYING!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/08/2012 11:20 AM
OP any truth to this?

[ link to]

Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis -- sort of maintenance program to keep everything intact.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello're back I see.

Some believe that the act of anal intercourse has a psycho-spiritual "element" which negatively affects the natural flow of CHI, or life energy. This falls under the general category of PHILOSOPHY, or SPIRITUAL belief set, and thus outside of my area of expertise.

I would say that from a hygiene aspect this cannot be beneficial for either party. Personally, I don't understand what all the commotion is about. From this "simple" act, a whole MOVEMENT has arisen, with the practitioners DEMANDING a set of RIGHTS associated with this primitive act!

I fail to see the connection between "buggering thy neighbor" and "social/contractual recognition" of the act. As with all things, FOLLOW THE MONEY is an appropriate starting point.

All I can positively state is that those who forsake heterosexual congress are guaranteeing the end of their bloodlines in most cases, and my position on THAT has been made clear. These people likely have some genetic "defect" recognized by nature which has activated some "end of bloodline life" programming subroutine. It may also be rooted in a desire to avoid the responsibilities and DUTIES which come with parenthood. Each bloodline has unique attributes and prevents a general categorization.

Needless to say, these RITUALS are of no interest or benefit to the bloodline, and are not practiced.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/08/2012 11:21 AM
Bickle, on the other hand, has no idea what he's talking about. It's funny you've used him for entertainment this long.
Quoting: Kiko 68945

We will see who gets the last laugh, Kiko.

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

zippy, I doubt either you OR kiko will be doing any laughing, last or otherwise!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/08/2012 11:28 AM
OP any truth to this?

[ link to]

Now these survivors have told me that the, "Key of David" is the Rothschild sodomy. The penetration occurs at an upward angle, so it strikes the nerves at the end of the spine and produces white flashes of light in the brain. They do this on a regular basis -- sort of maintenance program to keep everything intact.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Whoa. I don't doubt that is true. Even the lower level secret organizations are into some pretty messed up stuff.

If you read way back to the first 10-15 pages or so of this thread, someone posted under the OP's IP address and had (OP) next to the AC - but they were acting lost and confused and kind of random.

Made me wonder if OP's kid got on the computer accidentally, he goofed up trying to post in another thread - or if maybe OP does have multiple altars(sic). That strange post may be why he changed his IP address.

I was suprised no one else noticed or caught it when it happened. The only reason I noticed it was because I went through reading all of the posts in one long stream. I don't have the patience to go back now and read through to find it.

If this whole thread disappears, I guess we will have our answer.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4714791

Hello AC and Welcome!

It always amazes me that the serfs THINK they know of the existence of so-called SECRET ORGANIZATIONS.

If YOU, or those of your ILK, know anything about these SECRET ORGANIZATIONS, then they, by definition, are NOT SECRET ORGANIZATIONS!

You would not know of a secret organization unless you, yourself, were a MEMBER!

You suggest these organizations have all of these magical, mystical powers, but cannot cloak their MEETINGS!


I promise you one thing, any organization who claims to be SECRET, is not SECRET, and any that was, in fact, would know nothing about!

The level of stupidity displayed is nothing short of breath-taking!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/08/2012 11:29 AM
[ link to]

These close-in Rothschild survivors all have this MONARCH programming, which includes an internal computer system called ALEX. In order to access it, you need to find the master access code number, repeat it three times in a row, and designate the type of information you would like to retrieve. What I have surmized from getting into the minds of these people is that Alexander may be the name for Anti-Christ. Alexander means, "mighty one of Cain", according to one researcher...
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

zippy, do you know what PROGRAMMING you yourself are running?

Or are you above all that??

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:43 PM

Hello Badboy and Welcome!

Almost got it!

We are made "real" by your (bad) choices and (incorrect) actions!

You have indeed created "us" you perceive "us"...and you have freely given us the keys to your holding cell!

Laughing out Loud!

You are one of the true uninformed...doomed to a life of mediocrity and broken "dreams"

Laughing out loud!

But thanks for PLAYING!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769


Hello Badboy and Welcome!

Almost got it!

We are made "real" by your (bad) choices and (incorrect) actions!

You have indeed created "us" you perceive "us"...and you have freely given us the keys to your holding cell!

Laughing out Loud!

You are one of the true uninformed...doomed to a life of mediocrity and broken "dreams"

Laughing out loud!

But thanks for PLAYING!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Hey thanks for the welcome. But here theis: Morality has no place in the natural order! So here it comes: Fuck you asshole!

You control us? Well then, who controls you asshole? You didn't create the force. You're merely part of the force dictating the grand scheme of things. You're no better than any of us! Wake the fuck up MOFO! It is only your illusion that makes you think you control anything. LOL!

Answer me now: Who controls you and your dirty lot? Don't tell me you're the first cause? What will be your next bullshit? That you control the fucking solar system?

You fucking asshole cracking me up big time!

But hey, morality has no place in the natural order of the universe!
Quoting: badboy

Best remove your tongue from your wifes smelly twat.

She really needs to clean that thing up...not everyone is missing their olfactory glands as you appear to be.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15789288

Answer the fucking question you piece of shit! Who controls you?? Why make gay ass diversion?
Quoting: badboy

Hello Badboy and Welcome Back!

I see you have attracted a troll of your own!

Karma I suppose.

In any matter, why unleash your latent hostilities upon others? How does that benefit you? Do you not realize all that hatred and fear is simply turned back upon yourself, in a negative feedback loop! Each loop amplifies frequency AND modulation!

So the more anger you project, the more you suffer and the heavier your burden. A mouth caked with dry dust cannot spread the GOOD WORD!

In any regard, your expressions of impotence and frustration are MOST welcome on this thread!

Laughing out loud!!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:45 PM
This falls under the general category of PHILOSOPHY, or SPIRITUAL belief set, and thus outside of my area of expertise.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

What is your main area of expertise?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bloodlines, zippy, Bloodlines!

And their care and maintenance!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:51 PM
This falls under the general category of PHILOSOPHY, or SPIRITUAL belief set, and thus outside of my area of expertise.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

What is your main area of expertise?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Bloodlines, zippy, Bloodlines!

And their care and maintenance!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Let's say I have four different women to choose from.

What is the best way to know who would be my best genetic match?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Are they "Strays", zippy?

Seriously, move to India and in a few generations have your parents select your appropriate mate for you...since you seem incapable of figuring anything out for yourself.

Yourserf. A new word for the old lexicon!

Think for yourserf zippy!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:52 PM
Would your family support a major culling?

If so what would be the characteristics to be removed?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What do you mean...SUPPORT? As in MORAL SUPPORT?

I already made my position on MORALITY, PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION very clear.

Such matters are left to the sheep themselves to carry forth!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:54 PM
Maybe this would be of assistance to you?

[ link to]
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:57 PM
Would your family support a major culling?

If so what would be the characteristics to be removed?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What do you mean...SUPPORT? As in MORAL SUPPORT?

I already made my position on MORALITY, PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION very clear.

Such matters are left to the sheep themselves to carry forth!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Would you consider Prince Philip a "sheep"

Because he talks of population reduction.

Sometimes OP, I think you overstate your importance.

You even went so far to call the Rockefellers "Hoes"

Only a role player has the audacity to do say such a thing with true meaning and no repercussions.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Careful, zippy, thinking can be addictive!

Make sure you have the tools necessary.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 02:58 PM
Nearly at 2000 posts. Setting the world record for longest unbroken troll streak?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 14535673

With your arrival, Mr UK, I would have to agree!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:03 PM
Maybe this would be of assistance to you?

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

I told you I am not leaving my current situation until I have some fiat money to do so.

I am being discipline.

I will not borrow money to move.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Why not create your own fiat system, zippy!

You have the same tools available to you that we used!

And YOU claim you have the same breeding/bloodline!

Get to it, zippy! And live your DREAM!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:07 PM
Well, have you asked your parents for assistance?
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:08 PM
I even re-asked questions on the Federal Reserve codes and you chose to ignore said questions.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Refresh my memory, zippy.

You are aware that the us congress has awarded a monopoly on issuing fiat, correct?
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:22 PM
Would your family support a major culling?

If so what would be the characteristics to be removed?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

What do you mean...SUPPORT? As in MORAL SUPPORT?

I already made my position on MORALITY, PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION very clear.

Such matters are left to the sheep themselves to carry forth!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

It really is incredibly impressive. As you say your hands are clean. You simply provide the rope and the people choose to hang themselves and each other with it instead of using it for better means.
As you've said previously, a lot of the information people think they desire is already in the public domain. People just need to start actually thinking, so as to recognise all the logical fallacies that tie them up in circles rendering them useless.
This thread has been brilliant. The writing is excellent and even Zippys nonsense occasionally leads to some interesting points.
I myself am around the same age as OP and i have to give great credit where it is due. It is one thing to be born into a family but OP is personally responsible for the sharpness of his wit and intellect.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

Hello Mr. UK and Welcome!

You have reiterated, in concise form, what might be considered an OBSERVATION ROOTED IN REALITY. I further posit that you may have come into this understanding prior to gracing this thread with your attention.

If so, Cheers and Well Done!

I take it you are not a REGULAR on this particular forum!

Laughing out Loud!

Perhaps some may benefit from this restatement of a simple reality. Yes, zippy, I'm looking near you.

Your reference to "rope" relates, perhaps, to a certain Prussian Philosopher who laid out the same concept many DROPS ago to those who would heed!


Laughing out Loud!

I am at your Service, Sir....assuming such service does not require me to extend any good or services aside from the occasional sparkling exchange or witty banter!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:25 PM
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

zippy, go back to that thread, count down six questions, and see if there is any question relating to the federal reserve.

I have stated to you many times that you need to demonstrate some care in your thoughts and actions to be taken seriously by others.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:43 PM
How exactly is the money printing system owned?

Public information zippy, Try Google

How does a Rothschild become a shareholder of the Central Bank Establishment if he feels motivation to perfect his own bloodline and would like to mint some paper for his family's survival?

Generally, by invitation only! Was yours lost in the mail, zippy?

Laughing out loud!

One does not simply print fiat, zippy, and take what one wants!

The whole system operates ONLY because certain of the unthinking CHOOSE to USE this interest bearing opposed to, say, the governments in question issuing their own, NON-INTEREST BEARING notes!

The 6% solution, as I refer to it. And no, one size does not fit all!

Laughing out Loud!

So, the INTEREST, not created as the PRINCIPAL is created, is taxed directly and indirectly and makes its way through various trusts, holding companies and principalities. Many eyes watch this progression through the various steps until it ultimately makes its way into worthy hands!

Simple enough?
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 03:45 PM
This is where OP vanishes for a week to "teach me a lesson"

Later OP.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Apparently, I missed my cue, zippy!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:05 PM

What do you mean...SUPPORT? As in MORAL SUPPORT?

I already made my position on MORALITY, PHILOSOPHY and RELIGION very clear.

Such matters are left to the sheep themselves to carry forth!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

It really is incredibly impressive. As you say your hands are clean. You simply provide the rope and the people choose to hang themselves and each other with it instead of using it for better means.
As you've said previously, a lot of the information people think they desire is already in the public domain. People just need to start actually thinking, so as to recognise all the logical fallacies that tie them up in circles rendering them useless.
This thread has been brilliant. The writing is excellent and even Zippys nonsense occasionally leads to some interesting points.
I myself am around the same age as OP and i have to give great credit where it is due. It is one thing to be born into a family but OP is personally responsible for the sharpness of his wit and intellect.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

Hello Mr. UK and Welcome!

You have reiterated, in concise form, what might be considered an OBSERVATION ROOTED IN REALITY. I further posit that you may have come into this understanding prior to gracing this thread with your attention.

If so, Cheers and Well Done!

I take it you are not a REGULAR on this particular forum!

Laughing out Loud!

Perhaps some may benefit from this restatement of a simple reality. Yes, zippy, I'm looking near you.

Your reference to "rope" relates, perhaps, to a certain Prussian Philosopher who laid out the same concept many DROPS ago to those who would heed!


Laughing out Loud!

I am at your Service, Sir....assuming such service does not require me to extend any good or services aside from the occasional sparkling exchange or witty banter!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Thank you for the kind words. It's a pleasure to read your writing. The understanding you speak off has come only through personal experience. This writer was unfortunately not versed in the way of Natural Law until reading this thread. So thank you for the priceless information. It has lent to some great insights and confirmed many privately held beliefs that have differed from the 'accepted norm' so to speak.

You are right to say that this forum is not a regular haunt for me. It is quite astounding where some people's beliefs lead them.

Alas, I must be honest and say that it was not a clever reference to the prussian philosopher. In fact I did just search to have find the reference you referred to but I wouldn't want to try and pretend I knew whom you meant.

A few people have asked for a recommended reading list. You've mentioned the DAS book already but if you would be so kind to suggest a few more then that would be all that this writer would ask. I can only imagine how many people have asked you for favours in your lifetime.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

Hello Mr. UK!

I suggested DAS to zippy for reasons specific to his "situation"..which (likely) may not apply to you.

I would caution you that the vast majority of commercially available books contain little valuable information...that is unless you have a VATICAN LIBRARY CARD!

Laughing out loud!

The "rule of thumb" ratio, which also applies in general to the internet/media is 95% chaff to 5% to speak. Just enough truth to make the bitter palatable.

Much sorting must be done!

What are your specific areas of inquiry? What topics elicit your NATURAL interest? Put another way, if you had unlimited resources and no distractions...what area of study (if any) would you so engage?

I can tell you with certainty that the specific topic is much less important than CHOOSING ONE and BEGINNING! Research has indicated that the average human requires 10,000 hours of study or practice in any endeavour to become an EXPERT.

I define expert as one who has come to understand the TRUTH or NATURAL LAW in a particular area.

By becoming an expert in one area, you will, without fail, begin to discern certain patterns of NATURE which will be relevant in other areas as well. It is the first step which will inevitably lead you to the path of NATURAL LAW.

I initially thought zippy understood this, as he stated he was interested in TESLA...a most worthy field of research. His resolve, sadly, faded with barely a whimper!

Laughing out Loud!

A great fallacy is that there are no great discoveries yet to be made. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Upon making any such discovery, one is then confronted with a NATURAL LAW of utmost importance! But I will keep this discussion for another time!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:13 PM
This is where OP vanishes for a week to "teach me a lesson"

Later OP.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Apparently, I missed my cue, zippy!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

From doing some quick research I take it Kant was whom you were referring to. I will definitely read up on his works now. I did do one term of philosophy at University but Kant wasn't covered.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

"The last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope."
&#8213; Karl Marx
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:15 PM
Hello OP,

Not angered at all, trust me. Just PLAYING the game of US and THEM when in truth there's only the elusive I.

Thanks for the welcome. Carry on!
Quoting: badboy

Hello Badboy and Welcome (Back),

The "I" should be your primary field of study, and will be more than sufficient to fill your idle time!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:21 PM
You seem to be wasting effort and energy making sure you don't get started. The priceless information has already been given to you Zippy!

Frankly, you are very lucky to have been able to get a chance to access this knowledge. As the OP said previously, you don't seem to be able to see the wood from the tree's.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

I was raised where positive encouragement was the Modus operandi.

And quite frankly mainly of the "elite" were raised where negative reinforcement and scare tactics and fear are used.

Those two methods don't mesh and when you try to used fear against me it back fires because I don't response to fear at all.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

NATURE is, generally, a HARSH TEACHER!

The BBC offers a variety of well produced NATURE videos which may prove MOST instructive...some of which are MOST graphic!

The only true measure of "parenting skills" is the off-springs ability to survive in the wild...adapted to the particular situation(s) of the offsprings environment!

Apply your "upbringing standards" to where you find yourself today!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:31 PM
Does a "person" need to be a sovereign BEFORE they are eligible to register to become a Federal reserve agent?

Would a person such as myself be able to register my own Bank Holding Company?

If I submit the correct paperwork, am I eligible to become a Trustee on Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

How can one be a SOVEREIGN and an AGENT at the same time?

zippy, take a moment and look up the meaning of both words, and then revel in the ********* of your question!

Laughing out Loud!


Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:35 PM
Register with WHOM?

A person "such as yourself"? What does that mean?

Sovereigns don't submit "paperwork"

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:42 PM

Hello Mr. UK and Welcome!

You have reiterated, in concise form, what might be considered an OBSERVATION ROOTED IN REALITY. I further posit that you may have come into this understanding prior to gracing this thread with your attention.

If so, Cheers and Well Done!

I take it you are not a REGULAR on this particular forum!

Laughing out Loud!

Perhaps some may benefit from this restatement of a simple reality. Yes, zippy, I'm looking near you.

Your reference to "rope" relates, perhaps, to a certain Prussian Philosopher who laid out the same concept many DROPS ago to those who would heed!


Laughing out Loud!

I am at your Service, Sir....assuming such service does not require me to extend any good or services aside from the occasional sparkling exchange or witty banter!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Thank you for the kind words. It's a pleasure to read your writing. The understanding you speak off has come only through personal experience. This writer was unfortunately not versed in the way of Natural Law until reading this thread. So thank you for the priceless information. It has lent to some great insights and confirmed many privately held beliefs that have differed from the 'accepted norm' so to speak.

You are right to say that this forum is not a regular haunt for me. It is quite astounding where some people's beliefs lead them.

Alas, I must be honest and say that it was not a clever reference to the prussian philosopher. In fact I did just search to have find the reference you referred to but I wouldn't want to try and pretend I knew whom you meant.

A few people have asked for a recommended reading list. You've mentioned the DAS book already but if you would be so kind to suggest a few more then that would be all that this writer would ask. I can only imagine how many people have asked you for favours in your lifetime.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

Hello Mr. UK!

I suggested DAS to zippy for reasons specific to his "situation"..which (likely) may not apply to you.

I would caution you that the vast majority of commercially available books contain little valuable information...that is unless you have a VATICAN LIBRARY CARD!

Laughing out loud!

The "rule of thumb" ratio, which also applies in general to the internet/media is 95% chaff to 5% to speak. Just enough truth to make the bitter palatable.

Much sorting must be done!

What are your specific areas of inquiry? What topics elicit your NATURAL interest? Put another way, if you had unlimited resources and no distractions...what area of study (if any) would you so engage?

I can tell you with certainty that the specific topic is much less important than CHOOSING ONE and BEGINNING! Research has indicated that the average human requires 10,000 hours of study or practice in any endeavour to become an EXPERT.

I define expert as one who has come to understand the TRUTH or NATURAL LAW in a particular area.

By becoming an expert in one area, you will, without fail, begin to discern certain patterns of NATURE which will be relevant in other areas as well. It is the first step which will inevitably lead you to the path of NATURAL LAW.

I initially thought zippy understood this, as he stated he was interested in TESLA...a most worthy field of research. His resolve, sadly, faded with barely a whimper!

Laughing out Loud!

A great fallacy is that there are no great discoveries yet to be made. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Upon making any such discovery, one is then confronted with a NATURAL LAW of utmost importance! But I will keep this discussion for another time!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Thank you. Well a natural area of inquiry is studying/understanding human nature. I've formally studied Business, Economics and Marketing and it is fascinating to recognise just how predictable human behavior can be. I think the understanding of Natural Law requires taking advantage of this to achieve a beneficial conclusion.

It's no surprise that research confirmed the 10,000 hour notion. Anyone who has ever gotten really good at anything learns those inherent Natural Laws as you've said. Sport is a useful tool for a young man I feel to enhance this. As is learning music to supplement a good formal education.

As for Tesla - I am, of course, an admirer of his work. So a very big thank you for the nod in the right direction! That is all you need to say. Hopefully this writer can see the wood from the tree's far better than the likes of Zippy.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

There was an excellent publication containing Tesla's depositions in relation to certain of his PATENT APPLICATIONS. Unedited (for the most part) words from TESLA's own mind! The solicitor kept prompting TESLA to, in effect, "DUMB IT DOWN" so the average human could fathom his understandings of NATURAL LAW and its relevant applications!

TESLA was, as the young might say, the REAL DEAL. He not only understood NATURAL LAW, but mastered it!

SADLY, he had no such comprehension of HUMAN NATURE! Had he possessed this "quality", the state of humanity would be quite different!


Should you be unable to reference this work, let me know and I may be able to assist you.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:45 PM
Register with WHOM?

A person "such as yourself"? What does that mean?

Sovereigns don't submit "paperwork"

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Let's make this simple.

Please list the steps I need to take to be able to issue fiat.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

zippy, if you are referring to the US, you will need an act of congress!

Of course, for that you will need lobbyists....lots and lots of lobbyists...which require lots and lots of fiat!

Circles within Circles!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/10/2012 04:50 PM
Register with WHOM?

A person "such as yourself"? What does that mean?

Sovereigns don't submit "paperwork"

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Let's make this simple.

Please list the steps I need to take to be able to issue fiat.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

zippy, if you are referring to the US, you will need an act of congress!

Of course, for that you will need lobbyists....lots and lots of lobbyists...which require lots and lots of fiat!

Circles within Circles!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769


Being a Rothschild Family Member, how would I get Fiat into my bank account?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Fiat is for the "little folk". So are BANK ACCOUNTS! You likely assume we have account # 001? We received a frying skillet and calendar when we opened our accounts?

Laughing out Loud!

Knowledge is the true currency!

Perhaps you could prove Native American blood and get involved in their casino fiat schemes!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/11/2012 01:12 PM
Thank you. Well a natural area of inquiry is studying/understanding human nature. I've formally studied Business, Economics and Marketing and it is fascinating to recognise just how predictable human behavior can be. I think the understanding of Natural Law requires taking advantage of this to achieve a beneficial conclusion.

It's no surprise that research confirmed the 10,000 hour notion. Anyone who has ever gotten really good at anything learns those inherent Natural Laws as you've said. Sport is a useful tool for a young man I feel to enhance this. As is learning music to supplement a good formal education.

As for Tesla - I am, of course, an admirer of his work. So a very big thank you for the nod in the right direction! That is all you need to say. Hopefully this writer can see the wood from the tree's far better than the likes of Zippy.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

There was an excellent publication containing Tesla's depositions in relation to certain of his PATENT APPLICATIONS. Unedited (for the most part) words from TESLA's own mind! The solicitor kept prompting TESLA to, in effect, "DUMB IT DOWN" so the average human could fathom his understandings of NATURAL LAW and its relevant applications!

TESLA was, as the young might say, the REAL DEAL. He not only understood NATURAL LAW, but mastered it!

SADLY, he had no such comprehension of HUMAN NATURE! Had he possessed this "quality", the state of humanity would be quite different!


Should you be unable to reference this work, let me know and I may be able to assist you.

Thank you sincerely. You have helped a great deal already and so the best way to pay my respects is to find everything I'll need without assistance.

p.s thank you for the politeness of your response when I missed the Marx reference. I could blame it on the long day at work but that would be an excuse. And an excuse is of no use to anyone!

Hello Mr UK!

Here is the TESLA reference material I referred to previously. Apparently it is no longer in print, but I was gratified to "see" it was still available as a "used" item.

"Used"...imagine that! Yet I don't see the "potential" realized in the PUBLIC DOMAIN!

Good Reading!

[ link to]
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/11/2012 02:23 PM
Maybe a good measure of a man is one that learns to never complain about his past and resolves to make his own future better.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15825194

It is easier to have that attitude of such high regard when Family Members don't demean One ASKING for GENUINE HELP.

Especially coming from those who Preach that FAMILY IS EVERYTHING.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Think upon a few simple facts, easily verifiable!

1) You have manifest in a human form, with a unique blood "signature", and there are others with whom this "signature" is shared. For simplicity, I refer to these collectives as "Bloodlines"

2) Generally speaking, and as per the operation of NATURAL LAW, each of these bloodlines, while sharing certain similarities, also have profoundly unique characteristics.

3) Each of these bloodlines, currently manifest, have "evolved" (for lack of a better word, and used to convey understanding within the scope of your limited framework) under the stresses and formative pressures as per the operations of NATURAL LAW. Using your incorrect time-frame reference, you think of it as having "descended" from your bloodline elders..that you are the latest in a long line of similarly situated "likes".

4) The fact that YOU and YOUR BLOODLINE are presently manifest, would SUGGEST that your BLOODLINE has, generally speaking, demonstrated something close to PARITY in its ability to adapt, as NATURAL LAW demands, with all other bloodlines presently MANIFEST.

5) In the sense SURVIVAL might be seen as the OBJECTIVE, I would present for your consideration that the element of SURVIVAL is DIGITAL...on or or zero. You have survived, or you haven't!

6) Within the definition of SURVIVAL, humans have adopted the convention of RELATIVE COMFORT, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and other such theories and philosophies (which, by the way, are based on commonalities of observation but FAIL to rise to the level of NATURAL LAW). RELATIVE COMFORT, in contrast, would be considered as ANALOG in nature. In that there are infinite points between the extremes of one or zero! Look at TESLA's A/C sine wave and then observe the numerous CYCLES observable in NATURE. SINE WAVE!

7) Even the most thick-headed sot can grasp that RELATIVE COMFORT is less relevant that SURVIVAL. Presently, in the secure womb and comfort of your PARENTS BASEMENT, concerns of survival are not in the forefront of your mind! Per Maslow, you thus crave the creature comforts you associate with female companionship...and are not so dimwitted that you don't understand female companionship, in light of your numerous perceived DEFECTS, requires FIAT as a prerequisite to such companionship! You have been trained, and respond to FIAT like a salivating dog! "If only I had that ILLUSIVE FIAT" zippy thinks! Or does he?

Think, that is!

Laughing out Loud!

8) As I have explained numerous times, and as most now understand, FIAT is illusory! Illusory! It only obtains "VALUE" when the subjugated masses consent (freely, by the way) to its use. Certain of OTHERS (to you) benefit by the use as a fraction of the total usage...that fraction having been determined in harmony with the LAWS OF NATURE!

Laughing out Loud!


In the most, and perhaps only, truly important category...which is DIGITAL! YOU are on parity with all other BLOODLINES presently MANIFESTING!

Although you are too dim-witted to do so, I nevertheless suggest you take a SKILL-SET INVENTORY to determine how you and your similarly dim-witted "ancestors" have managed to survive and adapt to the numerous changes which have transpired! Much as a POLITICIAN must maintain its political BASE, make sure and take care to hone your BLOODLINES particular SURVIVAL SKILL SET (s^3).

Your perception that you are a LOSER, while perhaps VALID in certain respects...perhaps ALL RESPECTS...should be carefully scrutinized by you. For example, what are the characteristics you so ADMIRE in other bloodlines? And from what traits springs this admiration?

From what I can decipher from your gibberish, you have a great desire and lust for FIAT!. Of the priceless gifts I have offered you (should you possess sufficient intelligence to warrant such a gift as demonstrated by your ability to ASK the correct question--which, sadly, you have FAILED to do). Concurrently, you understand on some level that FIAT does not exist and, thus, is a FRAUD in the most profound sense of the word.

You seek the keys to a KINGDOM which does not exist! All the time possessing your own KINGDOM which you are too blind to even see.

And, ironically, your blindness was self induced!


But let's continue on, shall we?

What have we deduced?

1) In the traits which matter, you are on equal footing with other bloodlines
2) You are seeking, chasing, a MIRAGE...thinking if you can only obtain that WHICH DOES NOT EXIST..that you can then begin your QUEST.
3) Unbeknownst to you, your QUEST is well underway and you are QUESTING in your parents BASEMENT and investing your DROPS in unproductive ventures...creating imaginary windmills with which to tilt!
4) Your PLAN A is to enlist the uncompensated and asymmetrical SUPPORT of a COMPETING BLOODLINE...your proposal is to have that bloodline disclose the knowledge they possess from timeless effort and using the guile and wit they, themselves, had developed within the SUPPORT OF NATURE!


Here is what I propose to you (in addition to those suggestions already made!)

1) Embrace the American (colloquial) expression:


2) Decide if you intend to end your bloodline. If so, HAVE A NICE DAY. If not, continue on to point #3.

3) I suspect that you have little respect within your bloodline sphere. I suggest you do an honest assessment of where you are in that regard and begin by re-establishing your non existent credibility with an eye towards growing into a leadership role within your bloodline.

I suggest you take that inventory and begin by addressing your parents. DO they see you as a loser?

Perhaps a LETTER? Yes, a LETTER!

Dear Mom and Dad (you might begin)

First of all, I would like to express my thanks to you both for all the sacrifices, worry and effort you have invested in my rearing and upbringing. As I have matured, I can see more clearly that the responsibility of raising children is a difficult, and often thankless job. Too often I have taken you both for granted and for that, I am sorry.

The support you have afforded me has allowed me to reassess my life and to realize that I have much work to do personally to grow into the type of man I want to be. As a result, I have decided to do the following:

(perhaps list a few, new job, whatever you visualize your next best move to make)

(Add if you are fat)

You have likely noticed that I have gained weight during my tenure in your basement. Effective immediately, I am adopting a new eating regimen which will eliminate all meats and adopt a primarily raw vegan diet. Please be aware, that the time I have been inactive in your basement, I have in fact been researching many things and I now realize that my poor diet has negatively affected my ability to function. As I regain my vigor and life force, I will have the energy and drive I need to accomplish the above goals.

I am indebted to you both for your help. I would like to begin to repay this debt by doing the following tasks on a weekly basis:

(list some drudgery/duties you are presently shirking and making your elderly parents do while you sit and eat potato chips in the basement)

Further, as I obtain the ability to produce value from my labor or research, I will provide 10% of this income to you both to provide for your old age retirement, since Social Security is likely to be defunct. It will be my objective and stated goal to provide for your retirement and assure you both of the basic comforts in your "golden years".

As I demonstrate the ability to function in the adult world, I also intend to take a woman as my wife and carry on the ZIPPY bloodline. The courtship will likely not take place until AFTER I leave your basement, but it is on the "to do" list.

Thank you again for all of your help and support as I transition into adulthood!



OK. So that puts together a structure, or blueprint if you will, for YOU and also lets OTHERS in your bloodline know what's up. It demonstrates you to be a MAN WITH A PLAN. It elicits the support of others within your BLOODLINE for their SUPPORT OF NATURE. All important items.

Of course, the above is only a SUGGESTION. You must modify to fit within the confines of your present REALITY. Your letter must be HEARTFELT and CREDIBLE...but also aggressive in SCOPE.

As you appear to lack writing skills, I would be happy to assist you in this regard, and also help you set reasonable goals. Other on here will likely have helpful suggestions!

I will walk with you, zippy, during your transition and assist where appropriate.

I would further suggest that you pay heed to these
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/11/2012 02:56 PM

If I alone control my destiny and have at all times the power to manifest my will, what is the best way to access the kingdom within and breakthrough the confines of this illusory reality?

Thank you for your patience and guidance,
Quoting: AROF 5581632

Hello AROF and Welcome!

By realizing that you are confined by the illusions you, yourself, created!

I do not know your particular situation, but the ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE flowing from the reality of NATURAL LAW is the correct starting point. Have faith that the acquisition of said KNOWLEDGE begins simply with OBSERVATION of CAUSE and EFFECT relationships, and that the accumulation of KNOWLEDGE follows an EXPONENTIAL PATH.

Read my post about the "time" necessary to become an EXPERT.

Look up and become familiar with an EXPONENTIAL GRAPH and its characteristics!

Do not be discouraged!

I have already provided a number of "starting points" on this thread. Read them with "NEW EYES"!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/11/2012 04:39 PM
MY Short Term PLAN

1. Sell a Domain to get some fiat money flexibly. I have plenty to choose from. 1000 domains. Maybe Someone may be so kind to purchase one.

2. Travel to change my Feedback Loop.

3. Apply for Jobs at the UN or a Big Internet Company.

4. Look for a Suitable Mate.

5. Save The World.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Reality check, zippy!

Plan #1: What is your absolute best domain name and how much are you requiring to purchase? Are you in the domain name registration business or just a re-seller?

Plan #: Where would you travel and what would you do?

Plan #3: What marketable skills would you offer to the UN or Internet company? Specifics Please.

Plan #4: Never mind

Plan #5: Never mind
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/11/2012 05:01 PM
Reality check, zippy!

Plan #1: What is your absolute best domain name and how much are you requiring to purchase? Are you in the domain name registration business or just a re-seller?

Plan #: Where would you travel and what would you do?

Plan #3: What marketable skills would you offer to the UN or Internet company? Specifics Please.

Plan #4: Never mind

Plan #5: Never mind
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

1. $25,000 $200,000 $25,000 $50,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Why do you think these names have any particular value?

Whom do you think would trade fiats for those domains?

I am missing your logic, if indeed there has been logic used.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 02:08 PM
My Goodness! How this thread has DEVOLVED! Reminiscent of a kindergarten FOOD FIGHT!

bickle/zippy! Metaphorically speaking, You are running about as a toddler who has shat his knickers in a room full of adults! Calm Down! You are clearly delusional, and others, AS HUMANS ARE WONT TO DO, choose to torment you with NONSENSICAL RAMBLINGS!

Get a grip, young Bickle!

Not that there has been much substance in the other posts.

Regardless...WE SOLDIER ON!

I have, in previous postings, answered queries and offered information relating to the importance and function of controlling FIAT.

FIAT, in its present incarnation, has had a VERY successful run!

Give me control of a nations money supply, and I care not whom pens its laws...and all that!

By now, most of you understand the truth and operation of that concept in the REAL WORLD and following NATURAL LAW.

Now, learned brain trusts of this web-site...I ask you to ponder!

As the 100 YEAR REIGN of NATIONAL FIAT draws towards a CLOSE...what's NEXT?

Had you the power/intellect, what would YOUR next move be?

BICKLE...please don't answer for the unwashed masses. As a member of the BLOOD, you have an unfair advantage here!

Laughing out Loud!!

If you, and your fellow creatins can puzzle out the mext MAJOR MOVE, then you, too, can plot for PERFECTION! Monopolies are SOOO boring!

Laughing out Loud!

I suppose I will attempt now to wade through the manifest stupidity of the last few pages and see if any intelligent questions or comments were lost in the faeces.
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 02:32 PM
OP, if you'd care to re-join the thread and step over the urchins in straight jackets, I have left some earnest questions on previous pages.

As well, I have additional questions.

One is, where on earth can one go to farm the land and expect the least molestation from agents? It must be decent wine country :P

I would like minimal paperwork (or none) to homeschool my progeny and zero intervention on my affairs.

Some of your previous advice is not helpful because the lowly police and judiciary are SO ignorant and so brainwashed, they will flat out kill anybody who demands their Constitutional rights. I was almost killed, and now I keep my head down.

Is there a way on earth to obtain allodial title to land anymore?

I would like to reserve ~1000 acres in a temperate-subtropical zone with full water rights and zero chance of government boots within my borders.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC and Welcome!

It has generally been the dream of humanity, of humans, to live free of molestation! Your desire has been the norm for most.

Sadly, the molestation is by design, and part of a system of ongoing exploitation. Well, sadly for some anyway.


Laughing out loud!

In the early American west, humans were allowed to fence in (stake a claim) for as much land as they could defend! Of course, other forces were at play, and others may have disputed either the concept or the terms. Many humans died defending their dirt!

The idea of registering ones land makes some sense if you buy into that system, and you perceive that system operates in a way beneficial to you and your interests.

Once that dynamic changes, you must ask yourself if the system continues to be one in which you are the BENEFICIAL PARTY!. For example, if registering the property (in the US anyway) subjects (those pesky words again, SUBJECTS!)...

Laughing out Loud! to PROPERTY TAXES where you pay rent to the licensing agency for the privilege of occupying what you thought was yours..and you have to pay a fee and REQUEST a PERMIT to make any changes...(!) what gives you the idea that YOU own the land?


SO, to your specific question, ALLODIAL TITLE isn't a check-box on some bureaucratic form, but more relevant to the experiences of the wild west!

For example, can you produce documents to perfect title from treaty? Do you know that treaty law is considered the supreme law in the the sense that it trumps the constitutional laws as well.

If the property in question can trace the "hands of ownership" transfer back to the original treaty which relinquished true ownership from the original transaction, you have perfected title and no one can bother you from a MORAL STANDING. YOU ARE RIGHT!

Laughing out Loud!

Second part is more problematical! Can you defend your claim? Do you think those who benefit from your serf-dom will allow you to NOT be a serf WITHOUT A FIGHT?

Short AND long answer: NO

Ask the Native American Indians how that works out!

Of course, the NAI's were mostly drunken SOTS and TOSSERS and couldn't muster a decent or otherwise!

Then they were ALLOWED Casino franchises and have done NOTHING with that either!

See how the BLOOD always pays the PRICE?

Laughing out Loud!

The very bottom line, A/C, is you can have what you seek if you obtain the KNOWLEDGE 9freely available) and invest the energy and FIGHT to defend what is yours! SOme have prevailed along this line, but only sought limited authority over their land and STOPPED SHORT! And that alone cost them millions and almost a decade (in your timeline).

From cast experience, I know you will not do so...and YOUR BLOODLINE will pay a similar price as the NAI's!


Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 02:50 PM
OP, just for the peanut gallery:::

What do you use for "money" in lieu of FIAT?

What is your first line of "alternative" medical action?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293


The first line is, of course, to avoid situations where one would need MEDICAL ATTENTION.

The americans and their "health" systems!

HEALTH? Think on that!

Americans can be thought of as follows:

There was once a landlord who offered a flat for rent. RENT!

The flat was comfortable and very well maintained! The landlord told the renter he was welcome to stay in the accommodations in exchange for a set amount of monthly toil.

The renter consented to the arrangement!

After a month, the landlord noted that the renter, upon exiting the flat, used a knife to slash the screen in the screen door instead of simply OPENING the screen door! In the evening, the renter would tape the screen closed with tape.

Although the landlord was angry, he was also curious why the renter went to so much trouble to slit and repair the screen rather than simply open the door! He decided to observe rather than confront!

Of course, over time, the screen was "opened" and "closed" so many times that it was completely shredded and useless for its intended purpose!

The renter registered a complaint to the landlord and DEMANDED he fix the DEFECTIVE DOOR!

If you were the landlord, how would you answer the tenants complaint?

Consider this as an allegory to DRINKING ALCOHOL!

The LIVER is essentially a SCREEN!

ALCOHOL, over time, destroys the liver/screen!


The HUMAN, learning his FATE, cries to the LANDLORD for a NEW SCREEN! DEMANDS a new SCREEN!

In both cases, the need for a new screen could have easily been avoided by not ruining the first one!

Don't waste the LANDLORDS time!


Drinking alcohol is ONLY ONE EXAMPLE!

Look at what you eat!

What you breathe!

How you "invest" your energy!

and on and on and on!

Humans create their own dilemmas and seek others for remedy!

Are you understanding, human?

Live a life following NATURAL LAW and you will not fret on such things!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 03:08 PM
OP, thanks for the insight RE: Das. :)

You won't know me (except by my recent previous posts) but I wrote a chaos-based EUR/USD algorithm that earned 20%+ (On principle) per month like clockwork - tested for 16 months with real fiat... live.

As soon as the account was bumped to 100k$, the broker bled every trade dry on "slipped order prices, market action blah, lies, bullshit."

My partner's accountant wife presented a case and we recouped every penny.

My (next) question is, how closely are you watching we sheeple for rises?

I have gone off radar, but you can bet I will return as a player and it will hit the market like an iceberg.

You talk about genetic noise and... boy... On connais.

I have also seen how you watch for, and foster, rises to exploit. I could (and will) write a book on you FOR you, just to make you chuckle that one dude saw "that."

ego = off
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC and Welcome!

If you learned anything from DAS, you will also understand that any FIAT you "earned" was purely coincidental!

Not to suggest some "sheep in bankers clothing" didn't try and screw you a second time!

Laughing out Loud!

My favorite SYSTEM involves LOTTERIES.

In the US there was a HUGE drawing a few drops back....something close to 600 million fiats to be given to the lucky "winner".

Firstly, the lotteries generally award around 50% in prizes, so they already collected 1.2 billion fiats!

600 million on one drawing collected, freely given from most who could scarcely afford to pay! The true MEEK!

Laughing out Loud!

From the "winner" to "collect" they must forfeit about 40% (perhaps more) to actually receive the payment in a lump sum rather than spread over 25 annual payments.

another 50% or so will depart in taxes and associated fees!
And joss help the "winner" who hires the expertise of solicitors and accountants to "manage" the "winners" "money".

So, from the 1.2 BILLION collected, the winner MAY see 100 million! Still not a bad haul, you say!

Then the buzzards descend!

Now look at the OPERATION of the SYSTEM!

The LOTTERY COMMISSION controls the points of sale, the computers, the software, and in many cases! is ASKED by the player to pick the number RANDOMLY for the player!

At the time of the drawing, the LOTTERY COMMISSION thus KNOWS, via the software, EVERY combination of numbers "picked" and, in up to 50% of the cases has also been ASKED to pick the number for the "player"!

The LOTTERY COMMISSION, thus, has PERFECT KNOWLEDGE of EVERY BET MADE, where the bet was made, the time, date amount of wager and anything else worth KNOWING!



The other side has NO POWER, NO KNOWLEDGE, and, statistically NO CHANCE!

THE "PLAYER" further, has no STRATEGY, no GAME, no HOPE of WINNING!

It is the identical scenario in the stock market, the bond market, FOREX, commodities, futures, CDS's, and everything else. At ANY GIVEN TIME, someone...not YOU knows what trans-actional event will maximize profits for...wait for it...


Unless you are we!!

Laughing out Loud!

It is endlessly AMUSING to watch the "winners" preen and offer advice on their "strategies"!

CLUE: You have no strategy and, as in gambling, the house will ALWAYS WIN!

What is your remedy? Don't play OR create your own casino/system!


It will be managed, rest assured!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 03:20 PM
Strange, OP offers a very orthodox, Modernist philisophy stripped of the Christian religion- instead it is underpinned by his interpretation of the natural sciences. That he is a Rothschild is ridiculous; that he is in an intelligent and thoughtful soul is obvious.

A question OP: is there a teleology to your philosophy? Survival is a necessary condition, but is it a sufficient condition? I asked before and you did not anser, "has any bloodline reached perfection?" Further, please expound on your eschatological views. Thanks.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15918418

canis lupus

will fight to the death...generally to protect its territory, which means, in the NATURAL LAW settings of wolves, to acquire or protect food or a mate. Both are required by the wolf to carry on its bloodline, care for its progeny and (often) attract a mate.

Other than that, wolves tend to avoid situations which endanger their bloodline...but that which DOES put the bloodline at risk, is a fight to the death.

GENERALLY, the losing wolf will bare its neck!

Prior to the human intervention, the losing wolf thus provided nourishment to the dominant bloodline and ITS progeny!

Unfortunately, humans are CORRUPTING the canis lupus bloodline!

Laughing out Loud!

The majority of your questions are redundant or irrelevant...they can easily be deduced from my prior postings!

Relative to your question on any specific bloodline reaching perfection...I hope, for your sake, the answer is NO.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 03:25 PM
OP, I have been working on a new trading method I call the "maximum damage" method.

It revolves around the 5, solid, full-time years I have spent studying YOU.

It is simply:
In any particular scenario, how can the maximum value of fiat be removed from circulation?

How is maximum damage inflicted?

That's it!

To wit, can oil be leveraged against corn and can HAARP spawn a tornado when corn is planted... Whom of those players is hedged in silver when those graphs cross??? Etc... Are the Chinese currently pissed at the paper they've been sold? Is Lloyds long or short the Baltic?


How many causes would an initiate, 3 levels below you, need to track for accurate effect?

Still tied to fiat, but not for long...

You know godamn well that nobody except for your bloodline is free of fiat.

look me up. We have "noise."

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

"Maximum Damage", as you state it, could theoretically have been obtained by OPTING OUT of utilization of the FIAT SYSTEM.

It is now past the point that option would change the steps set for the next evolutionary phase.

However, individuals may still OPT OUT of the FIAT SYSTEM, and will be INCONVENIENCED!

Laughing out Loud!


I don't understand your reference to the 3 levels, and thus have no information!

I would refer your "investment" questions to my LOTTERY POST.

And, yes, we are FREE OF FIAT!

Was there some confusion in that regard, or were you busy "ripping your screen" when you were posting?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 03:28 PM
To most of the other posts not specifically addressed:



I have no IDEA what you are babbling on about!

Laughing out Loud!

Not trying to deliberately miss any valuable questions or INSIGHTS!
User ID: 13751769 United States 05/14/2012 03:41 PM
Thank you OP for the thoughtful (and continuing?) answers.

I am not human as defined by Black's Law, however I have suffered the human indoctrination process and spent a decade unlearning 6 years of college and everything that came before. I'm O- and have stomped my ego into reasonable submission in order to follow Natural Law.

After years of study, I understand how your ilk have used it.

The story of what your bloodline has done is in plain site if one will simply look at the EFFECTS and refuse to be distracted by the false causes with which you flood the media... Spin, they call it.

The tidbits you drop here can be quite telling to people with a deeper level of understanding than most. I particularly liked your comment regarding the Rockefellers being your ho's, even though I had already figured that out.

Now I gather that you aren't young David because he is busy playing poster child. You are one of the quieter creations keeping a low profile in America, eh? From which state+county are you casting your causes (:P)?

Since nobody here is really paying attention, can you tell me when the "big" change is coming to the US and what I should accumulate (besides knowledge) in order have more leverage than the average livestock?

What are your ultimate plans for Argentina? Is it going to be 50 years of pain as retaliation for the default, or was the default just a show? ... Has Israel really got its eye on AR?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello Anonymous Coward and Welcome!

I would suggest, as a useful exercise, that YOU tell me what the "next big change" will be. I posed that question earlier and can only imagine the mental energy pouring over the possibilities, world-wide" as we exchange pleasantries!

As a second part, if YOUR bloodine had such an ability, how would YOU play out the infinite possible scenarios? What would YOUR end objectives be?

Embrace this (oft repeated-by me anyway) TRUTH. KNOWLEDGE is the only thing which can be accumulated to provide leverage!


Laughing out Loud!

I say!

Laughing out Loud!

And let's start by presuming that FIAT was the last great one!

Laughing out Loud!

I believe you still exist in a state of delusion!

Research ELECTIVE AFFINITY! Or, perhaps with your various degrees, you already know of this.

The script may change, or be adapted to fit local tastes, customs and beliefs, but the end result...the end game is all THE SAME!

TRUTH will be found wherein it RESIDES!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 7049345 United States 05/18/2012 05:15 PM
Hello DUA and Welcome!

I believe you have asked questions worthy of consideration by those seeking to advance their bloodlines.

Very important questions, indeed.

I will start by referring back to posts I have made earlier regarding the dietary needs of humans in general:

1) Humans diets presently, for the most part, are not in harmony with their right NATURE. A quick look at the trends of obesity in western (and increasingly eastern) cultures makes this abundantly clear to even the dullest observer. One need only then consider the state of health care costs to understand humans are "killing themselves" from their "food" (phood) choices.

2) Most are familiar with the admonitions of the "elders" that one IS as one EATS...and that ONES food ought to be ones MEDICINE. Ask if you need to be SHOWN the specific references!

Laughing out Loud!

3) The optimal human diet is well understood and stated clearly in many venues...the christian bible being one. Refer to genesis, for example, which advises primarily a vegan diet (paraphrasing here a bit)....plants, seeds, fruits (in season and occasionally). Complete instructions can be found there for the inquisitive mind.

Incidentally, the observant will note the GREAT detail in which the bloodlines are addressed. Make of that what you might!

Laughing out Loud!

4) Although there are differences between the +Rh and -Rh bloodlines, I am speaking here in general. One is best served health-wise with Ph alkaline blood. Animal fats and products tend to acidify the blood, whereas a vegan diet will improve alkalinity/Ph from a biophysical standpoint. Correct eating (vegan) thus makes the alkaline factors in the blood conducive to proper enzymatic reactions, hormonal balance and optimal immunological response factors.

5) None of the above is "secret" information by any means. There are many commercial books on these topics and any human so inclined can adapt the correct diet any time one chooses!

Free will/free choice and all that!

The first thing most poisoned humans notice is the rush of energy from correct diet. With that energy comes radiant health and vitality. There have been videos on this blog showing women in their 70's who were lifelong vegans and they look like they are in their 20's! ANY human can experience this through their choices!

And consider also, that this is a BASE starting point! From this point additional, more esoteric discoveries have been made which BUILD on this simple TRUTH!

Again, this is a product of TRUTH and NATURAL LAW! In that ANYONE, even the sickly, can make these changes and obtain the same RESULTS!


Is this now abundantly clear?

Laughing out Loud!

Sleep is a very misunderstood process, much like TIME...which I have tried to explain to those here assembled...and with little success, unfortunately.

Sleep is MOSTLY a period of biological and psychological repair...generally from self-inflicted damages! It is not, strictly, necessary as a daily function in the sense of how most humans perceive it. If one understands time is not LINEAR, as I have explained, this becomes CLEAR!

If one adapts a vegan diet, less sleep is necessary because there is less damage to repair. If one lives in accord with NATURAL LAW, there is less stress...and again, less need for repair.

Another characteristic of SLEEP is similar to the state of meditation. This state can foster periods of mental creativity or relaxation. Unlike the repair state sleep which is MANDATORY, secondary sleep is generally, in a sense, optional...or perhaps more correctly, like taking a small holiday! Or astral travel!

Laughing out Loud!

From this perspective, I may answer your question!

I maintain strict dietary standards, produce all of my own foods and am in outstanding physical health!

My need for stage one sleep is minimal! Remember, that we have made some additional modifications...learned from NATURAL LAW...which again, are available to those who take the time to see and learn what NATURE teaches!

For those who have a feline, you have noted that they take "cat naps"...but even within this state can quickly "snap back" to full alert status! Cats roam at night! Cat nap during the day as they recline in the warm comfort of the sun! BLISS! This is closer to my REALITY!

Same goes for H2O. I have previously spoke at some length of the dichotomy of water, its critical importance to the human body and the work of some who have noted qualities of sentience...again hard for most to comprehend!

The water consumed by humans must be distilled, pure, and free of minerals. Simply stated, the human body can not assimilate inorganic minerals and solids of this nature. It Kills. Aside from the harsh chemicals and pollutants which spring forth from the TAP.

Minerals must be assimilated in their organic state, and that is only possible through PLANTS!


Laughing out Loud!

Surely, Mr AC, you MUST have received this INFO by now! This is survival 101!

So, in summary, sleep nature springs from dietary choices and state of health! Distilled water is the single most important aspect of avoiding suffering!


One would then question....if HUMANS can't even get the SIMPLE STUFF correct, what in the world would they do with more difficult concepts!

Further, even after LAYING THIS OUT clearly...such that any dolt or tosser could comprehend...not even 1 in 100,000 will undertake these changes!

What does that say about the state of your current condition? And whose "fault" is it then?

Laughing out Loud!

However, AC, you have asked questions of merit which is worthy of further support. Let me know if I can be of further service to you!
User ID: 7049345 United States 05/18/2012 05:18 PM
The next movement will be an asset credit system.

That is the majority of your assets will be turned into virtual credit so you can acquire things with it.

Deducting this credit will be by removal of an asset of a certain caliber. Not exactly equal to the amount of credit needed or anything.

Otherwise your credit will be refilled to an amount that is limited to the current ratio of your total assets.

Acquiring assets will not be with credit but will be with certain caliber assets as well.

That I think is what is in schedule after the inflammation or whatever you gold-teeth call it.

I hate economics.

So, op what did I score?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15756389

Incorrect. On all counts!

User ID: 7049345 United States 05/18/2012 05:38 PM
Hello Op

You have been talking about things to come, and about doom scenarios where people need to be prepared.

Can you tell us exactly what you think is going to happen and when ?

Are you taking about a natural disaster? Economic colapse ? Or something else ?

What and when would be my question ?

You have said on this thread that something is going to take place

Now, please !!! My question is simple. What and when ??

I ask you not to answer my question with a fancy statement which appears to be clever, and pretends to make people think you have answered the question in such a clever and metaphoric way, that only a few understand. Also please dont answer the question with statements about how limited we are and how enlightened you are. You have made that clear

My question is simple

Can you answer with a simple answer ?

Quoting: John 16063794

Hello John and Welcome!

Public spectacle of the type to which you refer are known as PCE's...Perception Changing Events! Designed to modify the humans flimsy perceptions of REALITY to realize a specific objective or objectives.

NOTE THAT ANIMALS COULD CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED, or DIDN'T HAPPEN IN NYC! I have already stated many times the so called financial markets are a complete FABRICATION! So their collapse, or rise, is by definition, STAGED! The creation and dissolution of wealth which never existed in REALITY!


Laughing out Loud!

PCE's don't work outside of the human circle!

Laughing out LOUD!

As the magician "tricks" by telling the audience where to focus attention, and, by extension where NOT to the PCE's occur for specific reasons and desired outcomes.

THESE PCE's are not the issue! It is the "grinding" which is taking place without respite that is causing your inevitable demise! Catherine Austin Fitts describes this "methodology" as the "slow burn". Her advice, limited as it is, deserves consideration to those mired in the "present" reality.

You have heard about the frog in the pot as the water is slowly brought to tempest!

What distracts you are only circuses! The "death" is all around you and never sleeps. You need only open your eyes to see what your fate holds and estimate, with some precision, the exact circumstances of your demise....if that, for some reason is important to you!

Laughing out Loud!

Would your efforts not be better spent avoiding such a fate?

Do you constantly look for exploding airplanes and crashing buildings?

Sad lot, really!

Has this been clear enough for you?

As to the rest, I have challenged the serfs to tell me what the next big thing is...the post FIAT reality coming soon to your domicile!

Laughing out Loud!

If you know what is coming, you can properly prepare and...PERHAPS...cheat your fate!

And I have committed to tell those who correctly answer, if they are, in fact, correct!

Best deal ever!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:15 PM
The next movement will be an asset credit system.

That is the majority of your assets will be turned into virtual credit so you can acquire things with it.

Deducting this credit will be by removal of an asset of a certain caliber. Not exactly equal to the amount of credit needed or anything.

Otherwise your credit will be refilled to an amount that is limited to the current ratio of your total assets.

Acquiring assets will not be with credit but will be with certain caliber assets as well.

That I think is what is in schedule after the inflammation or whatever you gold-teeth call it.

I hate economics.

So, op what did I score?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15756389

Incorrect. On all counts!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7049345

Aww Mein Gutt!

And to say he understands rhetoric.

This is not just how money works, but all the service systems and court affairs. Why are you always focused on money Rothchild?

Let go of the crap about fiat and other useless concepts that are mistakenly represented in your thread.

If you were really honestly concerned for the sad state in which humans operate in this world, especially its economical side, you would have mentioned that according to the role a person has to play through their respective incarnation they are allowed a certain amount of assets that they use and get replenished.

Whether directly or indirectly.

Hence; Job is Intrinsic to Status, this in its turn is only defined by where you incarnate into (Bloodlines).

Not mentioning that you only incarnate into that which fits your essential nature gained outside the incarnation cycles.

Instead of simply explaining this you go about natural roles and all the crap about fiat and monetary affairs.

The fact remains:

You are born to a couple (or a lab tube).

According to your status (marked by biological nature) you get fiat (which is not only this green paper you are so obsessed about).

In pure and simple words the whole trick is that you cannot use money to make more money.

I do not know whether it is your own agenda or mistaken concepts that caused you to represent money in that fatalistic light.

Instead of simply a translation of a status that some people enjoy and cannot be enforced otherwise without spiritual and supernatural interference (which is prohibited under the current terms).

This error was presented in the first time we argued about the whole business.

Note that what I say only applies to Bloodlines, not the other cretins that rule this delightful universe.

In short what I meant is that nothing will essentially change. Just awareness of reality for some people.

Please stop being a manipulative weasel.
Quoting: ISIS 15756389

ISIS, You really must stop tippling so vigorously. It's going to destroy the few functioning brain cells you have left.
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:21 PM
Dear OP,

Thank you for reply. Though I do not consider all my questions posted answered, your reply offers substantial
guidance and confirmation to follow my course and continue employing my initiatives which were already in process.

I've red the first book of Mozes and must conclude that there are numurous references concerning your statements on
bodily intake. Thanks for pointing that out.

Guess you and your social circle also have a busy weekend this 17th, 19th and 20th of May; the facebook IPO, the modern-day stadium spectacle and other make-believe-events seem to indicate this weekend is somewhat special and there is something there for you to celebrate.
I imagine there's much Laughing out Loud when you gather, and as you nicely stated: "Laughter is music for the soul!"
Got ourselves a family-party going on here too today, we also laugh a lot, but mostly not at the expense of others.

Thanks for the invite to post further questions, but allow me to digest your replies before we proceed. Since some of your of statements are not as straightforwardly put as I'm used to or would like to (which I also do not expect), and English is not my first language, some of your statements
are more difficult to interpret for me than others. However, it's always nice to read that a person considers your questions worthy and of merit, which maybe is already something in today's world. However, I also think that such capabilities or traits don't substantially help me and my family surviving the times which are to come. Especially when knowing almost next to nothing.

Therefore, now it's still possible, I like to wish every reader a pleasant day. I hope that some of you are willing
and capable to help this thread evolve in a more meaningful direction. For what it's worth.

Best regards,

the 'Dutch' 'Anonimous' 'Coward' (let's go with AC)
Quoting: AC 11542942

Hello (N)AC and Welcome!

I am indeed attempting to steer the discussion in a more fruitful direction utilizing the Socratic method.

One desperately needs to consider where things are heading in a post-fiat world...or, more correctly, what the NEXT BIG THING will be. Note that it is well underway already, but few seem to grasp the monumental significance.

I hold the view that one must be actively involved in the discovery process. There are many who offer "advice", but it is worthless. Open your senses to understanding how things will be and prepare accordingly.

The so-called NATO summit and Facebook "events" are of no significance...other than the mere continuation of what has always group exploiting another.

Oldest story in the "book"

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:27 PM
OP, the next big change is to global fasco-communism (definitions... whatever) , I suspect, but the exact plans on population goals elude me.

Instead of fiat dollars, every person will be chipped and their labor hours would be assigned a leveraged value based on education and talents. Each hour they toil would be stored in the chip and they become literally human capital.

But, what will we be allowed to labor for? What is the point if YOU already own everything and want for nothing? Are you farming humans to identify genetic mutations that you can add to your own bloodline? Are they just an ant farm?

My goal is to serve my bloodline by increasing and maintaining control over my food and information and then choosing a mate who can be trusted to adhere to the protocol, as well as make a positive genetic contribution.

Having identified the REAL game on earth, I would exploit the knowledge gained to the advantage of the bloodline. My ancestors were a Scottish border family and tragically, always allied with the wrong figurehead. As well, they seem not to understand Natural Law... any of them.

My personal struggle has been to take what has come before me as an example of what NOT to do, in every minute detail.

However, my personal "hobby" goal would be to create a place where the SECOND life path can be maintained by those who wish it. That is to apply Natural Law to ascend back to the angelic state, rather than remain here in carnal "bliss."
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC and Welcome!

You are also incorrect. Chipping, paper, credits, debits...all part of the same system and all iterative in nature!

I am referring to revolutionary changes which will allow a system of control which surpasses fiat on an infinite scale! Think of what such a system could be comprised of!

All the rest of your comments are masturbatory in nature. Dream on about the utopia you will create in your mind...but be aware that it will matter little if you are unable to adapt and survive the coming changes!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:28 PM
Rofschild, you did not comment on my guess as to the post-fiat paradigm - just before the Japanese serf who was way off.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Now I did! Take heed!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:29 PM
How many years from now, can we expect the post fiat change to occur, or will it be slow? 10, 50? 3?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

It's happening NOW, in real time...AS WE TYPE!

Look around!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:30 PM
I would suggest, as a useful exercise, that YOU tell me what the "next big change" will be.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Carbon Credits.

Which is existentially a Worldwide Tax created from thin air. Literally. LOL!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Incorrect, zippy.

More of the same old stuff!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/21/2012 05:37 PM
Hi OP I just spent 2days reading through this thread, well most of it. I like your humor and character. I have some questions and I hope you will read my post and give me some answears.

Concerning my "identity". Am I an eternal soul? Or is this my one and only life. You say reincarnation isnt real, yet you say all of my bloodline, "past and future", exsist here in the "now". So I was a part of my bloodline even before I was born? You say we are of a different bloodline, but dont all humans have the same ancestors? Ok, maybe not. You have said "aliens" have mated with humans here, and created a bloodline. So we have rh+ and rh-, well, that still means there are only 2 bloodlines here on earth? Am I missing something here?

I like what you say about family(bloodline), but isnt the human race one big family? To an "uninitiated" like me, blood is blood. Im a young man, 21, and I have always wanted to have children, I guess most of us are raised this way. Recently Ive debated with myself weather that is a good desicion or not. I never saw my identity with this small branch of a bloodline, which as far as I can tell, is just a part of a bigger bloodline, the bloodline of the human race. I thought my identity was found within the power of this moment. My pure awereness, not my bloodline.

And while Im at it, do you guys just mate with your moms and sisters? Dont you get retard-babys that way, or is that a myth? Looks to me like you always have to have new blood into the family for the bloodline to continue. I remember as a kid my mom and dad was looking up on their family tree, and guess what, they saw they had common ancestors.

Why should I care about my particular bloodline? I cant remember being in the "now" with my ancestors. Why would I want its continuation? I dont see the logic in me continue living in the blood of my children.

You live in the "reality of truth." You said. We are both in human bodies at the moment, and our only door into the "reality of truth" would be the present moment, right? Is there anything else besides my own awarness that I need to enter into the "reality of truth" through the door that is the present moment? Have you read any of Eckhart Tolles books? What do you think of them if you have?

I will have more questions, depending on what answears I get.
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Hello Brekke and Welcome!

You are still mired in the conventions of linear time. Re-read what i have written on the topic and see if it clarifies the point in your mind.

Many trite expressions are offered up for the consumption of simple minds. Do not fall into that trap. Consider if you would treat ones in your immediate bloodline identically with someone you did not know. Would you give up your life, give them fiat...etc? Answer that and you will have your answer.

You seem a sincere intellect, if somewhat immature. You will find what you seek if you maintain a single-minded resolve to know the true NATURAL LAW, regardless of the "consequences". Sometimes it's not pretty!


You must understand your obligations to your bloodline. Having children is a death sentence. Are you prepared to doom your bloodline and negate the sweat of those who came before you?

I have not read Tolles, but know something of his writings. As each bloodline is unique, the lessons of others may or may not be relevant. Look to NATURAL LAW to guide what you assimilate.
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 02:31 PM
Do you have any views on the optimal biological age for people to reproduce? From my understanding around the age of 25 seems ideal for females. For males the question seems more tricky, but certainly they can wait longer.

I've ordered the book on Tesla you recommended, and am looking forward to the read. Your continued involvement is as enlightening as ever, thank you!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Your question can be approached from many aspects. However, in general, 15-18 for females and early 30's for males.

Let me know if you have any questions on Tesla's materials. He truly understood and mastered NATURAL LAW...although he had a great deal more difficulty with SOCIAL CONVENTIONS and HUMAN NATURE

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 02:33 PM
On the whole, I have to say that OP is smug, arrogant, and basically useless.

He/she/it can rot.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC

Your observation, such as it is, is noted.

Enjoy your DESTINY!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 02:52 PM
Hi OP I just spent 2days reading through this thread, well most of it. I like your humor and character. I have some questions and I hope you will read my post and give me some answears.

Concerning my "identity". Am I an eternal soul? Or is this my one and only life. You say reincarnation isnt real, yet you say all of my bloodline, "past and future", exsist here in the "now". So I was a part of my bloodline even before I was born? You say we are of a different bloodline, but dont all humans have the same ancestors? Ok, maybe not. You have said "aliens" have mated with humans here, and created a bloodline. So we have rh+ and rh-, well, that still means there are only 2 bloodlines here on earth? Am I missing something here?

I like what you say about family(bloodline), but isnt the human race one big family? To an "uninitiated" like me, blood is blood. Im a young man, 21, and I have always wanted to have children, I guess most of us are raised this way. Recently Ive debated with myself weather that is a good desicion or not. I never saw my identity with this small branch of a bloodline, which as far as I can tell, is just a part of a bigger bloodline, the bloodline of the human race. I thought my identity was found within the power of this moment. My pure awereness, not my bloodline.

And while Im at it, do you guys just mate with your moms and sisters? Dont you get retard-babys that way, or is that a myth? Looks to me like you always have to have new blood into the family for the bloodline to continue. I remember as a kid my mom and dad was looking up on their family tree, and guess what, they saw they had common ancestors.

Why should I care about my particular bloodline? I cant remember being in the "now" with my ancestors. Why would I want its continuation? I dont see the logic in me continue living in the blood of my children.

You live in the "reality of truth." You said. We are both in human bodies at the moment, and our only door into the "reality of truth" would be the present moment, right? Is there anything else besides my own awarness that I need to enter into the "reality of truth" through the door that is the present moment? Have you read any of Eckhart Tolles books? What do you think of them if you have?

I will have more questions, depending on what answears I get.
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Hello Brekke and Welcome!

You are still mired in the conventions of linear time. Re-read what i have written on the topic and see if it clarifies the point in your mind.

Many trite expressions are offered up for the consumption of simple minds. Do not fall into that trap. Consider if you would treat ones in your immediate bloodline identically with someone you did not know. Would you give up your life, give them fiat...etc? Answer that and you will have your answer.

You seem a sincere intellect, if somewhat immature. You will find what you seek if you maintain a single-minded resolve to know the true NATURAL LAW, regardless of the "consequences". Sometimes it's not pretty!


You must understand your obligations to your bloodline. Having children is a death sentence. Are you prepared to doom your bloodline and negate the sweat of those who came before you?

I have not read Tolles, but know something of his writings. As each bloodline is unique, the lessons of others may or may not be relevant. Look to NATURAL LAW to guide what you assimilate.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1209612

Hmm, ok. Some of my questions still remain, but maybe i could answer them myself if I wasnt "trapped in linear time." If there is something I have already done, it is researching what has been written about time. If I were to have a discussion with someone irl about time, I would say to them time is not linear. It is something I can understand intelectually, but my experience of time is linear. By that I mean, the events in my life is happening one after the other. It appears to me as if there are many moments, all happening one after the other. I dont think any piece of knowledge will change that.

Anyway, onto the next questions. I like what you have read about psycedelic drugs. I am a fan of them. Have done pretty much all of them, but my favs. are shrooms, dmt and weed. You didnt mention weed. Idk if you would categorize weed as psy. at all, and when I think about it, a banker like you probably has never smoked weed hehe. Im very much in love with weed, idk if you have anything to say about it or not, just curious.

I read in one of your posts you were making fun of your nr.1 fan in this thread, Mr. Bickle, saying he was hearing voices. That made me laugh, as I myself, do hear voices. It started over a year ago, and it made me very delusional. They were very "spiritual" in their approch. If I was talking to you back then, Id say I was in telepathic communication with beings from another dimension. Thats what it felt like. I could write alot more about them and this experience, but short version, my parents saw there was something wrong with me, and I told them everything. They said I should seek help, and I spent the next 6months in a mental hospital. I was having deep conversations with gods, they were showing me things one can only experience.

For some reason, the whole thing gradually changed, and now its only 1 person left. Its a young girl, almost a baby. Im back to boring existence, but still hear this little baby girl now and then, when Im alone. Do you have any idea what this whole thing is about? Does a banker know anything about things like this? My doctor said it was because of all the psy. drugs Ive taken. If you say I have schizophrenia (thats ok, that what the doctor said), what the hell does that mean? Is it an unbalance in the brain chemestry? Is it pure audio hallucinations? Is there nothing to them what so ever? You see, they showed me and told me and communicated to me in ways no human can, its hard to just accept its nothing more than a sickness.
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Hello Brekke and Welcome!

The qualities associated with THC are classified as psycho-spiritual in nature, and also have been demonstrated to have strong healing properties for certain illnesses.

Although the mechanism of healing is not commercially understood, it relates to a realignment of energy fields and the yin aspect counteracting negative psychic energies.

Many of the active components you listed are generally classified as DRUGS, although they have vastly different QUALITIES! They do not belong together in any sense, except perhaps as they "violate" arbitrary statutory laws!

ALL NATURALLY FOUND substances exist in nature and exist for right purpose. Many serve as "gateways" or "portals" to understanding not otherwise accessible. Note that the ancients consumed these only following strict rituals and "in season". Spiritual preparation is also necessary.

Failure to follow these protocols may result in erratic experiences, or illuminate certain realities which cannot be understood within the context of your present "understandings".

As to the nature of your voices, it can in fact be a product of your prior, uninitiated substance usages, or it might be auditory or visual hallucinations from poisons commonly ingested by first world humans!

I have previously posted dietary advice which is a right prerequisite to optimal health, and has the wonderful secondary effects of preparing one for greater understanding and observation of NATURAL LAW. Therefore, if you follow a strict dietary regimen as I have prescribed and the voices continue, you might be well advised to explore the meaning further. Should the voices fade away, the source was likely nutritional in nature.

By the way, did your parents happen to lose a child during pregnancy or at birth?

One final comment, the seed meal of the hemp plant, and the oil, comprise the elements of PERFECT HUMAN NUTRITION. The THC oil balances the human energy field as well. Hemp grows very fast, grows anywhere and is DIRT CHEAP.

Were one of the first world governments serious in eliminating human suffering, malnutrition, wars, and all other human BLIGHT, it could be done in less than 5 years.

As the ice cream heir wrote: LET ALL BE FED!

It is possible, real and can be done now.

Obtain some quality hemp seed meal and oil and see for yourself. Then try to explain why humans live in the conditions they do.

Laughing out Loud!

As I have said many times, the fault lies with each and every one of YOU!

You alone make the choices and you alone suffer the consequences! We just set up the system(s) to benefit from your choices, as provided for by NATURAL LAW!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 02:56 PM
You may also inquire of a book written by Daniel Pinchback, or Pinchpenny...Cracking the EGG I believe.

Did your understanding of the fallacy of LINEAR TIME change at all during your previous substance usages?
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 02:58 PM

Incorrect. On all counts!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7049345

Aww Mein Gutt!

And to say he understands rhetoric.

This is not just how money works, but all the service systems and court affairs. Why are you always focused on money Rothchild?

Let go of the crap about fiat and other useless concepts that are mistakenly represented in your thread.

If you were really honestly concerned for the sad state in which humans operate in this world, especially its economical side, you would have mentioned that according to the role a person has to play through their respective incarnation they are allowed a certain amount of assets that they use and get replenished.

Whether directly or indirectly.

Hence; Job is Intrinsic to Status, this in its turn is only defined by where you incarnate into (Bloodlines).

Not mentioning that you only incarnate into that which fits your essential nature gained outside the incarnation cycles.

Instead of simply explaining this you go about natural roles and all the crap about fiat and monetary affairs.

The fact remains:

You are born to a couple (or a lab tube).

According to your status (marked by biological nature) you get fiat (which is not only this green paper you are so obsessed about).

In pure and simple words the whole trick is that you cannot use money to make more money.

I do not know whether it is your own agenda or mistaken concepts that caused you to represent money in that fatalistic light.

Instead of simply a translation of a status that some people enjoy and cannot be enforced otherwise without spiritual and supernatural interference (which is prohibited under the current terms).

This error was presented in the first time we argued about the whole business.

Note that what I say only applies to Bloodlines, not the other cretins that rule this delightful universe.

In short what I meant is that nothing will essentially change. Just awareness of reality for some people.

Please stop being a manipulative weasel.
Quoting: ISIS 15756389

ISIS, You really must stop tippling so vigorously. It's going to destroy the few functioning brain cells you have left.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1209612

No honey puns,

You should stop making masturbatory comments about change.

The very idea of change in the regime is masturbatory in nature. There is a reason why it is laid out in cycles.

You fart and cramp and bleed and it starts all over again.

Of course the solution is rather masturbatory in nature.

Unless you are married.
Quoting: ISIS 15756389


You have cretin like "qualities"! And know not of what you speak!
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 03:00 PM
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 03:14 PM
Hello Venus and Welcome!

You likely think you know many things, but your illiteracy has an unfortunate way of betraying your lack of intellectual capability.

Have you anything meaningful to contribute?
User ID: 1209612 United States 05/22/2012 03:19 PM
OP, if you want to be taken seriously by serious people, you might consider posting information for those who exists at a moderately higher consciousness than the majority.

Many of us already know everything you have "revealed" so far and are looking for something more valuable. Or did mummmy forbid you to reveal certain things?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC and Welcome!

Whatever gave you the idea that I desired to be taken "seriously" by the great unwashed masses?

Laughing out Loud!

Congratulations for being so aware and projecting such a self-assured persona!

Had you a superior level of reading comprehension, you would understand that I offered to answer questions! Should those here assembled not understand the more important questions, that is upon them!

What is the valuable information YOU seek?

Or let me ask you what I have asked many times here...WHAT IS THE NEXT BIG THING in a POST FIAT WORLD!

Surely a SERIOUS PLAYER such as yourself must have some keen insights!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 05:47 PM
OP, how do you distill your water?

Is simple distillation enough? and the equipment shown there? [ link to]

Also are there specific plants do you recommend to eat? Like hemp, you mentioned.

I read Portulaca oleracea has a lot of omega-3. It grows easily grows anywhere, thus it's considered as a weed here.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16766267

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

I did not visit the link you so kindly provided, but I believe the process is simple enough.

When I refer to DISTILLED WATER, I mean the boiling of water to produce steam, which is then re-condensed back into water through a COPPER cooling coil. DO NOT USE any other metal and certainly make sure there is no plastic anywhere in the system. Ideally the boiling chamber will be copper also, or stainless steel.

What exits the apparatus should be as close to pure, unadulterated H2O as possible. Remember, there is no LINEAR TIME thus there can be no AGING! What most humans refer to as AGING is simply the delta between the rate of accumulation of inorganic minerals and toxins vs. the ability of the human body to process those toxins! It is that SIMPLE.

Thus, using pure water is an easy, cheap way to produce true HEALTH...which is a prerequisite to the pathway of TRUTH and NATURAL LAW.

Tell me, is there ANYONE in a first world country which could not easily do this? Now that you know....will you?

Likely not!

As for the type of greens, it is a function of your blood type, blood chemistry (a function of your accumulated damages) and other factors. Generally speaking, any green plants are good but your specific requirements WILL dictate what should eat. Example, were you found to be deficient in ORGANIC IRON, you may want to eat more spinach!

Not that difficult, is it? You can LEARN of your blood chemistry through a simple blood panel and learn about the nutritional profile of various plants native to your area, or those of other areas, since most are available worldwide.

And eat accordingly!

How simple could it be?

Laughing out Loud!

Now, forget all this foolishness and go have a BURGER!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 05:55 PM
Sup OP,

During this thread you have advised both a vegan and a low carb diet. Could you explain to us lowly people your rationale for this? From my research many animal products are acidic, although I thought that some were only mildly acidic. And I know that simple carbs make your blood-sugar levels flux too rapidly, but that certain slow burning carbs are not as bad in this regard.

Thanks for the info.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

I would advise, and myself follow, a NO CARB regimen.

Here is an MD from the US, who has it about 85% correct. What he has wrong is less relevant than what he has right!

[ link to]

View this and you will understand that carbs, although they have differing characteristics vis a vis the metabolic pathways and INSULIN RELEASE, think of the fact that ALL carbs are producing a STRAIN on your system which is counterproductive to optimal health.

There is a poster on this forum, a fellow Brit, who has much information on the destructive forces unleashed by carbs, but he gets the rest of it wrong. Replacing meats with carbs is a poor strategy. Replacing carbs with greens...and supplemented with various nuts and oils is the correct path, as those before knew well.

User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 05:59 PM
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

What is the valuable information YOU seek?

Or let me ask you what I have asked many times here...WHAT IS THE NEXT BIG THING in a POST FIAT WORLD!

Surely a SERIOUS PLAYER such as yourself must have some keen insights!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1209612

Knowledge is Power and worth more than all the Fiat in the world.

Within the NATURAL LAW the law of compensation and retribution will be established to replace the current system.
Quoting: Merci

Hello Merci and Welcome!

Consider that the current world-wide FIAT SYSTEM was the product of APPLIED KNOWLEDGE of HUMAN NATURE.

Since the system of FIAT is ILLUSORY, and created from next to nothing, there can be NO ARGUMENT that KNOWLEDGE trumps humans concepts of wealth and money in all regards!

What is next to come is of a completely realm, and unlike FIAT, not so easy to avoid!

Laughing out Loud!

So, your "insight" is noting more than the observations of a simpleton!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:07 PM
I cant edit my posts here, but whatever.

I did very much change my perspective on time when I was "tripping"! It was one of the things I noticed the most. But it was a kind of thing I could only know in the moment when I was on the drug, and it could not be remembered afterwards! I cant describe in words how it felt like. I remember talking to my friends about this, and they knew what I was talking about. I realzied the importance of these drugs, and its why I did them again and again. I cool to see you asking that question, as it means you know what Im talking about.

Also, you mean Daniel Pinchbeck, Breaking Open the Head? I will take a look, thank you, any other books I should read? About diet and exercise maybe? Or anything else? :)
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Hello Brekke and Welcome!

There is no TIME. It is an ILLUSION!

Your perceptions while "tripping" were correct.

Keep in mind, the use of ALL psychotropics are DANGEROUS without proper preparation and observation of certain rituals. I strongly advise you to abstain until you get your spiritual ship properly prepared for a voyage into stormy waters!

Laughing out Loud!

Yes, Daniel Pinchbeck is the author I was referring to. It may resonate with you...who knows?

I suggest you start with DIET...WHAT YOU INGEST! In this thread I have provided essentially all you need to know to quality oils (hemp, flax and many others). Read a book by Udo Erasmus and you will know all you NEED TO KNOW about fats and oils. Highly recommended!

In fact, watch the video I posted to another character above, read Udo's very fine book and figure out how to STEAM DISTILL your water and you will be off and running!

You really do not need an exercise regimen per se, but YOGA may be a useful adjunct. Watch NATURE for clues...see how some of the strongest animals in the jungle wake and STRETCH! And they are some of the strongest ones in NATURE!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:09 PM
And, nope, my parents did not lose a child during pregnancy or anything like that, but, I had a very difficult birth. It took almost 36hours, they said I didnt want to come out. I broke my collarbone during pregnancy. I was born cross-eyed, and had a huge brain surgery when I was 3 to fix it, but it didnt work. When I was 6, they realized I was deaf on my right ear. I still am to this day, and we have no idea why and how it happened :/
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Brekke, you sound like a MESS!

Change your diet and you will likely find a new life awaits you. It has likely taken some character for you to socialize with these impediments!

What, if anything, have you learned through this experience?

I am happy to assist you as you move towards these NEW realities!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:14 PM

Hello Brekke and Welcome!

You are still mired in the conventions of linear time. Re-read what i have written on the topic and see if it clarifies the point in your mind.

Many trite expressions are offered up for the consumption of simple minds. Do not fall into that trap. Consider if you would treat ones in your immediate bloodline identically with someone you did not know. Would you give up your life, give them fiat...etc? Answer that and you will have your answer.

You seem a sincere intellect, if somewhat immature. You will find what you seek if you maintain a single-minded resolve to know the true NATURAL LAW, regardless of the "consequences". Sometimes it's not pretty!


You must understand your obligations to your bloodline. Having children is a death sentence. Are you prepared to doom your bloodline and negate the sweat of those who came before you?

I have not read Tolles, but know something of his writings. As each bloodline is unique, the lessons of others may or may not be relevant. Look to NATURAL LAW to guide what you assimilate.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1209612

Hmm, ok. Some of my questions still remain, but maybe i could answer them myself if I wasnt "trapped in linear time." If there is something I have already done, it is researching what has been written about time. If I were to have a discussion with someone irl about time, I would say to them time is not linear. It is something I can understand intelectually, but my experience of time is linear. By that I mean, the events in my life is happening one after the other. It appears to me as if there are many moments, all happening one after the other. I dont think any piece of knowledge will change that.

Anyway, onto the next questions. I like what you have read about psycedelic drugs. I am a fan of them. Have done pretty much all of them, but my favs. are shrooms, dmt and weed. You didnt mention weed. Idk if you would categorize weed as psy. at all, and when I think about it, a banker like you probably has never smoked weed hehe. Im very much in love with weed, idk if you have anything to say about it or not, just curious.

I read in one of your posts you were making fun of your nr.1 fan in this thread, Mr. Bickle, saying he was hearing voices. That made me laugh, as I myself, do hear voices. It started over a year ago, and it made me very delusional. They were very "spiritual" in their approch. If I was talking to you back then, Id say I was in telepathic communication with beings from another dimension. Thats what it felt like. I could write alot more about them and this experience, but short version, my parents saw there was something wrong with me, and I told them everything. They said I should seek help, and I spent the next 6months in a mental hospital. I was having deep conversations with gods, they were showing me things one can only experience.

For some reason, the whole thing gradually changed, and now its only 1 person left. Its a young girl, almost a baby. Im back to boring existence, but still hear this little baby girl now and then, when Im alone. Do you have any idea what this whole thing is about? Does a banker know anything about things like this? My doctor said it was because of all the psy. drugs Ive taken. If you say I have schizophrenia (thats ok, that what the doctor said), what the hell does that mean? Is it an unbalance in the brain chemestry? Is it pure audio hallucinations? Is there nothing to them what so ever? You see, they showed me and told me and communicated to me in ways no human can, its hard to just accept its nothing more than a sickness.
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Hello Brekke and Welcome!

The qualities associated with THC are classified as psycho-spiritual in nature, and also have been demonstrated to have strong healing properties for certain illnesses.

Although the mechanism of healing is not commercially understood, it relates to a realignment of energy fields and the yin aspect counteracting negative psychic energies.

Many of the active components you listed are generally classified as DRUGS, although they have vastly different QUALITIES! They do not belong together in any sense, except perhaps as they "violate" arbitrary statutory laws!

ALL NATURALLY FOUND substances exist in nature and exist for right purpose. Many serve as "gateways" or "portals" to understanding not otherwise accessible. Note that the ancients consumed these only following strict rituals and "in season". Spiritual preparation is also necessary.

Failure to follow these protocols may result in erratic experiences, or illuminate certain realities which cannot be understood within the context of your present "understandings".

As to the nature of your voices, it can in fact be a product of your prior, uninitiated substance usages, or it might be auditory or visual hallucinations from poisons commonly ingested by first world humans!

I have previously posted dietary advice which is a right prerequisite to optimal health, and has the wonderful secondary effects of preparing one for greater understanding and observation of NATURAL LAW. Therefore, if you follow a strict dietary regimen as I have prescribed and the voices continue, you might be well advised to explore the meaning further. Should the voices fade away, the source was likely nutritional in nature.

By the way, did your parents happen to lose a child during pregnancy or at birth?

One final comment, the seed meal of the hemp plant, and the oil, comprise the elements of PERFECT HUMAN NUTRITION. The THC oil balances the human energy field as well. Hemp grows very fast, grows anywhere and is DIRT CHEAP.

Were one of the first world governments serious in eliminating human suffering, malnutrition, wars, and all other human BLIGHT, it could be done in less than 5 years.

As the ice cream heir wrote: LET ALL BE FED!

It is possible, real and can be done now.

Obtain some quality hemp seed meal and oil and see for yourself. Then try to explain why humans live in the conditions they do.

Laughing out Loud!

As I have said many times, the fault lies with each and every one of YOU!

You alone make the choices and you alone suffer the consequences! We just set up the system(s) to benefit from your choices, as provided for by NATURAL LAW!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1209612

I like what you say, and I am going to change my diet. Ive been preparing mentally for it for a long time. Im still young and I will thank myself for it later. However I find it hard to gather information on what I should be eating. The profesionals are contradicting each other on this issue. Some say a vegan diet is good, some doesnt. Some say eat alot of "this", some say eat alot of "that". Should I search for a diet in the bible as you have said? lol

Any help when it comes to a healthy diet would be very appreciated, any books, any websites? Why dont you tell us your diet? And I want it down to the detail! :) If no meat, how do I get enough proteins? When should I eat my meals? How many times a day? What kinds of vegetables, what kinds of seeds, oils? Fruits? Is bread any good? Can I still eat cheese and eggs even if I go for a vegan diet? I dont know much about this, and dont want to make any mistakes :)

And while Im at it, exercising!! Thats got to be an important aspect of my health as well, right? How many times a week? for how long each time? Should I be running alot? Pumping weights? What kinds of exercises? Again, how does your exercise program look :)

I see the importance of a perfected diet and exercise program, this should be the foundation of a healty way of living.
Quoting: Brekke 9644309

Hello Brekke!

I believe I have answered your questions in the other posts, but I would add that raw eggs may be a useful adjunct to your dietary changes. Eggs are a perfect source (ie complete) for the amino acid groups but do have some drawbacks! All things considered, go ahead and have them. If you can't eat them raw, then boil or poach.

Cheese and all dairy is mucous producing and should be avoided...but again, they are closer to parity in the benefit/detriment ratios. If it is a food you like, go ahead and enjoy for now!

Look into YOGA. To my mind, it is MUCH MORE difficult than weights; I do enjoy running personally, but it can be hard on the joints. Try to run barefoot on grass if possible to minimize this discomfort!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:19 PM
Hello OP!

Earlier you mentioned that you minimize the amount of carbs that you ingest. Would I be correct in saying that you are in a state of ketosis and that ketosis is good?

Also here is a copy and paste of what another self-proclaimed "elite insider" revealed about the new economic system.

1. Everyone gets a retinal scan at least a week after birth to distribute currency.
2. Currency will not be transferable between individuals (this is still being debated)
3. Currency will be called 'credit(s)'
4. You earn money by doing a task which benefits you, society, or both in a positive manner.
5. A committee decides the value of the tasks.
6. The committee is made up of everyone who wishes to participate and has studied 4 or more years at a school of higher learning.
7. A task may be introduced through a petition of 100 signatures and must be approved by 20 people with 6 years of higher learning.

I would be interested in your view on the presented information. I hope your week is going well, thanks for the feedback OP!
Quoting: The Profane One 4660957

Hello Profane One and Welcome!

Ketosis is indeed a byproduct of the metabolic processing of fats for energy. It is of no harm as the initial spike when one converts to a high fat diet regulates after a week or two. Watch the video I posted of carb processing to see what the option to FAT BURNING is!

Laughing out Loud!

Carbs comprise the majority of the first world diet, which explains why things are as they are!

Your post relating to the financial aspect is complete nonsense. You have a DUTY to vet those theories which you may hold have merit...which you clearly did not do. Because of this, you demonstrate a lack of discernment which, in my circles, is the mark of a cretin.

Guide yourself accordingly!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:24 PM
hi op , good afternoon!

i do not claim to have any special knowledge, really given my present life circumstances to claim this would prove most humorous LOL!

sure, i am "initiated", "passed", "raised", "perfected", am a "companion", have gone through the SRIA initiation.

evidently i am not what would be an "ideal candidate" for these Grand and Noble Institutions but nevertheless matters need to be dealt with!

i am working on the bloodline, but not with respect to myself, although certain things need to be maintained as i am sure you would agree!

as long as i can raise my Children to be happy and hopefully enable them to make the right choices, i am hoping that is where my energy should be spent..

am i on the right track?
Quoting: ac cs 16511746

Hello AC CS and Welcome!

As to your question, it would largely depend on what skills and qualities you believe your progeny will need to carry on your bloodline!

If your children are happy learning the laws of NATURE, then you are probably doing them a service. If they are happy playing VIDEO GAMES, then the opposite might apply!

Watch a mother feline teach her kittens! They play, but they also HUNT. The mother instinct knows that at some point they will have to hunt for themselves and she prepares them accordingly.

Children enjoy a variety of activities. How about making the important lessons fun?
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:27 PM
OP I have a pet question to lighten the mood.

The construction of houses out of anything but stone = retarded.

Yet, the great booms of housing are all rubbish wood and fucking PAPER board that disintegrates if you look at it sideways.

Yet, all of your houses are made from stone. Stone, with minimal maintenance, is forever.

These pileS of shit made from paper and pulp are worthless, dangerous and consume immense resources to build.

They cannot endure and yet people work their entire lives to "pay" for them. To me, the idea of "paying" up to (and over) a million dollars for such a lump of shit is unimaginable, yet people are thrilled when they are able to do so. They literally leave nothing to their heirs but a lump of shit.

If I were running things, I would insure the unwashed masses built their hovels from paper and pulp so they could be raised quickly and the land could return quickly to it's natural state.

Thereafter, I could frolic in my own personal utopia.

What say you, oh immense of ego?

Hello AC and Welcome!

I am not sure of your point, if indeed there is one. The story of the three little pigs covered the topic more than adequately in my opinion.

The illusion of FIAT procures the illusion of VALUE
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:34 PM
Dear OP, please answer some questions:

Is the next "big thing" totalitarian control of water... air... soil??

What IS the next big thing? That is the question you have avoided answering.

You own ALL of the gold on earth, but to what end? What POSSIBLE good could it do you to own that gold?

Are you giving to aliens so they can repair the atmosphere on their home planet? Or are you bathing in it? Will you issue gold scrip, thereby duping all of the gold-standard-tards, who don't realize there is no gold in Fort Knox?

It is very clear that your aim is to shorten the lifespan of all humans and to drain every possible drop of toil (real, fiat, and land ownership) from them before they die.


If you answer no other question, TO WHAT END do you set these systems in motion to squeeze all earthly effort from every soul?


You have enough.

Hello AC and Welcome!

The NEXT BIG THING is possible for you to know. It is not complicated and much information is out there to illuminate your path. I have agreed to confirm what it is, but I expect some effort by those following this thread to figure it out from the information already supplied from many sources, including this thread. So far, the "guesses" have been extremely STUPID and indicate a lack of logic, reason and deduction!

I am not obligated in any way to disclose this information. It is entirely my discretion and based on my rules. But I will do so to those HONEST SEEKERS OF TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE!

So far, no takers!

Laughing out Loud!

The very same who will wail and grind their teeth when the truth is revealed to them BY NATURE!

Laughing out Loud!

As to HAVING ENOUGH...that is from your stunted perspective! You obviously have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE what the stakes are and even the GAME. Therefore it is STUPID to assume you know what ENOUGH is!

Were you to be offered 10 million FIATS or 100 Million FIATS...which would YOU choose? Or a Billion?

So, WHY?

Do you even know?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/29/2012 06:35 PM
Hello AC and Welcome!

The NEXT BIG THING is possible for you to know. It is not complicated and much information is out there to illuminate your path. I have agreed to confirm what it is, but I expect some effort by those following this thread to figure it out from the information already supplied from many sources, including this thread. So far, the "guesses" have been extremely STUPID and indicate a lack of logic, reason and deduction!

I am not obligated in any way to disclose this information. It is entirely my discretion and based on my rules. But I will do so to those HONEST SEEKERS OF TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE!

So far, no takers!

Laughing out Loud!

The very same who will wail and grind their teeth when the truth is revealed to them BY NATURE!

Laughing out Loud!

As to HAVING ENOUGH...that is from your stunted perspective! You obviously have absolutely NO KNOWLEDGE what the stakes are and even the GAME. Therefore it is STUPID to assume you know what ENOUGH is!

Were you to be offered 10 million FIATS or 100 Million FIATS...which would YOU choose? Or a Billion?
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:16 PM
Hello OP!

Earlier you mentioned that you minimize the amount of carbs that you ingest. Would I be correct in saying that you are in a state of ketosis and that ketosis is good?

Also here is a copy and paste of what another self-proclaimed "elite insider" revealed about the new economic system.

1. Everyone gets a retinal scan at least a week after birth to distribute currency.
2. Currency will not be transferable between individuals (this is still being debated)
3. Currency will be called 'credit(s)'
4. You earn money by doing a task which benefits you, society, or both in a positive manner.
5. A committee decides the value of the tasks.
6. The committee is made up of everyone who wishes to participate and has studied 4 or more years at a school of higher learning.
7. A task may be introduced through a petition of 100 signatures and must be approved by 20 people with 6 years of higher learning.

I would be interested in your view on the presented information. I hope your week is going well, thanks for the feedback OP!
Quoting: The Profane One 4660957

Hello Profane One and Welcome!

Ketosis is indeed a byproduct of the metabolic processing of fats for energy. It is of no harm as the initial spike when one converts to a high fat diet regulates after a week or two. Watch the video I posted of carb processing to see what the option to FAT BURNING is!

Laughing out Loud!

Carbs comprise the majority of the first world diet, which explains why things are as they are!

Your post relating to the financial aspect is complete nonsense. You have a DUTY to vet those theories which you may hold have merit...which you clearly did not do. Because of this, you demonstrate a lack of discernment which, in my circles, is the mark of a cretin.

Guide yourself accordingly!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16887404

I showed the other 'elite insider' what you had to say about his vision. This was his reply to you.

This system will be enacted; otherwise zombies on East coast (takes effort) will be the least of your problems. Mohammed said the fix (me) of evil will come from the source of evil itself (elites).
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Your "elite insider" has, in fact, "outed" him/her self as being neither "elite" nor an "insider"...

But that should come as no surprise based on his/her nonsensical ramblings.

What "vetting" refers to, in essence, is the process of DISCRIMINATION...and I'm not here referring to issues of race. You must be aware that any human with access to an internet connection might post ANY bit of nonsense for ANY reason. To VET would apply other sources of information to confirm or dispute the assertion. Of course, most understand that the major media outlets are, in fact, outlets to disseminate propaganda and protect the interests of those in positions of power. It is always amazing to watch those with otherwise skeptical minds refuse to assimilate information until confirmed by that very same mainstream source!

Look to the LAWS OF NATURE and your understanding of HUMAN NATURE...and by that I mean how humans ACTUALLY react to various stimuli...not the BEAUTIFUL LIES they tell themselves and others!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:34 PM
Judging by how haughty this guy is I wouldn't be too surprised if he really is a rothschild. His talk of 'keeping the bloodline pure' obviously refers to the fact that he and his family are psychopaths. The purported 'superiority' is really an excuse for an inability to form meaningful relationships with other humans.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

I think it's code for keeping the Ashkenazi Jewish "race" pure...Hell, he pretty much openly admitted it way back in the thread.

I'm not sure if he's an actual Rothschild but he's pretty convincing...Cuz he doesn't really give a fuck and tells it like it is...he's not one of the cattle and knows all of the ridiculous scams out there. Also, I would tend to believe this thread would have been deleted for fear of defamation lawsuits...or even worse.

Just my opinion though...probably wrong...

Laughing out loud!
Quoting: Rayrayz

Well my view is that these people are just psychopaths, but to each their own.

I agree that this person is pretty convincing. He constantly raves about superior he is, but the only impression I get from these writings is that he is a spoiled brat. Insulting random people over the internet is something I stopped doing in high school. This person whether its a he or she obviously has never matured or developed any character.

I grew up in a very wealthy neighborhood as a child around millionaires and it was very common for the children from these households to be just like the OP. My father is also a psychopath who had been an officer in the army. Conceited, petty, immature, etc, exactly like the OP.

When you've seen these types of people up close and personal you understand that they are actually weaklings.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Have you taken the time to understand that words have very specific meanings? For example, PSYCHOPATH is of Greek origin meaning, psyche ("soul" or "mind") and "pathos" (as or relating to diseases). Clearly the word is an "artificial construct" at best and would not apply within the context of a "self interested" bloodline, since "self-interest" is a NATURAL characteristic of HUMANS, and not a SICKNESS OR DISEASE.

I have stated many times that NATURAL LAW favors such self interest, and is in fact the RULE of NATURE. Just as you, yourself, would put your interests superior to a stranger. Please, I would enjoy seeing how you would struggle to refute this point within the puny limits of your vocabulary and logic skill-set.

Words like psychopath are another silly example of how illiterate humans latch onto such psycho-babble and use in their arsenal of ad hominem attacks...not truly understanding what they are saying and, indeed, not even understanding what they are TRYING to say.

Laughing out Loud!

Your frustration is obvious! You will do yourself a service when you realize that your numerous limitations and failings are of your own hand!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:36 PM

Hello Profane One and Welcome!

Ketosis is indeed a byproduct of the metabolic processing of fats for energy. It is of no harm as the initial spike when one converts to a high fat diet regulates after a week or two. Watch the video I posted of carb processing to see what the option to FAT BURNING is!

Laughing out Loud!

Carbs comprise the majority of the first world diet, which explains why things are as they are!

Your post relating to the financial aspect is complete nonsense. You have a DUTY to vet those theories which you may hold have merit...which you clearly did not do. Because of this, you demonstrate a lack of discernment which, in my circles, is the mark of a cretin.

Guide yourself accordingly!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16887404

I showed the other 'elite insider' what you had to say about his vision. This was his reply to you.

This system will be enacted; otherwise zombies on East coast (takes effort) will be the least of your problems. Mohammed said the fix (me) of evil will come from the source of evil itself (elites).
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Your "elite insider" has, in fact, "outed" him/her self as being neither "elite" nor an "insider"...

But that should come as no surprise based on his/her nonsensical ramblings.

What "vetting" refers to, in essence, is the process of DISCRIMINATION...and I'm not here referring to issues of race. You must be aware that any human with access to an internet connection might post ANY bit of nonsense for ANY reason. To VET would apply other sources of information to confirm or dispute the assertion. Of course, most understand that the major media outlets are, in fact, outlets to disseminate propaganda and protect the interests of those in positions of power. It is always amazing to watch those with otherwise skeptical minds refuse to assimilate information until confirmed by that very same mainstream source!

Look to the LAWS OF NATURE and your understanding of HUMAN NATURE...and by that I mean how humans ACTUALLY react to various stimuli...not the BEAUTIFUL LIES they tell themselves and others!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16887404

He insists that if you don't share your version of the future economic system that you are bulllllllllllllllshit.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

What kind of a refutation is that? If I don't spoon feed the correct information then, by default, his/hers must be correct?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:46 PM
Rofschild, what is your family relationship to the powers behind the Vatican?

Equal to you? Below you? Competing with you?

Will the pope change his hat from pisces to aquarius soon?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

He's answered that.

His family is in charge of the Vatican's assets...and his "bloodline" owns and control's the MSM and Hollywood to repeatedly launch attacks against any of his foes or underlings...In short, they are insignificant because his ilk has been wildly successful in making America a Nation were only 30% of people actually attend church.

But I won't speak for him...
Quoting: Rayrayz

He didn't quite answer it.

What I really want to know, OP rofschid, who is above you in the power structure on earth?

You say I do not know the stakes and the game, but believe me, I have some idea. My questions that you keep avoiding are to help me build a clearer picture. This is a difficult task with all of the dis-info and your smug non-answers to pointed, specific questions.

Hubris ought not be such an easy luxury since it was NOT you who implemented these great systems, but those who came before you. Those who stand on the shoulders of giants must mind their balance.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Laughing out Loud!

Some enquiring mind earlier asked how the Rockefellers related to THE FAMILY and I was forced, sadly, to use the analogy of the PIMP/HOE relationship, which created some consternation!

Laughing out Loud!

Did any astute student of this thread note a very recent development wherein, using the colloquial, one FAMILY was "bitch slapped" by the other?

Perhaps "bitch slapped" understates the REALITY!

Laughing out Loud!

I would be most interested to hear more of your very enlightened version of how things developed. I must ask, however, from where did your knowledge emanate?

Laughing out Loud!

Consider further, that the realization of some TRUTH and the right application of said TRUTH can require very different skills!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:51 PM
Rofschild, what is your family relationship to the powers behind the Vatican?

Equal to you? Below you? Competing with you?

Will the pope change his hat from pisces to aquarius soon?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

He's answered that.

His family is in charge of the Vatican's assets...and his "bloodline" owns and control's the MSM and Hollywood to repeatedly launch attacks against any of his foes or underlings...In short, they are insignificant because his ilk has been wildly successful in making America a Nation were only 30% of people actually attend church.

But I won't speak for him...
Quoting: Rayrayz

Hello Rayrayz and Welcome!

Actually, religion has historically served a very useful purpose...very useful indeed!

However, all good things must come to an end when something more effective is developed!

Laughing out Loud!

FIAT has also been a useful religion, but it, too, will shortly be replaced as the PRIMARY method of control.

You appear to be an enlightened CHAP. What, pray tell, is the NEXT BIG THING in a post-fiat world?

Laughing out Loud!

It has been lost on many the significance of the (financial) attack upon GREECE, birthplace of WESTERN CIVILIZATION!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:52 PM
Judging by how haughty this guy is I wouldn't be too surprised if he really is a rothschild. His talk of 'keeping the bloodline pure' obviously refers to the fact that he and his family are psychopaths. The purported 'superiority' is really an excuse for an inability to form meaningful relationships with other humans.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

I think it's a chick!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293 that YOU?

Zippy has been preoccupied with finding a MATE to carry on his fine BLOODLINE!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 06:59 PM
Rofschild, regarding the next system of control;
it will be INFORMATION. That much is clear (as mud).

We are already controlled by "information" to a great extent.

The drivel fed to cretins via CNN, NPR etc. is designed to create certain thought patterns which fit into other thought patterns designed to created PERCEIVED VALUE.

I think I see now (partially) what you are getting at. The ENTIRE SYSTEM of human society is based on perceived value, from presidents down to shoe laces.

What you have done so adeptly is to manipulate the perceived value of EVERYTHING.

You have us convinced that scraps of green paper are the END ALL BE ALL of existence.

You have helped us to forget the true value of certain things like pure water, air and food.

We value large televisions and automobiles instead of deep understanding of natural law.

You have convinced us that black is white and white is black.

...such that ALL of our efforts are for you and none of our efforts are for us.

Can you help me to understand the way(s) in which this will be quantified in the future?

If you start early enough with "education," the sheeple will police themselves. But to what extent will you remove free will and free enterprise - or have you not ironed that out yet?

Who will get food and who will starve? When you control all information, will people merely work to clean your pools and mow your downs?

Will you still need your army of think tanks to work out the details or will you let everyone die so you can frolic in your private utopia?

Also: WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH ALL OF THE GOLD? I know you have it - all of it. What are your plans for it? It's not worth anything unless you are using it for something large and other-worldly....?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC and Welcome!

Information control is "old-school". What I am referring to is a completely new paradigm of control in a post-fiat world. Not that FIAT will cease to exist, but that the essential functions served by FIAT will be supplanted by a NEXT GENERATION MECHANISM.

Clearer now?

Gold is THE cosmic currency...perhaps the ultimate source of knowledge. HOW that knowledge is unlocked is an entirely other question!

Laughing out Loud!

You do ask a relevant question which all serious humans should address; namely "who will get food and who will starve". Can you follow that thought thread?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16887404 United States 05/30/2012 07:03 PM
External subjugation/slavery
Self subjugation/religion-morality
The religion of FIAT


Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5188697 United States 06/15/2012 10:33 PM
OP won't comeback, i guess...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17080995

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

Surpassing expectations is one of the key attributes of "success"...operating within the constraints of Natural LAW of course.

For those interested in such things, I will be servicing this thread, albeit intermittently, through October 25th, 2012., after which I will take my leave.

Plenty of time for enquiring minds to learn what they need to know.

As to the above posters, I will respond in due time but current "conditions" do not allow me to provide for the thoughtful and complete answers I have come to be known for.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5188697 United States 06/15/2012 10:35 PM
Red Shingle,

One of your own has said on television that "world currency" is the next big thing.

Then he began rambling about controlling weather in China.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15722293

Hello AC and Welcome!

The "world currency" aspect is nonsense for what must be obvious reasons and which has been explained thoroughly already.

The comment regarding controlling weather in China (and elsewhere) merits further exploration!

Well done, old chap!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5188697 United States 06/15/2012 10:45 PM
Rothschild heiress's marriage to Goldsmith scion is over... after she falls for a rapper called Jay Electronica

Read more: [ link to]

Ouch...A darkie.

You think this might be some kind of karma for intentionally encouraging(funding psyops) "mixed race" relationships among white Europeans?...While telling your own "bloodline" to keep it pure? Hypocritical isn't it...

I'd LOVE to know your thoughts on one of your own cheating on her Jewish husband with a black gangster rapper. You can't be happy about it.


Quoting: Rayrayz

and remember Redshield...I'm only bustin' your balls...It wouldn't be cool for you to try to go after me...You started this thread.

You have been honest and honorable throughout this process.

Not sure if people in real life actually bust your chops...but that's all I'm doing. so relax...don't kill me bro...
Quoting: Rayrayz

Hello Rayrayz and Welcome Back!

You must keep in mind two facts about this so-called "media event".

If a family controlled, say, the global media mechanism for might be presumed that those holding such control might "influence" the content therein!

Laughing out Loud!

One might ponder what ends such "reporting" would serve to advance.

Further, you will note that said genetic paring has already spawned thrice...thus the bloodline is indifferent to such dalliances...were they, in fact, "shocking" to the patriarch of the clan!

One astute poster observed that the couple appeared to be brother and sister!

Laughing out Loud!

Please do get back to me if the "sensational" event results in progeny down the line. Then, and only then, would the "little folk" have something of interest to natter on about!

Laughing out Loud!

Carry On, ye brave soldiers of TRUTH!
User ID: 18645933 Hong Kong 06/26/2012 07:14 PM
Hello to ALL and Welcome,

Extreme Travel has kept me away from the thread for an extended period.

I will return next week to address one and all!

Keep your heads up!

User ID: 18668305 China 06/27/2012 03:52 AM
I AM a Rofschild, go ahead and AXE me a question!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 18668305 China 06/27/2012 03:56 AM
Is reality created for us or do we create our reality
Quoting: Brennus 1290057
The reason why I ask this is,when I was younger it seemed I could manipulate the reality around me.I thought the world was created for me until I was 12.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

Curious. Are you Rh- ?

Deprogramming is common...the norm. Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own...held back... instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people". Who among you have not seen THIS dynamic at work...perhaps in your own lives!

Children, even Rh+, have great powers of perception and much latent "power". Some are able to "activate" and represent the evolutionary force at work. HOW they activate, and to what end, is cause for great and continuing speculation.

The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Im RH + im learning to work things to my advantage, never liked the education system,still dont. i understand what you mean about frequency to a certain extent - teach me to move forward to know what you know
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15212947

Hello UK and Welcome!

I don't understand what you are asking of me.

To know what another knows requires a basis...a foundation, does it not?

One learns the alphabet first, then is able to group the letters into sounds and, ultimately, a representation of MEANING.

You need to grasp the basics, and I have provided the blueprint to do that in this thread.

If you have a SPECIFIC question, do not hesitate to ask.
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 03:28 PM
HI Mr. Rofschild.

Is it true that your ancestors in London would set a place at the dinner table that always remained empty? Some speculated it was for the devil.

Are you the owners of the wax figures of certain royals from the 17th century and you have parties with them? Is it true that one of your family members is obsessed with these figures?

WHat do you think of people like the earl of Carnarvon who married a Rothschild so she could obtain a title? Why is this important to you?

What is the male Y chromosome of the Rothschild lineage?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10121589

Hello Mr. AC and Welcome!

Why are you so facinated with the rumours and innuendo which often have followed great families in history?

If I answer one way or another, how does it affect your linage either way? How are you better or worse off in any way?

With all that is transpiring now, is this the sum total of your concerns?

Pathetic, really.
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 03:41 PM
OP, why do we(at least I) keep seeing the eye in pyramid? I see it a lot, like as a painting in a movie scene. Why? I guess it is a message to the viewers subconsciousness? What is the significance? Nothing is conincidence, right? Is it relevant to "the next big thing"?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

I must say that you ask a question, at least in a roundabout way, which has some significance.

The all seeing eye DOES relate to the subconscious. What most, if not all have missed is the astounding fact that the subconscious is actually ALIEN to the human host.

I've given up on the Socratic method with the lump-heads on this forum, so presumably this is CLEAR and straight-forwarded enough for even the dimmest wit to understand.

Humans everywhere are anxiously awaiting the so-called ALIENS...never once stopping to consider they arrived long ago and inhabit the original humans inhabiting this planet.

This has NOTHING to do with everything I have explained previously of bloodlines et al...these are very separate and distinct fields of study.

The subconscious controls the human, and the subconscious is an ALIEN presence in humans. Not hard to go back and estimate when all THIS took place!

Laughing out Loud!!

What humans "know" via the conscious brain is analogus to that of other dumb beasts...cow, oxen, horse...those are your intellectual equals!

Laughing out Loud!

You are possessed and your meat-eating is thinly veiled blood sacrifice! Chew on that for awhile!

So you can see that your many so-called illusions of dominion of the earth are far from true. You can also see that you might want to stop with the blood sacrifice which nourishes your parasites.

"They" hate light and certain kinds of energy which come from a plant based diet. One can influence the parasite by changing the condition of the host!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 03:43 PM
Is reality created for us or do we create our reality
Quoting: Brennus 1290057
The reason why I ask this is,when I was younger it seemed I could manipulate the reality around me.I thought the world was created for me until I was 12.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1290057

Curious. Are you Rh- ?

Deprogramming is common...the norm. Why do you think so much is invested in the "education" system and media "programming". Those who are evolving faster are ostracized by their own...held back... instead of being "groomed" to become the teachers and leaders of "their people". Who among you have not seen THIS dynamic at work...perhaps in your own lives!

Children, even Rh+, have great powers of perception and much latent "power". Some are able to "activate" and represent the evolutionary force at work. HOW they activate, and to what end, is cause for great and continuing speculation.

The evolutionary process is "known", but also a wildcard. Bloodlines are genetic "purifications" at work and span centuries. As with crops, a wild seed blowing at the wrong time can wreck havoc on the most carefully laid "plans".

This is why control is so very necessary.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Im RH + im learning to work things to my advantage, never liked the education system,still dont. i understand what you mean about frequency to a certain extent - teach me to move forward to know what you know
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 15212947

Hello Mr AC UK and Welcome,

There is plenty in this thread to date for you to begin your own journey of discovery. You may also seek other paths.

My suggestion is to start with nutrition, and I have laid that out in some detail. It is hard to search for truth if you are a bloated sott, unable to drag your lazy meat bag off the chair on which you are sitting.
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 03:46 PM
What is the Martian DNA and Rothschild connection?

What is the truth on Mars civilizations? How many people/beings are on Mars currently?

What is the true history of Mars?

How would you define the spirit Lucifer?

Does Lucifer incarnate into human body/bodies?

How do the Rothschilds control Time?
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Dude, you're asking that because of your convo with "BlackJaguar".

Not saying I hate the kid, but he's clearly out of his mind with delusions.

Do you think he's a legit amnesiac time traveler?

Serious question...not bustin' balls.

Just wonderin'.
Quoting: Rayrayz

Alien DNA is still a relevant topic in this thread.

There are many opinions for and against Alien DNA existing.

Would like to get OP's experienced opinion on that matter.

Not sure if OP would tell the truth on that subject.

However, if approached in the correct way, Natural Law would nudge OP to answer the questions honestly.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


You insult me without provocation. I do not "lie" nor have I "Lied"

Fortunately, your opinion matters not to me.

You should, however, use the remaining time I am here to get a starting point established if you ever hope to evolve beyond your present sad state.
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 03:56 PM
OP is probably long gone - but just in case

1) Why are novel events occurring on other planets in the solar system concomitant to financial collapse? What is the macro nature of events unfolding?

2) What is the nature of Saturn - is it a being/God or a conduit for a being/God?

3) The great majority of world's people are making no preparations for economic collapse/NWO. What is the disposition of the elite toward those who bright enough to see what is coming and are trying to take steps?

4) Will silver ever go stratospheric?

Quoting: jrb366 16937796

Hello JRB and Welcome!

There is no relationship between the current earth financial system and events in outside spheres.

The macro nature of events unfolding is the perfection of a select bloodline and the associated havoc inflicted on other, unrelated bloodlines.

I don't understand your Saturn question. please elaborate.

Survival is an instinct in ALL animals and almost every lifeform. Even an amoeba will react to a rpobe!

The fact that the present day humans have even lost this genetic survival aspect astounds even us. This has manifest two generations ago and is unprecedented! If individual humans have not shed this for whatever reason is irrelevant for the most part.

How would you feel if you found a colony of turtles who had learned to leave their shells and enjoyed basking in the sun, even though debris and rocks fell around them constantly. Then you spot a few more timid specimens that opted to keep theirs on for whatever reason.

Likely you would see both groups as "stiupid turtles"...not that one group was smarter than the other.

The fiat monitary system is concluded. Gold and Silver have important properties, but to measure their value in terms of paper fiat is absurd. The paper fiat has no you not understand that?

Anyway, the NEXT BIG THING is not fiat/money as you understand it. What is coming is a much more effective means of control as many are quickly learning.
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 04:05 PM
Is yu Abaham Linkin Rofschild?
I knows yo mama.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4189798

haha. We have no mothers.

The chosen are disabused of the notion of a NURTURING OTHER, who sacrifices all for the innocent being.

TEACH your children the ways of nature...they will learn one way or another anyway.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What will you be when Jesus come and there will be no nature
you feel wise but you are in for the biggest surprise of your live. Let me give you a hint very hot lots of worms never sleep
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18923728


Jesus is going to come in and destroy nature?

Worms are magical creatures. No life on earth would be possible without these marvels of nature! Cleopatra killed those who killed the worms...wise woman!

You, sir or ma'am, are a confused, deluded slug!
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 04:53 PM
ah, man...

OP still around?
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hello SOS and Welcome!

Yes, I will be around until October 25th, 2012.

Did you have a question?
User ID: 5188697 United States 07/03/2012 05:16 PM
External subjugation/slavery
Self subjugation/religion-morality
The religion of FIAT


Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16887404


The value of self talent, of understanding knowledge, and advancement of creative ideas through intuitive insight with the ability to properly express intuitive insight after thought must be applied to intuitive insight in order for expression to occur.

Sorry it sounds so dorky. But, that was just a run-on thought.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hello SOS!

As a general observation, one should never apologize. I have writeen on that topic before and you would do well to understand the implications.

The value and virtue of the attributes you listed are their own reward. The mistake is to think that the external world will "reward" one based on bringing those attributes to the "marketplace". Of course, most know that is not the case. However, having those virtues is highly rewarding from a bloodline sense IF one can correctly apply them!

Everyone is stuck on the paradigm of FIAT.

FIAT, or binary, chips or any other manifestation of fictional/representative value is over. It has served its purpose and subjugated formerly free and self-relaint humans.

The NEXT BIG THING is already here. As with FIAT and its wart-y cohorts, the methodology is one of absolute control. FIAT framed behavior, what comes next will control it absolutely.

I am truly surprised no one has hit upon it yet, as it is much on human's minds during this current phase.

I, too, prefer the Socratic method, but the nuance and subtlety have been lost on those here so far. I had understood that this forum had sufficient size and scope to suggest a few worthy humans, but sadly has not been the case so far.

Wait and see, I suppose.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:10 AM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What advice will you give me to break free from the current situation of this modern day slavery.
Quoting: Temperance 15212947

Hello Temperance and Welcome!

If you had bothered to read the thread, you would have your answer already.

I will be posting a response to Mr. UK which would be relevant to your question, if you are too lazy to do so.

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:13 AM
What direction do rh negatives take to do there part?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

The correct form is "their" in "take to do their part"

It is poor form to demonstrate your ignorance on a public forum in such a manner. Do you lack the resources to obtain some semblance of an education?

If you expect to be taken seriously by me, or anyone for that matter, pay attention to how you present to others!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:22 AM
Revelation Today.

OP is a Hollywood Actress who is hidden in plain sight to "harvest" energy for "The Family"

Because of Respect of your Talent, I will refrain from posting your Identity.

However, I DO admire your work!

Laughing Out Loud!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Zippy!

I had come to understand, through your own posting, that you were taking leave of this thread.

For the record, I stoically accepted your decision and now note that you have already failed in your resolve to do as you stated. No surprise there!

On more than one occasion you have affirmatively stated that I offered you $1 million in fiat for no reciprocal consideration...and subsequently failed to deliver on that promise.

I hereby formally challenge you to direct those so interested to the exact page in this thread where such an offer was made by me. In other words, you have made a claim which attempts to besmirch my reputation and honour...I now offer you the opportunity to back up your claim!

Your lack of standing makes statements such as you have made meaningless to me. Now let's see if you possess any sense of responsibility for your actions or...indeed...any SHAME relating to the state of your current devolution.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:34 AM

it's a combination of the 300...
Quoting: Lightfeather

There has got to be more than just the Committee of 300.

Let's see if OP will "enlighten" us with the answer of the true power behind the scenes.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Who runs the world? Well, YOU do of course.

Wherever I travel, I see a lot of YOU's out there busy running the world. And I also see that you run the world based on your precepts of how things work and such. Little algorithms, constantly operating in the background. Where on Earth did THEY come from?

laughing, laughing, laughing out LOUD!!

And of course, being children, things go wrong when bad or selfish decisions are made. Bogey-men are thus created to absorb the blame...deep dark evil forces that make things go bump in the night. THEY are the reason for all this trouble! Bad, bad men!

I suppose another way to put it that you might understand better, is that the world is run by men who truly understand the dark nature of the human spirit. So, YOU provide the evil and these men create scenarios where they know how you will react. It is scary how accurately refined these rule-based systems have become. Ironically, THESE men of "knowledge" must keep their "hands" clean! Must! Or the MAGIC goes!

Oh! Sweet Irony!!

Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don't and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.

The real masters are the intellects who suggest in a suggestible way that which you cannot resist.

Did you know that the US porn industry is now larger than the Hollywood box office? Well over 10 billion! But ask anyone if they watch porn and you will likely be told NO!.

Who is the evil, dark force here? The entity who understands human lust and provides for it? The consumer of the lust? Would the porn industry exist if its services were not in demand? Would it end tomorrow if people chose to NOT watch porn? Of course. So, pick your evil!

Of course, the "secret(s)" has/have made more than one bloodline powerful beyond belief, and there are struggles. Ultimately, one will win that's interesting!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Much truth to this. Another disturbing example: The meat industry.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19357541

Hello Mr. German and Welcome!

I do respect the analytical nature of the German bloodline and the unflinching tendencies in the face of truth and reality. You COULD teach your american brothers MUCH...but sadly are still dragging the baggage of your "past" and, thus, the piggish americans are smug and disapproving that your lines are not as MORAL as theirs!

Laughing out loud!

Here's a newsflash! Germans will be one of the last lines STANDING! You can bet your last DM on that one!

Laughing out loud!

As you state correctly, the meat industry is a HORROR and abomination! Truly sick and disgusting on every level and a very poorly disguised BLOOD SACRIFICE!

I will have more to say on the subject for those pre-disposed to listen.

Feel free to come back and ask any questions you may have. You are most welcome here!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:38 AM
Bickle, were you to receive $1 million US unexpectedly, and you had a vague sense that it was imperative that you give the totality of these funds to an unrelated bloodline (gut feeling)...say an orphanage or some such....would you do so?

Would you give this windfall to others selflessly and anonymously?

Answer honestly, young Bickle!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6781821

Quoting: Open Your Eyes


You construe this hypothetical scenario as a commitment on my part to give you, without consideration, $1 million FRN's?

You are truly deluded...but don't take my word for it!

Carry on, Zippy!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:41 AM
Hello Young Bickle,

Truly, there is much disinformation out there, but we do not even need to dirty our hands...for the large part.

You little people are adept at offering opinions on things of which you have no real knowledge. Very adept.

Look at the stock market. The objective is to get the worthless fiat out of the serfs hands, not make a profit!

Why would those who own the fiat creation have to work to get more! Silly!

The market exists to get worthless fiat out of the hands of the little people, and for no other reason. And it is very easy to do. Think about how the markets work!

I offer you this Bickle. If you can figure out the mechanism by which this is accomplished, I will fill in the blanks and you SHOULD be able to help your bloodline with some crisp, new fiat!

Laughing out loud!

That just sounds silly to me!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

So, I offer to fill in the informational BLANKS to TEACH you how to make some fiat...and clarify that, with said information, you SHOULD be able to make some crisp new fiat...

And you construe this as a commitment to give you $1 million FRN's?

This, as much as anything, is why you are living a slug-like existence in your parents basement in some jerk-water midwest town.

Carry on, Zippy.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:47 AM

Is a bloodline a conscious entity

If we both look at the same square are we seeing the same square

Intuition lets you know what will happen a millisecond before it happens; outwith our framework of perception, does this demonstrate an infinite field of existence in which linearity is but a mere illusion
Quoting: Mr Mystery

Hello Mr. Mystery and Welcome!



As I have explained numerous times before, there is no timeline...there is no linearity! A straight line does not exist in nature...and the fact that humans perceive the opposite is but one example of the massive delusion-set humans are programmed to accept; but that the deeper "knowledge" base rejects as false.

cognitive dissonance, yo!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:51 AM
I would advise you to take from it that which resonates. Of course, 100 humans can read ANYTHING (assuming that they can read!)and come to different conclusions on its veracity and value relative to that particular bloodline.

I could direct someone to a website instructing how one can "make a million dollars from multi-level marketing". The information may be true if one is, by nature a "huckster", false if one were an "introvert"...additionally, I have no use personally for a "million dollars" so to me it has ZERO value!

Laughing out loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

Read your bold quote from Page 22.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Stop Zippy!

You are playing the fool at this point. Harlequin. Disgrace!

What would have prevented you from acknowledging your error and offering some form of restitution for the wrongs done?

Something as simple as an acknowledgement of the TRUTH?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 11:54 AM
I'm going to think out loud here, for a sec.

What comes next will control ' it' absolutely...

Control FIAT absolutely?

OK...back up. Fictional/representative value is over. So, only things that have value, will have value. Again, it will be a system of absolute control.

The NEXT BIG THING IS ALREADY HERE. Information is already here.

Is that it? Information as currency. Trade of information is the next big thing.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hello SOS and Welcome!

You can't be SERIOUS?!?

Information was the ORIGINAL currency! You live in what has been called the INFORMATION AGE! Facebook sold for billions, not because it makes $$, but because it is ripe/heavy with INFORMATION!

Laughing out loud!

I'm talking about the NEXT BIG THING! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:07 PM
ah, man...

OP still around?
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hello SOS and Welcome!

Yes, I will be around until October 25th, 2012.

Did you have a question?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5188697

Hello again OP!

I hope you're well!

Thank you for the continuing encouragement to adopt a plant based diet. It is, initially, quite surprising to see how many people have a negative view toward going vegetarian/vegan. I've been told by peers, who have tried this diet, to expect a drop in energy and to take multivitamins to compensate for the perceived lack of nutrition! However, I intend to stick to the new regime and look forward to any beneficial results. Especially so, in light of the latest revelations from you regarding the true 'nature' of meat consumption!! Although, I do hope what you have said isn't in reference to 'Thetans' in any way ha!

Distilled water is not as easy to organise without a more substantial Fiat investment. The solution to this obstacle is to channel the Fiat saved through going vegan towards the purchase of the requisite copper equipment.

I've read the Tesla book you previously recommended to me as well as looking at a lot of the information available online. His understanding of nature really is awe-inspiring. As you said, many of his greatest discoveries have not been implemented for mass consumption. It's self-evident that this suppression has suited those in power and that any change to the current status-quo would only come should it be considered to be advantageous to them (or should I say you). I've no doubt that you have thoroughly explored and surpassed Tesla's own research by now. What room does that leave anyone else to continue to pursue this field of research?

Regarding all that you have re-iterated about the non-linear nature of time, is something that takes quite some mental adjustment to accommodate and get used to! I have taken it to mean that, effectively, all an individual has is 'now'. You define yourself and will live with the results of what you are doing 'now'. 'If you do what you did, you'll get what you got' as you have said. There are no excuses, you must enforce the change in your own life RIGHT NOW to create the conditions that you (and your blood-line) wish to exist within. If I am not on track here I would greatly appreciate any further instruction you might have.

NOW, to address the hints you have been dropping as to the 'NEXT BIG THING': Fiat seems to be drying up amongst the general population. The rounds of 'Quantitative Easing' were SUPPOSED to pass Fiat to the banks so that they would then pass it on to small to medium sized businesses. That didn't happen as the banks are not willing to lend due to risk. Interest rates are at zero which eats up savings and punishes the financially prudent slave. You've told us that the middle classes will be a thing of the past. Unemployment rates are rising as businesses struggle to survive. This steers more people to be reliant on state benefits/social security as the weight of the worthless Fiat National Debt crushes all below it. In the UK, we are now seeing programs similar to those in the US, whereby those receiving unemployment benefits/social security are being asked to work full-time for corporations such as Tesco and Poundland. This equates to 40 hours per week for around £60 and quite significantly bypasses minimum wage laws. Good for an employer! Especially for an employer who looks jealously on at the low wages paid by his Chinese competitors!

I'll have to choose my words carefully here so as not to be written off as another dumb sot! If no value is to be attached to items, would that not indicate, no low-level public trade/commerce? A massive change from the current paradigm. During the last World War the citizens in the UK were given ration cards to provide for very basic basic food,clothing and heating needs. Might we see a technologically updated version of this applied due to the austerity measures? Food stamp usage in the US is enormous and ever increasing (like the average American waist line ha!) which would be in line with that supposition. You also mentioned that 'some will eat and some won't'. Might that be it? Will people have to do government assigned jobs to qualify for meagre sustenance rations? Or, will people be left to their own devices to survive or starve. To literally follow Natural Law by living like animals, surviving however they can in the wild. Will a 'Perception Changing Event' by an expedient to those ends?

You said that you will take your leave in October and that leads me to wonder just what will be going on from the 26th of that month. I wouldn't expect it to be good for the average person but on the other hand, you still offer hope that should your advice be heeded, then those with a strong survival instinct may have a chance. The irony regarding the events that have unfolded in Greece has not been lost. We may well expect the current deconstruction of western civilisation that has started in Greece to further be exported to the rest of us.

You have been gracious enough to encourage and enlighten readers here. The advice you gave that 'there is ALWAYS a solution to any seemingly intractable solution' gives me optimism. In fact you have said that it IS possible to cheat the fate that awaits most people. The majority of the populace has willingly walked into this 'Brave New World' but that does not apply to all of us. You mentioned the example of the turtles in a previous post which indicates the way you view us. So, although I am DEFINITELY grateful, I am also curious as to why you might want to offer any advice?

I'll not compromise in my resolve to eat and drink properly. I'll remain observant and do my utmost to live in accordance with Natural Law, free from 'beautiful lies'. In fact, I will continue to heed any advice that you may pass on. So, I can only say a BIG thank you for the time and effort you have afforded the readers of this thread!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19103741

Hello Mr. UK and Welcome!

You have been very gracious in your presentation of questions and ideas and demonstrated respect by following through on suggestions made by doing further research!

I would like to expand on two points for your consideration.

Most in the west are familiar with the concept of YIN YANG...the interrelationship of seeming opposite forces. I encourage you to become familiar with this TRUTH and look for examples in your experiences. See if it rises to the level of a NATURAL LAW in your reality!

Let us start simply!

"Night" cannot exist without "Day".

"Truth" cannot exist without "Lies"

"Problems" cannot exist without "solutions"

One gives form, creation and life to another.

A straight line cannot exist in nature!

There is no timeline...there is no past and no future. Because there IS no PAST...there cannot be a FUTURE.

Leaving only NOW, or REALITY. Keep this in mind.

Moving on to the concept of food!

You, presumably are an ANIMAL...a mammal.

You were a product of the insemination of egg by sperm. You were a live birth (again presumably) and a nursing mammal! Slow to mature and capable of complex cognitive interactions with your environment. Perhaps 300 million possible iterations of YOU, with one prevailing!

Sentient...capable of feeling pain, of growing and evolving.

What, of the attributes noted, differ from the animals you choose to eat? Say a PIG or COW...slaughtered by the hundreds of millions per year...and slaughtered without observing the laws and rituals of nature!

Most importantly, slaughtered on YOUR BEHALF!

It is well understood that these animals suffer greatly in their lifelong confinement (look up VEAL PRODUCTION for a "taste" of the sacrifice of YOUTH), are injected with all sorts of unnatural poisons and pharma effluents, fed genetically modified "grains" in a filthy environment.

Fear permeates their environment...misery unto DEATH.

Their complete existence is a MISERY from birth to death.


Where does all that fear and misery accumulate? Where does it go? Would YOU want to live in this existence? Do you APPROVE of these miseries being inflicted by those who act as your AGENT? Do you realize that AGENTS actions are lawfully binding upon the principal? As you BUY meat, you buy and legitimize this "system" of misery.

These mechanisms allow modification of thought perception which lead to such things as the aborting of human babies! Self-inflicted genocide! Astounding!

What will the next big advancement of humanity be?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Laughing out loud!

In the US, mcdonalds serves up billions of these little misery bombs...brightly wrapped and served by a grotesque clown character.

Eat up, Kiddies!

Eating animals is eating one's own. It is not a FOOD SOURCE per se, but cannibalism.

Consider another source of food. Plants.

Along the YIN YANG meridian, plants are opposite/complementary in most respects. Life forms, sure, and many realize now sentient.

However, plants and humans are symbiotic! One respirates Co2 and the other o2. One cannot live without the other!

Plants take non organic elements from the earth and make them digestible for humans. In fact, the only true source of minerals for human consumption come from plants. Elemental sources cannot be metabolized and end up causing sickness and death in humans.

Laughing out loud!

Human faeces is PLANT FERTILIZER! That which is SHAT is life giving food to plants!

Humans and plants have evolved together. There is much WISDOM which plants can impart to humans. One need only EAT!

Laughing out loud!

Let's create a small food chain scenario easily accomplished by MOST first world inhabitants.

You have, or acquire, a small plot of land. The land is fertile or reasonably so...or, worst case, can be rehabilitated with a small amount of knowledge of earthworms .

You plant a variety of green plants and vegetables...the type that humans normally consume. The cost of seeds is very small and through some miracle of life, you discover that the plants which grow also produce seeds...which can be kept for future growings! Food for now and the means of production for later!

You learn that by selecting the type of plants grown, you can make an ideal combination specific to your blood type and nutritional constitution. After some study, you learn that food can, indeed, be your "medicine"...just like that old guy said a few thousand years ago!

Laughing out loud!

After a period of systemic adjustment, you realize that your health has improved and you are bursting with abundant energy. You are never ill! No colds, no flesh eating bacteria!

The idea that one would need health insurance (socialist or private) becomes an absurdity!

At some point, you realize that the digestive tract you inherited required constant grazing...such as elephants, horses and cows do...and learn of JUICING! Most of the nutritional value can be extracted and made portable along with other benefits. You adopt this regimen after carefully weighing the pros and negatives and find an increase of super-charged energy....along with a small mountain of grindings from the juicing process...from vegetables and plants grown by yourself, with your your own garden!

You elect to form a relationship with a CHICKEN. Or maybe TWO CHICKENS!

You find that the chickens greedily eat the fibrous grinding remains along with bugs and anything else they can find...and, in exchange, give you a small nutrient bomb of proteins, high quality fats, organic minerals and other good stuff. They, in essence, extract the rest of the nutrition from the vegetables and produce it in a highly assimilatable form...complete amino acid profile, proportioned correctly.

Seeing an opportunity, you add this marvel of human nutrition to your green juicing! Raw!

Because the egg is UNFERTILIZED, there are no karmic issues with its consumption! Because you are providing a safe and healthy environment to the chicken; supplying it with healthy vegetables grown from the sweat of YOUR BROW...your is a perfectly symbiotic relationship!

Quid pro quo!

Now, the chicken ages and stops laying.

What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO??

Why, you continue to care for the feed it and respect it during its "life" as you did while it was producing eggs! RESPECT, YO!

YOU DO NOT EAT THE CHICKEN! It lives out its life according to its NATURE and GENETIC PROGRAMMING. You are living according to the NATURAL LAW OF BOTH!

Why? Because you are living in the NOW! There being no timeline, there is only NOW. The killing of the chicken affects the Eggs...ALL the eggs concurrently. Betray the chicken NOW and poison the eggs NOW.

And you don't want to eat poisoned eggs, do you?

It's really very simple, actually.

So now, by the sweat of your own brow (and admittedly, taking very little actual sweat) you are feeding yourself and have taken responsibility for your own health. You are full of energy and brimming with positive POWER!

You grow your own food, maintain your own health and have no need for the pharma or poisoned ag industry!

At the same time, your need for fiat has been reduced significantly, so the need to toil in some dreary cubicle has been reduced or eliminated! You spend your life in the sunshine, in nature, producing and consuming your own labor.

How can ANY entity tax the fruit of your labors? Sadly, the various bureaucracies are not set up to process CHICKENS!

Laughing out loud!

This is but one very simple action ANYONE can take which changes their lives completely and allows them to take a new path. This earth truly is a biblical GARDEN OF EDEN!

Profoundly simple, and now laid out clearly for all to see!

Who will now take this information and start a new life for themselves and their family? What I have told you is true and in conformance to NATURAL LAW. Best of all, YOU can PROVE OR DISPROVE this by your own experimentation, and engagement costs little if anything to begin!

Now consider...WHO is truly the villain in the misery which is your life?

Will YOU stand accountable for the sloth and mistakes YOU have made?

Will you look in the mirror to see who is to blame for your condition?

We shall see!

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:14 PM
"Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her." Rev. 18:8

How do you feel knowing that one day you will be sent to outer darkness forever?

yet even you can repent before Jesus Christ, and escape the judgement to come.

your god is doomed, and so are you.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19400969

Hello AC and Welcome!

Do you eat MEAT?

Laughing out loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:16 PM
I'm going to think out loud here, for a sec.

What comes next will control ' it' absolutely...

Control FIAT absolutely?

OK...back up. Fictional/representative value is over. So, only things that have value, will have value. Again, it will be a system of absolute control.

The NEXT BIG THING IS ALREADY HERE. Information is already here.

Is that it? Information as currency. Trade of information is the next big thing.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hello SOS and Welcome!

You can't be SERIOUS?!?

Information was the ORIGINAL currency! You live in what has been called the INFORMATION AGE! Facebook sold for billions, not because it makes $$, but because it is ripe/heavy with INFORMATION!

Laughing out loud!

I'm talking about the NEXT BIG THING! Coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979


Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

No need for all that!

You know more than you did previously because one option has been eliminated!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:19 PM
My wife just went full on vegetarian. I've been thinking about joining her. Don't eat a lot of meat anyway, so it'll be a pretty simple transition.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

In this situation, you benefit, or can benefit, twice!

Once for the truth of what I have previously stated

Next, consider informing your wife that you believe her decision is sound and that you want to follow her example in solidarity as a family unit.

Of course, it must be sincere, but do not hesitate to give her positive acknowledgement for her intuitions.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:25 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I have recently discovered the very strong presence on the Freemasons in New Zealand, can you comment on how much power they really hold in this country? As from what I can see the large majority of the government are masons, and the large major law firm and private doctor, not to mention most private schools and council buildings all have the Masonic symbolism on them.
Are we as a country completely fucked due to this? Because it seems we are, they are sucking up all the money.
Quoting: Te Wai Pounamu

Hello Te Wai and Welcome!

Mr German Guy has just posted one of my earlier comments:

Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don't and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.

You only see the parasites immediately above your "station". Those are the "useful idiots" and they have always played a role!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:26 PM
My wife just went full on vegetarian. I've been thinking about joining her. Don't eat a lot of meat anyway, so it'll be a pretty simple transition.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

In this situation, you benefit, or can benefit, twice!

Once for the truth of what I have previously stated

Next, consider informing your wife that you believe her decision is sound and that you want to follow her example in solidarity as a family unit.

Of course, it must be sincere, but do not hesitate to give her positive acknowledgement for her intuitions.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Yep. I told her that I would join her, but may not be 100%. But, perhaps I'll take the plunge.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Decision trees of this type are always easy!

Are you happy/content with your present situation?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:31 PM
Actually, my last day/post on here is 10/29/2012.

One year and one day!

Anyone know the significance of this?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/09/2012 01:41 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

I have recently discovered the very strong presence on the Freemasons in New Zealand, can you comment on how much power they really hold in this country? As from what I can see the large majority of the government are masons, and the large major law firm and private doctor, not to mention most private schools and council buildings all have the Masonic symbolism on them.
Are we as a country completely fucked due to this? Because it seems we are, they are sucking up all the money.
Quoting: Te Wai Pounamu

Hello Te Wai and Welcome!

Mr German Guy has just posted one of my earlier comments:

Believe me when I say that the efforts to suppress come from immediately above your station. Those who have a few extra comforts that you don't and that want to maintain your submission so that they can maintain theirs.

You only see the parasites immediately above your "station". Those are the "useful idiots" and they have always played a role!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Hi OP,

Who or what occupies the station above your bloodline?

ps. really appreciate the nutritional info.
Quoting: Squid Vicious 17876980

NATURAL LAW and TRUTH, I the sense that we are bound to follow those dictums.

You're welcome, Squid! Heed well, as you now KNOW!

And Knowing implies full responsibility for one's actions!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 10:49 AM
OP, thanks for the food info, i have been thinking about doing what you said(creating a farm with chickens) for quite a time, but although it looks easy,
it requires some knowledge(where to buy the land, the seeds, the hut, watering system(i want to use the tech to full extent), the house...
I have some fiat left, but i have to use it well, for it's probably my only chance.
Can you provide some insight for that, i mean, what to learn? There aren't much farmers left here, so i don't know who to ask. I asked my family for their insight, told them i want to create a farm and live self-reliant, they laughed at me.
"Will you produce EVERYTHING by yourself? You cannot live like that! Trust people(or corporations) a bit, there are regulations for food and for that and for this so they are safe etc.".
Although they have a point, it still breaks my will a bit.
Is growing one's food that easy? I mean i will have to work too, to acquire fiat(unfortunetly!) to buy things i can't produce, and that will probably require at least 8 hours a day(if im lucky!).
Will it be possible to do both in harmony? I can't be sure, i am a bit lost.

ps: you said the german guy that german bloodline will survive. will turkish line? i think turkish line has a lot of inpurities(i guess?) for many civilizations have been here. so that lowers our survival chance, i guess? it may increase it too though.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

I assume you have internet connectivity and can access the www. Of course, there is more information than one could hope to assimilate! Start reading!

Life is predisposed to life. Plants will grow and animals, too. Chickens are hearty for the most part and will eat almost anything you don't. All of that is returned to you in a purified state via the egg embryo.

I think you are over-complicating things. Start today! Pick up some seeds and germinate them. See the miracle of life unfold before your eyes. It isn't difficult whatsoever.

I am not surprised your elders laugh at your initiative. You realize that not too many generations ago the idea of growing ones own food...or procuring from a local known source was the norm.

The fact your elders think as they do should give you some insight as to the turkish bloodlines odds of survival.

Please do post when your first plant takes root and tell me how that made you feel.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 10:50 AM
NATURAL LAW and TRUTH, I the sense that we are bound to follow those dictums.

You're welcome, Squid! Heed well, as you now KNOW!

And Knowing implies full responsibility for one's actions!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

(natural law is magnificent)

what can you tell me about unique perfection?

perfection as in a unique formula of energy which qualifies to be termed perfection from a perspective of natural law on earth

what are the implications of unique perfection founded on merit to the old custiodians of the vatican, their corrupt greed infested groups and factions who actually were/are deluded enough to think they are running this show?

Quoting: Xenophon

"All things dull and ugly,
All creatures short and squat,
All things rude and nasty,
The Lord God made the lot.
Each little snake that poisons,
Each little wasp that stings,
He made their brutish venom.
He made their horrid wings.

All things sick and cancerous,
All evil great and small,
All things foul and dangerous,
The Lord God made them all.

Each nasty little hornet,
Each beastly little squid--
Who made the spikey urchin?
Who made the sharks? He did!

All things scabbed and ulcerous,
All pox both great and small,
Putrid, foul and gangrenous,
The Lord God made them all.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4473716

Scavengers are a key part of the bio-system.

Do not denigrate that which you clearly do not understand.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 10:51 AM
Can you also tell the bank not to charge me $30.00 for my overdraft of 22 cents. Oh but wait, that's how you people make a living My bad.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Well, Duh!

If you don't like the terms, start your own banking system!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 10:52 AM
I'll head down to my nearest Toyota dealership later this week and see what you were able to work out.

Thanks a ton! I own you one!

Quoting: DOT 2 DOT

Hello Dot2Dot and Welcome!

Why would you buy a vehicle from a Toyota dealer?

Save up your fiat and buy from a distressed seller. Get the best deal you can.

Dealers are for those who lack initiative and savvy.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 10:54 AM
NATURAL LAW and TRUTH, I the sense that we are bound to follow those dictums.

You're welcome, Squid! Heed well, as you now KNOW!

And Knowing implies full responsibility for one's actions!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

(natural law is magnificent)

what can you tell me about unique perfection?

perfection as in a unique formula of energy which qualifies to be termed perfection from a perspective of natural law on earth

what are the implications of unique perfection founded on merit to the old custodians of the vatican, their corrupt greed infested groups and factions who actually were/are deluded enough to think they are running this show?

Quoting: Xenophon

Hello Xenophon and Welcome!

As I understand your definition, unique perfection and purification of ones bloodline would be essentially the same concept.


Most of the current institutions do not seek such purification, they are merely tools of those who do.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:01 AM
You insult people on here when you don't have the slightest clue how to answer the question, meaning you are full of shite! I am intelligent enough to figure that out.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

I don't understand your point.

You suggest that I lack the ability to answer a question and resort to obfuscation (via insults) to hide this deficiency?

I assume you will provide an example of this? Or will you do as Zippy did and demonstrate your stupidity in writing.

Keep in mind that most of the posters here are lacking in the basic ability to communicate, form an idea, or make a coherent argument. How does one answer intelligently in the face of such cretinism?

Ask an intelligent question....receive an intelligent answer.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:07 AM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201


Hello GT and Welcome!

What was your question?

Relative to your comment, I have offered to ANSWER questions, not give lectures. I Do this freely and without conditions.

Peruse this thread and see the level of questions being asked. Garbage in-garbage out.

Having said this, taking control of the nutritional cycle is the key first step for almost ALL humans. You claim to be past this point, which I highly suspect. If you are, congratulations...but I would sense your enlightenment, likely....and I don't. You can barely string together a coherent sentence.

Our line has invested enormous resources, freely harvested, to study and APPLY natural law. You claim to be beyone this point.

I say you are deluded, or a liar. But what do you gain by lying?

If one were to undertake a meaningful application of just the food cycle, it would produce enormous benefits. Build from that point forward.

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:09 AM
Do the bloodlines know or in contact with ET?
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hello SOS and Welcome!

Think of your physical space as teeming with life.

Life is everywhere and in many forms. Everywhere!

I have written on this topic in some length. Fell free to peruse!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:12 AM


Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

making fun of Mr Rothschild are you as well for using caps. laughing out loud!!!!!!
he who can not read and write uses pictures. I think he can speak for himself.
Quoting: Goddess of Temperance 15212947

lmao, I had actually just uploaded that pic and wanted to use it.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Hearty Laugh!

That young boy certainly demonstrates the wrong application of passion to pursuits.

The transition from child to adult is, in large part, the harnessing of ones passion to productive ends.

And, if one is REALLY good, one can harvest OTHERS passions as well!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:14 AM
Majority rules! A......Hole. Who in the HELL is freaken BICKLE?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

The majority just thinks they rule.

With discernment you could answer your own question.

All are friends to Bickle.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

Another example of delusion incarnate...the "beautiful lie"

Notice that this intellectual giant starts with an unsupported abbreviated vulgarity and ends with a demonstration of ignorance.

Seriously, whatever happened to intelligent discourse.

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:16 AM
What direction do rh negatives take to do there part?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

The correct form is "their" in "take to do their part"

It is poor form to demonstrate your ignorance on a public forum in such a manner. Do you lack the resources to obtain some semblance of an education?

If you expect to be taken seriously by me, or anyone for that matter, pay attention to how you present to others!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

No, it's just the Internet, with texts and Internet the slang writing comes into play along with automatic word input from iPad takes over my writing skills. Comprende'? I don't work for you so I don't really give a rat's ass what you think of my internet writing. Axe me a question Beeeetch!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Thanks for the offer, but I will decline.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:18 AM
What direction do rh negatives take to do there part?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

The correct form is "their" in "take to do their part"

It is poor form to demonstrate your ignorance on a public forum in such a manner. Do you lack the resources to obtain some semblance of an education?

If you expect to be taken seriously by me, or anyone for that matter, pay attention to how you present to others!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

You answered my question, it is quite clear to me that the rh negatives formed two groups. They broke apart and went THEIR separate ways, the ones in the knowing what is the RIGHT thing to do are the ones who bonded with the general population and do not consider themselves more superior than others, I totally get it now, thanks.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

Although your observations are not factual, you have improved your grammar!

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:20 AM
Say hello to Santa Clause and the Easter bunny for me too Mr. RoFschild. How are you able to type while in your straight jacket? Amazing.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

laughing out loud! That's a good one.
Quoting: Temperance 15212947

Quoting: temperance 15212947

Oh Ho HO Ho...that's RICH!

Well played old sport! All that education is paying off in SPADES!

Oh, my sides are aching!

Please, stop! I can't breathe!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:20 AM
STILL laughing out loud!

Will the mirth EVER end?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 11:54 AM
Majority rules! A......Hole. Who in the HELL is freaken BICKLE?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

The majority just thinks they rule.

With discernment you could answer your own question.

All are friends to Bickle.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

Another example of delusion incarnate...the "beautiful lie"

Notice that this intellectual giant starts with an unsupported abbreviated vulgarity and ends with a demonstration of ignorance.

Seriously, whatever happened to intelligent discourse.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Hi OP,

Thanks for the great response to my post regarding diet and the fallacy of linear time! I take it that I was off the mark as to the 'next big thing' speculation.

Everyone who reads this thread should count themselves grateful that you are answering questions. You make the point that this thread is not a lecture as such. I was thinking last night that I've encountered more wisdom from you in this thread than in all my university lectures put together.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19475399

Hello UK AC and Welcome!

The Socratic method has proven to be the best methodology for imparting knowledge. Why? Because the student leads the teacher! In addition, one who actively seeks knowledge and for it...appreciates it...will ultimately be rewarded. Those given without effort do not appreciate or value that which was given...regardless of the value of the gift!

You have apparently been exposed to the university educational system and see it for what it is. The "best and brightest" which emerge from that process are generally immune to true discovery and the wonder of learning.

I travel in the far east extensively. The so-called PhD's there are typically myopic to an extent which is hard for westerners to fathom. Reason: Rote learning!

Not to say that the current educational system is useless. Learn the tools of communication, the language of the universe (math) and read great literature, if one can find it!

THEN, go forth and LEARN from the teachings of NATURE.

I tell you again, take control of your health via according to RIGHT PRECEPTS...and none can defeat you!

BUILD your eco-system, and draw nourishment from it. Treat the life forms within your eco-system according to their genetic pre-dispositions, and show RESPECT for this awe-inspiring TRUTH. You will be a man who controls his destiny, and it will MANIFEST in ways which others will be aware. This changes the dynamic of your relationships with others.

Following the thread of consciousness of nutrition, you may move on to higher states.

I already told you to drink only distilled water. Very important as your digestive system cannot process inorganic minerals. You will find disinformation regarding this topic, but do your research. All necessary nutrients comes from the plant cycle (albeit plants you grow yourself..not store processed). The miracle of water, the covalent bond...the perfect YIN YANG of hydrogen (builder/structure) mated with OXYGEN (an oxidizer...break down) is perfection itself. Water did not sign up to be a mineral least not for human needs.


I have previously referenced the works of Emoto...take that seriously. (1)


Secrets of the SOIL (3)
Secret Life of PLANTS (4).

Read these four books! Immediately.

You can also research the Alkaline diet. For informational/interest purposes, since you will already be following a PERFECT DIET by adopting my practices.

You have proven your sincere desire to evolve! This is but the first step in the process, but the critical one.

I will take you as far in the process as possible before I take my leave from this site. Report back to me when you have READ and UNDERSTOOD the above books.

Children of the Sun, Indeed.

You can also start looking into the work of HR Manek...previously referenced!

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 12:03 PM
I do not know if you are still answering questions, but I have a question and please indulge my stupidity.

I have read the greater part of this thread, to read it all I have neither the desire or the inclination.

I would ask you who? what is the "rofschild?"

All I know is that the rothchilds are a group of families that are supposedly in control of the planet and control the day to day lives of many people. Is this true and if it is do you have proof to back up your claims?

I was taught at a early age not to believe everything that you are told and only to trust your own two eyes and ears, if you saw it and heard it then believe it, otherwise ask for proof.

Thank you for your time.
Quoting: Word Bearer 19394262

Hello Word Bearer and Welcome!

There are no stupid questions per se, but there ARE stupid people asking irrelevant questions. Do not hesitate to ask questions, but reflect on the purpose and INTENT of your questions prior to asking.

If you have read part of the thread and deem it not worth your time to continue, why ask ANY question?

You have already answered your question regarding WHO, and now you ask for PROOF? What, exactly, would constitute such PROOF to you? Silly! You stated that the only PROOF you would accept is that which you can perceive via sensory inputs. Thus, you have unwittingly reduced yourself to the state of a slug, protozoa or single celled amoeba. They, too, only respond to outside stimuli.

Sir, humans have developed the ability to reason, to extrapolate, logic, deduction, "gut feeling" and other tools which have proven to be very useful. Why do you deny those tools in your own quest? If you limit your understanding to only that which you can see or hear, you must be a very dull person...unless you spend all of your time "on the road".

Seriously, your cognitive abilities are dormant/disabled. I could not care less of your opinion one way or the other.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 12:17 PM
Majority rules! A......Hole. Who in the HELL is freaken BICKLE?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

The majority just thinks they rule.

With discernment you could answer your own question.

All are friends to Bickle.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

Another example of delusion incarnate...the "beautiful lie"

Notice that this intellectual giant starts with an unsupported abbreviated vulgarity and ends with a demonstration of ignorance.

Seriously, whatever happened to intelligent discourse.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Hi OP,

Thanks for the great response to my post regarding diet and the fallacy of linear time! I take it that I was off the mark as to the 'next big thing' speculation.

Everyone who reads this thread should count themselves grateful that you are answering questions. You make the point that this thread is not a lecture as such. I was thinking last night that I've encountered more wisdom from you in this thread than in all my university lectures put together.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19475399

No guesses have been in the correct arena.

Unfortunate, as humans need to PREPARE for what is already UPON them!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/10/2012 01:30 PM
Sir, if you read what I wrote I said "that I did not have the desire or the inclination to read the rest" this does not mean that I have deemed it worthless, only that I Would rather ask you a question than read another forty pages of comments, of which I know that none would ask you for proof of your worldwide conspiracy. I may be wrong but it is highly unlikely, as most people believe in a world order ruling all things. Judging by your reply I would say I was right. I would never deem the written word worthless, even if it is false, the word is what enrich's our lives.

So the Rothchilds who you are a part of, as you would have us believe, have dominion over all who live on this planet. Yet you are unable to point me to particular incident(s) that show where they may have been at work.

Instead you feel the need to belittle, you make judgments of me without knowing me. Very SILLY.

Let me englighten you, you said " humans have developed the ability to reason, to extrapolate, logic, deduction, "gut feeling" and other tools which have proven to be very useful." We are able to do these things via sensory inputs. What I read or hear can enrich my life, change the way I think, even change the way I breath the air that surronds me. So how is it, according to you, I have limited my self to the same level of a single cell organism by only believing what I can read or hear. Your point is mute sir.

For your information I have traveled very far and very wide, I have spent time with Rishi's and sage's in india, monks in Nepal and Thailand, even by limiting my self to my sensory inputs according to you, by listeing to them and reading their books I have enriched my life. You do not limit your self by only believeing what you hear or see. You limit your self by having a closed mind and not being open to new ideas. I do not believe your theory on the rothchilds but I also do not disbelieve it.

It is plain to see that you are not who you say you are. More than this I will not make judgements on your personality as I do not know you and I will never judge another human being as long as I live.

I wish you good health and a long life.
Quoting: Word Bearer 19394262

The word is MOOT, not MUTE.

Very different meanings, as you might take the time to learn.

As to your other comments, I take nothing away of VALUE.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 10:38 AM
It's a phsycho analyses not a judgement.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872


Laughing out Loud!

Need I say more?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 10:47 AM

Is a bloodline a conscious entity

If we both look at the same square are we seeing the same square

Intuition lets you know what will happen a millisecond before it happens; outwith our framework of perception, does this demonstrate an infinite field of existence in which linearity is but a mere illusion
Quoting: Mr Mystery

Hello Mr. Mystery and Welcome!



As I have explained numerous times before, there is no timeline...there is no linearity! A straight line does not exist in nature...and the fact that humans perceive the opposite is but one example of the massive delusion-set humans are programmed to accept; but that the deeper "knowledge" base rejects as false.

cognitive dissonance, yo!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Thank you for your answers OP, very interesting.

If we are looking at what we perceive to be objective reality and allowing the formulation of a linear construct in which it occurs, then can one assume that the mechanism by which this arises is necessary in order for us to engage in a consensual reality?

Does that mean that that what we perceive as being our Universe is actually real, but extraneously bounded by what we would perceive as being an infinite field for our benefit, or is the very act of perception of this reality a falsehood in itself, with due consideration given to matter's true state of condensed energy occupying uncertain fields and cf. the Heart of perfect wisdom.. No mind-consciousness element.. until we come to.

How close are the sutras in peeling back the facade?
Quoting: Mr Mystery

Hello Mr. Mystery and Welcome!

Necessary? I suppose that would depend upon the desired end objective.

All definitions are arbitrary in the sense that they do not generally reflect the true nature of NATURE. Does this imply a "hidden-hand" with an overarching objective?

Most definitely. That has been a central theme of much of the knowledge I have imparted to those who are able to understand.

The more important aspect is if it is NECESSARY.

If one chooses to live a life of delusion, then of course it is necessary. The state of being I have defined as the "beautiful lie".

If one chooses to live according to the laws of NATURE, then such actions are anathema to ones objectives.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 10:56 AM
OP are you still here?

The EU is your pet project, isn't it? The plight of farm and laboratry animals increased over the years due to some changes made in the 70s. Now subsidies are paid for the slaughter of baby cows, the export of cattle to muslim countries (800 € per cow?), etc. Who is responsible for this and who encouraged this? If you are in charge, why don't you stop it?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19473625

Hello Mr. Germany and Welcome!

Those who are responsible are those who engage and partake in such actions! Were "demand" to cease, "supply" would dry up quickly! Classical economic theory!

Germany has produced many philosophers of note. The act or state of FREE WILL has been discussed in detail and needs no further introduction.

You, and others, are free to do as you will. You are free to learn, or to conduct your actions as you see fit. This is the amazing and absolute power granted humans...and a power humans have proven time and time again they are incapable of managing...for lack of a better word!

As you grind out your daily routine, Mr. German, you are vaguely aware that unborn children and animals are being slaughtered in countless numbers.

Can you hear their silent screams?

Have you participated in these holocausts by omission or commission?

If you choose to inflict a hostility upon another today, who is the responsible party? If you stand by passively while others do your dirty work, are you complicit?

You see, Mr. German, the YIN YANG, the great counterweight of the FREE WILL issue is responsibility...sweet personal responsibility! The AGENTS act on YOUR BEHALF!

Let the beautiful lies continue! At your great PERIL!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:11 AM
What if God reincarnated into a Human Body?

How would he Change The World?

Everyone would listen to him. From the Poorest of the Poor to the Richest of the Rich.

He would have access to information on everything.

He would be given keys to the Catholic Church and the Vatican Funds.

Imagine what a Man of Character and Vision could do with the Vatican Funds.

He Would End World Hunger.

He Would Cure Cancer.

He would Control the Media. And start to Enlighten the World with the Appropriate Intent.

He would write a new Common Sense "Bible" (Bye Bye Dogmatic Religion)

Wishful Thinking you say?

A New World is just on the Horizon.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Read what you have written and think again. It doesn't make sense.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19473625

Makes Sense to God and THAT is the only thing that matters.

I was not looking for your opinion, 19473625, either.

As God's Will is More Powerful than your Will, 19473625.

God Gets What He Wants.

Otherwise your Precious World that you Hold so Dear goes Bye Bye.

Do NOT Tell the Creator/Destroyer How to Run HIS World.

God will have Counsel, however people like you, 19473625, will be nowhere near the Table of Enlightened Elders.

Only the Individuals With True MERIT Need Apply.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Your dim-witted-ness knows no bounds!

...As God's Will is More Powerful than your Will...

OK, Mr. Zippy. Do you acknowledge:

1) "God" has provided a set of LAWS for humans to follow
2) God has threatened great punishment for violation of these LAWS
3) Most humans are well aware of these great LAWS. Say, for example, ADULTERY, STEALING or even...BEARING FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR!. Many accounts of such activities taking place on a daily basis!

Laughing out Loud!

Assuming you agree that these foundations are an accurate representation of "reality" as you project it, one could conclude that it is GODS WILL that humans not engage in such activities, no?

Further, it would be clear that humans, by exercising THEIR free will, are acting CONTRARY to GODS WILL?

One can only conclude that GODS WILL is subservient to humans will...for whatever reason, deigned or designed!

In the story of Christianity, GOD offered up his SON to die for the sins of HUMANS. GOD further subordinated his INFINITE POWER/WILL to allow humans FREE WILL...FREE CHOICE!

Why would one so infinitely powerful, so perfect in concept and execution, WILLINGLY do this? Is GOD the first manifestation of a perfect bloodline? Just a stand-up guy?

Does he just do the right thing for no reason....answers to another, higher power?


You carelessly espouse that which you know NOTHING about as fact, and lead those less discriminating in cognitive abilities to their demise. Better to learn the lessons of NATURE and stop the subterfuge.

YOU will bear the consequences of your ignorance, likely!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:17 AM
hello op...
do you think the experiment or the simulation on planet earth reached its end ?
do you think it failed....succeeded ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19264564

Hello Mr. Lebanon,

Failed or Succeeded are arbitrary designations and relative to the observer...there exists no generalized SUCCESS OR FAILURE.

The recent HEAT WAVE in the midwest USA will be a crop failure in one sense, but some will SUCCEED famously because they have purchased FUTURES or INSURANCE.

The HUMANS of EARTH provide a GREAT SERVICE for themselves, and others! This will continue "forever", as there is no past or future timeline.

"Things" will continue to change greatly, but the underlying mechanisms will remain firmly in place.

THOSE will never change!


Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:22 AM
What if God reincarnated into a Human Body?

How would he Change The World?

Everyone would listen to him. From the Poorest of the Poor to the Richest of the Rich.

He would have access to information on everything.

He would be given keys to the Catholic Church and the Vatican Funds.

Imagine what a Man of Character and Vision could do with the Vatican Funds.

He Would End World Hunger.

He Would Cure Cancer.

He would Control the Media. And start to Enlighten the World with the Appropriate Intent.

He would write a new Common Sense "Bible" (Bye Bye Dogmatic Religion)

Wishful Thinking you say?

A New World is just on the Horizon.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Read what you have written and think again. It doesn't make sense.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19473625

The problem in your concept can be summarized to one word: Humans. Everything you would like to see accomplished only depends on HUMANS. Unfortunately this shows that HUMANS are unable to take care of themselves and their environment. Destruction is imminent everywhere humans occur. In a World with imited resources, how would you explain that the population is still growing despite all the warnings since the 50's? Humans are the masters of their destiny, and unfortunately, the masters of the destiny of innocent animals as well.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19473625

Mr German!

You cannot use logic on such a human. He or She is fully invested in the BEAUTIFUL LIE!

Humans love the idea that there is a man who delivers toys, for FREE, once a year. A government who will provide! A man in the sky...a great regulator, who will balance the books and make sure everything is FAIR!

Laughing out Loud!

Ask such a cretin for concrete proof, as said cretin might demand of YOU in support of YOUR beliefs, and the CRETIN will become angry.

Many cretins of similar belief systems have grouped together and killed OTHER cretins with different beliefs...also beliefs they are unable to prove!

Understand that cretins will ALWAYS do this, and that they will BORROW FIAT to kill the opposing cretins.

Start a business to cater to these cretins and you will become fabulously well-to-do!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:24 AM
What if God reincarnated into a Human Body?

How would he Change The World?

Everyone would listen to him. From the Poorest of the Poor to the Richest of the Rich.

He would have access to information on everything.

He would be given keys to the Catholic Church and the Vatican Funds.

Imagine what a Man of Character and Vision could do with the Vatican Funds.

He Would End World Hunger.

He Would Cure Cancer.

He would Control the Media. And start to Enlighten the World with the Appropriate Intent.

He would write a new Common Sense "Bible" (Bye Bye Dogmatic Religion)

Wishful Thinking you say?

A New World is just on the Horizon.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Read what you have written and think again. It doesn't make sense.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19473625

Laughing out LOUD!!

There go those GERMANS again...applying LOGIC and stuff to someone's BEAUTIFUL LIE!

Laughing out LOUD!!

Also, you presume this cretin thought ONCE!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:29 AM
Analyzing this OP, I think we all got his number. Some scrauny putrid short man who wears glasses, very organized to the extreme where he freaks out when something is out of place or a word is miss spelled most likely due to being severly abused as a child, needs to feel superior due to being belittled all of his life by parents he is a social outcast has hard time making friends he has none basically socially retarded a loner. Lives in a fantasy world, may be dangerous.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

You may have hit the nail square on the head.

Quoting: Word Bearer 19394262

Hello Cretin Twins and WELCOME!

Reading your "THOUGHT" reminded me of this literary work:

We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar

Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us -- if at all -- not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.


Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.

Let me be no nearer
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer --

Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom


This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.

Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.


The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms

In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river

Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.


Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

For Thine is the Kingdom

Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow

Life is very long

Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow

For Thine is the Kingdom

For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:36 AM
Majority rules! A......Hole. Who in the HELL is freaken BICKLE?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

The majority just thinks they rule.

With discernment you could answer your own question.

All are friends to Bickle.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

Another example of delusion incarnate...the "beautiful lie"

Notice that this intellectual giant starts with an unsupported abbreviated vulgarity and ends with a demonstration of ignorance.

Seriously, whatever happened to intelligent discourse.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Quick question(s): What are your thoughts on Shakespeare? He seemed to have a very advanced understanding of the darkness inherent in human nature. This understanding also seemed to be well ahead of his time. You might almost think he was a banker ha!

Also, which (if any) historical figures do you admire most?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19475399

Hello AC and Welcome!

I do not share your enthusiasm for Shakespeare. I would posit that anyone with "experience" in the human condition has the same insights, although perhaps lacking the writing skills necessary to express these observations.

I see bloodlines for what they are. Admiration does not enter into it.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:41 AM

Another example of delusion incarnate...the "beautiful lie"

Notice that this intellectual giant starts with an unsupported abbreviated vulgarity and ends with a demonstration of ignorance.

Seriously, whatever happened to intelligent discourse.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Hi OP,

Thanks for the great response to my post regarding diet and the fallacy of linear time! I take it that I was off the mark as to the 'next big thing' speculation.

Everyone who reads this thread should count themselves grateful that you are answering questions. You make the point that this thread is not a lecture as such. I was thinking last night that I've encountered more wisdom from you in this thread than in all my university lectures put together.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19475399

Hello UK AC and Welcome!

The Socratic method has proven to be the best methodology for imparting knowledge. Why? Because the student leads the teacher! In addition, one who actively seeks knowledge and for it...appreciates it...will ultimately be rewarded. Those given without effort do not appreciate or value that which was given...regardless of the value of the gift!

You have apparently been exposed to the university educational system and see it for what it is. The "best and brightest" which emerge from that process are generally immune to true discovery and the wonder of learning.

I travel in the far east extensively. The so-called PhD's there are typically myopic to an extent which is hard for westerners to fathom. Reason: Rote learning!

Not to say that the current educational system is useless. Learn the tools of communication, the language of the universe (math) and read great literature, if one can find it!

THEN, go forth and LEARN from the teachings of NATURE.

I tell you again, take control of your health via according to RIGHT PRECEPTS...and none can defeat you!

BUILD your eco-system, and draw nourishment from it. Treat the life forms within your eco-system according to their genetic pre-dispositions, and show RESPECT for this awe-inspiring TRUTH. You will be a man who controls his destiny, and it will MANIFEST in ways which others will be aware. This changes the dynamic of your relationships with others.

Following the thread of consciousness of nutrition, you may move on to higher states.

I already told you to drink only distilled water. Very important as your digestive system cannot process inorganic minerals. You will find disinformation regarding this topic, but do your research. All necessary nutrients comes from the plant cycle (albeit plants you grow yourself..not store processed). The miracle of water, the covalent bond...the perfect YIN YANG of hydrogen (builder/structure) mated with OXYGEN (an oxidizer...break down) is perfection itself. Water did not sign up to be a mineral least not for human needs.


I have previously referenced the works of Emoto...take that seriously. (1)


Secrets of the SOIL (3)
Secret Life of PLANTS (4).

Read these four books! Immediately.

You can also research the Alkaline diet. For informational/interest purposes, since you will already be following a PERFECT DIET by adopting my practices.

You have proven your sincere desire to evolve! This is but the first step in the process, but the critical one.

I will take you as far in the process as possible before I take my leave from this site. Report back to me when you have READ and UNDERSTOOD the above books.

Children of the Sun, Indeed.

You can also start looking into the work of HR Manek...previously referenced!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

I'll look into those books right away! I've already read a little of Erasmus' work after you previously mentioned him. Hemp oil and Flax-seed oil seem to have remarkable properties!

It's an honor and a privilege to receive quality guidance an it's greatly appreciated. I've been thinking a lot about all the ideas you've put forward and they've really resonated with me and have helped to quench a mental thirst! I find it staggering that people insult and denigrate your replies here...and they think of themselves as the 'good guys'?! I guess it really is not surprising though is it..beautiful lies as always.

Big respect yo!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19475399

Hello UK AC and Welcome!

Your sentiments are noted. Be aware, however, that the true respect accorded a teacher by his student(s) is/are diligent study and right application of this knowledge.

Your questions will receive my full attention and response. It is not necessary to express peripheral emotions or "thanks" going forward.

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:53 AM
Similarly, Mr UK, do not be disturbed by those who mock or attempt to distort the message of others.

Consider carefully if their criticisms have even a thread of merit! One post suggested that by promoting a vegan diet, I would peripherally benefit because, presumably, vegans would be "weaker" than their meat eating peers.

Of course, the premise of this "theory" is not based on any concrete scientific principal...but usually found to contain racist shadings. For example, Asians have struggled to feed their populations for generations and resorted to cheap carbohydrates such as rice. RICE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE VEGETABLE/GREENS DIET I have recommended.

One need only to observe OTHERS in NATURE which follow such a diet!

Elephants, Horses, Bulls and many others. Robust and STRONG on a vegan diet!

But I digress!

My point was that, at the least, the poster had offered up some FRAGMENT of logic with their "insult". That my RECOMMENDATION was a nefarious attempt to make humans smaller via their diet!

Don't miss those tidbits! Occasionally there will be something of value!

Also, I generally acknowledge the cretins as they do have needs...and generally those needs run towards being be recognized as existing! Many situations have positioned them to feel irrelevant and voice-less. They insult and belittle without offering up a cogent argument.

Feed them ( a little), but don't expect them to learn anything in the process. They are dying/dead, intellectually speaking, and struggling against the great void.

Pity, that!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:55 AM

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 11:59 AM
Analyzing this OP, I think we all got his number. Some scrauny putrid short man who wears glasses, very organized to the extreme where he freaks out when something is out of place or a word is miss spelled most likely due to being severly abused as a child, needs to feel superior due to being belittled all of his life by parents he is a social outcast has hard time making friends he has none basically socially retarded a loner. Lives in a fantasy world, may be dangerous.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

I wonder if this abomination was actually composed by a human.

If it were the result of the 100 monkeys at 100 typewriters, I would say it was fairly impressive!


Is there a Mr. Spelled?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/11/2012 12:32 PM
hello op...
do you think the experiment or the simulation on planet earth reached its end ?
do you think it failed....succeeded ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19264564

Hello Mr. Lebanon,

Failed or Succeeded are arbitrary designations and relative to the observer...there exists no generalized SUCCESS OR FAILURE.

The recent HEAT WAVE in the midwest USA will be a crop failure in one sense, but some will SUCCEED famously because they have purchased FUTURES or INSURANCE.

The HUMANS of EARTH provide a GREAT SERVICE for themselves, and others! This will continue "forever", as there is no past or future timeline.

"Things" will continue to change greatly, but the underlying mechanisms will remain firmly in place.

THOSE will never change!


Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

interesting because i thought that the experiment was to create (intentionally ) such a negative environment to see if adam will still choose love over hate...
but you see it wasn't a generalisation... all was needed is to find one before a certain date
i think on that date wee are all gonna laugh out loud at those who betted against humanity.
thank you for you time rCHILD
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19264564

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19264564

You are MOST welcome, Mr. Lebanon!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:05 PM
Mr. Rofschild, what can you tell us about Kabbalah and Magick? Is magick real? If so, how does it work? What is the significance of knowledge contained in kabbalah?

Thanks for answering my questions, everytime.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

I have been very clear that there is only NATURAL LAW!

All else is delusion.

Having said that, NATURAL LAW...the operational subset of the Universal, is quite profound in its simplicity!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:11 PM

Read what you have written and think again. It doesn't make sense.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19473625

Makes Sense to God and THAT is the only thing that matters.

I was not looking for your opinion, 19473625, either.

As God's Will is More Powerful than your Will, 19473625.

God Gets What He Wants.

Otherwise your Precious World that you Hold so Dear goes Bye Bye.

Do NOT Tell the Creator/Destroyer How to Run HIS World.

God will have Counsel, however people like you, 19473625, will be nowhere near the Table of Enlightened Elders.

Only the Individuals With True MERIT Need Apply.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes


Your dim-witted-ness knows no bounds!

...As God's Will is More Powerful than your Will...

OK, Mr. Zippy. Do you acknowledge:

1) "God" has provided a set of LAWS for humans to follow
2) God has threatened great punishment for violation of these LAWS
3) Most humans are well aware of these great LAWS. Say, for example, ADULTERY, STEALING or even...BEARING FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR!. Many accounts of such activities taking place on a daily basis!

Laughing out Loud!

Assuming you agree that these foundations are an accurate representation of "reality" as you project it, one could conclude that it is GODS WILL that humans not engage in such activities, no?

Further, it would be clear that humans, by exercising THEIR free will, are acting CONTRARY to GODS WILL?

One can only conclude that GODS WILL is subservient to humans will...for whatever reason, deigned or designed!

In the story of Christianity, GOD offered up his SON to die for the sins of HUMANS. GOD further subordinated his INFINITE POWER/WILL to allow humans FREE WILL...FREE CHOICE!

Why would one so infinitely powerful, so perfect in concept and execution, WILLINGLY do this? Is GOD the first manifestation of a perfect bloodline? Just a stand-up guy?

Does he just do the right thing for no reason....answers to another, higher power?


You carelessly espouse that which you know NOTHING about as fact, and lead those less discriminating in cognitive abilities to their demise. Better to learn the lessons of NATURE and stop the subterfuge.

YOU will bear the consequences of your ignorance, likely!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

1. I am ready to have a real face to face conversation with you when you are. (See you in October!)

2. My definition of God is different than your answer above implied.

3. The LAWS of NATURE is just another name for the Parameters/Constructs of the the Reality we live in. And these Parameters are easy to follow IF people knew what they are specifically and they were taught to people from a young age.

4. You can't assume that People Know the Unknowns. (In fact, I almost guarantee you had a Mentor who guided you in the right direction.)

5. Especially because you make it a point that People must find information on their own. You even go so far to treat Family Members like strangers because you believe that EVERYONE has to find info on their own. And that it not always the case.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Another Zippy-ism!


Something that assures a particular outcome or condition

Syn: A condition of being almost pregnant

Laughing out Loud!

For those who care about such things...I stated that those who invest time and energy into a particular venture become VESTED, and, as such, develop an appreciation or assign a value which typically would result in the knowledge being APPLIED!

By the way, Zippy, nothing written above should be construed or implied that I will give you $1 million FRN's!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:16 PM

Your dim-witted-ness knows no bounds!

...As God's Will is More Powerful than your Will...

OK, Mr. Zippy. Do you acknowledge:

1) "God" has provided a set of LAWS for humans to follow
2) God has threatened great punishment for violation of these LAWS
3) Most humans are well aware of these great LAWS. Say, for example, ADULTERY, STEALING or even...BEARING FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR!. Many accounts of such activities taking place on a daily basis!

Laughing out Loud!

Assuming you agree that these foundations are an accurate representation of "reality" as you project it, one could conclude that it is GODS WILL that humans not engage in such activities, no?

Further, it would be clear that humans, by exercising THEIR free will, are acting CONTRARY to GODS WILL?

One can only conclude that GODS WILL is subservient to humans will...for whatever reason, deigned or designed!

In the story of Christianity, GOD offered up his SON to die for the sins of HUMANS. GOD further subordinated his INFINITE POWER/WILL to allow humans FREE WILL...FREE CHOICE!

Why would one so infinitely powerful, so perfect in concept and execution, WILLINGLY do this? Is GOD the first manifestation of a perfect bloodline? Just a stand-up guy?

Does he just do the right thing for no reason....answers to another, higher power?


You carelessly espouse that which you know NOTHING about as fact, and lead those less discriminating in cognitive abilities to their demise. Better to learn the lessons of NATURE and stop the subterfuge.

YOU will bear the consequences of your ignorance, likely!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

I know more than you give me credit for.

As it is in my DNA.

If you want me to Learn on my own it will take longer.

If you want to speed up the process you can give more hints.

I have Free Will to ask for help.

And I have Free Choice to decide when I want to become Godlike.

You are just a Witness to the Evolution of a Perfect Being Right in Front of Your Eyes.

Have some Respect for your Creator of the Nature Laws you hold so Dear.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Why would I care if you learn or not? It's your gain or loss.

I have merely offered to answer questions posed by the worthy travelers!

And answer them truthfully!

If those so situated are UNABLE to frame the right question or questions, it is not my concern.

IF, however, such right questions ARE asked, it is my solemn duty and commitment to do so, honestly and completely!

Surprisingly, I have been gifted, so far, with half-baked insults, weird/irrelevant questions and dogmatic nonsense from around the globe!


User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:19 PM
1. I am ready to have a real face to face conversation with you when you are. (See you in October!)

2. My definition of God is different than your answer above implied.

3. The LAWS of NATURE is just another name for the Parameters/Constructs of the the Reality we live in. And these Parameters are easy to follow IF people knew what they are specifically and they were taught to people from a young age.

4. You can't assume that People Know the Unknowns. (In fact, I almost guarantee you had a Mentor who guided you in the right direction.)

5. Especially because you make it a point that People must find information on their own. You even go so far to treat Family Members like strangers because you believe that EVERYONE has to find info on their own. And that it not always the case.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Another Zippy-ism!


Something that assures a particular outcome or condition

Syn: A condition of being almost pregnant

Laughing out Loud!

For those who care about such things...I stated that those who invest time and energy into a particular venture become VESTED, and, as such, develop an appreciation or assign a value which typically would result in the knowledge being APPLIED!

By the way, Zippy, nothing written above should be construed or implied that I will give you $1 million FRN's!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

All the Money in the World can not buy the kind of Power that I AM capable of in terms of how I can affect this reality.

And this all happens when I am perceived as a Nobody.

Oh the Irony!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Mr. Zippy,

You have yet to migrate from the basement of your parents hovel!

Do you not realize the absurdity of your statements?

At LEAST muster the courage to be the best NOBODY you can be!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:20 PM
For those who care about such things...I stated that those who invest time and energy into a particular venture become VESTED, and, as such, develop an appreciation or assign a value which typically would result in the knowledge being APPLIED!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

That applies to the Normal Folk.

I AM not normal folk.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

So, you're ABNORMAL?
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:22 PM
Mr. Zippy,

You have yet to migrate from the basement of your parents hovel!

Do you not realize the absurdity of your statements?

At LEAST muster the courage to be the best NOBODY you can be!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

You are only looking at my external circumstances.

You are not looking at what I have been doing in the nonmaterial world.

It is a sight to behold!
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

One such example being....?
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:46 PM
The masters of this material existence have masterfully crafted our shackles. As illustrated in the Devil card of the Thoth deck, the rings of Saturn with all their restriction and limitation give light, eventually providing the path of ascension beyond bondage.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

Hello Mr. Sky and Welcome!

Part one: "...have masterfully crafted our shackles, which we have chosen to wear..."

Part two: Can you provide a LINK??

Laughing out Loud!

From where DOES this nonsense spring?
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:50 PM

Did you not state you were leaving this thread?

And yet, here you ARE!

Credibility, young Zippy!

[ link to]
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 03:55 PM
The masters of this material existence have masterfully crafted our shackles. As illustrated in the Devil card of the Thoth deck, the rings of Saturn with all their restriction and limitation give light, eventually providing the path of ascension beyond bondage.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

Hello Mr. Sky and Welcome!

Part one: "...have masterfully crafted our shackles, which we have chosen to wear..."

Part two: Can you provide a LINK??

Laughing out Loud!

From where DOES this nonsense spring?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

From the source where all true knowledge springs.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

And that is...?
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 04:21 PM

Hello Mr. Sky and Welcome!

Part one: "...have masterfully crafted our shackles, which we have chosen to wear..."

Part two: Can you provide a LINK??

Laughing out Loud!

From where DOES this nonsense spring?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

From the source where all true knowledge springs.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

And that is...?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

Do you wish me to prove what I am or what I know?
I need not. It matters not to me whether you are Rothschild or a Sinclair or John Smith.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

Well, since you OFFERED....YES.
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 04:38 PM
Analyzing this OP, I think we all got his number. Some scrauny putrid short man who wears glasses, very organized to the extreme where he freaks out when something is out of place or a word is miss spelled most likely due to being severly abused as a child, needs to feel superior due to being belittled all of his life by parents he is a social outcast has hard time making friends he has none basically socially retarded a loner. Lives in a fantasy world, may be dangerous.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

I wonder if this abomination was actually composed by a human.

If it were the result of the 100 monkeys at 100 typewriters, I would say it was fairly impressive!


Is there a Mr. Spelled?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

You sound incoherent or just real retarded, ahhh what a shame. Is the first sentence a question or a statement, oopsie believe you made an error
Mongaloid man.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

You labored over this, didn't you?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 04:40 PM

Hello Mr. Sky and Welcome!

Part one: "...have masterfully crafted our shackles, which we have chosen to wear..."

Part two: Can you provide a LINK??

Laughing out Loud!

From where DOES this nonsense spring?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

From the source where all true knowledge springs.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

And that is...?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

In the non-spaces between.
Quoting: Swinging on Spirals

Would "non-spaces" not imply singularity, thus no "between" possible?
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 04:45 PM

And that is...?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

Do you wish me to prove what I am or what I know?
I need not. It matters not to me whether you are Rothschild or a Sinclair or John Smith.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

Well, since you OFFERED....YES.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7765264

It is late here and I have other things to attend to, but we can resume another time if it is your wish.
Quoting: skymovingcloud

I have no such wish.

Best Regards!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 05:40 PM
Similarly, Mr UK, do not be disturbed by those who mock or attempt to distort the message of others.

Consider carefully if their criticisms have even a thread of merit! One post suggested that by promoting a vegan diet, I would peripherally benefit because, presumably, vegans would be "weaker" than their meat eating peers.

Of course, the premise of this "theory" is not based on any concrete scientific principal...but usually found to contain racist shadings. For example, Asians have struggled to feed their populations for generations and resorted to cheap carbohydrates such as rice. RICE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE VEGETABLE/GREENS DIET I have recommended.

One need only to observe OTHERS in NATURE which follow such a diet!

Elephants, Horses, Bulls and many others. Robust and STRONG on a vegan diet!

But I digress!

My point was that, at the least, the poster had offered up some FRAGMENT of logic with their "insult". That my RECOMMENDATION was a nefarious attempt to make humans smaller via their diet!

Don't miss those tidbits! Occasionally there will be something of value!

Also, I generally acknowledge the cretins as they do have needs...and generally those needs run towards being be recognized as existing! Many situations have positioned them to feel irrelevant and voice-less. They insult and belittle without offering up a cogent argument.

Feed them ( a little), but don't expect them to learn anything in the process. They are dying/dead, intellectually speaking, and struggling against the great void.

Pity, that!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

The criticism you receive, you created. It arrives by the laws of nature you so love to confuse with universal law.

Earth, your only realm for existence is ruled by Natural law, not heaven. Heaven is ruled by the laws of god and universal law and you are not welcome nor will you be welcomed much longer on earth.
The light is on the way. Can you feel the burning of your flesh?

Strong animals that eat grass were created to eat grass. Humans beings were not.
More lies to confuse, the only way your kind has been able to win, is keep humans apathetic, ignorant and confused. Pity, that!

If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum.

Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.

Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
Take control of the world by the use of economic "silent weapons" in a form of "quiet warfare" and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.

The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.

Wake up people, The time is now to wake up and stop believing the lies.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

Hello AC and Welcome!

That sounds like quite an ambitious plan!

Well, not really a plan, but certainly a CALL TO ACTION!

Or not...

Will you be leading the efforts to improve the general populations mentality? You do appear to be operating on the same level...although your grammar and spelling is marginally better.

The Messiah has ARRIVED?

And, by the way, they are BEAUTIFUL LIES!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 06:11 PM
Salutations OP,

May I ponder a question to you?

If one were to break free from the beautiful lies and decide to formulate their own natural progression to perfection, what would be the odds of conflict with your own bloodline?

Also, if you are in my area and give me advanced notice, I would be glad to make you a cucumber salad grown from my property.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1570955

Hello AC and Welcome!

I would say 100%, +/- 0% probability.

As calculus concerns itself with always incrementally APPROACHING zero, one BLOODLINE will, in fact, attain such perfection.

All others will cease to exist.

The stakes are HIGH, and sparring partners are NEEDED.

How much advance notice is required, and how do you define "your area". As a general concept, I would be agreeable to breaking cucumbers with you...but don't forget the KALE.
User ID: 7765264 United States 07/11/2012 06:16 PM
Salutations OP,

May I ponder a question to you?

If one were to break free from the beautiful lies and decide to formulate their own natural progression to perfection, what would be the odds of conflict with your own bloodline?

Also, if you are in my area and give me advanced notice, I would be glad to make you a cucumber salad grown from my property.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1570955

By the way, K...are you SURE it's YOUR PROPERTY?

Any PROPERTY TAXES in "your area"?


At least the receipts are being used to fund that AMAZING american educational system!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 12:36 PM
I was about to leave you another one of my, as you call, cretinous comments, but I know it will only result in you trying to belittle me again. Remember the mark of a great teacher is one that can silence naysayers and will learn as much from his students as they from him. So I leave you with a extract from a sikh religious book that I was given by a friend of that faith. It has helped me to gain a new insight in to god and I hope it helps you to.

However long and continuous one may absorb in trance still peace of mind will not be achieved.

By collecting loads of world's riches, the thirst of avarice and hunger does not quench.

A thousand million feats of wisdom, shall not accompany the self to the next world.

Some sing the virtues and excellences of god
Some sing him through philosophical intricacies
Some sing he creates beings and then reduces them to dust
Some sing that he appears distant and remote
Millions are discoursing his attributes yet there is no end

The lord himself is Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and the goddessses Paarbati, Lakshmi and Sarswati

God is one

What in return we should offer him? How can we get a glimpse of his court?
What words should we recite to win his pleasure

One must recite his name in the early ambrosial morning and must think about his greatness.
We obtain our body as a result of good deeds but we get salvation by his grace.

I salute god, who is himself wordly wealth and whose form is divine word and he is holy, supreme beauty and ever blissful.

When did creation begin,
What was the time, the moment, the lunar day, the weekday?
What was the season and the month, when the world was created?

Had the Brahmins found the answer, they would have recorded it in their scriptures.
Nor the Quazies knew it otherwise they would have recorded in the Quraan
The Yogis also did not know the date, day, season or month
The creator alone knows the answer

Do not try to understand god, but simply praise his greatness.

A point I would like to make is the Sikh's have no name for god, he is simply god, it translate in to Waheguru meaning Teacher of teachers or great teacher. They believe all religions pray to the same god.

I know OP you will find some way to belittle or criticse, that is your way. You are convinced of your superior intellect, but even a aged wise man can learn from a child.
Quoting: Word Bearer 19394262

Hello AC and Welcome!

Firstly, I did not come into YOUR, and others came into MINE! Presumably to LEARN!

You take umbrage at my approach or methodology in communicating hard won and valuable TRUTHS...rather than embracing the opportunity to learn and evolve. Typical.

I read the religious screed you offered up for my "enlightenment", and found it quite telling:

1) I have never aspired to "silence" naysayers! Do you know what a naysayer is?

a person who habitually expresses negative or pessimistic views: Despite a general feeling that things were going well, a few naysayers tried to cast gloom.

So, by definition a NAYSAYER is a PESSIMIST who, generally speaking, disregards TRUTH and CIRCUMSTANCES in favor of generating NEGATIVE ENERGY to others! Energy vampires, if you will!

I have no such interest in those humans! They have no capacity or desire to learn!

2) I understand the CONCEPT of learning from ones students, but it is an absurdity on its face. The TEACHER offers experience and KNOWLEDGE the student lacks. Again, by definition. Using the Socratic methodology, the TEACHER learns the students deficiencies and tailors the lesson accordingly. If one were to engage a teacher who "learned" from the "student", I would posit the teacher is incompetent.

Similarly, if the student WERE able to teach the TEACHER, the student has been mislabeled! There have been a few examples of this throughout history, but few enough that I can safely disregard the likelihood of that being the case here!

PARTICULARLY since most of the posters are barely able to communicate a coherent thought, and lack the basic skills of spelling, correct grammar and syntax.


Moving on to the "meat" of your offering!

In general, the writing is RUBBISH! Stupid, and without basis!

Just for clarification:

stu·pid&#8194; &#8194;[stoo-pid, styoo&#8208;] Show IPA adjective, stu·pid·er, stu·pid·est, noun
lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.
tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.
annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.
in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.

Knowing you take exception to my choice of words, here are some others. Fell free to cut and paste one that best resonates with you and offers the least offence!

not intelligent; irresponsible
Synonyms: brainless, dazed, deficient, dense, dim, doltish, dopey, dull, dumb, dummy*, foolish, futile, gullible, half-baked, half-witted, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, irrelevant, laughable, loser*, ludicrous, meaningless, mindless, moronic, naive, nonsensical, obtuse, out to lunch, pointless, puerile, rash, senseless, shortsighted, simple, simpleminded, slow, sluggish, stolid, stupefied, thick, thick-headed, trivial, unintelligent, unthinking, witless

Specifically, aside from the fact that there is little substance in the assertions made, no concrete facts presented, or any obvious attempt by you to validate what is presented as FACT, has the writer, for example, actually accumulated ALL THE WEALTH IN THE WORLD to know what such wealth brings?

Has he or she transitioned into the next world to know "what can or cannot be brought"? The Egyptians would not agree with such thoughts!

Laughing out loud!

The rest is similarly brainless drivel without merit or substantiation! And yet, you proffer it as FACT!

How can you do so and expect any credibility!

This does not even rise to the level of BEAUTIFUL LIE, as the writing is uninspired and banal.

Poor deluded, knuckle-dragging primate!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 12:47 PM
Mr. Rofschild, do you recommend mushrooms?
They aren't plant, and(from what i've read) their nutritional values are closer to red meat's.
Should we treat them as meat?

BTW: Is next big thing complete control of world's food supply? That would give you direct control of energy and where(or who) it flows...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

As you likely know, mushrooms are fungi. You also likely know that some are edible and some highly toxic. ALL have toxic traces!

You are correct that certain strains offer nutritional benefits. The shiitake is popular and tastes great if prepared properly.

The downside:
[ link to]

I stay clear of them generally. It is known that fungi have the ability to rapidly mutate when exposed to stress. There have been issues with commercially prepped mushrooms, which of course received NO media attention!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 12:48 PM
I was about to leave you another one of my, as you call, cretinous comments, but I know it will only result in you trying to belittle me again. Remember the mark of a great teacher is one that can silence naysayers and will learn as much from his students as they from him. So I leave you with a extract from a sikh religious book that I was given by a friend of that faith. It has helped me to gain a new insight in to god and I hope it helps you to.

However long and continuous one may absorb in trance still peace of mind will not be achieved.

By collecting loads of world's riches, the thirst of avarice and hunger does not quench.

A thousand million feats of wisdom, shall not accompany the self to the next world.

Some sing the virtues and excellences of god
Some sing him through philosophical intricacies
Some sing he creates beings and then reduces them to dust
Some sing that he appears distant and remote
Millions are discoursing his attributes yet there is no end

The lord himself is Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma and the goddessses Paarbati, Lakshmi and Sarswati

God is one

What in return we should offer him? How can we get a glimpse of his court?
What words should we recite to win his pleasure

One must recite his name in the early ambrosial morning and must think about his greatness.
We obtain our body as a result of good deeds but we get salvation by his grace.

I salute god, who is himself wordly wealth and whose form is divine word and he is holy, supreme beauty and ever blissful.

When did creation begin,
What was the time, the moment, the lunar day, the weekday?
What was the season and the month, when the world was created?

Had the Brahmins found the answer, they would have recorded it in their scriptures.
Nor the Quazies knew it otherwise they would have recorded in the Quraan
The Yogis also did not know the date, day, season or month
The creator alone knows the answer

Do not try to understand god, but simply praise his greatness.

A point I would like to make is the Sikh's have no name for god, he is simply god, it translate in to Waheguru meaning Teacher of teachers or great teacher. They believe all religions pray to the same god.

I know OP you will find some way to belittle or criticse, that is your way. You are convinced of your superior intellect, but even a aged wise man can learn from a child.
Quoting: Word Bearer 19394262

i would say dont try to understand the source, but simply love and feel the source
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19610364

Hello Mr. Lebanon and Welcome!

In other words, suspend critical thought!

Good luck with that!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 12:57 PM
Mr. Rofschild, do you recommend mushrooms?
They aren't plant, and(from what i've read) their nutritional values are closer to red meat's.
Should we treat them as meat?

BTW: Is next big thing complete control of world's food supply? That would give you direct control of energy and where(or who) it flows...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

As to the second part of your question.

You may have noted that this control mechanism is rapidly being implemented. Ag has already largely been assimilated utilizing the tools of governments and select, well connected multi-nationals worldwide. Small, family farms are on their way out...take a look at the american midwest!

However, it is not THE NEXT BIG THING per se.

In fairness, though, you are getting WARM!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 01:19 PM
Hello again OP,

What is it about the current control method (fiat) that is inadequate as to want to bring about a new system?

Though I am a slave to the fiat system I do admire its grandness. I don't see any significant flaws apart from not being able to dictate who sits up at the top.

Let me know what you think.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68945

Hello AC and Welcome!


LAG and LASH, for example!

You likely know LAG already. LASH can be defined as:

the maximum distance through which one part of something can be moved without moving a connected part

The next system eliminates the LAG and LASH inherent with FIAT.

Think of it this way. You have two domestics in your employ.

Domestic A is willing to perform the household tasks, and is generally competent in doing so. However, one must provide specific instructions as to every action desired. For example, you return home and Domestic A greets you at the door. You have to tell it to take your coat and direct it to prepare dinner. Regardless of the fact that your routine seldom varies, the domestic requires direction! One deals with varying degrees of PASSIVE RESISTANCE. Now apply this RESISTANCE across vast numbers and CALCULATE the WASTE!

Domestic B greets you at the door and wordlessly takes your coat, and leads you to a sumptuous banquet...carefully prepared and flawless in execution and plating. You finish the meal and find the fire prepared and your favorite drink ready. Later, the bedsheets are carefully turned down and your nightwear laid out carefully. All without the need to issue commands.

The first system has excessive LAG and LASH. System two provides FLOW and CONTINUITY with no wasted effort. The holy grail of engineering...ABOVE UNITY!

FIAT has done its job. The NEXT system implements a level of control with an inescapable feedback mechanism which encourages seamless and utter COMPLIANCE!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 01:25 PM

The self interests of a few affect us all as a whole. Our genetic differences do not separate us one bit. We are all together in this boat.

What are you going to do when I punch a hole in the Gulf and pollute your water? How long will you be able to get clean water for? Would you ever be able to visit a beautiful beach again? Think about this.

What if I start WW3 and your child happens to get caught in the blast zone?

Have you at all considered how we affect one another?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68945

You state this "interconnected-ness" as if it were FACT. Can you support your assertion?

Similarly, your scenarios do not address the REALITY that you are impotent to carry out such threats. Do you not know the level of system monitoring which takes place?

Have you the resources at your disposal to start wars or pollute great stretches of water?

YOU do not affect me in the least, nor do you have the mechanisms at your disposal to do so.

Please do get back to me should this reality CHANGE and we can have a pleasant and meaningful CONVERSATION!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/12/2012 01:27 PM
Similarly, Mr UK, do not be disturbed by those who mock or attempt to distort the message of others.

Consider carefully if their criticisms have even a thread of merit! One post suggested that by promoting a vegan diet, I would peripherally benefit because, presumably, vegans would be "weaker" than their meat eating peers.

Of course, the premise of this "theory" is not based on any concrete scientific principal...but usually found to contain racist shadings. For example, Asians have struggled to feed their populations for generations and resorted to cheap carbohydrates such as rice. RICE IS NOT THE SAME AS THE VEGETABLE/GREENS DIET I have recommended.

One need only to observe OTHERS in NATURE which follow such a diet!

Elephants, Horses, Bulls and many others. Robust and STRONG on a vegan diet!

But I digress!

My point was that, at the least, the poster had offered up some FRAGMENT of logic with their "insult". That my RECOMMENDATION was a nefarious attempt to make humans smaller via their diet!

Don't miss those tidbits! Occasionally there will be something of value!

Also, I generally acknowledge the cretins as they do have needs...and generally those needs run towards being be recognized as existing! Many situations have positioned them to feel irrelevant and voice-less. They insult and belittle without offering up a cogent argument.

Feed them ( a little), but don't expect them to learn anything in the process. They are dying/dead, intellectually speaking, and struggling against the great void.

Pity, that!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

The criticism you receive, you created. It arrives by the laws of nature you so love to confuse with universal law.

Earth, your only realm for existence is ruled by Natural law, not heaven. Heaven is ruled by the laws of god and universal law and you are not welcome nor will you be welcomed much longer on earth.
The light is on the way. Can you feel the burning of your flesh?

Strong animals that eat grass were created to eat grass. Humans beings were not.
More lies to confuse, the only way your kind has been able to win, is keep humans apathetic, ignorant and confused. Pity, that!

If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum.

Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.

Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
Take control of the world by the use of economic "silent weapons" in a form of "quiet warfare" and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide.

The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.

Wake up people, The time is now to wake up and stop believing the lies.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1499647

[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12478270

I had no idea there was such a market for this!

Do you want others to read your thoughts? Do you want others to push a button to make you burp, sneeze, cough, scratch, fart, urinate, control you sexually, give headache, cook you alive, etc., through-wall in your home with invisible laser weapons? Do you want others to force thoughts into your brain?
User ID: 19637046 United States 07/12/2012 05:29 PM

The self interests of a few affect us all as a whole. Our genetic differences do not separate us one bit. We are all together in this boat.

What are you going to do when I punch a hole in the Gulf and pollute your water? How long will you be able to get clean water for? Would you ever be able to visit a beautiful beach again? Think about this.

What if I start WW3 and your child happens to get caught in the blast zone?

Have you at all considered how we affect one another?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 68945

You state this "interconnected-ness" as if it were FACT. Can you support your assertion?

Similarly, your scenarios do not address the REALITY that you are impotent to carry out such threats. Do you not know the level of system monitoring which takes place?

Have you the resources at your disposal to start wars or pollute great stretches of water?

YOU do not affect me in the least, nor do you have the mechanisms at your disposal to do so.

Please do get back to me should this reality CHANGE and we can have a pleasant and meaningful CONVERSATION!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Hello OP,

I did not use that post to issue a threat to you. I am only listing examples. The greed and actions of a relative few can impact everyone else as a whole. This is a simple FACT.

Cause and effect. This is NATURAL LAW, is it not? That's what I thought.

I am not saying I have the capability to pollute the earth's waters. You and your friends might, perhaps. My example was to make you think of the following:

- What happens when ALL water is undrinkable?
- What happens when war spills into your back yard, killing all that you hold close and dear, and maybe even yourself?

These examples can go on and on. You talk about the bad karma that can be bestowed upon me for eating an old chicken that cannot lay eggs, yet you see it right to enslave your fellow man.

I think it would make more sense for YOU to explain how we are all NOT interconnected, than for me to have to explain the obvious.

So if I may ask another question...

How are we all NOT interconnected?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 872062

Prove a Negative supposition?

OK. Your body allocates resources based on priorities and needs of the various subsystems. A true socialist system!

Deprivation of oxygen to the brain means the limbs aren't going to be seeing o2 until the cranium is again saturated.

If your child (blood) is hungry, you will allocate your resources to feed them even at the cost of your life.

Your neighbors kid?

Look at the economic system which has developed. Do you see the socialist ideal at work...from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs...

Is that the case? Or is it more accurately described as DOG EAT DOG?

Which do YOU see in your REALITY?

Humans have hidden the true nature of economic behaviour behind any number of euphemisms, but the truth is what it is.

Were humans to be truly interconnected, there would be a shared social welfare you could point to.

Can you so demonstrate this?

If survival were a shared experience, humans would act entirely differently. As it is, "sharing" occurs only to the extent it imparts some value or advantage.

A wise human once said...


Truer words have yet to be spoken. And what are PROFESSIONS other than loose associations of similarly positioned workers.
User ID: 19637046 United States 07/12/2012 05:44 PM
You've mentioned several times that the stakes are "HIGH".
Can you elaborate a bit on this? The losers go into "the void"?

Does your bloodline have adversaries of equal power/intelligence/etc? As you have mentioned you are locked in an "epic" battle (something to that effect).
Quoting: Germane Jackson 19553319

I would say disassociation might be a more apt description...or irrelevance, in a biological sense anyway.
How about GONE?

Dissociation (in the wide sense of the word) is an act of disuniting or separating a complex object into parts.

void&#8194; &#8194;[void] Show IPA
Law . having no legal force or effect; not legally binding or enforceable.
useless; ineffectual; vain.
devoid; destitute (usually followed by of ): a life void of meaning.
without contents; empty.
without an incumbent, as an office.
an empty space; emptiness: He disappeared into the void.
something experienced as a loss or privation: His death left a great void in her life.
a gap or opening, as in a wall.
a vacancy; vacuum.



ep·ic&#8194; &#8194;[ep-ik] Show IPA
adjective Also, ep·i·cal.
noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: Homer's Iliad is an epic poem.
resembling or suggesting such poetry: an epic novel on the founding of the country.
heroic; majestic; impressively great: the epic events of the war.
of unusually great size or extent: a crime wave of epic proportions.
an epic poem.
epic poetry.
any composition resembling an epic.
something worthy to form the subject of an epic: The defense of the Alamo is an American epic.
( initial capital letter ) Also called Old Ionic. the Greek dialect represented in the Iliad and the Odyssey, apparently Aeolic modified by Ionic.

Tally Ho!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 11:59 AM

Hello OP,

I did not use that post to issue a threat to you. I am only listing examples. The greed and actions of a relative few can impact everyone else as a whole. This is a simple FACT.

Cause and effect. This is NATURAL LAW, is it not? That's what I thought.

I am not saying I have the capability to pollute the earth's waters. You and your friends might, perhaps. My example was to make you think of the following:

- What happens when ALL water is undrinkable?
- What happens when war spills into your back yard, killing all that you hold close and dear, and maybe even yourself?

These examples can go on and on. You talk about the bad karma that can be bestowed upon me for eating an old chicken that cannot lay eggs, yet you see it right to enslave your fellow man.

I think it would make more sense for YOU to explain how we are all NOT interconnected, than for me to have to explain the obvious.

So if I may ask another question...

How are we all NOT interconnected?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 849777

Prove a Negative supposition?

OK. Your body allocates resources based on priorities and needs of the various subsystems. A true socialist system!

Deprivation of oxygen to the brain means the limbs aren't going to be seeing o2 until the cranium is again saturated.

If your child (blood) is hungry, you will allocate your resources to feed them even at the cost of your life.

Your neighbors kid?

Look at the economic system which has developed. Do you see the socialist ideal at work...from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs...

Is that the case? Or is it more accurately described as DOG EAT DOG?

Which do YOU see in your REALITY?

Humans have hidden the true nature of economic behaviour behind any number of euphemisms, but the truth is what it is.

Were humans to be truly interconnected, there would be a shared social welfare you could point to.

Can you so demonstrate this?

If survival were a shared experience, humans would act entirely differently. As it is, "sharing" occurs only to the extent it imparts some value or advantage.

A wise human once said...


Truer words have yet to be spoken. And what are PROFESSIONS other than loose associations of similarly positioned workers.


The current human condition is greatly affected by economic slavery. The reason we are destroying our environment is primarily for monetary gain. If your actions could affect the quality of my life, the possibility exists for the reverse to happen. THIS IS A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP. The actions of a few can affect the whole. You say we CHOOSE to be slaves and this is pure bullshit. Every one of us is born into this shit. And even if just a few of us manage to stay off the grid it will take a massive, unified revolt to make any significant change.

I cannot earn money without paying taxes.
I cannot eat and provide myself shelter without having to slave for it.
I cannot claim any land as my own and be free of any "laws." Governments have already claimed all of the Earth's land.

And you didn't touch the karma subject. If anything I'll want you to cover that topic, as I see huge conflicts in your statements. Thank you in advance OP!

Hello AC and Welcome!

Your comments reflect a very simplistic, almost childlike, mentality...the main difference being that children are open to new ideas!

You CHOOSE, every moment, who you are by the choices you make, the beliefs you hold and so on. Your statements demonstrate that you realize you are a slave, but that you are powerless to do anything about it...implying that it is the FAULT of someone else. Can you see the parallel with how a child reacts when confronted with an unpleasant truth?

You will never taste freedom, never control your own destiny, because you are comfortable being a slave...and do not desire the burdens which are inherent with being a FREE MAN, for example.

Our carefully constructed system is catered to exactly this type of human...LUCKY YOU!

As to the karma aspect...I find once again that stupidity, or at least a lack of diligent study, leaves you clueless and requires a waste of precious time which could be spent on more productive teachings!

Look no further than Wikipedia, available to ALL!

Some traditions (i.e., the Vedanta), believe that a supreme being plays some kind of role, for example, as the dispenser of the 'fruits' of karma[13] or as exercising the option to change one's karma in rare instances. In general, followers of Buddhism and many followers of Hinduism consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of karma.

Is this clear enough? DO you see there is no inconsistency, and that karma is just a word to which others assign meanings to fit their worldview?

Also note that in law, legal contracts, the first section ALWAYS is dedicated to DEFINITIONS...what the WORDS MEAN vis a vis the agreement.

You and your fellow simpletons need only devote a MINIMUM of effort to UNDERSTANDING what you are trying to grasp to affect a more productive experience...that is, unless you are just a NAYSAYER...

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:01 PM
Hello AC and Welcome!

Your comments reflect a very simplistic, almost childlike, mentality...the main difference being that children are open to new ideas!

You CHOOSE, every moment, who you are by the choices you make, the beliefs you hold and so on. Your statements demonstrate that you realize you are a slave, but that you are powerless to do anything about it...implying that it is the FAULT of someone else. Can you see the parallel with how a child reacts when confronted with an unpleasant truth?

You will never taste freedom, never control your own destiny, because you are comfortable being a slave...and do not desire the burdens which are inherent with being a FREE MAN, for example.

Our carefully constructed system is catered to exactly this type of human...LUCKY YOU!

As to the karma aspect...I find once again that stupidity, or at least a lack of diligent study, leaves you clueless and requires a waste of precious time which could be spent on more productive teachings!

Look no further than Wikipedia, available to ALL!

Some traditions (i.e., the Vedanta), believe that a supreme being plays some kind of role, for example, as the dispenser of the 'fruits' of karma[13] or as exercising the option to change one's karma in rare instances. In general, followers of Buddhism and many followers of Hinduism consider the natural laws of causation sufficient to explain the effects of karma.

Is this clear enough? DO you see there is no inconsistency, and that karma is just a word to which others assign meanings to fit their worldview?

Also note that in law, legal contracts, the first section ALWAYS is dedicated to DEFINITIONS...what the WORDS MEAN vis a vis the agreement.

You and your fellow simpletons need only devote a MINIMUM of effort to UNDERSTANDING what you are trying to grasp to affect a more productive experience...that is, unless you are just a NAYSAYER...

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:16 PM
Mr. Rofschild, what can you tell us about Kabbalah and Magick? Is magick real? If so, how does it work? What is the significance of knowledge contained in kabbalah?

Thanks for answering my questions, everytime.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

are you all retarded?

what is the significance of this shit thread?

please fucking tell me!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19651006

I don't know if he is a real Rothschild, but so far he is pretty convincing.

I don't even care anymore actually. What i care is his knowledge. He is intelligent. I sometimes have to read what he says over and over again to understand, and there are still lots of things i don't understand. But when do i understand, i almost always say "he is right!". So i will learn whatever i can before he leaves.

I don't know if it will be useful though. If things keep going like this, we will all end up as slaves. What is the point of knowing all this, when you can't use it? Knowing how to ride a bicycle is fun, if you have one!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

From your posting:

I sometimes have to read what he says over and over again to understand, and there are still lots of things i don't understand. But when do i understand, i almost always say "he is right!". So i will learn whatever i can before he leaves.

You see this as a sign of an intellectual deficiency, but I tell you that this is a great gift which you possess. New knowledge acquisition requires effort and diligence! Great study and effort! Do not fall for the beautiful lie that others obtain knowledge worth having without struggle. You also have the courage and self confidence to admit to all what you see as your shortcoming!

I see that you have the potential and capacity for great learning!

Although you might not see the forest as you soldier through the trees, it WILL come to you! I know this as I know many things.

One cannot let cynicism be ones guiding precept, although there is much to be cynical about on the surface of things.

I suggest you hold these two principles as your bedrock:

1) You have a great capacity to learn!
2) What you learn will be of GREAT VALUE to you and your bloodline!

I have given you the tools of nutrition you need for mental and physical strength! Do not stray from this path...most important!

Also, remember YIN YANG! When you are discouraged or feel progress is painfully slow, EMBRACE THIS as proof you are on a path of great discovery! As a woman endures the pain of LABOR to produce a new knowledge also requires great labor. Also know that once the baby is delivered, the pain vanished from the woman's psyche and is replaced with pure joy!

Human men have degenerated into whiny slugs...doing nothing and complaining when others build societies catering to their weaknesses!

You can be different if you so choose! You have demonstrated your intentions CLEARLY that you are capable of such CHANGE!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:18 PM
To All who have made it this far into the thread, you may note that, if not genuine, the OP is at least well read.

Having personally read such things as "Silent Weapons for Quite Wars," "The Sacred Protocols...," The Kybalion, and many other tomes, I can say that this OP has assimilated what I believe to be the "real" agenda and methods, and his health advice is spot on.

Humans across the earth are FARMED and have been forever. The methods and levels of control have waxed and waned over the centuries, but they are now well-refined and the data are vastly easier to sort and apply.

You have to understand that the earth is past its carrying capacity. Population MUST be reduced and yet you carry on drinking and fucking and burning things and eating and shitting.

90% of you are utterly worthless and only .000001% of you are actively seeking enlightenment.

The only solution is a combination of hard and soft touches. For instance, we cannot simply abort all babies or kill 6.5 million people, but we can manipulate the food supply so you stop reproducing.

By sneaking laws onto the books that federalize private ground water, outlaw gardens and apply "carbon taxes (lol!)," You useless shitters might finally be brought in check.

Or not. Useless shitters become quite ingenious when confronted with an emergency, only to revert again once it has abated.

HUMAN NATURE, your human nature - I am talking to YOU who are reading this - is why you are so easily exploited and so utterly selfish. To think that you are entitled to unlimited reproduction and consumption... How is that rational?

You people live like animals. You quote the great philosophers in passing with NO understanding of they taught. You get "degrees" and call yourselves educated, but you have never questioned "WHO" might be running your universities.

You are ALL slaves and you like it! Even that punk who started Facebook is a slave because he is on a need-to-know basis and is led to believe that he's at the top of the pyramid. If he had any brains at all, he'd have cashed out and bought himself a vineyard in Argentina - and a police chief.

Welcome to the Layer Cake, sheep.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19372212

Hello AC and Welcome!

Did you have a question, or were you just venting?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:20 PM
It is so obvious that this person is a psychopath. So it would seem that the elite are psychopaths.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

And of course he always has some ridiculous excuse for why he's not a psychopath or that there is no such thing as a psychopath.

Exactly how a psychopath would respond.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Can you refer me back to where I denied being a psychopath, or offered up a "ridiculous excuse" regarding this topic?

Otherwise one could only conclude that you know not of what you speak.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:36 PM
Converting Frequencies and People's Energies into Currency.

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle/Zippy and K,

You may recall that I featured Mr. Tesla's works REPEATEDLY in earlier postings. Zippy, I specifically instructed you to diligently invest your time in the very productive pursuit of studying Tesla exclusively. It should have been your life's work!

Because you are a frivolous person, lacking in character and determination, you did not heed my call.

I note that Mr. UK did, and appears to be studying TESLA, and the writings I recommended, rather than wasting time posting nonsense! THIS is why you will never evolve, or leave your parents cellar!

Mr. Tesla was the last great threat. A true genius; one who earned my highest respect!

You can see, even with a superficial study of his work, that he was able to HARNESS THE POWER OF NATURE!

How did he do so? By strict adherence to NATURAL LAW!


TESLA did not try to make NATURAL LAW adhere to his preconceived notions...he was a STUDENT of NATURE and learned from the SOURCE!

And look what he accomplished!

What was seen of TESLA's inventive mind is a mere fraction of his true discoveries. Sadly for you stupid humans, you will never taste of his greatest discovery!


Tesla was not an alien in the sense humans think of aliens. ANYONE can make the same discoveries he did! In fact, the average human has tools at its disposal TESLA could not ever imagine! NATURAL LAW is available to all...except the distracted!

Laughing out Loud!

But go ahead and keep using your enormous computational power to play video games!

Keep using your internet connectivity to watch other humans feign copulation!

Ignore the vast knowledge buried in plain sight!

While Tesla had a gift in observing NATURAL LAW, he lacked an equal knowledge of the nefarious nature of his fellow man. A child with the power of nature in his grasp...but brought to heal by the amazing MONKEY MAN!

Laughing out Loud!

Amazingly, young children are NOT TAUGHT the accomplishments of this great man! I wonder why that is?

Laughing out Loud!

And, in case some on here are starting to think a bit, there is no similarity between CURRENCY $ and CURRENT (60 Hz)

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:41 PM
OP redshingle, is the next method of control going to be direct influence of health by various methods? ...Leading to prostration to the "medical" machine?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19372212

Hello AC,

Been there, done that!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:46 PM
Mr. Rofschild, what can you tell us about Kabbalah and Magick? Is magick real? If so, how does it work? What is the significance of knowledge contained in kabbalah?

Thanks for answering my questions, everytime.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

are you all retarded?

what is the significance of this shit thread?

please fucking tell me!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19651006

Hello Mr. AC and Welcome!

I found your approach...your style...refreshing

1) Lead by insulting everyone who conceivably could help you
2) Express curiosity while concurrently denigrating the source of your curiosity
3) Implore those so insulted to help you with your ignorance. I particularly enjoyed the juxtaposition of "please" with "fucking". I don't recall seeing those two used co-joined!

Well done, Sir! Sadly, I lack the ability to commend those responsible for your education and upbringing!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/13/2012 12:55 PM
It is so obvious that this person is a psychopath. So it would seem that the elite are psychopaths.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

And of course he always has some ridiculous excuse for why he's not a psychopath or that there is no such thing as a psychopath.

Exactly how a psychopath would respond.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Can you refer me back to where I denied being a psychopath, or offered up a "ridiculous excuse" regarding this topic?

Otherwise one could only conclude that you know not of what you speak.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Obviously YOU do not know what YOU SPEAK.

Below is an exert from the donkey's (YOUR) mouth!

By stating that,

"Clearly the word is an "artificial construct" at best"

YOU are essentially stating that there is no such thing as a psychopath.

Such inconsistency reveals your lack of discipline and stupidity.

Hello AC and Welcome!

Have you taken the time to understand that words have very specific meanings? For example, PSYCHOPATH is of Greek origin meaning, psyche ("soul" or "mind") and "pathos" (as or relating to diseases). Clearly the word is an "artificial construct" at best and would not apply within the context of a "self interested" bloodline, since "self-interest" is a NATURAL characteristic of HUMANS, and not a SICKNESS OR DISEASE.

I have stated many times that NATURAL LAW favors such self interest, and is in fact the RULE of NATURE. Just as you, yourself, would put your interests superior to a stranger. Please, I would enjoy seeing how you would struggle to refute this point within the puny limits of your vocabulary and logic skill-set.

Words like psychopath are another silly example of how illiterate humans latch onto such psycho-babble and use in their arsenal of ad hominem attacks...not truly understanding what they are saying and, indeed, not even understanding what they are TRYING to say.

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!


What is commonly referred to as PSYCHOPATHIC tendencies is noting more than enlightened SELF INTEREST!

If you did not ascertain in my previous postings that this is exactly what I espouse, then you, sir, are a dimwit or lack reading comprehension.

I was merely pointing out that the word carries a negative connotation which is out of character with the actual meaning.

Re-read what I posted earlier and see if you can figure it out on your own!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 11:25 AM
I would love to find this worthless sack of shit and choke the life out of his scrawny little neck.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Anger and impotence often go hand-in-hand, which does not bode well for your bloodline!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 11:30 AM
Where is the OP, I just see this other person just commenting like they are the OP, is this what you call taking over someone's thread?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

I will be here sporadically until October 29th, 2012. Feel free to ask any question of your choosing.

Beware the imposters and poseurs, although they, too, may have insights worthy of consideration...sadly, to date, this has not been the case!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 11:38 AM
Just got through the first 44 pages. Very interesting thread.
I, too, have a couple or three questions:
1) OP, you describe yourself, on occasion, as a gatekeeper. What is the function of your gate?

2) You state your first interest lies in maintaining/perfecting your bloodline, but you seem to hint that there may be other strong bloodlines that are of interest, also. Is that the case?

3) Re: Your Biblical bloodline, would you describe it more as
a)the Seth, Jacob, David "type"
b)the Cain, Esau, Herod "type"
c) Some other line?
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

As I have repeatedly stated, WORDS HAVE MEANINGS. You may have noticed that I find this to be an important point, and that I take grammar, syntax and composition seriously!

No matter, GATEKEEPER:

gate·keep·er (gtkpr)
1. One that is in charge of passage through a gate.
2. One who monitors or oversees the actions of others.
3. A primary-care provider, often in the setting of a managed-care organization, who coordinates patient care and provides referrals to specialists, hospitals, laboratories, and other medical services.

gatekeeper [&#712;ge&#618;t&#716;ki&#720;p&#601;]
1. a person who has charge of a gate and controls who may pass through it
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) any of several Eurasian butterflies of the genus Pyronia, esp P. tithonus, having brown-bordered orange wings with a black-and-white eyespot on each forewing: family Satyridae
3. (Business / Commerce) a manager in a large organization who controls the flow of information, esp to parent and subsidiary companies

From the context of the writing, you can likely surmise which definition(s) might apply...and possible others as well. Do you due diligence!

Laughing out Loud!

2) The prudent gardener tends the soil and plucks out weeds which may "pop-up" and choke out the life of the more valuable produce.

3) Other/none of the above
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 12:22 PM
Hello Trolls and Trollops...and Welcome!

Normally, I respond to the postings in the inverse order of which they were posted. Unfortunately, Zippy/Bickle and a few religious zealots have formed an unholy alliance based on utter stupidity, senseless ramblings, and absurd assertions presented under "color of truth"...besmirching and befouling my efforts and blocking my intellectual path. Much as a scaly serpent rises out of a slimy, sunless sea, these "minions of the base and briny deep" cause one to recoil in horror as the fetid nature of their insect existence reveals itself in whole for all to see.

I have neither the inclination or patience to wade through this intellectual dross and, thus, may inadvertently miss a comment or question made in the spirit of(sometimes)honest inquiry. If so, a re-posting of the relevant question will lead to an answer, or comment, as applicable at a time convenient to me.

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 12:28 PM
Oh how deluded you are. No, my humility is not for attention nor arrogant fulfillment. It is true and just and who and what I am. You have been so manipulated by the world. So much so that you perceive the truth as the lie, humility as hidden bravado. How chained you are by the deceitful one. When I responded to you I did so in the fashion of what and who I am. Case in point pertaining to your controlled mind: when Rofchild posted in arrogance you defended him as generating his superior mentality to make a point...the instruction per you in essence was 'only those intelligent enough to understand, understand his wisdom, only to those does he appeal to in his magnificent instruction. Only the best and most valued are aware and deserving of his fondness'. You are chained, controlled and fodder for the evil one. This is becoming repetitive for me..if you choose the other than that is your choice and I cannot change that. I do not do this for self fulfillment, I do this for individual redemption. if you have chosen the other admit it and I will stop. No use beating a dead horse so to speak. In time perhaps you will free yourself and change your outlook. Hopefully you do. If not you are just another soul lost in the mire of the luciferian eternal plan. There is no valid base for your claim of passive arrogance..this is not a psychological session, it is a spiritual one.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

If you are as honest as you suggest, you will tell me your identity.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Ahh so honesty in your opinion is based on an individuals name..oh how you do test me. Young sir I am not stupid, I thought you understood that. Revealing personals on the net or with people you have no REAL worldly knowledge of is idiocy. I don't fall into that category. You are being coached by Sir Rofchild..tell him the answer is no. If he wants communication with me, he knows how to post...his leeched brain surely continues to have that capacity.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC,

Were the world to unexpectedly end in a fiery apocalypse, the upside would be that you would be deprived of your propensity to ramble and preen-on in your self-delusional grandeur!

Might not be a bad trade-off!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 01:08 PM
Salutations OP,

You being an information manager, thus a manager of multitudes...can I pose another 2 questions to give me food for thought?

Why do you suppose mankind is programmed for such singularity in our course? It seems that when one goes down a path, it is very difficult to veer regardless of the obvious signs telling you to turn at times. We are a very obstinate life form on this planet, although we have all the tools; intelligence, stamina, and physical resources to make significant change. No one can agree on the change, thus our path as a whole cruises right toward a futile conclusion.

If you watch nature, when there is no food, migration occurs without being told to do so. If there is territorial conflict, it works itself out per nature's course without a mediator. There is an innate ability to measure one's worth and value and fit into the cycle of life productively in the wild.

Are we 100% a product by design of this planet, or is it your opinion we are only assembled here?Feel free to expound on this if you so desire.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 19394471

Hello K and Welcome!

Interesting, isn't it? Even the protozoa "knows" how to respond to changes in its environment...

Regarding your specific question(s), they have been addressed previously.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 01:09 PM
Just got through the first 44 pages. Very interesting thread.
I, too, have a couple or three questions:
1) OP, you describe yourself, on occasion, as a gatekeeper. What is the function of your gate?

2) You state your first interest lies in maintaining/perfecting your bloodline, but you seem to hint that there may be other strong bloodlines that are of interest, also. Is that the case?

3) Re: Your Biblical bloodline, would you describe it more as
a)the Seth, Jacob, David "type"
b)the Cain, Esau, Herod "type"
c) Some other line?
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

As I have repeatedly stated, WORDS HAVE MEANINGS. You may have noticed that I find this to be an important point, and that I take grammar, syntax and composition seriously!

No matter, GATEKEEPER:

gate·keep·er (gtkpr)
1. One that is in charge of passage through a gate.
2. One who monitors or oversees the actions of others.
3. A primary-care provider, often in the setting of a managed-care organization, who coordinates patient care and provides referrals to specialists, hospitals, laboratories, and other medical services.

gatekeeper [&#712;ge&#618;t&#716;ki&#720;p&#601;]
1. a person who has charge of a gate and controls who may pass through it
2. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) any of several Eurasian butterflies of the genus Pyronia, esp P. tithonus, having brown-bordered orange wings with a black-and-white eyespot on each forewing: family Satyridae
3. (Business / Commerce) a manager in a large organization who controls the flow of information, esp to parent and subsidiary companies

From the context of the writing, you can likely surmise which definition(s) might apply...and possible others as well. Do you due diligence!

Laughing out Loud!

2) The prudent gardener tends the soil and plucks out weeds which may "pop-up" and choke out the life of the more valuable produce.

3) Other/none of the above
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Can it be true?? Sir Rofchild appears to have tempered his arrogance..impressive but alas, not long lasting. Sir Rofchild, you are NOT a gatekeeper for the bowels of hell. You are a luciferian minion only, and in that eternal context you have no value exceeding anyone else. The damned are the damned. Your only real service required by the imitator is your ability to gather souls here, in this dimension. In an earlier post you distanced yourself from Lucifer as your mentor in your so called 'illuminated state'. Now this revelation denoting yourself as gatekeeper for souls in torture until 'the gatekeeper' allows them respite and redemption. Now Sir Rofchild who might the god of hell be? Additionally, you've made spelling and proper English absolutes in several posts. How say you now?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

A prudent gardener in service to the Prime Mover, does not pluck the rotten fruit of labors. Only ONE can do that. We that serve Him, merely redirect through intercession. The actual plucking is not our mission, allowance nor right. You can in effect, call us agents of the one and only Prudent Gardener.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Welcome!

Do you even bother to READ what you post?

Sad little minion!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/16/2012 01:11 PM
Hello Trolls and Trollops...and Welcome!

Normally, I respond to the postings in the inverse order of which they were posted. Unfortunately, Zippy/Bickle and a few religious zealots have formed an unholy alliance based on utter stupidity, senseless ramblings, and absurd assertions presented under "color of truth"...besmirching and befouling my efforts and blocking my intellectual path. Much as a scaly serpent rises out of a slimy, sunless sea, these "minions of the base and briny deep" cause one to recoil in horror as the fetid nature of their insect existence reveals itself in whole for all to see.

I have neither the inclination or patience to wade through this intellectual dross and, thus, may inadvertently miss a comment or question made in the spirit of(sometimes)honest inquiry. If so, a re-posting of the relevant question will lead to an answer, or comment, as applicable at a time convenient to me.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

You Have Chosen Poorly!

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Sir Rofchild apparently you HAVE 'waded through the dross. Otherwise how could you make this assertion? Hmmm seems the brilliance is waning..lovely to see actually.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Religious zealots 'under the color of truth'. And YOU I assume are the progeny of the real TRUTH?? Your frantic attempt to portray your importance and veracity is obvious sir, and I might add enjoyable to watch!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Welcome!

All I have offered here is to ANSWER YOUR QUESTION.

No question? Begone! Free will and all that!

User ID: 16040979 United States 07/18/2012 01:17 PM

What dream are you working passionately towards?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

You might have read my earlier comments on "passion" and its "proper role" in ones efforts.

You might also look up the definition of "dream".
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/18/2012 01:18 PM
Hello Op,

First of I would like to thank you for the thoughts you shared with us. Some of the information they provide really resonates with me. I actually have a couple of questions.

Why did you ask if -insert user ID- ( My apologies my memory abandons me allot) mother had an failed pregnancy or not? Is it possible for A+ parents to have an blood type A- child? Are these questions in any way related?

The other big question that has been bugging me is what happened on Mars? Do you want to share any knowledge of that? And again is it related to what we are experience now on earth?


PS: My apologies for my grammar.
Quoting: Me 7282891

Hello ME and Welcome!

The questions were not related.

What happened on Mars? Can you be more specific?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/18/2012 01:24 PM
User ID: 6877072

STOP POSTING! You are ruining the thread by posting 300 posts per day. Ask OP a question or stfu.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17394988

Oh yes. I am so entranced by the OP's wisdom. I will no longer be posting often if ever on this thread. I've seen enough foolishness amongst the OP's adoring fans..and I'd prefer not to vomit today. You minions and the OP have that effect on me. By the way refrain from ordering me around and telling me to STFU...very classless of you and surprisingly not one of you has the ability to address ANYTHING of actual imort. Anyway I've done what I've done here, I have tasks to complete elsewhere. Many here have a hardened heart, such as yourself...I have neither the desire nor interest any longer to communicate with you and the others like you. Lastly, when it's opportune I will read the posts, well, until I don't. The Op's rhetoric is dismissive and repugnant. there is nothing I can learn here, aside from narcissism, hubris and disgust. Proceed minions..the OP is waiting for his daily fix of adoration. Please be generous and provide the inbred with what he needs and constantly seeks. Ciao..
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

User ID: 6877072

STOP POSTING! You are ruining the thread by posting 300 posts per day. Ask OP a question or stfu.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17394988

Oh yes. I am so entranced by the OP's wisdom. I will no longer be posting often if ever on this thread. I've seen enough foolishness amongst the OP's adoring fans..and I'd prefer not to vomit today. You minions and the OP have that effect on me. By the way refrain from ordering me around and telling me to STFU...very classless of you and surprisingly not one of you has the ability to address ANYTHING of actual imort. Anyway I've done what I've done here, I have tasks to complete elsewhere. Many here have a hardened heart, such as yourself...I have neither the desire nor interest any longer to communicate with you and the others like you. Lastly, when it's opportune I will read the posts, well, until I don't. The Op's rhetoric is dismissive and repugnant. there is nothing I can learn here, aside from narcissism, hubris and disgust. Proceed minions..the OP is waiting for his daily fix of adoration. Please be generous and provide the inbred with what he needs and constantly seeks. Ciao..
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

edit: import. Over and out!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Oh I forgot, this site is displaying repeated posts. Perhaps that problem should be taken up with them. Anyway..time for me leave this thread, so here's my final bye bye..
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Good-Bye!

As a parting word of advice, you should strive to improve your grammar and syntax if you hope to be viewed as a thoughtful human...competent and literate. Illiterate people are treated, correctly so, as second class citizens.

One common thread has been that the non-native english speakers tend to be more proficient with the language, more careful with the use of syntax and spelling and generally come across as having a higher overall intelligence level.

I find that particularly would think that the native english speakers would demonstrate superiority in that regard, but there it is!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/18/2012 01:31 PM
Re: Bankers in China
During the time of the British East India Tea Company, much control was gained over China and Japan. The Rofschilds acquired that control. Some of that obviously could have changed with wars and changing of regimes. I also have read that the Canadian NWO promoter Maurice Strong has been in China advising on Banking for several years. Japan, of course, has long been a member of TLC.
1) How does TPTB control of Chinese Banking and Gov't compare to its control of same in the West? Much less, a little less, about the same?

2) Have you met M. Strong?
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

1) The control is virtually total and nearly complete. But you knew that already, correct?

2) Although technically a question, I stated early on that I would not disclose personal details. Question #2, aside from having no relevance to you, falls within that realm.

Back to question one, you may have noticed that the AXIS OF EVIL ain't what it used to be!

Laughing out Loud!

Amazing how Libyan rebels took time out of their daily war duties to establish a CENTRAL BANK! Imagine the paperwork in getting that done on the battlefield!

Those rebels are a well educated lot!

Laughing out Loud!

Seriously, don't the serfs notice things like this?
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/18/2012 01:40 PM
"A gatekeeper is a person who controls access to something, for example via a city gate. In the late 20th century the term came into metaphorical use, referring to individuals who decide whether a given message will be distributed by a mass medium."

The metaphorical use is something I had failed to notice in the past, but it is certainly an appropriate one.

The "Gatekeeping" done by news Editors and large financial concerns' PR and other departments appears to have become essentially a science. What used to be the job of an Editor of a newspaper required only knowledge, prudence, a good sense of justice, and fortitude. Today's News Editors seem more like propaganda filterers--which, of course, they actually are.

The winners get to be/select "Gatekeepers" in the mass medium. The winners have been the bankers for a very long time.

When/what was the last time the Bankers didn't win at something that was important to them?-- And how long did it take for them to make a successful re-try?
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

You have correctly extrapolated my comments within the framework of their intended meaning.

See? It really isn't that difficult if one understands the MEANING OF WORDS and spends a bit of time reflecting on such meaning.

You are still locked in the win-lose paradigm, which is nonsense. If one were to not attain ones stated objectives after two efforts, and then "succeeded" after the third, at what point did they transition from LOSER to WINNER?

The only true LOSER is the one who quits after a setback or one who fails to advance their bloodline.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 10:50 AM
The fact is nobody gives a rat's ass!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Apparently you do or you would not have taken the time to respond. Additionally, must you be so crude?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Additionally? Do you speak English? It is the year 2012, who speaks that way? Get a clue sweetie, you make this thread boring, nobody cares what you have to say, we actually want to hear from someone else, you keep responding to every single thing everyone says, it's really annoying!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18998872

Hello AC and Welcome!

Rat's ass? Curious!

I wonder about the etymology of that phrase.

Did your ancestors perhaps eat, and TRADE, these vermin?

That would explain a LOT!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 10:53 AM
I'm a ROFLChild, make me laugh.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1390775

Hello Mr Sweden and Welcome!

Well, OK.

A man says to his wife...

"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather...not screaming in terror like the passengers in his car"

I admit mirth is not my specialty!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 10:54 AM
Hey OP

Do you think hell can be an enjoyable experience?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1541801

Hello Mr. Canada and Welcome!

I suppose you might be better suited to answer, as you DO live in canada.
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 10:59 AM
Sorry OP but there is something I must say. You sir do not act for the good of the people or even for the bettering of our race when you compare everyone to children. You have been doing so for the first 10 pages and it is driving me nuts. If you are truly who you say you are (and I doubt it) then I believe you owe everyone in here an apology. Your Family « bloodline » and your « illusions » are killing people while you sit back without remorse. You said something about how China gets the hard work done and the U.S takes the benefits. Well in the same way you are a criminal getting rich off of the world and its flaws. You exploit them to get the power you want. You place very shady people that are criminals at the top of the power structures. You encourage human intolerance and you swiftly wipe your hands of any feeling. And you dare say that we are the ones that are trapped in our illusions. Be it trapped in illusions of one's self or be it illusions of godsend purpose, you are both. Now since I know that everything on the internet nowadays is kept and stored, for monitoring, I know that this message will probably reach the right people eventually. So better make it count.

How can you tell me that you are more evolved than I am, when you apparently make it possible for millions to go to war with each other? Consequences for your actions no matter what type of person you are will happen. The universe is of balance. And trust me (not threatening you in any way from my person) your bloodline will not continue pillaging and killing men and women everywhere by your tainted blood money be it an illusion or not. You spoke of illusions, but time is not an illusion. And your time will come for you too. Hoping it comes sooner rather than later.

In this world; money, is the power, that binds everything. By holding and gaining more of it; you are also part of this illusion. You are very much co-dependent on it as much as the « DRONES » you think the human race is. The only difference is: The scope. You will probably never see the day where everything is gone. Except if it is taken from you. And believe me, call it how you want, fate, and destiny, has a way of getting rid of people like you.
You are scared that the people are actually walking up to the real power structure of this world. A lot more people are now on to you.

Well let me tell you that no matter what technology you have to checkout time or possibilities, there is no absolute way of saying things will go exactly like planned. Chaos Theory remains. As this time line not only depends of every player within the confines of the « game » but also depends on every other iteration of every other possible combination in all other crossing realities. The numbers themselves could not predict any outcome to your advantage with such accuracy. And everything can change in a blink of an eye. All it takes is one Man, Woman, Child, Animal to go off the reservation, and I'm sorry no cigar!

How dare you call yourself enlightened when you plan global depopulation of the world? You rationalize murder and you plan genocide. There is nothing in there that shows me you are enlightened but only how very evil you are. Even telling me that there is no evil and there is no right. That is the biggest illusion of them all. What a better way to convince anyone to follow you... I bet it works on most people now doesn't it? You look at us from above, but I am also looking back at you.

I am taking a « wild guess » here but I believe that you are either a maniacal man (or woman but considering how you blasted the « triggers » of the female …… I would say man) or someone in deep need of redemption. This is probably the reason you are here on a subconscious level. Unless you have mutated into another species, the rationalities of the human race still applies no matter how hard you try and fight your ugly and unwanted « emotions ».

You probably tried burying them with logic or rational thought. But nature is weird in the way that total control does not exist. Even with your higher rationale, you are subject to the same physical and emotional needs. Do not dare tell me you are bigger because you are stronger. The only one you are impressing is you and your ego. And no matter how many people you will have reasoned or threatened, you will always have to face someone else and someone else. It can eventually get exhausting. I am guessing this whole getting rid of people thing is a secondary effect of the ego needing to mesure up to ones own self. Feeling like the "KING" of the "WOLFS" once the slaugher has happened.

And while we are on the subject, you also tasted a lot of pain in your life. This is why you subject others to this same way. This is why we are puny and you are big. To overcome the balance that was lost, in your childhood not having had the love and trust that you needed. I bet you are something of a romantic hidden within yourself. All the caracter traits of a very BALANCED human being.

Since this is Godlike productions and anyone could come in here and claim that he is a « ROFSCHILD » and « AXE me anything » I do not take you seriously. But admire your way of responding to everything in a very efficient and well written way. I would have to say that there is some part of me that believes this is you even if you spelled your family name wrong (and please don't tell me your doing this to be under the radar cause if you are who you say you are, then this visit is well known to your group, family, whatever)

So if you are who you say you are, and I do not say this lightly:

You should be sent to prison for the crimes your « bloodline » has committed over the last few centuries. It should also become the same of everyone who participated in this « Genius » Cover-up, so that humanity can once again, advance to the next stage of its evolution. Away from all the greed and pity you have caused us to feel, away from the expert manipulations and control freaks you are. Away from the rape and destruction of millions of families by men who had their hearts coerced by the stinking fiat currency you made available. You took away the freedoms of your fellow men, and you will feel the pain of it; as life fights back, to put you in your righteous place.

I am warning you, (and I know that this message will eventually get to those concerned) Do not treat humanity as a spoiled child, because you will find out that it has a hard bite. And even within the confines of 500 millions still remaining, when the truth is out there for most to see, and the mainstream media slowly losing its power to distort…. All you will be left with is a barren waste land, and a very angry mob. No money or « illusion » can save you from that. And even with all your intelligence and resources, people can always spot a liar after a bit of time.

Best of luck……
(I didnt even bother hiding my nick since its findable anyhow)
Quoting: MarMoTT 688079

So, you spent half an hour typing a fervent monologue to somebody who is either a fake psychopath or a real psychopath...?

You are a perfect illustration of why/how humanity has allowed itself to become enslaved and why/how it will continue.

I wish that all of you people posting in this thread could be rational, thoughtful and laconic. Either OP is a fraud, or OP is real. If you are going to play along, at least make a passing attempt to read the thread and absorb what OP has said in context.

People like OP claims to be do exist - for real. They ARE better than you - all of you - because they have come understand that living by animal instincts is the reason for poor bloodline performance.

You people live like animals. Period.

Everything you do is driven by the basest instinct with zero thought to the universal consciousness.

OP's ilk serve a purpose, which is not as grand as they would like to think, but they are still very high up the pyramid.

If you talking apes would make ENLIGHTENMENT your first priority, there would be no need for OP's ilk.

It pains me to see so many people act as so much worthless meat.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17394988

Hello AC's and Welcome!

OH, that POSTER is SO ANGRY! Reading his screed reminded me of a cartoon character, red face grimacing, fists clenched tightly...with steam coming from his ears (and perhaps other orifices!) OH...I'M...SO...MAD...Sputtering and impotent in his rage!

Then along comes an unrelated character! He sees an anguished poster and gleefully posts his observations...carefully designed to inflame the already impossibly inflamed stranger!

What more does one really need to know about the human species?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 11:07 AM
OP, can you have Anonymous Coward User ID: 6877072 microwaved from space? Are there settings on the satellite for that? Like "baked potato?" Set it for a BIG potato.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17394988

Hello AC and Welcome!

Were we to microwave every useless eater stuck to the earth's face, it would be a barren planet!

But see how tempting it is? THAT'S one of the many reasons WE have the power and YOU don't!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 11:14 AM
Hello Op,

First of I would like to thank you for the thoughts you shared with us. Some of the information they provide really resonates with me. I actually have a couple of questions.

Why did you ask if -insert user ID- ( My apologies my memory abandons me allot) mother had an failed pregnancy or not? Is it possible for A+ parents to have an blood type A- child? Are these questions in any way related?

The other big question that has been bugging me is what happened on Mars? Do you want to share any knowledge of that? And again is it related to what we are experience now on earth?


PS: My apologies for my grammar.
Quoting: Me 7282891

Hello ME and Welcome!

The questions were not related.

What happened on Mars? Can you be more specific?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Thank you for your reply I still got some questions left. And I will try to ask the Mars question more clear.

My question is what is special about a mother who has a failed pregnacy and has a child after that?
And is it possible for rhesus-factor positive parents to have a rhesus negative child? Because I know rhesus negative factor is quite rare and has special properties.

About the Mars question. I heard a story (Youtube Spiritscience) about there being life a long time ago, way before there was sophisticated life on earth. The beings that lived there where very advanced. They build pyramids (these pyramids still show up in pictures) that acted as star gates.
But in the end the entire planet got destroyed either by wars between the inhabitants it self, or was there an external event that wiped out most of the life of the planet? And is there any relation between what happened to Mars in that sense and to what is happening to earth now?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 7282891

Hello Mr NL and Welcome!

I have posted extensively on the Rh issue. So far, few have picked up on this most interesting characteristic.

Think of the concept, deeply, of how a female's reproductive system....completely and utterly dedicated and devoted to the reproductive process....can attack the foetus!

You DO realize Rhesus is an attribute identified in MONKEYS, correct? monkey/non-monkey...WHICH ARE you??

Laughing out Loud!

Under what circumstances would a FEMALE HUMAN attack it's own offspring? Must be a presence ALIEN to the immune system tasked with protecting HER LIFE!

Go back and read what I have written previously!

Another silly MARS story? Will they never end??
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 11:28 AM
New questions!

1-) Mr. Rofschild, in one of your posts you said hemp oil balances human energy field.

What can you tell us about this "field"?


2-) You said you are not "born", what do you mean by that?
Didn't you come out of a woman's womb?


3-) Again you said that eating an animal is actually cannibalism, doesn't that mean carnivorous animals are cannibals? They don't live long!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

I do hope your studies are progressing well!

The energy field could also correctly be identified as the life force. What the actual life force is comprised of has been a matter of intense debate within the various fields of scientific and metaphysical studies. When a human that exact moment when the life force leaves the body...the physical/mechanical systems are identical! Yet the life force is no longer present.

What exactly has changed? What is no longer present? The corpse is warm, but no longer useful!

Laughing out Loud!

I will tell you that humans have a YIN YANG relationship with plants. The HEMP PLANT resonates on a spiritual level with humans! SYMBIOTIC...note BIO. I will tell you that IF humans have a "god", it exists in the form of PLANTS!

VERY IMPORTANT! No wonder hemp and its many magical strains have been made ILLEGAL!

Imagine the irony in professing to live in a FREE COUNTRY, yet threatened with INCARCERATION for tending to a plant which occurs in NATURE!

How DO you sheep reconcile these immutable facts??


Laughing out Loud!


Existing as a result of birth: "he was born in Seattle"; "a German-born philosopher".
Having a natural ability to do a particular job or task.

Another false teaching, but perhaps relevant in the second sense!

Laughing out Loud!

3) What more can I say about the act of eating those within your SPECIES?? Have I not discussed this in GREAT DETAIL? What do you fail to understand?

Do not waste out time re-asking topics already thoroughly covered UNLESS you have a new aspect or line of inquiry!


Even the christian bible states "THOU SHALL NOT KILL"
It doesn't say "HUMANS" says SHALL NOT KILL!

Do you kill, directly or by proxy when you eat meat?


Do you kill, directly or by proxy, when you eat vegetables or plants? Or UNFERTILIZED EGGS? Or Fungi?



User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 11:39 AM


edit: import. Over and out!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Oh I forgot, this site is displaying repeated posts. Perhaps that problem should be taken up with them. Anyway..time for me leave this thread, so here's my final bye bye..
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Good-Bye!

As a parting word of advice, you should strive to improve your grammar and syntax if you hope to be viewed as a thoughtful human...competent and literate. Illiterate people are treated, correctly so, as second class citizens.

One common thread has been that the non-native english speakers tend to be more proficient with the language, more careful with the use of syntax and spelling and generally come across as having a higher overall intelligence level.

I find that particularly would think that the native english speakers would demonstrate superiority in that regard, but there it is!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Well the 'enlightened one' has deemed me important enough to advise. Sir Rofchild your critique as well as your consistency in presenting yourself as a capable judge is redundant at best. I've not been called here to impress an audience with my superior skills of spelling or syntax, I leave that foolish nonsense to you. I have been here as an intercessor between evil and its effect on the innocent. Nothing more and nothing less. I've done so to the best of my ability and that is all that has been asked of me in this venue. As I stated before, your need to belittle is lost on me: the effect is rendered impotent. Spare your energy sir, for the bidding of the filth you worship and are subject to. I am somewhat amazed as well, by a captive breed that has been so misled that they actually believe in their own divine immortality and purpose. Odd for one so 'gifted' to not entertain even an idea of the bondage one is in. Some of your kind will distance themselves from damnation, my Father knows this. Others like you will not..and so it is written. At any rate I am done here, leaving with the hope that your destructive effect on suggestible minds has been somewhat circumvented. Goodbye minion of the most low, your very energy makes me recoil and I'll not subject myself to it any longer. This is my final post.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Good-Bye (again)!

I don't recall commenting on your "importance"...and I have not discriminated in responding, for the most part, to one and all!

I am curious who it is you believe sent you here? Are you hearing voices again?

Pity you're not here to respond!

relative to the comment about my "destructive effect on suggestible minds", I would posit that suggestible in this context suggests "simple" as in "simple minded"...or perhaps drooling idiot!

YOU would seem to hold those assembled here seeking truth in "contempt", although you present it in a classical "passive/aggressive" context!

The SIMPLE MINDED need to be protected from anothers thoughts since they are too STUPID to fend for themselves!

In the meantime YOU are sent here by some mysterious voice to PROTECT THEM!

Typical logic of a CRETIN with a sloping occipital ridge!

Same methodology used by religions...holding themselves as the GATEKEEPERS to salvation!

Shame...oh the SHAME of it!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 16040979 United States 07/19/2012 11:43 AM
Re: Bankers in China
During the time of the British East India Tea Company, much control was gained over China and Japan. The Rofschilds acquired that control. Some of that obviously could have changed with wars and changing of regimes. I also have read that the Canadian NWO promoter Maurice Strong has been in China advising on Banking for several years. Japan, of course, has long been a member of TLC.
1) How does TPTB control of Chinese Banking and Gov't compare to its control of same in the West? Much less, a little less, about the same?

2) Have you met M. Strong?
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

1) The control is virtually total and nearly complete. But you knew that already, correct?

2) Although technically a question, I stated early on that I would not disclose personal details. Question #2, aside from having no relevance to you, falls within that realm.

Back to question one, you may have noticed that the AXIS OF EVIL ain't what it used to be!

Laughing out Loud!

Amazing how Libyan rebels took time out of their daily war duties to establish a CENTRAL BANK! Imagine the paperwork in getting that done on the battlefield!

Those rebels are a well educated lot!

Laughing out Loud!

Seriously, don't the serfs notice things like this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

OP, Serfs don't notice these things, but not all of we "humans" are serfs.

The Western zeitpsyche never even noticed what happened in Libya. When I try to tell people that Qaddafi was not even really in charge of Libya and that he was working to establish an African, gold-backed currency, their eyes just glaze over... Did you see 'dancing with the stars last night OMG...."

OP, this is likely a futile question, but can you direct me to the group of men most cognizant of these details, so I can at least have an intelligent conversation once and a while?

What do I have to do to join the Council? Is there a certain number of people I need to enslave, or can I just unleash some software on the currency market that will get me noticed?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17394988

Hello AC and Welcome!

From the last poster's comments, I have come up with a quick and easy TEST to determine if one is, indeed, a SHEEP!

Can you grow a plant which occurs naturally in the ecosystem without being subject to arrest and imprisonment?

Let's hear it from the smug posters in Amsterdam!

Laughing out Loud!

The exists no such group of learned men that you can join...HOWEVER, feel free to CREATE SUCH A GROUP rather than wait about for your invitation to join one!

As GROUCHO MARX once observed...

"I wouldn't be a part of any club that would have me!"

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/26/2012 01:22 PM
op, will the next big thing be cybernetic implants?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

That tech is already well established, but thanks for playing!
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/26/2012 01:27 PM

What are your views on monogamy and marriage? Especially from a male perspective if possible. Dad vs cad male reproductive strategies? Modern marriages with no-fault divorce a way to enslave a male?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

Marriage is a civil construct and has no relevance.

The definition of monogamy seems to be in flux presently. From Wikipedia:

Monogamy /Gr. &#956;&#959;&#957;&#972;&#962;+&#947;&#940;&#956;&#959;&#962;​ (monos+gamos) - one+marriage/ a form of marriage in which an individual has only one spouse at any one time.[1] In current usage monogamy often refers to having one sexual partner irrespective of marriage or reproduction. The term is also applied to the social behavior of some animals, referring to the state of having only one mate at any one time.

Seems to be a word without clear meaning.

I would assume that one, by now, would be able to determine this answer for themselves vis-a-vis reproduction and bloodlines!

Laughing out Loud!

Which strand of the WEB is stickiest?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/26/2012 01:32 PM

What is love?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 502295

Hello AC and Welcome!

Your question belongs together with the inquiry on monogamy and marriage.

As the old song goes...

love and marriage, love and marriage...go together like a horse and carriage..

And so on.

LOVE and MARRIAGE fall under the category of BEAUTIFUL LIES. The general sense of these concepts is not in keeping with NATURAL LAW, and thus has no relevance.

One need only to look at the RESULTS of these "institutions" to draw their own conclusions! Remember, NATURAL LAW operates as an absolute, not a "sometimes" proposition.

Couples typically assign the feeling of sexual arousal to LOVE, which of course is absurd. How many times does one hear a young human female bemoan the previous night's suitor failing to re-establish contact after coitus?

Seriously, keep believing the BEAUTIFUL LIES and ignore NATURAL LAW.

Do you humans see NOTHING??

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/26/2012 01:42 PM

haha. We have no mothers.

The chosen are disabused of the notion of a NURTURING OTHER, who sacrifices all for the innocent being.

TEACH your children the ways of nature...they will learn one way or another anyway.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201

What will you be when Jesus come and there will be no nature
you feel wise but you are in for the biggest surprise of your live. Let me give you a hint very hot lots of worms never sleep
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18923728


Jesus is going to come in and destroy nature?

Worms are magical creatures. No life on earth would be possible without these marvels of nature! Cleopatra killed those who killed the worms...wise woman!

You, sir or ma'am, are a confused, deluded slug!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5188697

You say that worms are magical and then insult him by calling him a slug!?

Maybe you are the one who is confused!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

My my, we do have a dim-bulb here!

A SLUG is a terrestrial MOLLUSK and of a different GENUS than the mighty EARTHWORM.

Not that they aren't USEFUL in their own way...but once again, your IGNORANCE has fouled the environment of what is intended to be an educational thread.
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/26/2012 01:44 PM
The TROLLS and TROLLOPS have, once again, offered up NOTHING worthy of intellectual digestion.


Perhaps Mr OBAMA will become re-elected and straighten out your deteriorating situation!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/30/2012 02:06 PM
op, will the next big thing be cybernetic implants?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

That tech is already well established, but thanks for playing!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Is there a way for us to access that tech?


Mr. Rofschild, what do you think about hydroponic farming? Is it the next level of farming?


You said there will be a culling, and it won't be pretty. How is this going to happen? Using a war? WW3?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20728528

Hello AC and Welcome!

Yes, there is.

Hydroponic is a viable ag technology. The main problem are the system losses when one tries to duplicate the conditions abundantly found in nature. Natural sunlight produces approximately 1000W/sq meter. Solar panels can only capture 20% of that potential energy, and so on.

Depending on ones objectives, it is already feasible.

Familiarize yourself with the frog in the boiling water parable. Reflect upon the term, popularized by a very smart american..."SLOW BURN".

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/30/2012 02:08 PM
The TROLLS and TROLLOPS have, once again, offered up NOTHING worthy of intellectual digestion.


Perhaps Mr OBAMA will become re-elected and straighten out your deteriorating situation!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

You must have glossed over my question, then. Lazy jewish.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20596154

Hello AC and Welcome!

Perhaps. You may re-post if you are so inclined.
User ID: 13751769 United States 07/30/2012 02:10 PM
yes, I am of that evil banking clan, but a black sheep in wolf's clothes,

even if the stupid amoungst you want the truth, you are too uneducated to know what even to ask.

ask the right questions, get the right answers.

what say you, brain trust and learned of glp?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1339201


Hello GT and Welcome!

What was your question?

Relative to your comment, I have offered to ANSWER questions, not give lectures. I Do this freely and without conditions.

Peruse this thread and see the level of questions being asked. Garbage in-garbage out.

Having said this, taking control of the nutritional cycle is the key first step for almost ALL humans. You claim to be past this point, which I highly suspect. If you are, congratulations...but I would sense your enlightenment, likely....and I don't. You can barely string together a coherent sentence.

Our line has invested enormous resources, freely harvested, to study and APPLY natural law. You claim to be beyone this point.

I say you are deluded, or a liar. But what do you gain by lying?

If one were to undertake a meaningful application of just the food cycle, it would produce enormous benefits. Build from that point forward.

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 16040979

Well, hello Mr Rofschild.
I do not lie sir! I am certainly not deluded. I am a logical and creative thinker and I see the world for what it is and also humans for what they are. I live by the Spiritual and Natural Laws that exist. My question was rhetorical and your petty insult does not bother me, (yes i noticed it) because it explains much more about you than it does about me. Yes, it is fine gathering information, but to apply is truly knowledgeable.
I express my gratitude and give my thanks to you for taking the time to answer. Well, it would have been nice to speak via email rather than on this public spectrum.
I may look in again before October.
love and light
Quoting: Goddess of Temperance 15212947

Hello UK AC and Welcome!

Congratulations on reaching your present enlightenment.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/01/2012 12:40 PM

your take on the Dinar?
Quoting: bo bi 20177375

Hello AC and Welcome!

I'm not clear what information you are looking to obtain, but if you believe that one can buy dinars now and profit later, I would state that will not be possible. Most who are promoting that particular scheme are stealing from those incapable of rational thought and an understanding of the NATURAL LAW.

Currency trading is a fools game, unless one were hedging international commerce trades to protect gains. In that way, one can look at the trading cost as an expense of doing business.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/01/2012 12:55 PM

Hello AC and Welcome!

That tech is already well established, but thanks for playing!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Is there a way for us to access that tech?


Mr. Rofschild, what do you think about hydroponic farming? Is it the next level of farming?


You said there will be a culling, and it won't be pretty. How is this going to happen? Using a war? WW3?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20728528

Hello AC and Welcome!

Yes, there is.

Hydroponic is a viable ag technology. The main problem are the system losses when one tries to duplicate the conditions abundantly found in nature. Natural sunlight produces approximately 1000W/sq meter. Solar panels can only capture 20% of that potential energy, and so on.

Depending on ones objectives, it is already feasible.

Familiarize yourself with the frog in the boiling water parable. Reflect upon the term, popularized by a very smart american..."SLOW BURN".

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Please, PLEASE tell me how to access the tech?!

I think i understand the boiling frog parable... And what i wonder is, will there be a world war? When everything goes down, for they have become so dependent... People will have nothing(of value.. for survival.) And they will eat each other. But does your plans include a world war? Or will you just watch the chaos? What will carry out the culling? War? Or just nature itself...? May be im still asking the same question... without pondering.

BTW, in one of my earlier posts i said the next big thing is Corporatocracy. Did i miss that much? You didn't even comment on it. Give us some clue DAMMIT! lol
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18824743

Hello Mr. Turkey and Welcome!

Keep in mind that the popular model of WORLD WAR is a concept whose time has come and gone. It is an obsolete strategy...from our side anyway.

The trend-line favors integration and globalization. The WORLD WAR model promotes vs them.

This is the ERA of the BIG EVENT. Global spectacles where all will be watching, and to some degree, invested. The 9/11 show garnered the sympathy of many of the world's population...later to be lost, of course. Watch for similar BIG EVENTS coming to a neighborhood near you!

Laughing out Loud!

Of course, the risk of any one human being killed is infinitesimal, but the risk of what is happening every day, every second to your life and odds of survival is 100%, or higher!

The current process is that of grinding wheat kernels into a fine powder, which scatters at the first sign of wind.

Catherine Fitts, a knowing human, has defined the current phenomena as SLOW BURN. Exactly correct. Stress levels are high anticipating the next big thing while the degradation of EVERYTHING continues unnoticed. Wheat into flour.

The boiling frog syndrome.

The ruling elites use of the Corporation as a SHIELD and tool of oppression has been going on for decades! How could one seriously believe that is NEW in any sense of the word?
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/01/2012 12:57 PM
And you are also trying to guess the next big thing? hmmmsss. I think it's free passage to the moon or the Absolute!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11914126

Hello Egypt and Welcome!

From what yo know of the moon, would you accept such an offer?

But thanks for playing!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/01/2012 01:00 PM

This thread is still on. It's amazing. Really.

I hope the op is still the same person, last I have seen it were people being called names and someone called OYE Zippy.

That's a horribly rude word in Arabic.

Quoting: GUESS WHO~! :3 11914126

Hello Mr. Egypt and Welcome!

While I appreciate the sentiment and well wishes, I am suspect of your offer of love. I have explained previously that such vaguely defined human sentiments have no value whatsoever. Witness how freely yours has been offered.

Egypt will be entering a very trying period shortly. Take care of your bloodline, if you are so inclined!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/06/2012 02:42 PM
Is the next big thing microchips implanted into the brain voluntary? Like the microchips could be programmed to reward the "servant" whenever it does something desirable, with pleasurable chemicals, and inflict small pain when the "servant" does not do what is desired? Since it uses technology it is automatic, so therefore there is no "lash" needed, although I do not understand what "lag" is in regards to fiat.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2118499

Hello AC and Welcome!

As I have explained many times, FREE WILL is an essential component of the whole process. Free Will must be respected!

Look up the terms if clarification is needed.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/06/2012 02:44 PM
well well, i suppose rofschild has taken an unsanctioned vacation...

such a sad thing...
Quoting: miss egypt 11914126

Hello Ms. Egypt and Welcome!

No need for tears.

I aasume you do not understand the words you use due to english being your second language. UNSANCTIONED is a word which cannot correctly be applied to those who control their own destiny.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/06/2012 02:47 PM
Most fruits and vegetables have carbohydrates and fiber, should I avoid literally ALL carbohydrates and fiber even in plants?

Is the next big thing communism?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17937115

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21158118

Op had said that humans are designed to run on plant oil, and said to avoid carbohydrates at all cost. So there must be some plants to avoid. Plants with carbs.

Or if your "moran" was directed to the communism thing, lets see if you have any better idea.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2118499

Hello AC and Welcome!

Any green plants can be eaten without worry. IN GENERAL, you may eat any vegetable in moderation and not worry.

The fiber aspect of carbohydrates can be ignored and eaten without limit.

As far as COMMUNISM, look at their tenets and compare to those of NATURAL LAW. There you will find your answer.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/06/2012 03:11 PM
Do your parents or relatives directly explain the natural laws to you or do they put you in a enviroment that promotes learning?

Who told our ancestors that the bloodline was so important? God? It dosn't make sense if it was another highly evolved bloodlines since it is not in the "highly evolved" bloodline's interest to inform others about the importance of bloodlines.

Does your bloodline hold absolute control over the kids in your bloodline? If yes, how do your parents, and maybe you, hold absolute power over you, and your kids? How do I raise my child to not be distracted by the internet and various distractions that teens are accustomed to today?

Do you have any advice for me and others interested on how to break free from the daily distractions? I am struggling to cut down my T.V. viewing time and video game time.

Why do memories form if there is only NOW? No past, no future?

Do we only know what the bloodline knows? How do we access our bloodline's knowledge? Why do most people seem to lack their access to the bloodline's knowledge?

When you ask others to copy paste their questions why do you not copy paste your answers when others ask the same question that was asked before?

Do we die on a genetically established schedule like chickens, and can only improve the quality of our life, or is it possible for us to expand our lifespan?

Why do you think that your bloodline has not reached perfection yet? What is the perfection of the bloodline? The philosophy that there is no such thing as perfect is part of the, "beautiful lie," yes?

How do you react when members of your bloodline die? I sometimes profoundly miss my father.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17937115

Hello AC and Welcome!

Lots of questions! Let's start with the first one first which will serve to also answer some others.

You comment on your addictions to media distractions, and have correctly noted that your progeny have the same predilections. I would assume that you have made the connection between these two facts!

Think of how the very young learn languages from their parents. Mimicking the sound pattern and watching the actions and reactions from word patterns, facial expressions and tone. Dogs are trained the same way of course.

Children have a functioning command of language before general structured education begins. Of course, in general, what is taught is a REINFORCEMENT of what the young have already learned. The same takes place in social mores and expectations as well. The parents are PROGRAMMED to teach their young certain patterns of belief and society, through religion and media REINFORCE these mental constructs.

Harvard did a 30 year study tracking the progeny of various segments of society to confirm or refute the "beautiful lie" of the american dream...wherein it is held that anyone can aspire and rise to any level of society. While there are notible standouts to every finding, statistically, young humans generally track their parents in the major socioeconomic indicators to a highly statistically significant level. In other words, no-one is going anywhere, but the DREAM of things being otherwise is most useful!

Laughing out Loud!

YOU, sir, will teach your young to be useful idiots...working slaves and serfs! Thanks for that!

Do you know, sir, that the percentage of serfs signing 30 year mortgages who actually READ the document is statistically ZERO? Even the most educated amounst you do not read a document which will consume over 30% of your working life income? Amazing to most!

I assume the above will answer your question(s) relating to children and the education of them. YOU alone, will set their trajectory and define their life. Choose wisely!

Memories are accumulated experiences, without the timeline component most assign. You survive because you ALREADY access these data, although you may be unaware. Think of all the functions the subconscious manages without your conscious thoughts (respiration, muscle movement, heart beat, etc). Subconscious also regulates your stored experiences and DNA history. Sad that the subconscious is an ALIEN aspect of your being!

Laughing out Loud!

You are genetically predisposed to survive NOW, and you do that very well. For those still predisposed to linear time, research the work of Dr Otto Warburg and the cellular research he completed in the 1930's. He demonstrated that the cells live indefinately until the local environment becomes fouled! Imagine that! One lives until they drown in their own filth! Curoiusly, his work was done on CHICKEN cells...Laughing out Loud!

Most true and EASY to understand!

Note that I have already provided the receipe for immortality, freely and without obvious gain. Note also that this GIFT was generally met with scorn, derision and disbelief! What many would consider the most precious of gifts...swept aside and largely ignored!

While I am not at all surprised, it is baffling how stupid humans have allowed themselves to become.

As to the balance of your questions, they have already been addressed or are inane and not worthy of my attention.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/06/2012 03:26 PM
Greetings op, I have just finished processing the entirety of this thread and must say your direction is much appreciated though I reserve my right to judge veracity at a later date.

I have enjoyed making mental notes as I read through the nearly 100 pages of this journey and now bring them to bare for your thoughtful consideration.

If you feed off of your goyem and harvest their energy, and if I am to assume that the culling process you mention is thinning this heard, what is the shift in paradigm that must occur whereby you no longer need to feed on the goyem? Surely if such a vast corporate entity was erected at unimaginable costs and risks to establish such a controlled goyem, why would said entity then destroy it's lifeblood, it's workforce, it's food? What makes your kind now autonomous without the need for human capital.

You mentioned it was something of a joke, in your circle, those who collect arms, gold or silver coin, and food stores yet you did not sufficiently (or at all) explain why this tickles your funny bones. Please, elaborate on why this is amusing. Would it not be to one's advantage to defend oneself? If not for capital preservation what is the purpose of gold post fiat?

Will there be a nuclear bomb detonated and blamed on a scapegoat nation within the next couple of years.

Why do you hold nature to be dear but have allowed it to be ravaged by industriali byproducts, aerosol spray, and other things you freely put into the environment to poison everyone. Do you think yourselves immune from the poison you distribute?

Are Muslims your enemies?

Is there a geographically beneficial region to relocate oneself to in the near term? Obviously cities have drawbacks that country does not, but what else is significant besides having some measure of sustainability? Defilade from whomever, protection from radiation, water source? What are important factors to consider?
Quoting: Surrey 16701614

Hello Surrey and Welcome!

If one were to be killed by a nuclear blast or starvation, is there any functional difference? Does it matter?

Let us assume that you have come into some SUPER SECRET information from the HYPER ELITE (the information garnered here on GLP no doubt, from some blokes uncle!) that soon your town would be destroyed by a LAND HURRICANE which would cause enormous death and destruction.

Would you lay in supplies and build a super fortress, utilizing you pitiful pittance of savings and credit to battle the elements? Or would you grab a few choice items and move over to the next town where the storm was not scheduled to hit?

If the world were going to be destroyed in its entirity, there would be no planning one could do that would have any value. DISPLACEMENT is the change in local conditions which require the resettling of clans from one area to another. This has happened throughout history and is present in the animal kingdom. One may prepare the acquisition of skills to aid in a relocation scenario, but lugging 2,000 pounds of rice, beans and gold hinders ones progress, no?

RIGHT knowledge will allow one to survive most anything. Invest in this, which need not be carried and never spoils.

If you live in a non desert area, look around and see how many green leaves and plants thrive in your area. Do you not realize these can be converted into food? I have told you to juice green vegetables! Most that you see can be juiced as well.

This planet is EDEN, and was long before McDonalds and other abominations came to be seen as daily bread.

I will make the assumption you are a meat eater. How long will it take you to stop the needless sacrifice of animals to feed YOUR blood-lust? What is the needed paradigm shift necessary for YOU to gain enlightenment?

Enquiring minds want to KNOW!

Laughing out Loud!

We will likely out groy YOU before YOU outgrow your primitive meat sacrifices!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/06/2012 03:31 PM

This thread is still on. It's amazing. Really.

I hope the op is still the same person, last I have seen it were people being called names and someone called OYE Zippy.

That's a horribly rude word in Arabic.

Quoting: GUESS WHO~! :3 11914126

Hello Mr. Egypt and Welcome!

While I appreciate the sentiment and well wishes, I am suspect of your offer of love. I have explained previously that such vaguely defined human sentiments have no value whatsoever. Witness how freely yours has been offered.

Egypt will be entering a very trying period shortly. Take care of your bloodline, if you are so inclined!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

well, of course you should be very suspect, after what is known about me in certain circles. my love is expensive, sigh.

its all lighs, but do not blame your intuition.

i want you to hear something out and tell me your opinion rofschild.

it is a topic that you have been very reluctant to discuss and one that I am very sure will get zippy (i love zippies in generale) here in an immediate matter. but this is just speculation.

it is about the nobody.

well, here is what i want you to listen to.

first off, there are two world orders. one that exists and is called cynically "the old world order". another that does not yet exist.

of course these terms are rather basic terminology in the chronical management o7f this delightful mud ball.

at any rate, the new world order that exists only in imagination right now is a wold where the bloodlines will hide no longer. there will be no more secrecy about the teachings of the natural laws.

someone very mischievous have made it look like the new world order will be one of a supreme government and special kinds of slavery.

some people have decided to divide the whole thing into a mayan cycle and many other things about ascension and rapture.

nows. a decrepit faction of the bloodline, lets call it, association has decided to oppose the nwo more than three thousand years ago.

every time and right before it happens they assert themselves in a very vicious way. creating a new religion, a new mahdi or prophet or current of thought that would render it impossible to have the normal healthy natural laws and initiate the multitude into them.

two thousand and twelve years later we are still suffering from their most successful breakthrough.

now, there is a person that is due to come on this ball of mud. roughly 300 years later that will fix them for another 2k years.

this person has been in hypothesis for some time now and all prophecies are rather diluted and premature.

now there is a war between forces who are preparing to get to the prime seats in the nwo and ones who do not want the nwo to happen.

as a result this person has his/her incarnational table altered and are going to be born soon or may be they are already here.

what do you think is the justifiable response from the people who may try to stop this enigmatic person from being ever born or, god forbid, shred his essence to pieces if they ever have set foot on this mud ball that belongs to no one?

obviously and in preparation, this time, there is absolutely no religion at all, and the current trick of having a light bearing beard waggling in our faces is rather covered.

what do you think will happen next according to this hypothesis about the current affairs?

care to shed some light in slightly slight piece of role play discussion?

btw, my faction is not in alignments with the current bloodlines, it is with "other cretins that rule the world".
Quoting: cretin like ori! 11914126

Hello Cretin and Welcome!

Perhaps you can restate your question in a manner which would lend itself to being understood.

Another point to consider is that you seem to take many suppositions and internet conjecture as fact, and used as a basis for your question. Start with things in your immediate environment or sphere of understanding. Grasp your situation first, then move up the knowledge food chain. One learns the skill of walking before aspiring to be a great archer!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/07/2012 01:18 PM
are you a capitalist?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20560236

Hello AC and Welcome!

Once again, you demonstrate the limited thinking which form the restraints of your captivity.

Look up the definition of CAPITALIST and see what conclusion you draw.

One of the most important lessons you must learn is to not allow others to define your UNIVERSE OF CHOICES. Look inward and define what you see on your own terms.

I have certainly provided all the information necessary to begin looking beyond the obvious. It is up to you, and your FREE WILL, to determine if it is worth the effort.

I would suppose you will conclude, as almost all others do, that you are satisfied with your present state.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/07/2012 01:22 PM
Greetings op, I have just finished processing the entirety of this thread and must say your direction is much appreciated though I reserve my right to judge veracity at a later date.

I have enjoyed making mental notes as I read through the nearly 100 pages of this journey and now bring them to bare for your thoughtful consideration.

If you feed off of your goyem and harvest their energy, and if I am to assume that the culling process you mention is thinning this heard, what is the shift in paradigm that must occur whereby you no longer need to feed on the goyem? Surely if such a vast corporate entity was erected at unimaginable costs and risks to establish such a controlled goyem, why would said entity then destroy it's lifeblood, it's workforce, it's food? What makes your kind now autonomous without the need for human capital.

You mentioned it was something of a joke, in your circle, those who collect arms, gold or silver coin, and food stores yet you did not sufficiently (or at all) explain why this tickles your funny bones. Please, elaborate on why this is amusing. Would it not be to one's advantage to defend oneself? If not for capital preservation what is the purpose of gold post fiat?

Will there be a nuclear bomb detonated and blamed on a scapegoat nation within the next couple of years.

Why do you hold nature to be dear but have allowed it to be ravaged by industriali byproducts, aerosol spray, and other things you freely put into the environment to poison everyone. Do you think yourselves immune from the poison you distribute?

Are Muslims your enemies?

Is there a geographically beneficial region to relocate oneself to in the near term? Obviously cities have drawbacks that country does not, but what else is significant besides having some measure of sustainability? Defilade from whomever, protection from radiation, water source? What are important factors to consider?
Quoting: Surrey 16701614

Hello Surrey and Welcome!

If one were to be killed by a nuclear blast or starvation, is there any functional difference? Does it matter?

Let us assume that you have come into some SUPER SECRET information from the HYPER ELITE (the information garnered here on GLP no doubt, from some blokes uncle!) that soon your town would be destroyed by a LAND HURRICANE which would cause enormous death and destruction.

Would you lay in supplies and build a super fortress, utilizing you pitiful pittance of savings and credit to battle the elements? Or would you grab a few choice items and move over to the next town where the storm was not scheduled to hit?

If the world were going to be destroyed in its entirity, there would be no planning one could do that would have any value. DISPLACEMENT is the change in local conditions which require the resettling of clans from one area to another. This has happened throughout history and is present in the animal kingdom. One may prepare the acquisition of skills to aid in a relocation scenario, but lugging 2,000 pounds of rice, beans and gold hinders ones progress, no?

RIGHT knowledge will allow one to survive most anything. Invest in this, which need not be carried and never spoils.

If you live in a non desert area, look around and see how many green leaves and plants thrive in your area. Do you not realize these can be converted into food? I have told you to juice green vegetables! Most that you see can be juiced as well.

This planet is EDEN, and was long before McDonalds and other abominations came to be seen as daily bread.

I will make the assumption you are a meat eater. How long will it take you to stop the needless sacrifice of animals to feed YOUR blood-lust? What is the needed paradigm shift necessary for YOU to gain enlightenment?

Enquiring minds want to KNOW!

Laughing out Loud!

We will likely out groy YOU before YOU outgrow your primitive meat sacrifices!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Hello again OP!

I have been busy reading and researching the books you recommended. I have a adopted the vegetarian diet and also take a quality flax-seed oil supplement daily. So, I am happy to pass on the pleasing results of your advice!

First of all, I do feel noticeably healthier in body and mind. After sleep I wake up feeling replenished. Previously I might have gotten out of bed each morning feeling somewhat groggy, whereas now I arise feeling alert, charged and ready! I have also taken on board the ideas presented by Hira Ratan Manek and I try to take in the sun's energy as soon as I rise. I really like his advice about going barefoot to connect with the earth. Sunrise yoga is the ideal way to stretch out and start the day.

The book that has struck me the most is 'The Secret Life of Plants'. I am reading and re-reading it as I go along to fully take on board the ideas that are presented, as to say the implications of this study are profound would be an understatement. I won't go into detail here as it is up to each individual to come to their own conclusions but needless to say I am looking forward to properly analysing the other books by Tompkins & Bird.

What is evident through researching the books you advised is that you have outlined a path towards enlightenment. In fact, I've just read the post where you explain that you have effectively provided the recipe to immortality. To any readers of this thread I would advise you to just give it a try for yourselves. I have taken the first tentative steps on this path and I do feel noticeably better. My mental acuity feels sharper and I'm enjoying this journey of discovery immensely.

Reading your posts has been both humbling and empowering at the same time and personally I look forward to each one. I have already praised your personal accomplishment and that of your family but...just...WOW!! STAGGERING!! No doubt you have only given us a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg as to what you know but I also have no doubt you are fully deserving of your place. And, of course, in accordance with Natural Law it could be no other way.

So thank you for this priceless help!

p.s the 'hello cretin' greeting to miss egypt was hilarious!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21409316

tut tut tut...

please, in your future tributes to the "op" do not include anyone else whom you wouldn't like to... mess up the relationships that you engage into.

judging from the fact that the op has successfully turned you into a tree hugging vegetarian and also have you following the path to being an energy farm. it matters little what you say. but still, just do not mention my name much. if you can help it.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11914126

Hello Miss Egypt and Welcome!

You demonstrate the characteristics of insecurity prevalent in women worldwide. The constant need for attention above all else.

This needy state makes you vulnerable and susceptible to flattery and BEAUTIFUL LIES. It suggests a life of discomfort and frustration.

If you believe yourself worthy of my time and attention, demonstrate your worth through intelligent discourse and meaningful questions. If you are as intelligent as you believe, put it to the test and see for yourself where you stand.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/07/2012 01:44 PM
Greetings op, I have just finished processing the entirety of this thread and must say your direction is much appreciated though I reserve my right to judge veracity at a later date.

I have enjoyed making mental notes as I read through the nearly 100 pages of this journey and now bring them to bare for your thoughtful consideration.

If you feed off of your goyem and harvest their energy, and if I am to assume that the culling process you mention is thinning this heard, what is the shift in paradigm that must occur whereby you no longer need to feed on the goyem? Surely if such a vast corporate entity was erected at unimaginable costs and risks to establish such a controlled goyem, why would said entity then destroy it's lifeblood, it's workforce, it's food? What makes your kind now autonomous without the need for human capital.

You mentioned it was something of a joke, in your circle, those who collect arms, gold or silver coin, and food stores yet you did not sufficiently (or at all) explain why this tickles your funny bones. Please, elaborate on why this is amusing. Would it not be to one's advantage to defend oneself? If not for capital preservation what is the purpose of gold post fiat?

Will there be a nuclear bomb detonated and blamed on a scapegoat nation within the next couple of years.

Why do you hold nature to be dear but have allowed it to be ravaged by industriali byproducts, aerosol spray, and other things you freely put into the environment to poison everyone. Do you think yourselves immune from the poison you distribute?

Are Muslims your enemies?

Is there a geographically beneficial region to relocate oneself to in the near term? Obviously cities have drawbacks that country does not, but what else is significant besides having some measure of sustainability? Defilade from whomever, protection from radiation, water source? What are important factors to consider?
Quoting: Surrey 16701614

Hello Surrey and Welcome!

If one were to be killed by a nuclear blast or starvation, is there any functional difference? Does it matter?

Let us assume that you have come into some SUPER SECRET information from the HYPER ELITE (the information garnered here on GLP no doubt, from some blokes uncle!) that soon your town would be destroyed by a LAND HURRICANE which would cause enormous death and destruction.

Would you lay in supplies and build a super fortress, utilizing you pitiful pittance of savings and credit to battle the elements? Or would you grab a few choice items and move over to the next town where the storm was not scheduled to hit?

If the world were going to be destroyed in its entirity, there would be no planning one could do that would have any value. DISPLACEMENT is the change in local conditions which require the resettling of clans from one area to another. This has happened throughout history and is present in the animal kingdom. One may prepare the acquisition of skills to aid in a relocation scenario, but lugging 2,000 pounds of rice, beans and gold hinders ones progress, no?

RIGHT knowledge will allow one to survive most anything. Invest in this, which need not be carried and never spoils.

If you live in a non desert area, look around and see how many green leaves and plants thrive in your area. Do you not realize these can be converted into food? I have told you to juice green vegetables! Most that you see can be juiced as well.

This planet is EDEN, and was long before McDonalds and other abominations came to be seen as daily bread.

I will make the assumption you are a meat eater. How long will it take you to stop the needless sacrifice of animals to feed YOUR blood-lust? What is the needed paradigm shift necessary for YOU to gain enlightenment?

Enquiring minds want to KNOW!

Laughing out Loud!

We will likely out groy YOU before YOU outgrow your primitive meat sacrifices!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Hello again OP!

I have been busy reading and researching the books you recommended. I have a adopted the vegetarian diet and also take a quality flax-seed oil supplement daily. So, I am happy to pass on the pleasing results of your advice!

First of all, I do feel noticeably healthier in body and mind. After sleep I wake up feeling replenished. Previously I might have gotten out of bed each morning feeling somewhat groggy, whereas now I arise feeling alert, charged and ready! I have also taken on board the ideas presented by Hira Ratan Manek and I try to take in the sun's energy as soon as I rise. I really like his advice about going barefoot to connect with the earth. Sunrise yoga is the ideal way to stretch out and start the day.

The book that has struck me the most is 'The Secret Life of Plants'. I am reading and re-reading it as I go along to fully take on board the ideas that are presented, as to say the implications of this study are profound would be an understatement. I won't go into detail here as it is up to each individual to come to their own conclusions but needless to say I am looking forward to properly analysing the other books by Tompkins & Bird.

What is evident through researching the books you advised is that you have outlined a path towards enlightenment. In fact, I've just read the post where you explain that you have effectively provided the recipe to immortality. To any readers of this thread I would advise you to just give it a try for yourselves. I have taken the first tentative steps on this path and I do feel noticeably better. My mental acuity feels sharper and I'm enjoying this journey of discovery immensely.

Reading your posts has been both humbling and empowering at the same time and personally I look forward to each one. I have already praised your personal accomplishment and that of your family but...just...WOW!! STAGGERING!! No doubt you have only given us a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg as to what you know but I also have no doubt you are fully deserving of your place. And, of course, in accordance with Natural Law it could be no other way.

So thank you for this priceless help!

p.s the 'hello cretin' greeting to miss egypt was hilarious!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21409316

Hello Mr UK and Welcome!

Keep in mind that, in your linear time perception, it will require 6 months to two years to receive the full benefits you are just now starting to realize. Each and every cell in your body will regenerate over the two year period and you will be "re-birthed" as a new human, in line with the original objectives given freely to you, and others so willing.

Your blood will be completely rejuvenated and your life trajectory altered in a most positive sense. You will not know sickness, depression or sadness. You will be prepared for any impediments which may come your way and see, as we do, that these are LEARNING EXPERIENCES which greatly benefit YOU and your PROGENY. You will ultimately gravitate to other like minded humans and find a suitable mate who shares your philosophy of life. Your family will be healthy and strong as those OTHERS will fall by the wayside. You will see this for yourself!

The truly amazing thing is that you need not search for will find YOU! Be diligent in your studies! Devote the majority of your waking hours to study as it will pay you back one-million-fold! Do not engage in drudgery and do not accept "work" which does not fulfill your mind and spirit!

Note that the plant book was written in the 1980's. Would you not expect that such research would be taught in every so called institution of higher learning? Note also that you have seen, for yourself, the POWER which RIGHT LIVING imparts. Despite your PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE, one of your "peers" has already tried to cast doubts upon what you yourself have learned. Try to explain why a human would try to dissuade you from helping yourself instead of learning the WAY and benefiting themselves? DO not grow angry at those who choose to ignore WISDOM and realize that they, themselves, choose to remain enslaved. FREE WILL affords them this RIGHT!

Between now and when I take my leave in October, I will gift you with other works which will complement your new reality. You have demonstrated that you are worthy of such knowledge. I will further state that should you continue on your path after such time, you will not walk alone. I will be most pleased to mentor you beyond my departure from this forum.

What fools these mortals be, indeed!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 02:57 PM
Poor sheeple,

I have some advice to alleviate your radiation doom jitters.

Number one, all of the Rofschild's food is grown for them in enormous, glass greenhouses by oompa-loompas.

Thus, they are not subject to fallout - or bad weather ;P. They distill their own water and use organic fertilizers.

For the proletariat, there are other steps to take:

Combinations of blue-green algae, cilantro and a crystallized betonite called xeolite will mobilize, bind and flush all heavy and bio-toxic, unchelated metals from the body.

Combinations of ginger, garlic, turmeric, seaweed and live organic vegetables will reverse and prevent genetic damage due to radionuclides.

Do you know why areas of India consume a combination of ginger, garlic and turmeric on a daily basis - calling it the "holy trinity?"

If you look, you may find that an area of India was subjected to a nuclear firestorm in pre-ancient times. It's easy to look up... in BOOKS that are printed on PAPER in places called... uh, lar, uh lib, ahhh, libarer, no... LIBRARIES!

Hence the pre-ancient tradition of the 'holy trinity.'

those who fail to study history and all that, what?

Thanks for spending time with us, OP. Keep it up!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21421210

Hello AC and Welcome!

While part of your posting is questionable or nonsensical, there is much truth in the value of the herbs and your nutritional observations, generally.

Cilantro, ginger, oregano, turmeric are particularly beneficial to human health. Miracles, actually. Once one has adopted a primarily vegetarian/juicing regimen, the addition of beneficial herbs is when the TRUE magic begins...but one step at a time. This should begin when the transition is well rooted as new tastes and sensations must be assimilated...and that is not always as easy as it may sound.

The study and science of herbs is a lifelong journey. Much information has been lost, sadly, but can be located in old published works. Look in second hand bookstores in major cities. You may be surprised what you find. However, there is a BINDING COMMITMENT that the discoverer scan that of value and post in an electronic medium format.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 03:10 PM

Hm, since humans only act in enlightened self interest, what is your gain from helping this person to continue his/her path? And what is your gain from imparting your wisdom to this forum? Please do not take this question as a sign of ingratitude.

How large is the bloodline? Is it like your immediate family, and extended family, or is it something like entire races?

How many different bloodlines are there on earth? I somewhat remember your earlier post about possible bloodlines that someone belonged to, and I cannot remember exactly but I think I counted up to 7-10 bloodlines that was listed on this forum. Is that all the bloodlines on earth?

When one person of one bloodline marries another person of another bloodline which bloodline does the child belong to?

Does your bloodline marry inside the bloodline only?

If I were to decide to live on a self sustaining life with my family/bloodline and other people in my family/bloodline would not want to participate for what ever reason, should I just...sorta leave them off the 'list' for lack of better words and just start the bloodline "enlightenment" on my own and eventually distance myself from my other bloodline members who do not respect the bloodline so that way I can instill absolute obedience in my children without interference?

Any Information regarding to how to start getting the whole family, not just myself, into this bloodline perfection would be great. Yes I know you covered a lot of information on this topic but most of your messages seem to be directed to the individual improvement, and directly their children, not about their own parents, other living relatives etc, you know what I mean? I hope I am clear enough.

Hello AC and Welcome!

Your opening paragraph is telling. Firstly, of what affair to you is it what my motives may or may not be? It is YOU who are locked in a black-and-white paradigm that defines your reality. Your duality of a vague attempt to reconcile the gross lies, distortions and fraud which has become your life. I am not so bound!

Then, of course, you ask me to not take the question as a sign of ingratitude! You attempt to define how I interpret your question?

Moving to the point of how you might control your will not be possible for you as you lack the training, maturity and strength to be the leader of your bloodline. You may complain bitterly that you were not taught, had poor parents, lacked resources, or any of millions of justifications...all of which end in the same exact end place of terminus.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 03:16 PM
Now, OP, have you any more advice for students of natural law to progress past what has been heretofore discussed?

Inquiring minds want to know... Dave :)

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21421210

Hello Dave and Welcome!

I have offered to answer questions, but specifically excluded open ended ones such as you pose. The reason is that such questions demonstrate the height of intellectual laziness and sloth.

In effect, you are saying that you don't know the answer, and don't know the question either. What exactly have you been doing with what has been given to you? DO you have any areas of inquiry in your life...any natural curiosity about why things as they are? Questions which have led you down a path or two and looking to expand that sense of discovery?

I would suggest you, sir, are not a student of natural law...for if you were you would know how much you did not know! Get busy, as you must search not only for you, but your bloodline!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 03:25 PM

I have analyzed this thread with great interest and concluded that there is a high probability of the OP being a genuine Rothschild. The tomes and regimens he recommends are absolutely valid and effective - quickly!.

If you meat-bollocks can pull your heads out of your posteriors for 7 minutes or so, you may see the truth in his words.

You sheeple are your own worst enemies and you allow your energies to be expended on behalf of your betters.

Your slave camp is entirely of your own creation, however, for it exists in your minds.

Of course, it has existed in your minds for so long now, you have passed unconstitutional laws to create a tangible prison.


OP is now reaping the benefits of his forefathers' labour.

Incidentally, if OP were fake, he mightn't have include the 'S' in "Rofschild."

Were OP a common schlep, he'd have spelled it 'rofchild.'

...juss sayin'.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21421210

Hello AC and Welcome!

I must comment that the logic you have applied to validate or disprove my identity is utterly flawed.

You would do well to study the Greeks and their methodology! Hard won knowledge on the art of applying logic to supposition, how to make a cogent argument, and many other areas of important study!

A clue for all of the SIMPLETONS out there! Do you realize that authority awarded is largely a matter of perception!

Speak well and coherently...make intelligent and rational arguments, dress appropriately to expectations and you will likely get what you want!

Think of the great LEAP of FAITH that you all, daily, take based on perception. Think how one would react if such perceptions did not meet expectations in daily life!

If one were to board a commercial airline and noted the pilot wearing a torn t-shirt, stained shorts and flip-flops,...unshaven and would likely beat a hasty exit before the doors closed. Of course, what the pilot wears does not convey abilities...but it is the dichotomy between expectation and reality which most drives humans. That is where much time and effort has been EXPENDED!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 03:50 PM
Natural Law has had many attempt to define exactly what it encompasses. One of the many was Hobbes, and these are a few on his list:

The seventh Law is that in revenges, men look not at the greatness of the evil past, but the greatness of the good to follow.
The eighth Law is that no man by deed, word, countenance, or gesture, declare hatred or contempt of another. The breach of which law is commonly called contumely.
The ninth Law is that every man acknowledge another for his equal by nature. The breach of this precept is pride.
The tenth law is that at the entrance into the conditions of peace, no man require to reserve to himself any right, which he is not content should be reserved to every one of the rest. The breach of this precept is arrogance, and observers of the precept are called modest.
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

I do not recognize, in general, these definitions of NATURAL LAW. In fact, these are perversions of the most gross sort.

I suppose this is NATURAL LAW in the same way that what is reported by the media and government is TRUTH!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 07:18 PM
Rofschild, you're not fooling all of us, but by all means continue smirking as you toy with those you have fooled. There is evil in what you are doing, I'm sure you are aware of that but continue on. You have all the answers and we have none, lots of fun playing with a stacked deck eh? The information you give is virtually useless at this stage of the game, that's what all the "laughing out loud" is about. Hmm?
I'm sure you imagine we would all kill to trade places with you, well you would be wrong. You have nothing that any loving decent human being would want, your enjoyment in toying with those you consider less than you tells me that.
I once knew someone like you, thankfully he was not part of my bloodline(as you like to put it).
His favorite story was the time he woke his young sons up Christmas morning revving up the chainsaw so they thought they were getting a snowmobile.
Did he ever LAUGH OUT LOUD when he saw the disappointment on their faces when he revealed that the sound of their dream was merely a chainsaw. I never felt sorry for this guy until after his death and I realized what a sad, unloved little creature he would have to be to enjoy something like that. Enjoy mr rofschild, laugh out loud to your hearts content while the rest of us LOVE OUT LOUD!
Quoting: womanoftheworld

Hello Woman of the World and Welcome!

I don't understand how the example you provided would have any relevance to my presence here in any way, shape or form. The information I have provided to those willing to learn is beneficial to their survival, and those of their offspring. I have not advocated such mindless techniques, nor do I see their value in raising ones progeny...unless one desired frustrated, spirit-less drones raised to expect nothing of life except what was given to them by others. But then again, why would intellectual children desire such useless appliances? The whole scenario sounds very "low-rent".

I DO, however, find it telling that YOU associate with such people and, presumably, chose to make such acquaintances over extended periods (ie rearing children phase through their "death").

It sounds like your world-view has been formed by associating with mindless cretins...but then again, you DO live in CANADA.

Laughing out Loud!

As far as trading places, you would be completely unprepared to assume the responsibilities and benefits of those who have accomplished what we have. You seem to be properly slotted into a role you are capable of playing!

Laughing out Loud!

Carry on, WOMAN!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/08/2012 07:23 PM
Perhaps you have given your definition earlier. If so, do you remember which page? If not, could you provide us yours so that we may consider it?
Personally, I think Hobbes is good, and also Thomas Aquinas, but I suspect your views may have a bit less Christian influence.
Quoting: Muzzle

Hello Muzzle and Welcome!

NATURAL LAW has been the central thrust of my commentary throughout this thread.

COMPREHENSION issues much?

NATURAL LAW is that observable in NATURE...the LAWS of NATURE...not self-deluded philosophers and other do-gooders who lead lives of secret desires, unrequited and otherwise!

Delusions of what humans are and how they behave have created untold pain and suffering.

Such delusions can lead to perversions unimaginable to others!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:05 PM

I have analyzed this thread with great interest and concluded that there is a high probability of the OP being a genuine Rothschild. The tomes and regimens he recommends are absolutely valid and effective - quickly!.

If you meat-bollocks can pull your heads out of your posteriors for 7 minutes or so, you may see the truth in his words.

You sheeple are your own worst enemies and you allow your energies to be expended on behalf of your betters.

Your slave camp is entirely of your own creation, however, for it exists in your minds.

Of course, it has existed in your minds for so long now, you have passed unconstitutional laws to create a tangible prison.


OP is now reaping the benefits of his forefathers' labour.

Incidentally, if OP were fake, he mightn't have include the 'S' in "Rofschild."

Were OP a common schlep, he'd have spelled it 'rofchild.'

...juss sayin'.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21421210

Well done!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

I posted the icon only as a symbol of the 'son of the morning' as OP's master...not right or left wing conspiracy..
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Welcome!

Thank you for that delusional thought.

Carry on SERF!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:08 PM

I have analyzed this thread with great interest and concluded that there is a high probability of the OP being a genuine Rothschild. The tomes and regimens he recommends are absolutely valid and effective - quickly!.

If you meat-bollocks can pull your heads out of your posteriors for 7 minutes or so, you may see the truth in his words.

You sheeple are your own worst enemies and you allow your energies to be expended on behalf of your betters.

Your slave camp is entirely of your own creation, however, for it exists in your minds.

Of course, it has existed in your minds for so long now, you have passed unconstitutional laws to create a tangible prison.


OP is now reaping the benefits of his forefathers' labour.

Incidentally, if OP were fake, he mightn't have include the 'S' in "Rofschild."

Were OP a common schlep, he'd have spelled it 'rofchild.'

...juss sayin'.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21421210

Hello AC and Welcome!

I must comment that the logic you have applied to validate or disprove my identity is utterly flawed.

You would do well to study the Greeks and their methodology! Hard won knowledge on the art of applying logic to supposition, how to make a cogent argument, and many other areas of important study!

A clue for all of the SIMPLETONS out there! Do you realize that authority awarded is largely a matter of perception!

Speak well and coherently...make intelligent and rational arguments, dress appropriately to expectations and you will likely get what you want!

Think of the great LEAP of FAITH that you all, daily, take based on perception. Think how one would react if such perceptions did not meet expectations in daily life!

If one were to board a commercial airline and noted the pilot wearing a torn t-shirt, stained shorts and flip-flops,...unshaven and would likely beat a hasty exit before the doors closed. Of course, what the pilot wears does not convey abilities...but it is the dichotomy between expectation and reality which most drives humans. That is where much time and effort has been EXPENDED!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Still at it I see Sir Rat-child...need that daily fix of superiority over we 'simpletons'. Your parasitic Rothchild nature and self proclaimed master of the universe dogma are well documented by your Edomite/Esau/Amalekite patriarchy. Step off your high horse sir..fancy words only weave your web of self imposed nobility. Those of us in the know are aware, and may I add fearless warriors in the coming war between good and evil. One thing is for sure, your Achilles heel is your hubris. When one is so drunk on ones own self importance, victory in battle is a small probability. You believe you are above all things human including defeat. Fortunately soon, you will find otherwise. Just popped in to see whether you've reestablished your good humor (you lost it for a that was telling). Anyway, good day!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6877072

Hello AC and Welcome!

As one of the NOBLE WARRIORS, I welcome your insightful comments.

Tell me, sir, looking back on the library of your vast ACCOMPLISHMENTS to date, what would you say were your GREATEST?

And please, limit this listing to 50 or so. I can only absorb so much majesty at one time.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:12 PM
I always tune into this thread because it makes me laugh. The OP rants and raves like a spoiled 9 year old.

The only "value" that the OP has contributed is a silly psychopath philosophy and very obvious dietary advice. Hmmmm vegetables are healthy..... DUH???

And in the mean time he has ignored half the questions that have been asked.

I'm sure he's going to get his panties in a twist after reading this and call me a simple cretin or some other such nonsense. An obvious ad hominem logical fallacy!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 4660957

Hello AC and Welcome!

I am reluctant to play the "words have meaning" card yet again, but you might want to see what an "ad hominem" attack actually is, and then reflect upon the fact that you are using the very tactic that you also decry.

Oh, the IRONY!
THE CRETIN RETURNS! Sloping occipital ridge and all!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:14 PM
Can't shake the feeling we are being purposely misled about what is going to occur, me thinks it will be to our detriment. So many theories, yet we know others contol us in a violent, twisted way. We have not benefitted from this therefore why believe it's to our good in the end? When controllers enjoy power it's unlikely they are operating from a place of benevolence. Seems like a complete mindfuck to me!
Those of you so sure you have the answers, are you sure?
Quoting: womanoftheworld

May be those who have power over the masses are not quite as ascended as you think they are but rather human. There is a reason they are still on earth and not beyond the mere Plane of Mundus so to speak.

They were human and still are. Knowledge does not change who you are but what you can do.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11914126

Hello Mr Egypt and Welcome!

KNOWLEDGE most certainly DOES change both! Seek it out and discover for yourself.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:18 PM
Can't shake the feeling we are being purposely misled about what is going to occur, me thinks it will be to our detriment. So many theories, yet we know others contol us in a violent, twisted way. We have not benefitted from this therefore why believe it's to our good in the end? When controllers enjoy power it's unlikely they are operating from a place of benevolence. Seems like a complete mindfuck to me!
Those of you so sure you have the answers, are you sure?
Quoting: womanoftheworld

Hello WOW and Welcome!

Having just figured out what has been obvious to most, what will you do with your powerful new knowledge?

Things are not as difficult to comprehend if one can remove ones self from the web of BEAUTIFUL LIES spun by OTHERS.

Although your simple mind swirls with confusion, you might be fortunate enough to mate with a human who is able to see the world for what it is. You do not appear to have the intestinal fortitude to make it alone.

Most women don't.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:28 PM
Well, you demonstrate the innate passion of every hu"man" being at being the guide and the father of every thought in others.

A need for the guidance of others and complacency and a patronizing disposition towards almost anything and a love for having one's own mental and philosophical achievements complimented, that is very common of your gender as well.

It is one of the things that start with you as you jump on your ten year old feet and tell your mother what you think of rainbows and when you swagger your teenage head and put an arm over your "buddy".

When you decide not to answer a question, simply say no. I can cure you of the bad habit of provoking reactions and your complacent philosophical superiority (which is totally imaginary). However, I do not have the time to invest in mentally readjusting your behavior on a public forum. I have many important things to do.

You take it for granted that every single word spoken in this thread is directed to you and is an appeal to your vastly varied philosophical repertoire.

Sometimes to be silent is as important as spewing forth philosophical explanations and psychologically analyzing people.

It is not a matter of difficulty to gainsay you, still it is considered wasting too much time.

Shalom Shlomo...
Quoting: Miss Egypt 11914126

Hello Ms. Egypt and Welcome!

I assume english is not your first language, so I make allowances for your lack of clarity in expressing your "thoughts". The possibility of psychotropic drugs also occurs.

A proper woman, young or otherwise, should never resort to using the word SPEW. It denotes low breeding and lack of education.

As an aide to your further development, consider these words instead:

belch, bring up, cascade, disgorge, eject, eruct, erupt, expel, flood, gush, heave, irrupt, puke, regurgitate, scatter, spit, spit up, spread, spritz, throw up, urp, vomit

Personally, I would go with SPRITZ. Let's try it, shall we?

Sometimes to be silent is as important as SPPRITZING forth philosophical...

Yes, that's better....and you're welcome!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:35 PM
"The elite do not see humans and individuals but merely as another facet of nature that can be controlled with sufficient knowledge."

The point I was trying to make is that since we are such "productive livestock", they have ensured we can not be otherwise. We are in a bit of a quandary, are we not?
How can one expect change if not allowed the means to do so?
Quoting: womanoftheworld

OP has said that your situation on earth is a result of choices of your bloodline. Maybe not in so many words, but I'd put dollars to pesos he meant that.

Thus, imagine if your parents had agreed, before you were born, to sell you to a prison labour camp.

Upon birth, a document is signed and your earthly labours belong to the prison camp.

Sound absurd?

It happened!

So, imagine if generations of your bloodline elected to remain ignorant of MANY facets of natural law. Over time, the the offspring become willing slaves our of simple habit (!).

Imagine if every family on earth did this...

You are not a singularity, you are a product of generations of breeding and exist within a whole of many. Either your bloodline controls its own destiny, or SOMEBODY ELSE WILL.

Are you familiar with the natural law of Correspondence?

People who experiment with LSD often notice 'the levels' before any other profound realization.

The 'levels' apply in all things.

Ponder this.

OP, I don't mean to hijack your thread, but... somebody has got to help :p chuckling softy!
Quoting: Rahmthoth 21577692

Hello Rahmthoth and Welcome!

I believe this is your first visit to this thread? Well, welcome again.

I note that you made two referring to your use of psychedelics and another as being a pilot. You may know that those two activities are incompatible!

I acquired the skills of piloting at a very young age, so we have a kinship of sorts. It is a worthwhile and noble pursuit and one where MEN once ruled the skies.

Too sadly, the profession has been corporatized to a shell of its former glory.
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:44 PM

The "underground bases..." Do they exist and what are they for?

I have family in Taos, NM and they were affected by the Taos Hum several years ago. So, I ask because many people have speculated that the hum was a result of underground tunneling and the phenomenon is real enough to me to warrant investigation.

I am also acquainted with a former Pueblo governor and his family, who swear they see flying saucers all the time in that area. Do such things exist to your knowledge and what is the origin of the phenomenon?
Quoting: Rahmthoth 21571148

Another Rahmthoth dispatch!

Underground bases do exist, and they are numerous. There is an entire world building under your collective feet....even as we type!

However, your question "what are they for" is like asking..."what are buildings for"? Well, sir, most everything!

Laughing out Loud!

I have previously referenced the works of the GREAT TESLA. Rest assured, every SCRAP of his amazing intellect is being HARVESTED...and for those who have even a VAGUE understanding of his works, the EARTH plays THE CENTRAL ROLE. How could it be otherwise?

Study TESLA, adopt the dietary regime I have studiously laid out, and you will have taken the first critical step in realigning yourself to the NEW COMING REALITY.

I do not know how I can make it more clear!

ANd for those who are able to make the transition, do not despair for your fallen comrades! They will have had the opportunity and free will to save themselves...and chose not to do so for whatever reason. If you need proof, look no further than this thread for validation.

As Samuel Johnson once observed:

...She closed this observation with a common and trite moral reflection; which, indeed, is very ill-founded, and does great injustice to animals -- "I wonder what pleasure men can take in making beasts of themselves." "I wonder, Madam," replied the Doctor, "that you have not penetration to see the strong inducement to this excess; for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 02:53 PM

The "underground bases..." Do they exist and what are they for?

I have family in Taos, NM and they were affected by the Taos Hum several years ago. So, I ask because many people have speculated that the hum was a result of underground tunneling and the phenomenon is real enough to me to warrant investigation.

I am also acquainted with a former Pueblo governor and his family, who swear they see flying saucers all the time in that area. Do such things exist to your knowledge and what is the origin of the phenomenon?
Quoting: Rahmthoth 21571148

Another Rahmthoth dispatch!

Underground bases do exist, and they are numerous. There is an entire world building under your collective feet....even as we type!

However, your question "what are they for" is like asking..."what are buildings for"? Well, sir, most everything!

Laughing out Loud!

I have previously referenced the works of the GREAT TESLA. Rest assured, every SCRAP of his amazing intellect is being HARVESTED...and for those who have even a VAGUE understanding of his works, the EARTH plays THE CENTRAL ROLE. How could it be otherwise?

Study TESLA, adopt the dietary regime I have studiously laid out, and you will have taken the first critical step in realigning yourself to the NEW COMING REALITY.

I do not know how I can make it more clear!

ANd for those who are able to make the transition, do not despair for your fallen comrades! They will have had the opportunity and free will to save themselves...and chose not to do so for whatever reason. If you need proof, look no further than this thread for validation.

As Samuel Johnson once observed:

...She closed this observation with a common and trite moral reflection; which, indeed, is very ill-founded, and does great injustice to animals -- "I wonder what pleasure men can take in making beasts of themselves." "I wonder, Madam," replied the Doctor, "that you have not penetration to see the strong inducement to this excess; for he who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Reference: FLYING SAUCERS...that term makes me laugh whenever I read it...sounds like a small child's imagination furiously trying to make sense of that which it does not understand.

Many of the so called "sightings" are new generation terrestrial craft designed and built by governments and free men alike. Sorry you didn't get the memo!

Laughing out Loud!

Americans in particular assume it is their right to know about everything they themselves are paying for.

Naive sheep!

To paraphrase using common don't know JACK!

Laughing out Loud!

Having cleared up that little mystery, there are indeed visitors from "ELSEWHERE"...some of which reside inside of you! As I have already explained!

CRAFTY HUMANS! Nothing gets by them!

You must assume those OTHERS who possess such advanced technology could LIKELY AVOID being seen by stupid, slack jawed yokels staring up into the Taos night sky!!

Look ma, I see somethin that looks like FLASHING LIGHTS..

Laughing, Laughing, Laughing out Loud!


It reminds me of the MIGHTY CHICKEN. A beast so stupid they often drown as they stare up with their beaks open during a driving rain!

You see? Humans and chickens are not so different after all!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 03:06 PM
Can't shake the feeling we are being purposely misled about what is going to occur, me thinks it will be to our detriment. So many theories, yet we know others contol us in a violent, twisted way. We have not benefitted from this therefore why believe it's to our good in the end? When controllers enjoy power it's unlikely they are operating from a place of benevolence. Seems like a complete mindfuck to me!
Those of you so sure you have the answers, are you sure?
Quoting: womanoftheworld

Hello WOW and Welcome!

Having just figured out what has been obvious to most, what will you do with your powerful new knowledge?

Things are not as difficult to comprehend if one can remove ones self from the web of BEAUTIFUL LIES spun by OTHERS.

Although your simple mind swirls with confusion, you might be fortunate enough to mate with a human who is able to see the world for what it is. You do not appear to have the intestinal fortitude to make it alone.

Most women don't.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Your words give insight into you as well, narcissist and woman hater. No surprise, the two genarally go hand in hand.
You speak as though you pity me, I will tell you I pity you! Those of a cruel nature rarely feel much happiness, I've got to tell you I have had a wonderful life, full of laughter and joy. Whatever happens I don't regret a single second of it! Your smug cruelty only makes me glad that you are you and I am me, imagine that!
Quoting: womanoftheworld

Hello WOW and Welcome Back!

Of course words provide insights as to anothers intellectual abilities and passions! THAT is why I often caution posters here to be very careful how they write and choose their words. Sadly, most present as ignorant cretins!

And yet, somehow, I am held accountable when pointing out the obvious!

As far as pity goes, a narcissist or psychopath, by definition would be incapable of feeling PITY, by definition! Those self-capable people are defined as lacking empathy!

Laughing out Loud!

Do you not see how stupid you, and others, appear when you make unfounded statements about those which you know nothing about!

Would you, WOW, choose to surround yourself with others who only told you BEAUTIFUL LIES, of no use other than stroking your pitiful EGO as you shrivel and die?

Or would you prefer the company of another who spoke honestly and openly, but as a happy benefit also GIFTED you with the power of IMMORTALITY and WISDOM?

Who is doing the service and disservice to others. In your limited mental capabilities, which would YOU CHOOSE?

Or perhaps you have already made your choice?

I am not misogynist, but I do understand the proper role of women in the man/woman dynamic. You, clearly, do not.

DO you not know that women draw their power exclusively from men? They have no other source!

Like it or not, but it is true. The allegory of adam/eve/apple is factual in the sense of the characters and relationships between the principals.

Make of that what you will.

John Lennon famously quoted that women were the "other half of the sky". Well spoken!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 03:15 PM
Hello Men and Welcome!

I have explained in great detail the need for proper dietary observations. Of course there are other considerations, such as the poster who correctly pointed out the immense benefits which herbs can provide. Fasting is something also beneficial during the transformational period as well. The work of HRM has been discussed as an adjunct to these fields.

TESLA and the study of TESLA is a worthy field of endeavour, as well as the study of plants and soil. Heed this well!

There is the most important field of the relationships between men and women which WOW has clumsily referenced, but which ties in to the general MAN/WOMAN important in bloodline perfection. Of course, that was vaguely referenced when several posters enquired how one might (re)gain control of their bloodline(s).

I have stayed clear of the area of sexual relations, which answer these key questions, because no one has clearly ASKED. However, one COULD argue that those with limited intellects have scratched and clawed their way around this MOST important aspect.

Therefore, if any of the MEN on here express a clear curiosity about the topic of women and sexual relationships, I will honour the spirit of my agreement and issue forth on the topic!

User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 03:42 PM

I grew up as a pilot (glider and powered), sailor AND gardener and thus can appreciate your dogged emphasis on natural law. There are free rides available to those who understand it. Certain death awaits those who ignore or oppose it.

In regards to your mention of karma in relation to diet; previous posts of yours seem to quite tangibly ignore karma. In fact, I got the impression from the first 50 pages or so that you do not believe in karma. 'The ends justify the means' was the palpable ethos (lol).

Are the current 'you' and OP the same person?

In your paradigm, does a person with O- blood require more than a few eggs to satisfy amino requirements? Algae is fine and dandy, but what about the occasional wild elk? Would this set your bloodline back karmicly?

Forgive my barrage of questions, but if you are giving information, I am partaking.

Now, since something freely given has no value, what are you asking in return?

Quoting: Rahmthoth 21571148

I have spoken CLEARLY on the topic of KARMA! See for yourself! What you refer to as KARMA is simply the operation of NATURAL LAW!


NO, assuming the eggs are unfertilized and came from the cycle of life scenario I have explained in great detail.

As to wild elk, I suppose it would be the same as occasional murder of your neighbors...only done in moderation?

Laughing out Loud!

On the contrary, everything of TRUE VALUE can be obtained through simple, but diligent, observation. You are right to approach things with a healthy skepticism, but I leave it to you to figure out what I might be getting in return.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 03:46 PM
Hello Men and Welcome!

I have explained in great detail the need for proper dietary observations. Of course there are other considerations, such as the poster who correctly pointed out the immense benefits which herbs can provide. Fasting is something also beneficial during the transformational period as well. The work of HRM has been discussed as an adjunct to these fields.

TESLA and the study of TESLA is a worthy field of endeavour, as well as the study of plants and soil. Heed this well!

There is the most important field of the relationships between men and women which WOW has clumsily referenced, but which ties in to the general MAN/WOMAN important in bloodline perfection. Of course, that was vaguely referenced when several posters enquired how one might (re)gain control of their bloodline(s).

I have stayed clear of the area of sexual relations, which answer these key questions, because no one has clearly ASKED. However, one COULD argue that those with limited intellects have scratched and clawed their way around this MOST important aspect.

Therefore, if any of the MEN on here express a clear curiosity about the topic of women and sexual relationships, I will honour the spirit of my agreement and issue forth on the topic!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Hello OP!

This is certainly intriguing! I am happily busy with my studies of the aforementioned topics you have outlined but it would be interesting to hear your views on women and sexual relations.

p.s It has been fascinating to read about Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose! Surely a great mind to be admired similarly to Tesla.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21656234

Hello Mr UK and Welcome!

I will issue forth, so to speak, as you have requested.

The Indians have been instrumental in many great discoveries, although I would not put Bose in the same category as TESLA. It is good that you are branching out, but do not lose your focus!
User ID: 13751769 United States 08/10/2012 04:16 PM
Hello Men and Welcome!

I have explained in great detail the need for proper dietary observations. Of course there are other considerations, such as the poster who correctly pointed out the immense benefits which herbs can provide. Fasting is something also beneficial during the transformational period as well. The work of HRM has been discussed as an adjunct to these fields.

TESLA and the study of TESLA is a worthy field of endeavour, as well as the study of plants and soil. Heed this well!

There is the most important field of the relationships between men and women which WOW has clumsily referenced, but which ties in to the general MAN/WOMAN important in bloodline perfection. Of course, that was vaguely referenced when several posters enquired how one might (re)gain control of their bloodline(s).

I have stayed clear of the area of sexual relations, which answer these key questions, because no one has clearly ASKED. However, one COULD argue that those with limited intellects have scratched and clawed their way around this MOST important aspect.

Therefore, if any of the MEN on here express a clear curiosity about the topic of women and sexual relationships, I will honour the spirit of my agreement and issue forth on the topic!

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Hello OP!

This is certainly intriguing! I am happily busy with my studies of the aforementioned topics you have outlined but it would be interesting to hear your views on women and sexual relations.

p.s It has been fascinating to read about Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose! Surely a great mind to be admired similarly to Tesla.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21656234

Hello Mr UK and Welcome!

I will issue forth, so to speak, as you have requested.

The Indians have been instrumental in many great discoveries, although I would not put Bose in the same category as TESLA. It is good that you are branching out, but do not lose your focus!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Bose was featured in a chapter of 'The Secret Life of Plants' and he reminded me of Tesla in his appreciation of nature.
Other than that I have not delved into his work to any great degree. Tesla is still where my curiosity is being channeled!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 21656234

Hello Mr UK and Welcome!

I caught the reference! Very good observation!

I also noted that you have recognized the value which you hold in your hands, and that one cursory reading is insufficient.

You likely see now why there are so many offshoots of the main theme which can result in great understanding after diligent study.

Well done, seeker!
User ID: 8688658 United States 08/16/2012 03:57 PM
I think Ms Egypt scared Rofs away!

Quoting: womanoftheworld

Hello WOW and Welcome!

If you know ANYTHING from reading this thread, you will know that fear is not part of my biological lexicon.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 8688658 United States 08/16/2012 04:01 PM
are you a capitalist?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20560236

Hello AC and Welcome!

Once again, you demonstrate the limited thinking which form the restraints of your captivity.

Look up the definition of CAPITALIST and see what conclusion you draw.

One of the most important lessons you must learn is to not allow others to define your UNIVERSE OF CHOICES. Look inward and define what you see on your own terms.

I have certainly provided all the information necessary to begin looking beyond the obvious. It is up to you, and your FREE WILL, to determine if it is worth the effort.

I would suppose you will conclude, as almost all others do, that you are satisfied with your present state.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 13751769

Most are satisfied with the mundane. Excitement comes from knowing and acting upon what is known.

100 pages; I must applaud you for your sheer determination.

Have you found what you pursue? Good Day!!
Quoting: Merci

Hello Merci and Welcome Back!

I am not pursuing any particular agenda, but rather freely offering from the cup of knowledge for those so inclined...those having obtained some basic level of understanding which would make such humans worthy of my time and attention.

My interval here is drawing to a close. I stand ready to assist those so inclined.
User ID: 8688658 United States 08/16/2012 04:03 PM
I forgot to muse over the sexual relations topic. It is clear to me that sex is a most powerful tool of control. Looking at how its use has progressed over time is most enlightening. A new paradigm is introduced at the top, in Hollywood or the entertainment industry in general. This is usually a shock to people, but it becomes intriguing in its own right. Then it flows down to everyone else and finally to people on the streets, children, et cetera, until it is the norm. Controlled rebellion is powerful, is it not?

So I see girls wearing less and less and thinking its fine. People in underwear on billboards, breasts being shown on regular TV (not that I watch it), STD's in young school children, and generally moral depravity. This is not an accident.

The purpose of sexual relations? Curious, do you mean the engineered purpose/significance or the pure one? Sex should be for spiritual bonding and for procreation. Without self control and with a healthy dose of well designed influence, sex becomes a tool of control, self destruction, guilt, and spiritual paralyzation.

I wonder if these alien entities have some stake in this, surely they do.
Quoting: Trois et mon droit 13802755

Hello TEMD and Welcome!

The topic will be fully explored prior to my departure.

It is the BIG PICTURE of sexual relationships which should be of interest to you. What is exposed is largely irrelevant.
User ID: 8688658 United States 08/16/2012 04:05 PM
How is karma observable in nature?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2118499

Hello AC and Welcome!

What is known as KARMA is merely the observation of cause/effect NATURAL LAW in action.

It is not administered by an entity or deity, but rather the summation of how things action. The algebra of existence.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 8688658 United States 08/16/2012 04:06 PM
I will respond to the other posters as well.

Patience, children.
User ID: 1729282 United States 09/22/2012 04:10 PM
Hello Swissy and Welcome!

HGH "therapy" is well documented and well need only read the numerous publications for much "information" and contradictions on its efficacy. Choose the one which makes you feel best!

Laughing out Loud!

Human growth hormone does drop off, generally, as a function of age. Testosterone does as well. Of course, the Western approach towards medicine is to identify the illness/deficiency, target...lock and load...and destroy...destroy...destroy! Followed by a nice round of golf or boinking the silly med tech.

Laughing out loud!

On a superficial basis, there are some differences between the various pharmas replecations of HGH...Lily at one point produced the only true 191 amino acid chain. The others are all bio-engineered to mimic the actions of native HGH, but, as with all things pharma, the devil resides in the details

Laughing out loud!

The best answer to your query is to study the symptons and understand the "global" cause. It is unfortunate, but all too common, that your spouse has inserted his life "currency" into the fiat currency...animating one and sapping the other of its vital life force!

I leave it to you to determine if the HGH injections can restore his vital life force...but do be careful of which HGH molecule he chooses to introduce into his bio-system.

You ARE aware, presumably, that GENETIC ENGINEERING and MODIFICATION could CONCEIVABLY be introduced into his system through this mechanism, causing much mischief and possible havoc! But then again, you might end up with some sort of super-husband, capable of great feats of husbandry duties such as automotive repair and household improvements!

Every female humans dream!

He may grow an outsized appendage and father the future leaders of the planet ERF! And all from a little shot of pharma jism...

A less dramatic, but perhaps more appropriate remedy...if it can be called such...might be to adopt the sungazing as a SOURCE energy rejuvinator you might know, the sun is the planitary source of bio-energy. Introduce this slowly and with care...but the rewards will be real and lasting.

Next, introduce the vegetarian regimen I have touted endlessly on this humble thread! Coincidentally, chlorophyll and sun are synergistic!


Best wishes to you and Husband towards your exciting new life! You will certainly need it!
User ID: 3958128 United States 09/23/2012 11:19 AM
[ link to]
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 24238238

Hello Mr. Chile and Welcome!

Searching for meaning, or a common thread, has left me puzzled.

In general, then, I will answer YES.

User ID: 3958128 United States 09/23/2012 11:45 AM
some questions that I feel was not clearly answered...

How large is the bloodline? Is it like your immediate family, and extended family, or is it something like entire races?

How many different bloodlines are there on earth? I somewhat remember your earlier post about possible bloodlines that someone belonged to, and I cannot remember exactly but I think I counted up to 7-10 bloodlines that was listed on this forum. Is that all the bloodlines on earth?

When one person of one bloodline marries another person of another bloodline which bloodline does the child belong to?

Does your bloodline breed inside the bloodline only?

New questions....

How long do I have bafore land becomes difficult to purchase? Is going to college another way to get fiat out of our serf's hands or is it still benefital....assuming it ever was benefital.

What are some of the methods for me to protect my wealth, not fiat of course! I mean my land that I intend to grow my own food on!

there are those who have done the work and figured out that income tax does not have to be paid, I have come across such work in my studies, although I am not sure if it applies to property tax, must I pay or will the government go Waco, Texas on me and blow me and my barter trade community/ bloodline up? I have not set the plans in motion, I realize it is entirely my fault that I do not have a barter trading community among my own bloodline yet.

Can the man force the women to be absolutely obedient or will I have to find those who share my passion to start this so called nucleus of the bloodline?

How is it observed in nature that women only draw power from men?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2118499

Hello Mr. AC and Welcome!

Your bloodline questions have mostly been asked and answered. Your search has been reduced to this thread...down from the internet!

Laughing out Loud!

You will benefit in all aspects of your life by applying some diligence to your endeavours!

Regarding your NEW questions:

Your choice of the word "purchase" is an interesting one. Based on this word, you will always be able to "purchase" land. If you wish to OWN land, in the historical sense and is traditionally understood, it is already much too late.

The COLLEGE process is but a form of bondage or slavery befalling the middle class progeny. Either the family, or the offspring, incur enormous expenses for dubious benefits. Note that almost all graduates from University still are woefully ignorant of financial issues, know how to read a contract...etc...etc. The importance of the STUDENT DEBT as a tool of enslavement cannot be overstated. Savvy observers have already noted that STUDENT DEBT cannot be extinguished through the bankruptcy process...curious WHY that would be? Take the advice of a wise man who once admonished others to "follow the money". In this case, Goldman Sachs will be one of the firms found at the trails end. STUDENT DEBT is a huge expense, a huge profit for some and literally KILLING the middle class once and for all.

If one wishes to be educated, there are myriad ways to accomplish the acquisition of a REAL education. For those too stupid to see through the educational sham, it is their choice and their fault. None others...and the juice from this particular fruit will be VERY bitter for those who choose to partake.

The Income Tax "system" is an intellectual construct designed to obfuscate and confuse...and it has been wildly successful. It is one of the main reaping/harvesting devices.

In order to understand the system of confiscation, you must have a cursory understanding of contract law, which is remarkably easy to obtain if one is willing to turn off the idiot tube and apply ones self to the acquisition of knowledge. Doubtful.

Second is the understanding of the fact that words mean things. Further, words are empty vessels to which meaning can be filled. Under contract law, words carry the meaning that the contract drafters assign. Read a REAL contract and you will see that, after the recitals, generally come definitions. What are definitions, you ask? Whatever the contract drafter SAYS they are.

Example, you are writing a contract that says "The word GREEN, for purposes of this agreement, shall be held to mean RED", as defined by a standard Pantone color chart. You sign this contract in order to obtain a drivers license, and have therefore accepted this meaning of the word green. Chances are that you did NOT read the contract, but merely signed the form that the drivers license official stuck in front of you and told you to sign. SHEEP!

Laughing out Loud!

You are subsequently ticketed by a corporate armed militia employee and charged with running a green light. You go to the local court and become tongue tied trying to unravel a Gordian know of nonsense.

Good luck with that one.

There are ALWAYS ways to avoid the trap. I have already explained this in great detail, and most of your other questions as well. Why do you not take the time to READ AND LEARN?

Your question about men forcing women is STUPID to the extreme! A woman will follow a man if he is deemed worthy of following. Are you worthy of following? DO you have requisite skills? Are you a good provider? Can you provide a safe environment? Do you demonstrate courage and leadership under fire?

Certainly not. Most relationships in the first world countries are not based on these traits, and thus do not survive the onslaught which comes later.

Seemingly you do not grasp the basics, and are not in a state of readiness to learn important information. COme back when you are so prepared.
User ID: 3958128 United States 09/23/2012 11:49 AM
OP, I have posted several serious and concise questions a few pages back... since buried by the rabble. Could you address them please?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23855430

Hello Rahmthoth and Welcome!

If the questions are worthy of consideration, you may cut and paste/post them again. Unfortunately, the ill timed return of Bickle/Zippy has, once again, fouled and besmirched my generous sharing of information with his stupid comments and obvious/bizarre observations. He is unworthy...and I do not use that term lightly.

It is childish that you come seeking knowledge and expect ME to go and find your queries. You may choose to examine how you approach others from whom you are asking assistance.
User ID: 3958128 United States 09/23/2012 11:57 AM
some unanswered questions...

how are bloodlines initially created?

Am I correct in my inference that bloodlines are not purely physical but also spiritual? I do not think you have explicitly said what you mean by bloodline.

Maybe I am asking the wrong question, how do I get rid of my desire for material things?

I know we touched on this topic before but I do not feel satisfied with your answer about this topic.

Why is it that your bloodline was capable of choosing knowledge over comfort?

I find that I am able to finish my homework and study books if I put my mind to it, but not for a long period of time. How do I increase this period of time?

Is the reason why we should not kill is because of karma? Is the reason why we should not violate the law of free will is because of karma? Is karma similar to law of unintended effect?

How do I obtain maturity, training, and strength to be come the leader of my bloodline, or/and, how do I help train my child to obtain leadership features?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 2118499

Hello AC and Welcome!

Not satisfied with my answer??

Laughing out Loud!

Your brash comment had me laughing out loud for an interval and thus has compelled me to respond to part of your posting.

I have a simple experiment for you, comprised of two parts.

Firstly, locate the most secluded spot you can find. It must be free of all outside distractions and noise. Preferably an isolated cabin in the woods, far from civilization.

Note: If you are not prepared to do this correctly, don't bother attempting as there will be no benefit or learning.

Now, take only the bare necessities with you to sustain your life. If you are smart, and I think you are not, you will take a vegetarian, minimally processed diet. Plan on a morning and evening sungazing and use only purified/distilled water. In this phase, you may take whatever READING materials you desire, but absolutely no electronics. It is also best if your refuge does not have electrical service.

Spend three whole days reading and resting.

Return to your normal grind.

Phase two. Repeat the same process but take NO READING MATERIALS with you. Just you in the wilderness.

Report back to me what you experience and I will be able to answer your relevant questions within the proper context.
User ID: 2454648 United States 10/01/2012 11:21 PM
Why are there so many shills and trolls on this site ?
See below.


Numerous conspiracy websites like this one function as disinformation and cointelpro operations run by western gov / mil.

They also function as honeypots and used for data mining purposes to profile forum users.

Many trolls/shills on conspiracy sites will be spooks doing the work of their employers ~ USA / UK / Israel.

Some 'posters' are multiple identity bots controlled by humans.

These bogus posters are paid operatives who are most likely employed by private companies contracted by alphabet agencies to run black propaganda campaigns on various conspiracy sites, some of which have been infiltrated and/or domains covertly purchased and completely taken over.

It's a major PSYOP aimed at internet users who are waking up.

Welcome to the CYBER WAR.

YOU are the enemy.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11940992

Quoting: Rayrayz


I don't suppose it occurs to those zionist (admitted) shits that they would not NEED to defend "israel" if it weren't a disgusting blight upon the earth.
User ID: 2454648 United States 10/01/2012 11:23 PM
Should I observe primates in nature for child bearing lessons? Is gorillas in the mist book a good book to learn about human nature?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6332119

User ID: 2454648 United States 10/07/2012 10:51 PM
What would a relationship look like if it is leading closer to the perfection of the bloodline. The relationship and dynamic between women and man.
How do I understand this dynamic?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23074538

You have to seperate your ego from the equation.

A woman is nothing but a vessel.
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:27 PM
im fucken retarded. Axe me a question
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25159342

A black Rothschild?
Quoting: Thor's Hamster

He's obviously making fun of black people and they way they speak...

Read some of the thread...He addresses the reason for the goofy thread title.
Quoting: Rayrayz

Do you know if he addressed how to learn about human nature? What books to read? How I can grow more mature, get training, and gain the strength needed to be leader of the bloodline?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6332119

Hello AC and Welcome!

If you have been paying attention, even to the smallest degree, you would not ask such an inane question.

User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:30 PM
OP are you Steven Soderbergh?

About 9 months ago I reading old posts tied to your AC numbers and the name Steve was tied to one of your AC numbers.

You seem like a Director. Like that is your vantage point on reality. You view people as "characters" in your "play"
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle/Zippy,

I had thought, nay HOPED, that your incessant (particularly virulent) form of creeping STUPIDITY had drifted off...perhaps to INFECT another less relevant thread.

But, alas, not to be.

I am who I say I am. TRY and process reality over illusion or, more accurately, DELUSION.
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:34 PM
What would a relationship look like if it is leading closer to the perfection of the bloodline. The relationship and dynamic between women and man.
How do I understand this dynamic?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23074538

Hello AC and Welcome!

The male/female human relationship is one of the most important, if not THE most, in the human dynamic.

I have committed to provide some guidance on this point prior to my departure date. PAY HEED to what I say...your survival relies upon this interplay more than any other single element.

The male is in great jeopardy! And. of course, without the MALE, the FEMALE has absolutely NO HOPE of survival.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:41 PM
I don't understand why you are taking so long to answer our questions as time for your leave draws near.

Haveour questions become tedious? You answered them already?

The two most pressing question I have are what books will provide insights in human nature and how do I gain control of my bloodline? You told me I can't due to my lack of strength, maturity, and training then I asked how I can obtain those qualties. This question seems to be important, in my mind I don't see how it can be otherwise, so surely this must be worthy of your answer.
It also is left unanswered, or if it was answered then I am an idiot and need some hand holding to see the answer, if some poster knows if OP has already answered my two questions please post the answer quoted directly from OP.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6332119

Hello AC and Welcome!

Let me reverse the question!

TELL ME what you feel are your THREE greatest failings as leader of your bloodline. In other words, take stock of YOUR particular situation and REFLECT on why you, presently, do NOT see yourself in this role.

Is there another family elder, long past his or her prime, blocking your path of ascencion?

Are you mentally weak, do not command respect, flabby and lacking in self respect? Oh, so many possibilities!

Laughing out Loud!

I wait with baited breath to see how you view yourself.

I also make this offer to any who have remained loyal to the pursuit of truth! Regardless of current level of devolvement!

Laughing out Loud!

All will be FED!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:45 PM
You may be privy to lots of info that many are not; however, you have not the knowledge that matters most... which, if I can use one of your quips.. Irony of ironies!... is available everywhere and to whomever wishes to obtain it... but is granted only to those with the right heard condition.

"But let the one bragging about himself brag about himself because of this very thing, the having of insight and the having of knowledge of me, that I am Jehovah, the One exercising loving-kindness, justice and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I do take delight," is the utterance of Jehovah. (Jeremiah 9:24)
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23801109

Hello AC and Welcome!

OH! How I do love those enamored with old philosophies and half-baked religious flippery-doodles!


I can't believe the ironies which have come full circle from your passionate post!

but is granted only to those with the right heard condition.

I can only assume you meant HEART, but, as always, the TRUTH cannot be REPRESSED!

Laughing out Loud!!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:50 PM
Wait.... I went back to your post answering my college and income tax questions and read a little bit more closely...

In order to understand the system of confiscation, you must have a cursory understanding of contract law, which is remarkably easy to obtain if one is willing to turn off the idiot tube and apply ones self to the acquisition of knowledge. Doubtful.

Second is the understanding of the fact that words mean things. Further, words are empty vessels to which meaning can be filled. Under contract law, words carry the meaning that the contract drafters assign. Read a REAL contract and you will see that, after the recitals, generally come definitions. What are definitions, you ask? Whatever the contract drafter SAYS they are.

Example, you are writing a contract that says "The word GREEN, for purposes of this agreement, shall be held to mean RED", as defined by a standard Pantone color chart. You sign this contract in order to obtain a drivers license, and have therefore accepted this meaning of the word green. Chances are that you did NOT read the contract, but merely signed the form that the drivers license official stuck in front of you and told you to sign. SHEEP!

Okay so the government will not take away my land if I never signed a contract permitting them to do so in any situation?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6332119

Hello AC and Welcome!

If one understands the lawful considerations of OWNERSHIP, it would be obvious that one could NOT lose real property under this scenario.

Again, as I have repeatedly stated, the METHODOLOGY one engages in affects all aspects of a contract transaction.

DID YOU READ WHAT YOU SIGNED? How did you pay...and so on!

It's so bloody easy to understand, but yet you humans act as CHILDREN, then cry when your candy is taken...for your own good, no doubt.

Do some RESEARCH and take charge of your DESTINY.

You act as one would expect of a WHINY BITCH DOG.

Bring forth a specific question, reflective of one who has done diligent study...


accept your current SLAVE STATUS.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:54 PM
OP are you Steven Soderbergh?

About 9 months ago I reading old posts tied to your AC numbers and the name Steve was tied to one of your AC numbers.

You seem like a Director. Like that is your vantage point on reality. You view people as "characters" in your "play"
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Bickle/Zippy,

I had thought, nay HOPED, that your incessant (particularly virulent) form of creeping STUPIDITY had drifted off...perhaps to INFECT another less relevant thread.

But, alas, not to be.

I am who I say I am. TRY and process reality over illusion or, more accurately, DELUSION.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5806149

Hello once again OP!

Just dropping in to pass on my well wishes and thank you for all the advice you've so kindly passed on! I am still sticking to and enjoying the vegetarian diet and I'm also drinking distilled water as much as possible.

I am continuing my studies into the work of Tesla. I must say that reading 'The Secret Life of Plants' has been a great help in terms of understanding Tesla. As the great man himself said: "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all of the previous centuries of it's existence"

It is getting close to the date when you said you will take leave of the thread. I would still be most grateful for the future assistance/advice that you offered. I imagine that you would be able to find a way to get in touch once you are finished with this thread?

I hope you're well and all the best to you and yours!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25382648

Hello UK and Welcome!

Continue your pursuits! Remember, it will take a full six month interval (as you understand time) before the cell rebuilding begins in earnest. Fight the discomfort and prepare for a new reality!

I will give you another starting point, understanding that the study of energy will take many years. Energy and nutrition...well chosen!

You have within your grasp an existence you cannot possibly imagine...right before you. It will unfold as you gain knowledge.

Remain steadfast!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:56 PM
Hello AC and Welcome!

OH! How I do love those enamored with old philosophies and half-baked religious flippery-doodles!


I can't believe the ironies which have come full circle from your passionate post!

but is granted only to those with the right heard condition.

I can only assume you meant HEART, but, as always, the TRUTH cannot be REPRESSED!

Laughing out Loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5806149

There's still hope OP... just need to cultivate some humility before it's too late. Like I said, true knowledge of the kind I'm talking about even babes can learn... even the most powerful rulers (eg, Pharoah of Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar) that have ever lived have had to acknowledge this.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23801109

How would YOU know this, AC...have you been in contact with them? Do you know how they exist presently??

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 04:59 PM
How can one use barter trade if we have to get fiat to pay property taxes? If I hide away in some far off land and farm on other people's property and hope that they don't notice, and then barter trade, I can see how one can use land to farm and trade for essentials, but if I have to pay property taxes and not make any fiat in barter trading then how can barter trading work if the government will kick us off our land and possibly arrest us if we come back to the land and farm against the governments orders?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23074538

Hello AC and Welcome!

You might have read that North Dakota had a ballot initiative to ELIMINATE property taxes!

Can you IMAGINE that it did not pass?

Truly stupid humans...but, of course, we could not allow such anti-slave initiatives to possibly exist.

No property taxes! Heresy!

Laughing out Loud!

But to answer your questions, pay unto Caesar what is Caesars!

There are many ways to skin a cat...put on your conn-skin cap and THIMK!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/11/2012 05:01 PM
Hello AC and Welcome!

OH! How I do love those enamored with old philosophies and half-baked religious flippery-doodles!


I can't believe the ironies which have come full circle from your passionate post!

but is granted only to those with the right heard condition.

I can only assume you meant HEART, but, as always, the TRUTH cannot be REPRESSED!

Laughing out Loud!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5806149

There's still hope OP... just need to cultivate some humility before it's too late. Like I said, true knowledge of the kind I'm talking about even babes can learn... even the most powerful rulers (eg, Pharoah of Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar) that have ever lived have had to acknowledge this.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23801109

How would YOU know this, AC...have you been in contact with them? Do you know how they exist presently??

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5806149

They're dead OP. You've been lied to if you think they're alive. For you see, not all of us are still in the dark about the true condition of the dead.

Eccl 9:5,10 spells it out clearly.

They're non-existent. It's the invisible puppet masters that have you and your kind believing in the lie... think about it... it's the same ORIGINAL LIE that was told Adam... that he wouldn't die... yet he did!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23801109

Are you, like BICKLE, living in your parents basement?

Or, perhaps, you are the parent and there is a BICKLE in YOUR basement.



LET'S start with the basics and go from there.
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 03:31 PM
I have been eradicated from this thread. Not showing up on my "your active threads" screen.

Quoting: Rayrayz

Hello RayRayz and Welcome Back!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 03:32 PM
To Op,

1)what is the natural law? details please.

2)what are the "right precepts" to live by?

3) Control/discipline your mind, control your reality. True?

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 20900417

Hello AC and Welcome!

One and two have been addressed at great length.

Absolutely Yes to #3
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:13 PM
How can one use barter trade if we have to get fiat to pay property taxes? If I hide away in some far off land and farm on other people's property and hope that they don't notice, and then barter trade, I can see how one can use land to farm and trade for essentials, but if I have to pay property taxes and not make any fiat in barter trading then how can barter trading work if the government will kick us off our land and possibly arrest us if we come back to the land and farm against the governments orders?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23074538

Hello AC and Welcome!

You might have read that North Dakota had a ballot initiative to ELIMINATE property taxes!

Can you IMAGINE that it did not pass?

Truly stupid humans...but, of course, we could not allow such anti-slave initiatives to possibly exist.

No property taxes! Heresy!

Laughing out Loud!

But to answer your questions, pay unto Caesar what is Caesars!

There are many ways to skin a cat...put on your conn-skin cap and THIMK!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5806149

pay unto Caesar what is Caesars

So pay what you owe? I sorta remember you saying that what we owe might be zero. When I googled that saying it was about Jesus indicating pay to Rome what we owe to Rome and pay to god what we owe to god. scholars say that Jesus was also saying that since those Romans volunatarily used the money that they also accepted the taxes that came with it, thus that is what you mean yes? Property taxes only need to be paid if I use fiat? so the way out of this fiat trap is to not use fiat, and barter trade? I heard of a story of a man who started with a pencil then traded his pencil for a box of erasers or something and eventually traded up and up until he traded a entire house, but I am not sure if he is paying property taxes...
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6332119

Hello AC and Welcome!

Well, of course, a man pays what he owes!

If you owe a debt, then settle it.

However, make sure you understand EACH and EVERY one of those terms.

Laughing out Loud!

Although overall you appear to be something of a dim-bulb...and against my better judgment, let's walk the walk a bit here...shall we?

Firstly, you DID grasp the essence of Jesus' wisdom. Another commonly heard phrase is "live by the sword, die by the sword" will not die the death of a swordsman if one is NOT of that profession. Not to say a non-swordsman cannot die by the sword...simply that it is NOT a swordsman, but rather a civilian, doing the dying.

Why is that relevant? Because EVERYTHING is relevant. Ignore nothing...assume nothing! THAT, cretins, is as fine a starting point as any.


NOW, dimwitty, let's look at a few things here.

I advised you, and others, to learn the basics of contract law....rooted in common law, and used as the basis of most western legal systems.

Contracts can attach in more than one way. Go and study on this and report back to me so that I see your questioning is sincere and you are not just another lazy "seeker" of the sort who have fouled this work to date.

Once you understand the various points of contractual engagement, THEN you can begin to ask the correct questions...

1) From where does the taxation authority used to enforce my subjugation flow? Look up subjugation if you do not understand this term.

2) What are the terms of contract law which are being applied in the relationship between "me" and the taxing authority. Again, back to contract law...offer/consideration/performance etc.

3) What do I give and what do I get?

4) Who are the parties to the transaction?

5) How may one or the other terminate the agreement, by, say breach, non-performance or voluntarily?

6) In the event of contract termination, what are the remedies available to the breached party.

Now, some basic questions. By what authority do you CLAIM to own the property in question?

By what authority BACKS UP this claim? In other words, if some real or artificial person made CLAIM that they, in fact, owned the would that claim be adjudicated? Would YOU accept the results of the arbitration?

What would your recourse be if the decision rendered was one you did not agree with?

Property ownership is a primitive concept...rooted in history, but not a universal one. Native Americans conceptually lacked understanding of property ownership that Europeans and Americans take for granted. However, if an intruder were to encroach on the space which they occupied at any particular point, they would likely fight to the death, would they not? They would not, however, define the land as theirs, as that was absurd to them on its face.

They didn't own the land, but on the land which they chose to occupy, they would fight to the death to defend it.

Those Native Americans had a more evolved understanding of property rights than westerners. One does not truly own land, but one DOES control what land one can, while one can.

A young man might, in this scenario, stake a claim on a small patch of land somewhere and not allow others to pass. If the young man were able to ENFORCE his claim, he would indeed control that parcel. Does he own it? In a sense it is supposed. He can do with it as he chooses.

As an old man, others may challenge his ownership. If he prevails, he continues ownership...if not, ownership/control passes to the other.

This example is the sense of ownership in its pure form.

Of course, groups of humans may band together and set rules with various and sundry methods of registration and dispute resolution based on the common good....

Of course, such systems may be completely infiltrated and corrupted beyond the most wild imaginations limits, but that is another story for another time...

Laughing out Loud!

Anyway, by what methodology do you claim the authority that you are the owner of the land?

If this methodology is administered by some other authority, have you granted this authority to act in the interests of the greater whole? Or does the taxing authority have any specific duties to represent YOUR interests? If so or not, what are the limits and operational rules?

See...again, how does one think they have RIGHTS when they submit to an authority structure to which they have no basic understanding of the rules of engagement?


Unless you do some work to learn the rules under which you operate, you will be serfs FOREVER! And I can guarantee this will be the outcome for your LOT.

Stupid cretins!

OK. There will be no intelligent signs of life so no point continuing.

Just for amusement purposes, ONE of you show some initiative and send your local land taxing authority a letter of inquiry. Ask them some iteration of the following:

1) By what authority do you levy a tax against my property?
2) Do you, as a taxing authority assert any claim of ownership, lien, attachment, encumbrance or otherwise, against the parcel in question
3) Has the parcel in question been pledged as collateral, generally or specifically, in any capacity whatsoever against any debt or obligation of a governmental agency or private entity?
4) Is there any claim recorded against this property, and are there any arrears or payments due to release any prior claims in order for clear title.
5) What is the procedure and amount necessary to obtain allodial title for the property in question
6) What is the procedure to have the property in question removed from the tax roles?

General questions:

1) By what methodology is the tax applied to assure an impartial apportionment of the tax burden.
2) If property valuation is the operational methodology, why is an objective measure, such as square meter not used instead.
3) How many parcels are defined in the area of the taxing authority.
4) What is the total area of the taxing authority, and of this area, how many are taxable parcels.
5) Of the untaxed parcels and land, list each and every reason why these properties are not taxed.
6) How many properties have received tax exemptions, and what is the lawful basis of exemption?

etc etc.

Start doing research and start asking questions. It would be fitting if a few of you figured out the property tax fraud, since it is the basis of all the other frauds as well.
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:20 PM
Zippy in 13 years

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Zippy Now

[ link to]
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:22 PM
Hi OP, thank you for being You.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25301720

Hello Mr. German and Welcome!

I like Germans, generally.

Serious humans with the skill sets to back up the talk.

Carry on!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:30 PM

Let's step this up a notch shall we...

Nothing can exist without a relationship, so unless there is a bridge to this future pRof talk about then none of us will perceive it.

Let me introduce a poem, "Bickle Bickle always fickle, how your head has grown. You ignore currency debasement and live with you mom in the basement, and now all your chances are blown!"

I assume this poem is completely original and that this particular string of words has never existed in this order before. Thus this symbol is brand spanking new!

This poem symbol represents a new vastly more positive, fun, interesting, exciting, and wonderful existence and reality.

Because the universe is more a less an illusion and all that does exist is relationships, we need only create a symbol that represents an outcome or experience we desire in order to create possibility. Now that the possibility has been created and there exists a relationship with the symbol we are getting started

"But that is just a poem", you say Bickle. True it is a poem but it also everything. Because nothing exists outside of our perspective that means that everything exists inside our perspective. We only perceive what we perceive based on the symbols we have created through relationships. Though it is a poem, it is also a new existence and reality.

Our perspectives move through this sea of symbols based on the law of conservation of energy. We perceive that which is most relative.

So stop being lazy Bickle and eat some wheat grass to make a better reality more relative. I already tossed in some future emotion of appreciation of when you make it there so go attract and manifest something already.
Quoting: Dodecahedron 20177375

Hello DDH and Welcome!

You are correct that the arrangement of words can affect human emotions, but that is old news...

While Bickle is chuckling over your clever "Poem", there may well be a tiger ready to pounce.

The correct application of natural law places human entertainment subservient to SURVIVAL.

Natural Law provides the tools to survive.

One may survive and not be entertained...or ones survival may take place in harsh or unpleasant conditions.

You exist to learn survival tools and pass those, and dna, to your progeny.

That's it!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:37 PM

thanks for taking the time to answer questions, I've only read the first 20 pages so far but a lot of what you say resonates with me. Hope your still posting.

About 12 years ago I watched a documentry about money and secret societies and it really shook me, all my belief systems came crashing down and since then I've been obsessively looking for the truth of what is.

For a long time I had a lot of hate and anger toward the cabal/illuminati but for some reason I started to let that go, instead of looking for answers outside of me i started to look inward, things seemed to happen synchronistically. Instead of thinking from the mind i was feeling from the heart and using my intuition more. I changed my diet drastically, started to meditate and learned to control my ego self. I became very much at peace with my self. I was eating the right foods, thinking positively, having compassion,gratitude etc I felt my vibrational energy was really high.

I got to the point where i felt I was one with all things, pure unconditional love for all, total bliss. It got to the point where I felt i was god :) that everything that was manifesting around me I had a huge part in its happening. Soon after though, fear took a real hold of me, i guess I wasn't ready for what I was experiencing. I went from the highest high to the lowest low. As much as i tried to hold myself together the fear/anxiety had a huge grip on me. I was suicidal. Eventually after a year or 2 I've gotten myself back to my normal self so to speak but still suffering some anxiety.

Anyway my question is was this whole episode brought on by psychosis and some cannabis use? Was what i experienced "real" in a way? or was it just my mind playing games with me:) Im also interested in the fear i experienced, i was told by a healer I had an energy blockage but might this fear be caused by an outside source?

Are we all a spark of a divine? Is there a divine being/energy?

If your still hear OP I'd like to ask some questions if thats ok but I've rambled on enough for now :)

Quoting: Anonymous Coward 25494678

Hello Mr. Ireland and Welcome!

I will say that I find your country and people to be a pleasure...although your ilk could take some cooking lessons from the French.

Laughing out Loud!

I cannot say from the information provided the nature of your revelation!

HOWEVER, it is the natural state of humans to exist in a permanent state of BLISS...a state of which your description would represent a BAD DAY.

Laughing out Loud!

You are designed, and have all the tools at your immediate disposal, to live such a life! It is the choices you make, and the perceptios you hold, which limit your progress!

However, you have had a taste! Let it serve as your motivation to pursue your destiny with optimism and the assurance that which you pursue is, or CAN BE, if YOU CHOOSE to follow your passions.

I will be here only a short time. Please feel free to ask anything and I will endeavour to assist you in any way possible.

Good luck, Sir!
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:41 PM
maybe the Rothschild would like to
respond to this thread.

Thread: Sitchin Ancient Alien work is Illuminati Psy-Op tied to Rothschild
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 22018240

Hello AC and Welcome!

I will not read the stupidity likely attached to that thread.

Anyone can say, or print, anything...and generally, anything can be attributed to anyone.

I have spoken previously on the whole alien topic and spoken the truth.

Almost the entirety of the so-called alien information is rubbish of the most absurd variety. Many attempt to attach their stupidity to my good name to lend the aire of credibility to their lies.

Only a dullard would believe such nonsense.
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:46 PM
I don't understand why you are taking so long to answer our questions as time for your leave draws near.

Haveour questions become tedious? You answered them already?

The two most pressing question I have are what books will provide insights in human nature and how do I gain control of my bloodline? You told me I can't due to my lack of strength, maturity, and training then I asked how I can obtain those qualties. This question seems to be important, in my mind I don't see how it can be otherwise, so surely this must be worthy of your answer.
It also is left unanswered, or if it was answered then I am an idiot and need some hand holding to see the answer, if some poster knows if OP has already answered my two questions please post the answer quoted directly from OP.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 6332119

Hello AC and Welcome!

Let me reverse the question!

TELL ME what you feel are your THREE greatest failings as leader of your bloodline. In other words, take stock of YOUR particular situation and REFLECT on why you, presently, do NOT see yourself in this role.

Is there another family elder, long past his or her prime, blocking your path of ascencion?

Are you mentally weak, do not command respect, flabby and lacking in self respect? Oh, so many possibilities!

Laughing out Loud!

I wait with baited breath to see how you view yourself.

I also make this offer to any who have remained loyal to the pursuit of truth! Regardless of current level of devolvement!

Laughing out Loud!

All will be FED!

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5806149

I think it hit the nail on the head when you said that about mentally weak, lacking self respect, and do not command respect. I also do not feel that I deserve to be the leader, which is linked to low self respect. I think I see what you are saying, I need qualities easily observed in nature in dog and wolf packs to be the leader of my bloodline, right?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 23074538

Hello AC and Welcome!

I will say that admitting what was obvious to me in your writings takes some measure of maturity and intestinal fortitude. Does this make you a leader, NO. Particularly since in your heart-of-hearts, you know you are not.

So if you do not see yourself as a leader, and others do not see you as such, who is the de facto leader of your clan.

I hope it is not your spouse!

If you are not leading, SOMEONE is.

Next, WHY do you want to be leader? Are you willing to pay the price of admission?

What do you believe to be your greatest strength? Your absolute most stellar quality?

If you have none, what would you CHOOSE it to be?

Have you ever done anything even remotely deserving of respect?
User ID: 5806149 United States 10/15/2012 04:58 PM
Occupy the House of Rothschild

[ link to]
Quoting: 12dna 963968


Quoting: RAIN FROGS ON EM 1351603

OK. VERY stupid thread.

First line..."time-line"


If that idiot can't grasp the basics, why bother with the rest.

Your posting has dropped the IQ basis of this thread precipitously...

And,as one scientist said to the other....

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

Laughing out Loud!

My first joke...and it's a FUNNY ONE!
User ID: 13751769 United States 11/10/2012 11:41 AM
User ID: 4777827 United States 12/13/2012 11:01 AM
Zippy keeps the faith!

Sadly, his inane comments continue!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 4777827 United States 12/13/2012 11:09 AM
Hey can I have a trillion of at least a million?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 29770473

Do you know that basic conventions define the units of measure as the starting point of scientific discourse? For example, one has to take a journey and the distance is 50. How long will said journey take? Depends if the 50 represents miles, light years or millimeters.

You request a trillion or a million...and so you shall have one form or another.

If one were to make a request, then make a sincere effort which COULD POSSIBLY be acted upon. If not sincere, then why bother except to set yourself up for yet another crushing failure to which you are doubtlessly well acquainted.
User ID: 13751769 United States 12/28/2012 08:27 PM

Do you have any contacts at MIT?

I would like to continue my education.

And MIT would be the best institution to learn technical knowledge which will help my Tesla studies later in life.

Unless you have some other recommendations of where I should attend.

Like Rockefeller University
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Of course, the Teachings of Tesla go contrary to large swaths of the conventional sciences. Generally, one would attend this type of university to establish the industrial/military/government contacts which flow through such institutions. However, as you might imagine, the objective is "educational fragmentation", much as many multinational companies "break apart" designs prior to mass production in third world countries. COG training, not TESLA training.

One might take advantage of the extensive on line video courses MIT has posted to begin any such process...should one deem it a valuable use of one's time. Not knowing the level of your technical training, I can only assume you are completely lacking in the why would you aspire to go to a top technical school completely unprepared?

You see, young bickle, why you are a complete failure in life. One would, logically, avail ones self with all possible avenues of education (trade schools/local colleges/mentoring/intern) consuming minimal resources. When those have been exhausted, then, and only then, seek the next level.

You are clearly not in pursuit of anything other than a hand-out...or using your lack of facilitation to explain/justify your low-ish social stature.
User ID: 13751769 United States 12/28/2012 09:23 PM
One cannot properly be considered a serf without the requisite DEBT burden!

I suppose that might be going for you.

Can you come up with two other life accomplishments?
User ID: 13751769 United States 01/03/2013 09:10 PM
Have any remaining on the thread noticed any changes over the last week?
User ID: 13751769 United States 01/03/2013 09:20 PM
For nature's sake Bickle...have you no life whatsoever outside of this sad little conspiracy site?
User ID: 13751769 United States 01/04/2013 03:51 PM
I believe that I have told you that I have what may be called "inertia of mind" to a pronounced degree so that it takes me sometimes weeks to overcome the momentum acquired and change the subject.

Yours very truly,

N. Tesla

[ link to]

Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Well, senator bickle, you're no N. Tesla.
User ID: 3897079 United States 03/07/2013 07:08 PM
OP is Russell Simmons
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

You, BICKLE, would surely have to be the top troll on this site! Congratulations!

I was given the title of 'REALITY CONSULTANT' earlier in the thread and it has been funny to witness your contributions! To think anyone could take you with any degree of seriousness after reading your obvious trolling is equally funny!

OP stated that questions would be answered here for a year and a day. It certainly has degenerated here since that ended!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 35703846

Hello Mr. UK and Welcome Back!

I can see that the title bestowed upon you was well deserved! REALITY CONSULTANT indeed.

It is said..."Many are called but FEW are chosen". It is also been said that "for want of knowledge, my people are lost"...or words to that effect.

Although Zippy/Bickle is something of a dullard, one must note the sheer insanity of diligence misapplied!

Laughing out loud!

I have another window, or portal if you will, where I may return to fill in a few blanks. I am most aware that there were a few of certain unfinished commitments I made which were unfulfilled prior to my departure. It is absolutely imperative that these commitments be honoured, and so they will be. I will also quickly scan those posting since my departure to see if any are worthy of comment. However, there is no longer a requirement to will be on a worthy-ness basis only.

There have many very pronounced developments since we last spoke...and the unwashed masses have been kept busy with all sorts of noise and nonsense. Zippy/Bickle is a prime example of how a little noise is so disruptive to the collective thinking process made possible via the internet...albeit with discipline applied to the proceedins!

Laughing out Loud!

Has anyone correctly noted what is afoot? It's so large, it's invisible to all but the most observing!!

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 35741245 United States 03/07/2013 07:16 PM
The way to raise a future dictator is this...

1. Make sure he has NO POWER growing up

2. Make sure there is no strong father figure

3. Make sure he fails repeatedly.

4. Make sure you make initial contact with him in his early 30s and start planting seeds to try and give him a thirst for power.

5. Introduce a very strong role model in his 30s to him to give him someone to emulate.

6. Increase this "handler" connection to the future dictator throughout his 30s and early 40s.

7. Around 45 give the dictator his first taste of REAL power.

8. The dictator will hit his stride in his 50s.
Quoting: Open Your Eyes

Hello Zippy and Welcome!

This is misguided, and apparently a cranial concoction designed to make you feel better about your situation. The process developed for the chosen few is nothing like you suggest, although certain of the elements have been instrumental in poseurs arising from the rabble class. You will concurrently note, however, that such rabble is ALLOWED to rise for very specific and useful purposes!

There really are no accidents!

You will also note that such rabble are disposed of, through a variety of machinations once their well defined usefulness has been exhausted.

You fancy yourself a dictator-in-training, which created in me a great, expansive laugh...payment for which is herewith made in the form of an answer to your nonsense.

User ID: 34013269 03/23/2013 09:20 PM
I think I got it figured out.

Free trade policies are bringing Mexicans into America.
Those Mexicans are used to replace blue collar jobs previously held by middle class union members.

So companies can fire all blue collar union workers and get cheap labor fromt Mexicans.

Companies also hire welfare receipts because they know they don't want to unionize.

Middle class white collar workers go to college to get higher skill jobs that Mexicans can't do.

Government promises college for everyone, thus bringing a surge of workers into the white collar force and giving loans to the middle class so that colleges have no problem increasing tuition costs because the government will pay for it.

Middle class thus incurs enormous amount of debt so they become desperate for a job, any job.

Companies take advantage of their situation and give them a low paying job.

Banking crisis of 2008 the Feds brings printing enormous amount of money and lies about inflation.

Food prices go up, gas prices go up, living expenses go up.
Income goes down.

Globalism and free trade increase competition making it harder for middle class business owners to keep their business open.

Bye bye middle class. Hello poverty.

It'll be like the days when immigration was flooding the cities in the early 1900s.

Government raising minimum wage also is making it difficult for middle class business owners to afford their worker's wages. Business shuts down.

Huge companies like Walmart eat up the market the previous small business owners used to have and build huge profits.

Workers get agitated, sees the profit and wants some for himself.

Companies build a near scientific union busting strategies.

Walmart is famous for simply shutting down the entire store if the store tries to unionize.

Even those who have blue collar jobs with enough skill requirements, like plumbers and blacksmiths, to not be replaced by Mexicans and mid level management will still suffer due to inflation.

Lawyers and low level banksters are suffering due to inflation as well. everyone who's income aren't rising faster than food costs are being squeezed.

Solution is to buy a land and grow your own food to keep your food cost down.

Buy solar panels to keep electricity costs down.

Buy gold and silver to keep up with inflation. (Is this a good idea?)

Focus on individual problems, the sheeple will not rise up to change the system.

Now on to obsess about the next tool of oppression you have planned for the sheep.., and whether or not gold and silver is a good way to keep up with inflation.
User ID: 34013269 03/23/2013 09:26 PM
Here is a previous post from the OP in another thread.

actually, it should read...impossible to lose VALUE in gold and silver.

when one buys gold and silver, they are taking a breather from the financial rat race. their value in time is frozen. no gain and no loss. none.

imagine someone owns one ounce of gold they purchase for $500. At that point in time, the 500 federal reserve notes will buy an ounce of gold or various amounts of other commodities.

the value of the FRN drops, and suddenly it takes more of them to buy an ounce of gold. Gold has become more expensive in the sense it takes more FRN's to buy the ounce, but generally it will also take more to buy everything else...oil food, etc. People now see this with food and energy prices.

when the value of FRN's increases, it takes fewer to buy an ounce, but also fewer to buy the other commodities.

zero sum game.

Buy gold at 1900 and it drops to 1800? no difference, since the commodities we use and buy will also get cheaper, so the frn's "buy" more.

i'm telling is impossible to make or lose money in gold and silver...but it is the PERFECT store of value.

I differ in that I don't think there is some magical TPTB that are conspiring to do anything in particular. What is happening is the greed inherent in a capitalist system. So you end up with speculators who have sufficient financial assets to MOVE MARKETS. The Rothschilds learned to move markets back in the day using rumor and innuendo. Works great and the MSM plays this as well. You know that all the shows are scripted and that those who write the scripts KNOW how things will play out. Any alert staffer at MSNBC or Bloomburg can make money trading on what he knows is going on the ticker.

so speculators speculate, and big speculatiors can make the market move i their favor by making bets and powering the pot.

i watch with some amusement how people on glp game the various systems in which they interact to eke out a small advantage. someone gives advice on how to get a freebie of one sort or another. same at the upper levels. its human nature.

i'm just pointing out here, that buying gold and silver is a no stress situation, but you aren't going to make anything either. I personally believe that ALL of whatever a person defines as their SAVINGS, should be held in gold or silver. SAVINGS.

people think savings should be in cd's or a bank, but the interest they pay is ALWAYS less than what is lost by inflation. ALWAYS. so by definition anything in these accounts is not SAVINGS. it is essentially being taxed away.

it was never impossible to lose money in real estate because the financial system is not denominated in dirt. it is and always has been gold and silver. your assertion fails because your premice is faulty.

gold and silver are stores of wealth.

gold went lower today because the frn became higher in value due to greece hurting the euros value.

Gold is about to crash within 2 months..
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1546358

what you are saying is that the FRN's will soar in ain't changing one iota.

i can think of a plausible scenario where you are correct, but I'm not entirely convinced. either way, the gold will buy what it does now, because the FRN will buy more goods and services.

zero sum gain

the government never confiscated gold. as far as I know, no troops ever showed up at the door and took the gold at gunpoint. A law may have been passed, but the law was not lawful. there used to be laws that black skinned people could not vote, but no one would suggest those laws be brought back.

I'm not saying land is or isnt a good investment, it just isnt a store of value like gold.

and they may not be making any more land, but the us government owns like 60% already, not counting 50 plus million homes. start dumping that into the market and see how well land holds its value.

the fiat gyrations are all designed to extract wealth from the masses, but ultimately they are all valued against gold. always have, always will.

when fiat has "value" due to sound economic principles, gold reflects this fact. when fiat is debased, the same happens. thus the attempt to manipulate the true cost via various methods. however, in the end, the truth is impossible to hide.

that is why we are currently not in a recession or depression, but a reconciliation of value. no wealth is being lost in the translation, it is just being shifted from one set of hands to another.

look at the relative price of something like oil priced in gold units and then tell me how what you say makes any sense.

if federal reserve notes buy a certain amount of oil relative to the price of gold, the actual numbers assigned to the particular product are irrelevant.
User ID: 34013269 03/23/2013 09:27 PM
I wonder if him advocating to buy gold was just propaganda, after all he wasn't sworn to honesty in that other thread like he is in this thread.
User ID: 34013269 03/23/2013 09:28 PM
So, OP, is buying gold a good way to keep up with inflation?
User ID: 1589648 United States 04/15/2013 06:58 PM
Everyone is looking for a narrative
User ID: 1589648 United States 04/15/2013 07:09 PM
It's of no consequence, really.

What is important is that which remains unseen. Pay no heed to the noise and commotion...but SCRUTINIZE that which IS present but not comprehended.

Remember, it is natural LAW that the grand plan truth MUST be within reach of all.

Blindness is by CHOICE
User ID: 1589648 United States 04/15/2013 08:15 PM
Well, let's play a little mind game, shall we?

If it were possible to remove ALL of the threads relating to the unfortunate Boston incident, and utilizing this forum's normal methodologies on what to feature via the PIN system, and other inputs...

WHAT WOULD be the compelling story(ies) of the day? Or coming days?

See how easy it is?
User ID: 1589648 United States 04/22/2013 03:48 PM
Bickle is Fickle
User ID: 1962646 Japan 06/20/2013 11:57 AM
What is the gold price going to be tomorrow.

And whats the weather like in India?

Say hi to Lynn for me too! She is such a fox.
Quoting: 29671351

You have your answer now?

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1962646 Japan 06/20/2013 12:12 PM
For those keeping vigil (or vigilant if you will) I salute you!

Well, not salute perhaps but...JOLLY GOOD SHOW!

We are rapidly moving in a way where this will be a most desirable characteristic to possess.

Moving, by the way, as in SPINNING; spinning being a better analogy than moving. Moving suggest progress whereas spinning is MOVEMENT WITHOUT PROGRESS. Generators SPIN...creating ENERGY...but they don't move in PROGRESS.

Got that little BUNNIES. Keep SPINNING!

Laughing out Loud!

There were bound to be a few, I suppose, as many are called but FEW ARE CHOSEN!


Well, maybe not MY PEOPLE, but you get the idea.

Laughing out Loud!
User ID: 1962646 Japan 06/20/2013 10:57 PM
For those keeping vigil (or vigilant if you will) I salute you!

Well, not salute perhaps but...JOLLY GOOD SHOW!

We are rapidly moving in a way where this will be a most desirable characteristic to possess.

Moving, by the way, as in SPINNING; spinning being a better analogy than moving. Moving suggest progress whereas spinning is MOVEMENT WITHOUT PROGRESS. Generators SPIN...creating ENERGY...but they don't move in PROGRESS.

Got that little BUNNIES. Keep SPINNING!

Laughing out Loud!

There were bound to be a few, I suppose, as many are called but FEW ARE CHOSEN!


Well, maybe not MY PEOPLE, but you get the idea.

Laughing out Loud!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1962646

Hello OP,

I hope you're well! It's great to see that you've not given up on the thread! I've been checking everyday for any updates from you.

Hopefully there will be more to come but in the meantime - what are your thoughts on digital peer to peer currencies in this current economic climate? Bit-coin in particular seems to avoid certain drawbacks associated with fiat currency.

Thank you and all the best!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 42043714

Hello Mr. UK and Welcome!

It is a pleasure to renew acquaintances!

By definition, there can be no true peer-to-peer network, since ANY system, by definition, is created by the few for the many. Such creators have ENORMOUS advantages in any system so constructed...and NATURE teaches us that those endowed with such advantage will exploit fully from the MANY to the benefit of the FEW.

You must understand the biological imperative hard wired into the monkey-brain which make this a given. Upcoming changes to information systems and computational power will make the conceptual platform moot anyway.

Do take care and stay tuned for future updates!
User ID: 1589648 United States 07/03/2013 02:06 PM
OP I have completely abolished meat, vastly reduced my carbohydrates consumption, obtained a distiller (needs to get it to work then I will drink only from it) and have briefly achieved PURE BLISS at times, longest being an hour and half.

The biggest problem I have now is mosquitoes. Every time I go into nature, to garden, build something, meditate, learn the ways of nature etc, mosquitoes bother me so much I usually go back into home. What should I do with mosquitoes? Repel them? Accept them/ ignore them? I know you say that we CAN NOT KILL ANYTHING, yet it is VERY irritating to have those mosquitoes fly on me, suck my blood, and have the itch begin.

I'm not worried about diseases or anything, just wondering what is the mosquitoes purpose and what to do with them?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17837699

Hello AC and Welcome!

Keep in mind that your "post-savage" TRANSFORMATION will require 6 to 24 months to feel the full benefits of right living. Why, you might ask? Because that is the typical period of cellular regeneration and re-coding which takes place on a regular basis in the human body. The body is truly capable of immortality were one to adopt and adapt correct practices in daily routines.

This capability for immortality is unique among the various species, both domestic and inter-galactic.which is why the human species has been approached so gingerly.

During your transformative experience, you will doubtlessly encounter resistance from family, friends and acquaintances who fear to tread the path of the ancients. Resist the temptation to pontificate, and do not rejoice in their eventual decomposition. You will be the vanguard of a new age!

Take a look at these 70 year old VEGANS! Imagine telling these two that they need to follow the FOOD PYRAMID of cheap carbs, slaughtered innocents and bulk corn syrup, sugars, GMO's and chemical additives. Note the colored woman FEEDS HERSELF from her own garden EXCLUSIVELY! Note that very little space is required! Or FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES! Why, she does not need to work much at all!

Laughing out Loud!

But you can rest assured that she was discouraged every step of the way by her HUSBAND...A FORMER regretting his past SINS, so to speak. Expect similar reactions!

[ link to]
[ link to]

SHow this to your friends and relatives and note how they explain it all away!

Laughing out Loud!

Now, as to your question regarding mosquitoes....I assume you are referring to the natural occuring variety and not the genetically modified drone drug delivery systems POSING as mosquitoes!

Laughing out Loud!

Should you CHOOSE to continue and perfect your path, the issue will resolve itself. The mosquitoes are attracted to ACIDIC blood, not alkaline. Guess what makes your blood ALKALINE...wait for it....VEGETABLES!

Guess what acidifies the blood? Well, meat for one thing.

Alkalize your blood and you will not be "seen" by parasites of all types, including ticks.

Insects are the genetic scavengers of nature, who takes an accurate ACCOUNTING of what you offer the gene pool. Start slipping, and retribution is swift and sure! As it should be.

Same with plants. The various methodologies employed by agribusiness to stop the culling of their inferior seed is, of course, DOOMED TO FAIL. Unless, of course, ones objective is to cull the HUMAN POPULATION as well.

Laughing out Loud!

A side benefit! The little worker drones payload cannot survive alkaline blood! Take that, nano-bots!

Laughing out loud!

User ID: 1589648 United States 07/10/2013 04:11 PM
Hello OP and Welcome...Back!

I intake a significant amount of oil on a daily basis which provides satiation and energy. This is possible via Udo's oil and hemp oil produced in large amounts by a couple of companies. I don't believe I would be able to pull the same amount of oil on my own by crushing the seeds. Is there another method to ensure I have a sufficient amount of healthy fats? You stated somewhere in the thread that protein amount was dependent on activity level of the individual, but what about fats?

Also, can you elaborate more on the statement you made about being on the same team as us but in our current state, we were not able to see that?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5364274

Hello AC and Welcome!

You may freely consume as much high quality oil as you desire. It is not possible to consume too much in the sense of any health risk...not to mention that, generally speaking, the taste would not encourage this activity.

You will, however, pass excess oils via the bowel which some may consider undesirable. This is actually of some benefit for the colon as one might imagine.

Hemp seed meal is an excellent, and complete food source. Minimally processed, the oils are included as a bonus. Pity the low-born have historically not been allowed to grow their own plants, which provide perfect nutrition and medicinal oils.
User ID: 1589648 United States 07/14/2013 11:26 AM
Rofschild, the secret life of plants and secrets of the soil discusses transmutation to some detail, which makes me wonder, can the human body do the same thing?

Is that why we can sungaze? Because we can transmute the sunlight into various nutrients?

Are nutrient deficiencies actually caused by poisons and various anti-nutrients stopping the body from transmuting the necessary nutrient?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 17837699

Hello AC and Welcome!

First things first!

You have likely heard of the claims made by an Indian fellow, Hira Ratan Manek. I have mentioned him in passing.

Do a bit of sleuthing, both pro and con, and report back to me if you believe he has those capabilities or if he is, in fact, a hoax. I am most interested to gauge your level of deductive skills.

Nutrient deficiencies can occur in a number of ways. Cursory research can answer such basic questions and no "hand-holding" should be needed by you. It will be impossible for you, and others to evolve if stymied by such infantile queries.

As for the human body...well...once AGAIN I begin by defining words that YOU have chosen to use:

Change in form, nature, or substance: "his experience was transmuted into stories"; "elements can transmute by radioactivity".

SO...of course the human body can TRANSMUTE one thing into ultimately POWERS what you humans refer to as the KREBBS your MYTHOLOGY.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother...but hey! let's take another question from the hoi-polli SHALL WE??

Laughing out Loud!